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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 131 KB, 500x691, B3B61C53-DBF5-4B13-8FF5-A784562A28B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.9850516 [Reply] [Original]

I got a psychological assessment done recently and just got the results. My IQ is 129, I’m a mechanical engineer as well. What Can I expect in my life given my IQ? What are the chances of me fucking ur bitch?

>> No.9850521

holy fuck who cares

>> No.9850524
File: 45 KB, 741x643, 6i9xQUH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not special OP, sorry to break it to you

>> No.9850533

Umm I care bc maybe you’ll be broke af I’ll be rich one day, try again sweetie

>> No.9850551
File: 266 KB, 460x612, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uh i got a 129 iq
great, how does it feels? do you feel smart, now that you know your iq is 'high'? do you feel supreme to others ? do you feel that this explains why you are doing somewhat well in your life, despite beeing an useless shit?
btw. your iq is in the average range for beeing in the engineering field. nothing will crush your imagination of beeing smart that going to university. cheers m8
t. 142 tested

>> No.9850604

>Not even two standard deviations above average

>> No.9850636

When is someone gonna do something about the IQ situation in /sci/?

>> No.9851470

I don't give a shit about your iq but the pic related is true. I am an engineering student. 6'3, big dick, capable of giving females orgasms. When I graduated high school I had a firm grasp of taking partial derivatives, multiple integrals, Taylor series, vector fields, Fourier analysis, laplace transforms and all that shit. Not from taking classes like a little bitch but teaching myself to do it because I'm a badass. Fuck analytic methods faggits!

>> No.9851498

iq can predict a trend across a sample, not an individual. no one understands this. life is too complex for iq to directly predict things. stupid people get in good situations more than ud think and smart peope fuck up. aka why you are here

>> No.9851499

>average dick
>didnt get into even third choice college
>considering suicide.

fuck off fagglehorn.

>> No.9851508

and regardless of if u were being ironic or not, im probably right yeah?

>> No.9851632

get better bait, sweetie-kun

>> No.9851762
File: 122 KB, 476x439, wt4gw5w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9852268

Do we really need a new thread every time some fucking freshman takes an IQ test and get a score above 100?

>> No.9852272

How did you get this information?

>> No.9852281

>Not from taking classes like a little bitch but teaching myself to do it because I'm a badass
This is either Brandon or Mr. Thundercock himself.

>> No.9852308

It is not about IQ, it is about which memes you allow in your soul, which you feed, which you externalize,, basically, your path in life.
You can even reach for the formula of the universe, as long as you don't expect to do it all on your own no matter how obsessive.