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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 51 KB, 850x478, black math whiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9865863 No.9865863 [Reply] [Original]

If at 12% of the population blacks commit 52% of the murders, then assuming the same murder rate for blacks, what percentage of the murders would they commit if they were 50% of the population? Show your work.

(Or, if you don't want to be racist, do it this way: Say you're an apple dealer, and you normally get 12% of your apples from company A, and apples from company A account for 52% of your bad apples that you have to throw out. Then say that you have to increase the percent of your apples that you get from company A to 50%. Now what percentage of your bad apples will come from company A?)

>> No.9865868


Okay and what percentage of black people living in affluent areas are committing murders?

>> No.9865881

Do it for apples, then.

>> No.9865884

If at whatever % the white population commits whatever % of murders, then assuming the same murder rate for whites, what percentage of the murders would they commit if they were 100% of the population?


>> No.9865899

Yeah, I get that at 0% of the population, a group will commit 0% of the murders, and at 100% of the population they will commit 100% of the murders.

But what I'm trying to get is that if at 12% of the population we know that a group commits 52% of the murders, then what percent of the murders would they commit if they were 50% of the population?

It seems like the math would be straightforward, but I can't can come up with anything that gives a reasonable answer.

>> No.9865914

>but I can't can come up with anything that gives a reasonable answer.
Oh, so you are unironically unable to solve it yourself? Fuck man, how dumb must you be. This is certainly a bad look for white superiority.

>> No.9865917

Imagine being this insecure

>> No.9865919

That's why I asked the question.
And I don't know what made you assume I am white. I might be Chinese for all you know.

>> No.9865918

most of their crimes are black on black though so who cares

>> No.9865921

It matters because of the cost of police, courts, and prisons required to deal with the problem, and nonblacks pay most of those costs.

>> No.9865923


>> No.9865925

So you don't know how to solve it.

>> No.9865927

No man, trust me, only white retards care this much about race. Chinese people are literally chilling, succeeding in white countries even more than white people themselves. They are cool. They have no hate for other races.

>> No.9865930

So do it for apples, then. It's a general math problem that applies to anything.

>> No.9865936

>Chinese people... have no hate for other races
lmao you don't know any chinese people then jesus christ

>> No.9865937

No, I'm having too much fun waiting for you to figure out what is actually happening.
Pro tip: You are actually much more retarded than you think you are

I'm counting the minutes so whenever you figure it out, post it.

>> No.9865941

What's happening is that no one knows how to solve this problem.

>> No.9865942

Oh the famous
>i know how to do it but won't say
>oh and btw you're so fucking stupid for not knowing how to do it XD

>> No.9865943

It's obvious that all non-whites are perfect angles who could never do anything wrong. It's only the white people who come and cause all the problems.

>> No.9865949

Okay retards. You want to find a function [math] f [/math] that takes as input the percentage of the black population, and outputs the percentage of murders they will commit.

The only property of this function you have is that [math] f(12) = 52 [/math].

You don't know if the function is linear, quadratic, exponential, rational, algebraic, etc. What does this mean, you fucking retarded white monkeys?

>> No.9865953

This is a probability question you mongoloid.

>> No.9865958

Is this bait?

>> No.9865959

Then all you have to do is normalize what I did, you absolute fucking retard. I can't believe I literally spelled it out for you, and you cannot figure it out.



>> No.9865973

The original problem says "assuming the same murder rate for blacks." That is, whatever rate it is that allows them to commit 52% of the murders at 12% of the population stays the same, but we just increase their percent of the population to 52%.

Does that help?

>> No.9865976

That "rate" is actually not well defined in any way. Think about it for a second you poor poor whitey.

>> No.9865982

Given the problem, we don't know what the rate is. We just are assuming that the rate is staying the same. Is that not enough to solve the problem?

>> No.9865983

It's a compound statistics, because murders are racially motivated too
You'd need to know what % of crime is vs black and vs white for the black population to have a reliable projection.
If you want to remove that additional trait, you're literally just making up an unreliable projection based on the fact that blacks will commit murder regardless of race, which is kind of stupid since everything they do is related to race.

That said, if 12% of the population commits 52% of the murders and the rest of 88% of the population number remains unvaried, then the black population would need to grow to 733% of the current to match. Less if the rest of the population is shrinking, more if it's increasing.

If the crime % is also constant in the population regardless of its size or composition (protip, it isn't because both are huge determiners) then murders would be 429% compared to the current number, or roughly 3 and a quarter times higher. In this, the black population would be committing about 88.81% of the murders with the aforementioned limitations.

