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File: 868 KB, 1280x1920, wildberger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9865078 No.9865078 [Reply] [Original]

if there is such a number as "Pi" as you claim, could you please write it down ?

Thank You

>> No.9865087

>if... could
You're incorrectly implying numbers can only be numbers if you can write them down.
Please post your proof of this claim.
Thank you.

>> No.9865091

Depends. What's the acceptable uncertainty in the problem you're presenting?

>> No.9865092


>> No.9865116

finitists are cancer

>> No.9865127

I can write down pi in many ways:
The Greek letter

>> No.9865134


>> No.9865142

There’s no such thing as “numbers”

>> No.9865149


>> No.9865154

can you claim "any" "number" "exists?"

>> No.9865180

>if there is such a number as "Pi" as you claim, could you please write it down ?
[eqn] \sqrt{\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{6}{n^2}} [/eqn]

>finitists are cancer

>> No.9865193

In base pi

>> No.9865268

infinity is not a number fool

i just want a concrete solid number thats all im asking not an infinite fucking decimal representation that is a representation of infinity

see natural numbers

if it can be represented in this physical world then its a number. You cant have 3.14159.... as the area of an oval office space

keep believing in your fairytale concepts . lmao e^pi x an imaginary number + 1 = 0 lmao what kind of bullshit is this. Why do u think they are called "imaginary" and "irrational" numbers ? bc they are bullshit only used to satisfy certain equations that dont have any significance in the real work. fucking brainlet

>> No.9865295

4chan has limits on post length and image size, so I'm sorry but pi is too big for 4chan.

>> No.9865332

then its not a number

>> No.9865336

So? It's a mathematical representation of a concept that is only as accurate as we need it to be
Elaborate on why using this abstraction seemingly destroys your precious maths

>> No.9865337
File: 4 KB, 220x213, 220px-Pi-symbol.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9865381

define the physical world

>> No.9865408

>bc they are bullshit only used to satisfy certain equations that dont have any significance in the real work.
Hurr, durr, what is the ratio between the perimeter or a circle and its diameter? What is the hypotenuse of a right triangle with both catheti of length one?

>> No.9865418

t. a fucking retard

Euler's work is sublime

>> No.9865429

please prove to me that a 'perfect circle ' exists. And dont say the finite points equidistant from a center because there cannot be a set of finite points to construct a circle. Get fucked brainlet

>> No.9865436

fucking brainlet with no critical thinking. Just swallow all the bullshit modern mathematics deep throats you.Hey dude rad19 ^ e + rad 2 x pi + 1 = 0 FUCKKKKKK FIELDS MEDAL BTW

>> No.9865438

You're not making any arguments. Just an appeal to absurdity without an explanation on why your system is superior

>> No.9865439

>please prove to me that a 'perfect circle ' exists. And dont say the finite points equidistant from a center because there cannot be a set of finite points to construct a circle. Get fucked brainlet
As the electron is a point particle, the electric potential it generates define perfect spheres.

>Euler's work is sublime

You are the true brainlet.

>> No.9865462

prove to me electrons even exist

>> No.9865463

prove to me you're not a troll

>> No.9865489

so you cant prove it ?

>> No.9865491

No, I can't prove that you're a troll. Can you?

>> No.9865551

>prove to me electrons even exist
You are indeed a troll.

>> No.9865555

Sure, just take pi to 15 decimal points. Now for all practical reasons ( thats the only reason pi exists) everything remains the same. QED

>> No.9865582

Please teach me first.
Would you claim that there is a number represented as "1"?
If so, then please write it down. Not some representation or symbol, but the number itself.
Thank you!

>> No.9865594

>prove to me electrons even exist
Thats the original paper from 1897 that is considered to be the first conclusive proof of the existence of electron. Everything here is easily understandable if you understand basic physics and everything is naturally reproducible if you own the necessary equipment.

>> No.9865596

If there is such a number as "Largest Number" as you claim, could you please write it down?

Thank you.

>> No.9866168

Sure. While I do this if you could write down the square root of negative one and we'll compare.

>> No.9866296

>if it can be represented in this physical world then its a number
But not necessarily the converse. You are saying
>if it cannot be represented in the physical universe, it is not a number
which is nonsense.

>> No.9866302

>lmao e^pi x an imaginary number + 1 = 0 lmao what kind of bullshit is this.
I'm sorry you're never taken a class on ODEs
>Why do u think they are called "imaginary" and "irrational" numbers ?
When will you realize these are just arbitrary names that we picked so other mathematicians know what you're talking about? I think I've explained this to you a few times now. The people who first explored these concepts could have called them anything: zany numbers, ridiculous numbers, retarded numbers but that doesnt make then less "real", stupid nigger

>> No.9866303


That is all.

>> No.9866351

In fairness, not all of the retards that post math-hate are the same as Wildberger, probably it is just a fraction.

>> No.9866358

If you unironically think using imaginary numbers is ever justified you are a masturbatory brainlet with no real world value.

>> No.9866361



>> No.9866363

>what is FFT

>> No.9866386

fucking madman
really clever

>> No.9866392
File: 19 KB, 320x224, SpinballShowdownBoss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>infinity is not a number
Please post your proof for this claim.
Also still waiting on your proof that all numbers must have finite decimal representations.
If you genuinely care about a lack of rigor in mathematics then you should be happy to show your formal proofs for these claims.
If not you can kindly fuck off.
Thank you.

>> No.9866399

By definition

>> No.9866418

Great, then you accept your definition isn't any more rigorous than the definition everyone else uses.

>> No.9866429

>imaginary numbers have no practical value

>> No.9866433

t. brainlet

>> No.9866434

"I have no argument"