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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9853240 No.9853240 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here realize that all mathematics is just different methods of codifying repetition and interval?

>Who else here geometrician?

>> No.9853270

I don't understand but also want to know more.

>> No.9853278
File: 399 KB, 2012x2714, C1_Cover_RSACVP_2017_B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoken like a true a-metric centroid.

Man, maths lets you do the craziest shit with language and exchanges. So long as you have some sort of pre-memory trigger sequence to follow.

Why do people give a shit about radii? You're never measuring a circle in isolation so wouldn't some phi radical work just as good?

Like, being a more pedantic geometer would probably help everyone because it's the most autistic mathematics out there. Each step is some retard level, "FREE SPACE! FREE SPACE! FREE SPACE!" and even though everyone looks at you, at least you've established and advertised the free space.

You might not want to occupy it yourself, but advertisement invokes at least some intelligent capacity for concession, correct?

>> No.9853281

>Spoken like a true a-metric centroid.
I don't know what that is either.

>Why do people give a shit about radii? You're never measuring a circle in isolation so wouldn't some phi radical work just as good?
Anon I'll be honest I'm an enormous pseud and while I generally subscribe to the idea of formal Platonic truths you are talking way above my head to the point that it may as well be in another language.

>> No.9853299
File: 38 KB, 750x373, 00124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An a-metric centroid would simply be a central point of reference, unbounded.

Ah, the ol', "It's all greek to me!" strategy.

I'm basically saying that a singular radii is just a geometric way of saying, "Accepted initial rounding error."

>I accept Platonic formalisms as my interpreter

>> No.9853320

>Ah, the ol', "It's all greek to me!" strategy.
It's not a strategy, I'm literally incapable of agreeing or disagreeing with you because I don't know what you're talking about.

>I accept Platonic formalisms as my interpreter
I... is that bad?

>> No.9853324

>I'm basically saying that a singular radii is just a geometric way of saying, "Accepted initial rounding error."
Also this isn't a pun is it? It feels like a pun.

>> No.9853328

No, I welcome any permutation or isomorphic helper that let's you inspect me in the fashion you find more appealing. A platonic inspector would be a welcome change to my usual geocentric idiocy.

Not a pun but can easily be interpreted as a way of saying
>I know how to shitpost like a mathematician
Or that I'm being self-deprecating so that if you follow our shared measurements back far enough, we at least called each other 'fag' in some way so we both knew that thought was from 4chan and not some actual conversation we just had.

>> No.9853331

> No, I welcome any permutation or isomorphic helper that let's you inspect me in the fashion you find more appealing. A platonic inspector would be a welcome change to my usual geocentric idiocy.
Ok, well in that case, is there anyway that you could explain what you're saying as though I were a five year old who was also a massive pseud?

>> No.9853336
File: 47 KB, 838x1024, hustle_quotes_motivation_-If-you-are-not-willing-to-risk-the-usual-838x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually if you want a better one you could translate it as, "Starting with the fact that I'm not dead, I make the following claims: Accept you are an isolated circle as a mathematical construct before any other communication in existence takes place with you. Then, shift through the symmetries and sorting styles of your choice. Present the resultant in this thread."

You guys should be following this with ease so don't think of yourself as unable to understand. I'm attempting to be a stabilizer for your understanding what is a pretty cool mathematical trick you can do with language and command structures.

Just tell me how you prefer your brain upgrade. This is one of those moments of language where you have subscribed to someone willing to gift free knowledge that you can shove down other people's throats, if ya want.

>> No.9853609

So what's the difference between this and topology then?

>> No.9853929

Im not him, but could teach me everything that doesnt destroy my sense of self, please?

>> No.9854469
File: 169 KB, 1578x3223, hand-signals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Topology is more for materials, this is more for advertisement of safe-space intervals.

>As an individual I can only ever be a void struct of your existence because there is no true way for us to be isolated CLONE circles.

>> No.9854483

I am 99% certain this is phil /lit/ trolling /sci/

>> No.9854492

Nah, I'm pretty sure it's just another crank.