Again, this is back of the envelope shitculations, if you want proper statistics to take over you A) need proper statistics and B) need to fucking pay me or whoever takes over

>> No.9865995

>Think about it for a second you poor poor whitey.
Why are you so upset niglord?

>> No.9865998

wouldn't make more sense to think about this in terms of men and women too? Since men commit the vast majority of crimes, I don't have
a great figure but it would be something like 4:1(http://law.jrank.org/pages/1250/Gender-Crime-Differences-between-male-female-offending-patterns.html).). If this is the case then we can assume that around 6% (black males in this case or apples) of the population is responsible for about 42-4% of crime. Sorry if this just complicates things but I think it's something to consider.

>> No.9866045
File: 60 KB, 1170x465, Poverty Murder and Race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you brought up this irrelevancy, it's worth nothing that the poverty rates for blacks and Hispanics are about the same, yet blacks commit much more murder than Hispanics do, which poverty does not explain.

>> No.9866053

I am not even talking about what the rate is as a value. I am talking about what the rate is as a concept. It is not well defined.

If you think it is, define it formally. Assuming that an analytic solution to your problem exists, what would this "rate" represent. A coefficient? A constant in a differential equation? What would be the equation?

>> No.9866054


Nice graph for one year. Now do it for a 10 year period.

>> No.9866057

Chinese people are pretty good at maths tho

>> No.9866066

thank you, chinese anon

>> No.9866073

The "Fuck you, pay me" doctrine is an international one senpai

>> No.9866076

The rate would be a fraction with number of black murderers in the numerator and number of blacks in the denominator.

>> No.9866081
File: 382 KB, 1531x841, murder rates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9866082

Oh so by rate you just mean percentage of black murderers.

1) That rate would not define a unique solution to your problem
2) You lack variables to even determine what that rate is

>> No.9866086


>> No.9866102

Try using the law of definite proportions.

>> No.9866105

They don't fall victim to hedonism and know how to keep their heads down to get ahead. Also, they have strong family support networks even in poverty tier conditions, at least in the US.

>> No.9866108

which is kind of nonsense, since the numbers that were to be used are not "all blacks" but not all blacks are able to commit murder. When a toddler unholsters or discharges a gun it's not murder, it's an accident. There's people that aren't self-sufficient, those are counted in too.
Statistics are hard to make meaningful, and even harder to get right.
see this is another pitfall. You're mixing in white on black and black on white murder and using that number.
Take interracial murder out and reponder the number, you'll have whites committing slightly more than 2.0 pro capite (still pretty much within normal standards) and blacks committing roughly around 8 or 9 pro capite (still aplenty to make a point, but not completely skewed). You want specific numbers, fuck you, pay me.

>> No.9866110

lol bruh Chinese hate black people

>> No.9866115

Spotted the dark man.

>> No.9866116

>Chinese people
You haven't been around chinese people.
They are very aware about race, more so than whites.
Same goes for japanese people.

Also, i'm just gonna leave this here.

>> No.9866119

First, why would you do that with no reason for such a thing to have to hold? Second, try it yourself. When hit you a brick wall you can come back to me and admit that you are retarded.

>> No.9866125

The only reason why you can't calculate by doing that is because the amount of murders would exceed the total population. But you can to estimate the amound of violent criminals that you would have in a society.

>> No.9866127

(https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/229381)) Land, McCall, and Cohen 1990 collected data on the homicide rates of cities, standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSAs), and states for the years 1960, 1970, and 1980. In each year they included all 50 states and every city and SMSA included in the census. They then looked at how well the following 11 variables predicted crime variation between these areas: population size, population density, percent black, percentage aged between 15 and 29, percent divorced, percent of kids without two parents, median family income, the poverty rate, income inequality, the unemployment rate, and whether or not the city/SMSA/State was in the south. All of these variables were entered into a single regression model, meaning that the estimated effect size for each variable held all other 10 variables constant. This analysis thus produced 9 total models explaining crime variation in cities, SMSAs, and states, across 3 decades. Across these 9 models, race was a better predictor of homicide than unemployment, poverty, and median income, in 7, or 78%, cases, and a better predictor than income inequality in 8, or 89%, cases. Thus, over 3 decades of very large data sets, race was pretty consistently a better predictor of homicide rates than economic variables were.

(http://www.unz.com/article/race-and-crime-in-america/)) Another relevant analysis was carried out by Unz.com owner Ron Unz. Unz 2013 looked at how well median income, population density, poverty, and % black, correlated with the crime rates of large American cities between 2006 and 2011. He found that the size of the black population of a substantially better predictor than any of the other variables tested.

