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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9861174 No.9861174 [Reply] [Original]

I'll just leave this here

>> No.9861211


>> No.9861220

>low tier
excuse me what

>> No.9861228

*tips fedora*

>> No.9861235


Put Elon Musk on "God Tier" and it's good.

>> No.9861253

>makes a chart
>doesn't label what the chart measures
I am dissapoint OP.

>> No.9861255



>> No.9861368

Da Vinci should have his own tier

>> No.9861373
File: 59 KB, 454x526, not mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Grass above Einstein
>Hawking in Low Tier
this pic was made just to troll and for no other reason

>> No.9861374

Worst classification ever. Kys

>> No.9861380


>> No.9861479

Obvious troll. But still I wanna say where the fuck is the mathematicians?

>> No.9861501

Bill Maher is low tier at worst

>> No.9861549

It seems to me this list is totally randomized, cannot figure out what metric you're going by.
It's like it's specifically designed to trigger /sci/.

>> No.9861613

The thing is, even though this is a troll image, imbeciles with no knowledge of who most of these people are will now be convinced that somehow Neil Degrasse Tyson, James Clerk Maxwell, and Sam Harris can be in any remote way compared to one another, and then judge them in that respect. As a mathematician, Maxwell is a god among men. In making science popular among the American populace, only Tyson can be mentioned. And in regards to epistemology, every single other person on this list would stand aside to let Harris say what he has to say.

And c'mon, Maher is literally just a talk show host, not an intellectual.

>> No.9861619

>being this underaged memelord

>> No.9861643

It's actually believable that some retard might think this. Nice job.
>/pol/ as a source

>> No.9861711
File: 1.89 MB, 320x320, Cm8ruM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come no one mentioned that tyson is in top tier? That's just bullshit

>> No.9861911

hello pleddit

>> No.9862053

>The Science Guy and Black Science Man above Richard Dawkins
nice meme

>> No.9862062

Nice bait.

Why is Dawkins shit on so much here though?
The Selfish Gene is an excellent book.

>> No.9862080


Tesla > Sagan

>> No.9862124

Christians are probably the most easily offended group of people. Almost worse than feminists and jews.
inb4 fedora

>> No.9862149


>> No.9862193

>Dirac, Newton, and Einstein below Neil Degrasse Tyson

>> No.9862195

It's in reverse order

>> No.9862203

There are awful picks for every ranking except the shit tier, are you smoking crack?

>> No.9862208

>Sagan that high
>Hawking that low
>Bill Nye not in shit tier
inb4 gender memes. I don't give a fuck, but honestly he's never actually taken part in actual science.

>> No.9862326

this chart is bullshit but at least you've got the shit tier right

>> No.9862335

>Bill Maher as a scientist

We should make a tier chart of tier charts. This one is easily shit tier.

>> No.9862643

Swap Tyson with Hawking and you've got a decent image, even though I'm not sure exactly what this is measuring.

>> No.9862678
File: 2.20 MB, 581x992, black science man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neil deGrasse Tyson
>top tier

>> No.9864022
File: 136 KB, 800x600, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgetting the best

>> No.9864042

oh god, /pol/ was right, there are no smart black person

>> No.9864138

>make a new tier above god
>put Bill Nye in it
fixed your chart


>> No.9864202

You put the greatest mind ever born, Nikola Tesla in "low tier"? Wtf man???

>> No.9864209
File: 1.06 MB, 1340x2458, 1499613939396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real Definitive Guide

>> No.9864214

>Darwin so low
automatic shit list, he singlehandedly created a paradigm shift for biology which is still followed

>> No.9864221

These lists would be better to read and understand if someone actually put what the fuck they were based on. For example, is this list ranking people based on creative output, technical skills, or cultural impact? I have no clue, because under each of these approaches there are picks that clearly don't belong where they are in the context of how they are being ranked

>> No.9864226

Kaku > Tyson

>> No.9864229

>sagan top tier
>dawkins below nye
>tyson above low tier

>> No.9864256
File: 14 KB, 200x293, 1513536229233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paul Dirac before Neil Tyson
Are you looking to get punched faggot

>> No.9864273

it's just a ranking of the author's most respected to least respected, stop being so autistic

>> No.9864281

this i can agree with, idk why it's a mixture of scientists, mathematicians, writers and musicians tho

>> No.9864284

>linking a pol thread

>> No.9864291

>Tesla and Hawking that low
>Cox even being on there
>le Grass Tyson that high

>> No.9864367

were you being serious anon? were you trolling? I can't tell

>> No.9864505


Black Science man >>>> White Science man

>> No.9864511

It's an obvious troll pic, but I'm glad we now have a way to quickly and easily identify Electric Universe cult members to assist with board quality.

>> No.9864518

Descartes, Darwin Mozart, Kant, Da Vinci and Feynman should go up. Also Edison if you are rating him as a businessman.
Heinsenberg, Rutherford, Lavoisier, Dalton, Joule, Volta, and many others are missing in this chart

>> No.9864565

Part of the reason why people love Hawking is because of his disability though, it's inspirational to a lot of people because despite his physical appearance of being a spacko he's actually intelligent