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985613 No.985613 [Reply] [Original]

>Philosophy major

>> No.985633

It's better than being a physicsfag and just making bullshit up. Talking about Quantum and particle crap here, not all physics.

>> No.985640
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>> No.985644

>just making bullshit up.
That's philosophy
>It's better than being a physicsfag
>Talking about Quantum and particle crap
Can you here me all the way back in the 1920s?

>> No.985649

Quantum and particle stuff is new, not 1920s fagshitface.

>> No.985654
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>> No.985657


I think you mean 1900 bro

1920 was way after the quantum revolution.

>> No.985661

Has philosophy come up with anything new or relevant in the last hundred years?

>> No.985666

LOL. Not as new as you think it is obviously. Someone needs to learn some fucking science history.

>> No.985669



>> No.985673
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Right, because they had quantum computers back then. Or maybe they were just so smart that could calculate numbers in the millions on paper.

>> No.985677


Popper. Case closed.

>> No.985679


>> No.985686


Can't help that philosophy is insanely hard. Take epistemology, the last 100 years has been awesome. Take Nozick and Kripke.

Of course, simpletons like yourself probably doesn't care about truths, and things like that.

>> No.985689


we don't have quantum computers now

and anyone could compute numbers in the millions on paper

>> No.985691
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>> No.985698

>Philosophy is insanely hard.

Maybe for English or Liberal Arts majors...

>> No.985719


Ever seen a physicist try to do philosophy? Anyway, if it's so easy, how come there's apperently been so little progress?

>> No.985724
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I'm a nihilist.

>> No.985727


Because there are no answers to most metaphysical questions. Almost all contemporary philosophers acknowledge this.

>> No.985729

> Has philosophy come up with anything new or relevant in the last 2000 years?

>> No.985740

> Has philosophy come up with anything new or relevant ever?

>> No.985741

what? methodological naturalism, empricism, inductive reasoning, logic etc

>> No.985761

ITT we think philosophy = metaphysics

>> No.985762

>2000 years of work
>giving names to common sense concepts

>> No.985768

>implying they were common sense before philosophers revealed them

>> No.985775


>> No.985787
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>implying physicists wouldn't know what to do with data without philosophers there to hold their hands.
Pic related, it's what you think everyone except philosophers look like.

>> No.985788

>implying they weren't

>> No.985794

>implying the first scientist wasn't also the first western philosopher

>> No.985799

>implying that negates the point

>> No.985805

i wouldnt say 'western' but pretty much. the first person to make a method of inquiry into the natural world without invoking spirits or gods was using philosophy to counter philosophy (theology). its simply a different model. science is based off philosophy.

>> No.985809

Hey guys, philosophers invented logic. Without philosophers we would all be incoherent babbling retards doing illogical things all the fucking time.

>> No.985811
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>High school and community college students who like science but are still too immature or just stupid to know what science and philosophy aim to accomplish

>> No.985813

>implying I implied that physicists wouldn't know what to do with data without philosophers there to hold their hands.

>> No.985814

That's it? Just Karl Popper?

>> No.985823

Derr philosphy

>> No.985819

it doesn't even have to counter Theology, just the first person to test a problem and find a solution that actually works or sounds good.

>> No.985825

>Can't defend Philosophy
>Resort to name calling
"Ad Hominem". You Philosophers love your fallacies, don't you?

>> No.985830

true dat.

however i suppose a case could be made by making a distinction between using the methods and analyzing the methods

>> No.985835

>Somebody thinks up something
>"He's a Philosopher!"
>Thousands of worthless college students now justified

>> No.985842

>i'm a philosopher
>everything can be tackled and explained from a common sense human point of view (classical)
>quantum mechanics comes along and explains stuff
>this is bullshit I can't understand this logically, I mean, I INVENTED logic
>time to release my hatred on internet image boards

>> No.985853


naw, they like phalluses

>> No.985858

ill admit that modern philosophy seems to be pretty useless but saying philosophy never contributed anything is EXTREMELY far fetched. remember that the vast vast majority of what went into the declaration and constitution was based on the works of many philosophers

>> No.985861

>implying quantum mechanics explains what actually goes on at the quantum level

>> No.985874

>Take Nozick and Kripke.
>semantic masturbation
Is /new/ leaking?

>> No.985877

It's a useless catchall term that says everything society has ever done is thanks to it. Those who study it go on to do nothing but teach philosophy to the next generation (ie it is useless). They are glorified historians that don't realize they are historians.

>> No.985880

>implying it doesn't

>> No.985887


most of the original philosophers did more than just sit around and philosophize, if thats what you are thinking.

>> No.985903

>implying it doesn't use statistics to make up for our inability to observe electrons

>> No.985906

>implying philosophy implies more than just philosophizing.