>> No.9866128

>The only reason why you can't calculate by doing that is because the amount of murders would exceed the total population.
Amazing! Mr. Retardo finally figured it out!

Everyone, please, this is an achievement for this piece of shit. Everyone please clap and congratulate this poor young man. He can finally do math.

>But you can to estimate the amound of violent criminals that you would have in a society.
Whoops, not what is asked in the OP TRY AGAIN MY DUDE.

>> No.9866130
File: 223 KB, 720x480, pol unmasked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's another episode of:
>/pol/ tries to learn basic math in order to handwave a shoddy justification for racism

>what is a logistic curve

>> No.9866132

No you moron, the amount of people that is killed is a probability function that takes the number of violent criminals at the society.
So you need that proportion.

>> No.9866134
File: 21 KB, 447x299, 3-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(https://www.amren.com/the-color-of-crime/)) Similarly, the New Century Foundation’s report “The Color of Crime” analyzed the violent crime rates of the 50 U.S. states and D.C for the year 2005. The analysis found that state violent crime rates correlated at .81 with the percentage of the population that was Black or Hispanic, .37 with the state’s percentage of high-school drop outs, .36 with the states poverty rate, and .35 with the state’s unemployment rate.

(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160289611000900)) Templer and Rushton 2011 significantly replicated the New Century Foundation’s results. They analyzed crime variation across the 50 U.S. states and found that the percent of the population that was black was a stronger correlate than average income for murder rates (.84 v -.40), robbery rates (.77 v .06) and assault rates (.54 vs -.23) The paper did find that income was a stronger predictor than black population size for rape rates (-.16 v -.22), but neither of these correlates were statistically significant or large.

(https://www.jstor.org/stable/591624?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents)) Kposowa, Breault, and Harrison 1995 analyzed crime variation across 2,078 U.S counties. As can be seen in pic related (standardized beta coefficients are under the “beta” column), the percent of the population that is black was a stronger explanatory variable than poverty, income inequality (gini), and unemployment, for explaining variation in both property and violent crime.

>> No.9866138

Top kek beautiful. Define what a probability function is. You clearly know nothing about everything.

>> No.9866144

Let's say there's 1 nigger and 9 people, and that nigger commits 1 murder and people commit 1 murder. So at 5 niggers and 5 people, niggers would commit 5 murders and people would commit 5/9 murders, which means niggers commit 90% of murders if rates stayed the same.

>> No.9866145

> Define what a probability function is.
A function of a discrete random variable that gives the probability that the outcome associated with that variable will occur

Why would you even that?

>> No.9866150

>Why would you even that?
*Ask that

>> No.9866153

You are retarded if you think this is a discrete problem. You are even more retarded if you think that anything in the OP properly defines such a thing.

>> No.9866155

I wonder what percentage of white collar crimes are committed by whites and Jews? You know, the ones that actually have a large impact on society. How many billions of taxpayer dollars are being wasted by decisions made by whites and Jews? Can we discuss that too? Or do we all suddenly care about black gang violence in some poor ghetto that we will never enter?

>> No.9866156

shut the fuck up and look at my posts instead of talking vainly talking about probability functions

>> No.9866157

What do your posts have to do with the question?

>> No.9866160

>Ducking the question
No, you are a moron who wanna pretend that there is no correlation with the amount of murders and the size of the black population in a society.

>> No.9866163

I am actually not saying anything about real life. I am saying that the problem you posed is not well defined, and the fact that you think it just shows how ignorant you are. You are worse than a retarded person. You are so dumb that you are breaking the limits of what dumb people should be capable of.

But well, that is to be expected of a white person. Basically subhumans.

>> No.9866164

Oh I thought this was another episode of "race is meaningless its all environment hehe" and pulled out my standard response. Nevermind me I guess lol.

>> No.9866166

Don’t even try they will always move the goalposts when it comes to race but accept lesser correlated things as facts. They are working from the axiom “all races are exactly the same” which is just wrong.

>> No.9866172

I suppose someone could ask them what evidence there is to support the theory that blacks are equal to whites and see if they have any.

>> No.9866173

>But well, that is to be expected of a white person. Basically subhumans.

Tried too hard here.

But you are right, there is no way to know what the crime rate would be if they were 50% of the population. The relation is probably not linear.

