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9848096 No.9848096 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly are the habits of top students?

Rebbit tells me the best students always go to class, go to office hours, etc

However, I see here that people claim the top students never go to class and just self study.

So 4.0 friends, what exactly do you do?

>> No.9848112

Both. Being a good student is less about being smart and more about elbow grease.

I remember one time this dude I talk to sometimes wanted to study with me for a test so we studied together all day. Afterwards he asked me if I wanna chill and get a drink or something. I said no and that I was going to go home and study more (because I didn't feel like I was going to to retain the info, I guess we didn't study that hard). He was surprised by that because we studied all day. The next day after the test he told me he didn't do so well, I did fine though.

>> No.9848296

I'm only the top 5% or so, but one rule i always respect is that i always go to class, no matter how tired i am, no matter how shitty the professor is or where my friends invited me.

You also need to have a healthy balance, overstudying is a thing and keeping a healthy amount of social life, hobbies and fun is important.

>> No.9848320

i got an A in a test last week. i did all the exercises in the chapter and cummed into my waste bin afterwards. not sure which i'd attribute to my success.

>> No.9848326

>i did all the exercises in the chapter
>tfw when 100+ exercises per chapter
>tfw 6 week course

How do I shift through the problems that are worth doing?

>> No.9848330

Why does he have a basketball?

>> No.9848335

Well, the one's in the back are harder, right? Just do them backwards until you get two easy ones in a row?

>> No.9848336

>I see here
Found your problem. Spend less time buying /sci/'s bullshit and more time studying and going to class. Also don't play video games or watch porn.

>> No.9848339

The problem sets at the end of every chapter aren't necessary but they will deepen your understanding if you put in the time. It's tiring but nobody said it was easy.

>> No.9848344
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looks like it's bring-your-favorite-toy-day in the kindergarten

>> No.9848376

I spent the first half of my college career as a C average student and now I am an A average.

The way I achieved this was through the adoption of a well thought out and organized routine for both life and school that I would adhere to without fail. The simplicity of my scheduling and organizing allowed me to easily keep track of all my work and meant I would never be overwhelmed by having to do too much in a single day. I also would complete as much work as possible early in the day so I can peacefully enjoy the rest of my day with nothing on my mind.

I took life a week at a time. Nothing went on my .txt document planner further ahead than the current week. I would also casually study until the next test as opposed to popping a pill or destroying 20 cups of coffee and studying for 20 hours straight. In doing all the work, readings, and casually studying I would absorb the information semi-passively.

>Go to class
>Do your readings
>Do your work
>Keep yourself simplistically organized
>Don't procrastinate on anything
>If you're ever struggling with a particular area hit up your professor, TA, or a fellow student
>Don't rely on binges or drugs.

>> No.9848397

Might give this a try
I know, I'm not complaining about the effort I just want to be more efficient in my studying

>> No.9848419

Im in the top 3-4%, EE. I dont go to classes at all, just for the first one to get what books are recommended etc.
I can advance much easier on my own, with my own rhythm, also most professors are just repeating books in a shittier fashion.

>> No.9848430

I’m starting the third year of my BS program (molecular biology) and I still have a 4.0, motivation being that I’m a premed student
Aside from attending every class and putting effort into studying, I think that some students just retain knowledge and understand concepts easier. I’m not even trying to brag, because there’s nothing admirable about being more innately intelligent — if anything, it indicates how little work (relative to my peers) that I’ve put into my work which isn’t something to be proud about.
For instance, throughout all my science courses I was able to get solid As (93+) on exams through practicing the homework problems and doing a few hours of studying before an exam. Meanwhile some of my friends would spend 20+ hours per exam and still struggle to get Cs (70) on theirs.
Perhaps they’re studying wrong, but I think there’s also an intelligence component to it, or maybe a buildup of foundational knowledge over the years that leads to an advantage. I can see in lectures that they’re struggling to understand the material whereas it comes pretty smoothly for me.