>> No.985919

If they weren't philosophizing then their accomplishments weren't due to philosophy.

>> No.985924

>implying using statistics to accurately predict past and future phenomenon is not an explanation of what happens

>> No.985927

Nigger, it has nothing to do with our INABILITY. The events themselves are probabilistic.

>> No.985937


now you are just grasping at straws.

>> No.985938

>I've never taken a QM course

>> No.985953


>> No.985956

WTF are you talking about? I said philosophy hasn't contributed what philosophers say it has contributed. You say not all philosophers simply philosophize (the actions of contributing to philosophy). I then point out if they are not contributing to philosophy than it shouldn't be credited to philosophy the same way if a physicist writes an awesome song that song shouldn't be credited to physics.

>> No.985968

no, you made it seem that all philosophers did was sit around and claim ownership of what society accomplished, and never did anything, which is patently false.

many philosophers contributed to science and politics, while doing many other things.

this whole idea that philosophers have never did anything is getting old.

>> No.985978

Philosophy has never contributed anything to society that was not already implicitly implied.
Philosophers have contributed things to society, but not because they were philosophers. They contributed to other fields, therefore no contribution on behalf of philosophy.
Conclusion? Philosophy has still never contributed anything.

>> No.985981



QM is a theory that gives predictions on probabilities for different outcomes of measurements.
But this is not a privileged property of QM, classical statistical mechanics also
does this. Nevertheless, there is an important difference between QM and classical statistical
mechanics. The latter is known to be an effective approximative theory useful when
not all fundamental degrees of freedom are under experimental or theoretical control,
while the underlying more fundamental classical dynamics is completely deterministic.
On the other hand, the usual form of QM does not say anything about actual deterministic
causes that lie behind the probabilistic quantum phenomena. This fact is often
used to claim that QM implies that nature is fundamentally random. Of course, if the
usual form of QM is really the ultimate truth, then it is true that nature is fundamentally
random. But who says that the usual form of QM really is the ultimate truth? (A serious
scientist will never claim that for any current theory.) A priori, one cannot exclude the
existence of some hidden variables (not described by the usual form of QM) that provide
a deterministic cause for all seemingly random quantum phenomena.

>> No.985986

>this whole idea that philosophers have never did anything is getting old.
I'm not saying that, but if they aren't philosophizing than their actions such as using their engineering degree to build a bridge or their physics degree to discover a better superconductor shouldn't be credited to philosophy. Therefor your argument is not defending philosophy. You are only saying philosophers have free time which they use to do actually useful things instead of philosophy.

>> No.985990

>implicitly implied.
>Implying implicit implications.

>> No.985991

why all this interdisciplinary hostility?

>> No.985993

>Philosophy has never contributed anything to society that was not already implicitly implied.

what the fuck does that even mean? the reason why the philosophers are famous is BECAUSE they brought out attention to those ideas. the idea of natural law was brought about by MANY philosophers, despite prevailing cultural views against that idea

not only did they contribute these ideas to politics and science, but they also were actively engaged in actual politics and scientific research.

jesus fuck, learn some god damn history

>> No.985996

>implying implicitly that implications are always implied by implicit implications.

>> No.986001

They were not Philosophers. YOU labeled them Philosophers, and now your academic program is justified because of their accomplishments.

>> No.986004

you are missing what im talking about. many of the ideas they brought about impacted society, but they ALSO contributed in other areas outside of philosophy alone.

>> No.986005

Hidden variable/EPR crack-pottery.

>> No.986006


They haven't realized that mathematics is the underlying truth to everything in the universe.

>> No.986011

>but they also were actively engaged in actual politics and scientific research
I'm a nuclear physicist, in my spare time I am also a musician. I don't actually do any nuclear physics I just like to say that, but I do write music. Therefore the music that I write can be attributed to the fact that I am a nuclear physicist.

>> No.986012
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>They were not Philosophers.

>> No.986015

>implying that isn't the central aspect of Pythagorean philosophy and later Platonic philosophy

>> No.986017




>> No.986018
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>> No.986026

Did they call themselves philosophers? Did they have degrees in philosophy?!


>> No.986027


That is the point. It is the science/philosophy of truth.

>> No.986030

Sit around and smoke weed.
Contribute nothing to society.
Claim all advancements are only possible because they have already pointed out the obvious.

>> No.986031

>implying you have to have a degree in a subject to contribute to that subject

>> No.986038

Just remember that "Venti" is bigger than "Grande".