>> No.9866177

>I am actually not saying anything about real life. I am saying that the problem you posed is not well defined
That's not what you are saying.
You could say that but still recognize that what i said is true.
But you denied it in the first place and is trying to shift the goal post to save face.
Sorry pall, the only reason you've been able to get away with this kind of bullshit reasoning is because they had a quota to fill.

>> No.9866179

I know I'm right. I'm not white so I'm not this fucking retarded.

>The relation is probably not linear.
It is obviously not linear. What pisses me off is that literally 50 posts ago I said this. Not only that but I told you motherfuckers that to solve this problem, you'd need to know what class of function this is. A value at a single point would not be enough.

But nope, white people gotta white.

>> No.9866181

Keep all racism in /pol/

>> No.9866182

That's a really good idea, let's keep all like-minded people in a room.

>> No.9866209

52% of reported murders.

>> No.9866210

>let's keep all like-minded people in a room.
>Implying that doesn't happen naturally anyways

>> No.9866214

Easy. Lets make it easy to compute: Blacks commit 52 murders and whiteoids, Asians, Hispanics and other commit 48. Now multiply the number of murders committed by blacks by 50/12.

Now they commit 216.67 murders. They thefore commit 216.67/(216.67 + 48) of the murders which turns out to be 81.86%

>> No.9866215

I fucking wish, so they'd fucking leave me alone.

>> No.9866281

>its a /pol/ is terrible at math episode

>> No.9866286

>Now multiply the number of murders committed by blacks by 50/12.

>> No.9866299

Whenever you want to tell yourself this place isn't a racist shithole and you're proud of this board and would publicly and openly discuss it. Think of this thread.

>> No.9866300

>tfw blacks commit the same amount of murder per capita if you assume they're 3/5 of a person and a black on black murder is only 9/25 of a murder

>> No.9866308
File: 7 KB, 576x168, sci in a cashew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with love, /sci/.

>> No.9866333


That is all.

>> No.9866338

If you aren't "racist", you aren't correct.

>> No.9866340


>> No.9866350
File: 185 KB, 1366x768, thefool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This retardation must be the work of an enemy stand!

>> No.9866371

Cb, Cw - Black, nonblack murders per capita
n = total population size
m = total murders

Cb = 0.52m/0.12n = 4.3 m/n
Cw = 0.48m/0.88n = 0.54 m/n

Hypothetical total murders = 0.5nCb + 0.5nCw
Black fraction = 0.5nCb / (0.5nCb + 0.5nCw) = Cb/(Cb+Cw)
q = m/n
Cb/(Cb+Cw) = 4.3q/(4.3q + 0.54q) =

4.3/(4.3+0.54) = 0.8884297520661157

Which is very close to what smartanon got >>9865983

>> No.9866397

To follow up, I got this for the ratio of new # of murders to old # of murders, but maybe I made a mistake.

(0.5nCb+0.5nCw)/m =

[0.5n(m/n)(4.3+0.54)] /m =
0.5(4.3+0.54) = 2.42

>> No.9866406

We could go back to posting cheese pizza to keep the normies away. Racism's pretty tame desu.

>> No.9866420

That's not a reason.

>> No.9866432

>Now multiply the number of murders committed by blacks by 50/12.
I.e. multiply the number of blacks by 50/12.
So now, in terms of the old population, we have 50% black, and 88% nonblack.
50/(50+88) ~= 36% black, so you've failed to reproduce the OP's scenario.

>> No.9866445

Why do you think this place is racist?

>> No.9866495

It would likely be a greater majority but it would never surpass 100% because you would still be dividing that number from the total number of crimes committed. Unless you were comparing it to the initial figure in which case you would account for all those things and you could say something like “mo blackies raised the crime rate by 5 gorrilion percent bruther”

>> No.9866520


>> No.9866529

If you're not racist, you're denying science

>> No.9866560

Racism is prejudice or discrimination based on race.
How does that have anything to do with science?

>> No.9866566

Prejudice against niggers is perfectly rational, given all the evidence for their aggressiveness and their willingness to resort to violence

>> No.9866568

>given all the evidence for their aggressiveness and their willingness to resort to violence
That's the point. You are not being prejudicious because you are acting on empirical evidence, therefore it's not racism.

>> No.9866572

Maybe posts like this would go over better if you avoided using racial slurs and inserted some language about Bayesian priors.

>> No.9866581

What word should I use instead of nigger?

>> No.9866587
File: 50 KB, 645x729, 1508523727441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solve for x.

>> No.9866595

x = 216.66...

>> No.9866602

so increase the number of murders done by blacks by %216 and there is your answer.

>> No.9866609

Number of murders is not given, retard. This is how you do it >>9866371