>> No.9854494
File: 62 KB, 634x476, 1516069253891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the point of that? Otherwise this exchange fails my own personal test of engaging with others and being able to compare my expectations and interests in mathematics (space, repetition, identity) with others.

Philosophy is a waste of fucking time beyond learning that it is okay to question fundamentals, but 99% of THAT shit is dead men masturbating about how amazing their thoughts are.

Unlike other posters I know there are intelligent people that visit this board. Some damaged, some not. I'm just trying to give confidence to the teacher/lecturer/professor that frequents this bored as they get bored of the N-th undergrad claiming one thing or another.

If that's what tickles your testicles.

>> No.9854575

Pretty sure it's D. Seems pretty easy if that's all your jerking off over.

So explain to me why I should choose geometry as my focus in mathematics instead of any other of the pure choices?

>> No.9854583

Because mathematics is easy if you phrase the questions to the inquirer in a 'everyone can do this' kind of fashion.

As for WHY geometry? Well for one geometers love roots of unity and all material science requires a geometric progressions for ratio. Packing problems, spatial deformity, plasticity. Etc.

>> No.9854586

it tickles my testicle. Why don't you give some concrete examples that are enlightening rather than rambling incoherently?

>> No.9854592
File: 91 KB, 960x720, 1521814640030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, what's your poison? It's actually explainable with simple language but I get that most people require visual aids. For geometers you start with a circle and then eventually start fucking with ellipticals (circular deformation).

The image that should help you guys get the idea is attached.

>> No.9854600

when I say give some concrete examples, I don't mean post a random picture with nonsensical technobabble. (circular jerking)

>> No.9854606
File: 82 KB, 1746x1746, 1528701554830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conversation has to start somewhere because I asked what is your preferred poison, meaning I am asking you what your preferred explanation is.

I gave an image, your reaction helps me temper the explanation because I'm making an argument for geometry so you are the person I gotta convince/educate.

Some people don't enjoy technical, some do.

I could start with describing secant/chord.

The main thread argument though is that radii are never measured in isolation and are usually a form of continual tangent/secant combo.

>> No.9854630

What am I supposed to take away from this thread?

>> No.9854632

I Have a master's in applied math, still have no idea what the fuck this thread is talking about

>> No.9854636

How is geometric decomposition difficult? I'm just demonstrating.

That you are larger than just 'one' circle or identity, and you can construct more self-actualized structures if you just adopt a phi tangent to demonstrate a resultant chord.

Is number theory more your cup of tea?

>> No.9854643

>is number theory more your cup of tea
No, I love geometry, I’m actually working through Euclid’s Elements right now. But I don’t really know what you’re talking about, dude. I’m only a freshman so I don’t know enough advanced math but I think you’re just being vague.

>> No.9854648

Right, I'll boil it back that far.

Turn, plane, angle

Do you prefer pi or tau?

>> No.9854651

applied math is shit

>> No.9854665

>pi or tau
My opinion doesn’t count for much, but I think relating the radius and circumference makes more sense than diameter and circumference, and I think maybe pi became known first because it’s easier to measure the diameter of a disk than the radius, so I don’t know why tau isn’t mainstream now. But, again, I could be ignorant of some important details relevent to this issue.

>> No.9854679


>> No.9854681

So you're saying that your opinion should have no impact on the general case measurement?

>> No.9854684

I mean in the sense that for geometers pi is used for 'acceptable rounding error' and tau is 'general practice principle'.

>> No.9854699

its okay anon he has schizophrenia

>> No.9854707

Totally, call the cops! That's how reality works, right? We listen to other adults and they tell us their opinion of existence and if we are intelligent individuals we can 'hash it out' amongst ourselves?

>> No.9854710

that image's from here: http://www.lanera.com/casteldelmonte/cvtech_172/page-172-07.html

so I suppose this confirms >>9854483

>> No.9854721

Capstone! Thank you! That's the word I was looking for. Yes, I was trying to describe a 'capstone'.

>> No.9855163

But Tau is just 'general rounding error' x2

>> No.9855234
File: 127 KB, 744x569, 1521312177286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you perform a multiplicative operator on it and call it a day? From a geometric perspective, I'm asking.