>> No.986042

>many of the ideas they brought about impacted society, but they ALSO contributed in other areas outside of philosophy alone.
You are missing what I'm talking about. If a philosopher contributes to an area outside of philosophy than it has nothing to do with his or her philosphy degree and thus can't be said to be because of philosophy the same way a physicist musicians song can't be attributed to physics.

>> No.986047



>> No.986052

i think weve gotten confused. what im talking about is only about in response to the idea that philosophers dont do anything OTHER than philosophy. im not saying their additional contributions to other fields is because of philosophy.

>> No.986066


Then you just proved the other Anon's point that philosophers don't contribute anything to society in the sense that their philosophizing persona is not responsible for their achievements in other fields of study.

>> No.986075

Well sure. Of course philosophers can do other things besides philosophizing. I agree with you on that. Hell, I didn't realize that was even up for debate!

>> No.986079

If you're so concerned with OTHER fields, WHY DID YOU STUDY PHILOSOPHY?!

Wishful thinking will not save you. Changing your major might, but you sound beyond help.

>> No.986086

shut up

yeah a couple of anon have been trying to say that. that all these great people were just 'leaching' of society or something

im not studying it, i just recognize the contributions that some philosophers have had on history

>> No.986102

I'm him.

> i just recognize the contributions that some philosophers have had on history
Right there. What you said implies their contributions were due to their philosophy education. No wonder others were getting confused.

>> No.986108

Further study of Philosophy, or any subject outside of Science/Engineering, is no longer warranted.

They're utterly useless.

>> No.986115

its disingenuous to call them 'philosophers' when they had a lot of other contributions in other fields. but when many of them did add to philosophy, and those contributions were incorporated into society and had benefits, its important to acknowledge that.

and ffs, this was before any great education! i mean, a lot of these people CREATED whats taught in the multitude of fields now.

>> No.986117


It is a well known fact that most philosophers did not have degrees in philosophy.

The most influential philosopher of the past century was an engineer for fucks sake.

>> No.986118

elitist mathfag detected

>> No.986119

Educations need not be FORMAL educations.

>> No.986126

Wittgenstein was an engineer now?

>> No.986128

LOL, you don't need a degree in philosophy to contribute, and philosophers wonder why they aren't taken seriously. Give me an example of the last time a layman contributed seriously to astrophysics.

>> No.986133

einstein was a patent clerk.

>> No.986134

>Give me an example of the last time a layman contributed seriously to astrophysics.
Don't go there man. Remember the Bell lab technicians? Those weren't astrophysicists, and they discovered the CMB.

>> No.986139


Yes. He was a doctoral student in mechanical engineering before he went to study logic under Russell. I'm not sure if he actually finished the degree, but he was a trained engineer.

>> No.986141

He had a doctorate.

>> No.986146

Only philosophers understand sarcasm.

>> No.986156

More like stumbled upon and didn't know wtf they were looking at until a group of physicists told them.

>> No.986158

a 4 year degree is a doctorate? well, he was einstein i guess....

>> No.986162

Hey, they got the Nobel prize didn't they?

>> No.986175

Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich, where he later on began his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, they moved to Italy and Albert continued his education at Aarau, Switzerland and in 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics. In 1901, the year he gained his diploma, he acquired Swiss citizenship and, as he was unable to find a teaching post, he accepted a position as technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office. In 1905 he obtained his doctor's degree.

During his stay at the Patent Office, and in his spare time, he produced much of his remarkable work and in 1908 he was appointed Privatdozent in Berne. In 1909 he became Professor Extraordinary at Zurich, in 1911 Professor of Theoretical Physics at Prague, returning to Zurich in the following year to fill a similar post. In 1914 he was appointed Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Physical Institute and Professor in the University of Berlin.

obviously just a layman with no training in the field

>> No.986181

Yes, which was obviously a huge fuck up.

>> No.986190

You're just butthurt some random technicians got there before the astronomers got their boots on.

>> No.986203

theres always Michael Faraday, Walter Pitts, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Moshe Feldenkrais, George Green etc

>> No.986230

Philosophy has only been separated from the science in recent human history. The separation of the natural science and humanities has been the biggest problem of the newtonian paradigm (see Husserl "Crisis of the Science") Some of the greatest scientific mind have delved also into philosophy include the Pre-socratics, Socrates, Fredrick Nietzsche, Thomas Kuhn, Bill Nye, Carl Sagan, Robert Oppenheimer, Stephan Hawking, Albert Einstein, David Suzuki, and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

>> No.986237

>Bill Nye

>> No.986242

>mentioning pop sci faggots with pioneers in scientific disciplines/philosopy

>> No.986258


>> No.986381


No, seriously, why the butthurt?

>> No.986403

Any modern degree of education is valuable and should be respected as the next. Only the outdated ones that have no room in this todays modern day world should be considered useless.