>> No.9848435

Be sure to do extremely well on easy assignments, usually the ones earlier in the semester. That'll serve as a buffer if you get hit with a hard assignment later on.

>> No.9848437

Alternatively, I know some premeds who have maintained their 4.0 average through rigorous cheating. They have access to all the leaked exams from previous years, so they just memorize the multiple choice answers and they’re good to go.
I’ve never cheated because I think it’s the ultimate brainlet move, and also because the people who cheat have no fucking clue about biology/chemistry (and pay dearly for that lapse in knowledge at the MCAT etc). Anyway I can average 95 without cheating while people who cheat get 100, so I don’t really care since the curve doesn’t hurt me.

>> No.9848450

Med student:

go to the first and last class, usually the first class will give you an idea how the class is going to be and whether or not you are going to waste your time with it, it will also list useful literary/books which the prof will most likely use as a source for exam questions

last lecture: most profs literally tend to give exam type questions during these, which they will also refuse to upload to the web ("this is soemthing i only offer during the lecture")
it's bullshit really, but not worthj fighting against

Old exams are extremely useful no matter which field you are in, not because you memorize the answers but because they give you an idea of how deeply or how far the questions will go and what you don't need to cover (or what you are still missing)

>> No.9848481

>tfw you will never be a child again

>> No.9848493
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>What exactly are the habits of top students?

Persistence and ambition. That's all there is. A bit of luck to grease the path along the way helps a great deal too.

Go look at some Ben Carsons lifestyle. A hardcore Christian with a tremendously disadvantaged background but with the right determination he went on to become one of the best paediatric neurosurgeons in the world.

>> No.9848577

Not a top student, but I can tell you my habit so you can do the opposite. Porn, lots and lots of porn. Mangas, all mangas in the world. I think I've read them all. Used to watch animes, but not anymore. Anime is dead. Skip a lot of classes. Not doing homework. Not doing book problems either. Wait until the night before deadlines, to do the work. Including reviewing for exams. Not doing any physical exercise either. Not talking to people. Spend most of my time in my room. Always eat outside, got money.

>> No.9848584
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You don't. You supposed to do thousands of problems. Number 1 reason why people who did well in math left the program is it took too much time to do well. Especially when you're not gifted.

>> No.9848587

Im a 4.0 math and economics student.

I have absolutely nothing. There is no substance to me as a person. I don't talk to anyone, I don't do anything interesting, I just read whatever I'm expected to, do the assignments I'm given, and if I don't understand something I read about it. I do well on tests and that's how I get good grades. If I fail in the context of academics then I will literally have nothing. I won't make money in the future because I won't get into grad school and since I have no social life,I'll kill myself. It's really easy to motivate yourself to do well on something when it's life or death.

>> No.9848632

as a former business/finance freshman now changing to pure math, this scares me

>> No.9848676

How does one even find the time to do so many problems? It's not unusual for problems to take lots of time to solve if you aren't peeking at a solutions manual or are still getting a grasp of the concepts.

>> No.9849561

I think I'm considered a top student.
>go to classes I find interesting
>study the material throughout the year, not only before exams
>don't work
Other top students seem to be doing the same.

>> No.9849577

wow, powerful

>> No.9849608
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>> No.9849677

If we could do any of that we would be shitposing on 4chan.

>> No.9849689

nah, on his schedule afternoons and evenings acquire a new quality of freedom. its almost like you "create" new time to shitpost. and you suddenly spot all the pseuds who post shit like "why are you on/board/ right now instead of doing stuff", because they project onto others their own failure to have a strict schedule with dedicated shitposting hours.
t. similar schedule

>> No.9849711

Exactly same here
EE lectures are pointless at an undergrad level

>> No.9849712

Enjoy yourself, go to class, take notes, do your problem sets (all of them)

>> No.9849727

Get off 4chan and go do work. Give yourself 10 minutes a day to shitpost and the rest of the day is hard graft, 7am to 11pm.