>> No.9855269
File: 684 KB, 2477x2480, woah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9855292

Correct, I love intelligent women that get the idea that if guys aren't going to 'get the hint' then women can do the mathematical confidence instead.

>> No.9855311
File: 303 KB, 1200x800, Fields_Maryam_Mirzakhani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As a woman, I like clothing, especially pairs of pants, and this does influence my work to some extent. Wearing pairs of pants in a free society is much more comfortable than wearing hijab in an unfree one, for example.

I appreciate the conceit of this diagram: that pairs of pants can be sewn onto pant legs arbitrarily many times.

t. Maryam (oooOOOOOoooOOOOOOoooooooooOOOO...)

>> No.9855324

Yes. I think this is what male tailor's refer to as, "What side does Sir dress himself?" Meaning if the inseam is up high enough does he tuck his 'male arguments' to the left or to the right. For purposes of continuum.

>> No.9855329

Also https://www.abelard.org/asimov.php

>> No.9855350

Eww, you sound like a pussy with a femdom fetish. Women should be dominated, not the other way around.

>> No.9855358

mathematics is literally intervals
numbers are discretion by definition

>> No.9855373
File: 16 KB, 243x243, 1527713963842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dominated by what? An opinion/perspective?

So integers are discrete descriptionals?

>> No.9855375

>Dominated by what?

>> No.9855385

Men's what? Male collective or a singular male?

>> No.9855390

Who cares?

>> No.9855433

Apparently this person >>9855375

>> No.9855444

That's me honey. Why are you asking stupid questions?

>> No.9855450

So you're opinion is that I should be dominated by a guy that isn't you? Mathematically speaking you have to be the set identity outside of a matrix before you perform multiplicative identities.

>> No.9855461
File: 682 KB, 2477x2480, high functioning autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All women belong to me but I only have one dick, so in my magnanimity I will allow other men access to the pussy I can't be bothered to tap. D'ya get it now?

>> No.9855469

Yeah, but having a general subscription marketplace would be about 5000% better.

>> No.9855474

Better for whom? I take what I want. The dogs can have it among themselves.

>> No.9855478

Also, I recognize you teacher. You dismiss too many from your class so obviously you don't get to pry the delights of the more accomplished harem.

You are welcome to do so, but you will be described as an animal by another name if your behavior is not fit to teach your 3 year old self. Become an instructor and demonstrator or orgasm, or become an old, withered, argument holder.

>> No.9855487

Once again, who gives a shit?

>> No.9855489

Us, the inhabitants of this conversation. I'm surprised I have to explain that to you fellow data-shard inspector.

>> No.9855494


>> No.9855526

I'm sorry that you snore through the selection process. You can pick out any one you like and they will perform as expected.

>> No.9856978

Why would you turn a line half a turn and say you finished the object when you could rotate half that line the whole turn?

>> No.9857032

Not science nor math.

>> No.9857053


>> No.9857155

What's it like not being a brainlet and how do I get into this "math" cult that you speak of?

>> No.9857275

A completed rotation is less valuable than axial tilt.

I guess other mathematical disciplines do call certain others cult-like in their fervor, but really 'you' are the geometer. If it helps you can think of it like there is only ever one 'super' geometer at all times but we all take turns with the periodicity.

>> No.9857381

that OP is either a horribly dull troll or legitimately schizophrenic

>> No.9858439

Geometrically rotations and 'tilts' are equivalent to each other.

>> No.9858737
File: 162 KB, 667x1000, 1513911553568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if you want a static plane measurement. Degrees versus radians.

If that's the best your 'interpreter' can come up with, sure. I'm amazed people on 4chan still think comments like that are somehow conversationally relevant to people who enjoy communicating in general. Guess everyone has to go through that phase where they parrot the abuse shouted at them once upon a time.

>> No.9859560

They're still the same. Rotations can be expressed through reflections by themselves if you wanted to.

>> No.9859615
File: 85 KB, 810x540, 1511799468246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. However we only measure reflections/symmetry at roots of unity, do you disagree?