>> No.9849741

It is both
I found that if you self studied enough you will be able to ask the right questions in office hours
I got a 3.7 GPA one semester with just pure self study and rarely attending the classes
But it wasn't very efficient since I was spending substantial time trying to understand minutiae which could be resolved in a few minutes if I asked my professors in person

>> No.9849746

>Don't procrastinate on anything
well shit

>> No.9849749
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The japanese have the worst interview culture in the developed world

>> No.9849886

I'm guessing you have no professors who take off points for attendance?

>> No.9849892

>thousands of problems
If you do even hundreds, you're well above your peers.

>> No.9849909

i just study 15 mins before exams and do a lot pushups. always top ~ 5% in class. good enough for me

>> No.9849919


>> No.9849930

With any kind of a strict schedule as I described >>9849689 rings very true. You become used to the positive and enhanced feeling of shit posting, gaming, jerking off, etc without that horrible and nagging feeling because you're putting something off. However, In essence you take that normal nagging feeling and inadvertently enhance it 10 fold, creating a horrible negative feedback for procrastinating that won't go away until your done. It's like a mental whip that ruins all fun for being lazy.

My Uncle is a professor and he constantly laments about how many people don't go to office hours or email despite desperately needing to. My lab mentor laments the same shit despite him being VERY johnny on the spot when it comes to emails. Hell, he even told them one semester that he spends 10 hours per day in his lab (also his office) and just to knock on the door and he'll happily answer any and all questions so he'd be wide available. NO ONE FUCKING CAME despite a lot of students having poor grades.

I think it's because students blame the professor more than themselves for poor grades so they convince themselves office hours or email aren't worth the effort.

>> No.9849971

I have a 4.0 in biochemistry. Don't go to classes, only labs / exams. Didnt read textbooks unless my teachers were shit, in which case I did but didn't watch lectures. I would write notes when I was high and then sober up and cram a few weeks before midterms / finals.

>> No.9849974


>> No.9849977

The best major, nigger!

>> No.9849984

manlet privilege

>> No.9849985

most students are just unfamiliar with that whole lifestyle unless somebody redpills them. normal teachers dont have "office hours", so its a mysterious feature.

>> No.9849993

>most students are just unfamiliar with that whole lifestyle unless somebody redpills them.
Very true. The reason why I was a C average student (referenced earlier in this thread) was because no one "red pilled" me as to a healthy school life style. Nearly everyone at my school follows the trend of mass coffee consumption or abusing adderall.

I developed my schedule myself at the beginning of one semester where most my work wasn't daily online home works but a lot of book reading. So I had to learn to spread that shit out and I just applied it to my life. It was a lot of happy little accidents. Now I try my hardest to "red pill" people on the organized life but no one is receptive.

>normal teachers dont have "office hours"
By normal teachers do you mean people like High School teachers? It's also not mysterious given that every professor will constantly reference their office hours and borderline bribe people to show up to them.

>> No.9849996

What shithole university takes off points for attendance in a math/physics/etc class

>> No.9849997

>a lot
>and do everything on time

>> No.9850006

Universities with smaller departments in which attendance can be taken easily in any number of ways or professors who are knowledgeable about iClickers and can easily take attendance for a class of 150+.

What kind of shithole university doesn't insure that people are showing up to the lectures and not failing?

>> No.9850008

>you mean people like High School teachers
yes. also at work going to boss with your problems lowers your value.
these invitations are registered superficially but a visit could still be seen as a potential etiquette breach.

>> No.9850020

That seems reasonable. Anytime I went to office hours I worried about how my professor would view me and if I was intruding on an hour of free time but each time I was shown to be wrong to worry. It's academia where the objective is to learn so the simple fact that I wanted something cleared up by them raised my reputation with them. However, my questions were often simple and required simple answers so I just joined the queue after class to ask simple and short questions that couldn't be asked in class.

But given the society we live in in which asking for help from your "superiors" is seen as lowering of value, high school teachers being otherwise unavailable after class, and the existing stigma on asking for help I can see why kids would register is superficially and see it as a non-option.

I was going to recommend to my mentor that I attend his office hours and he give his students my email so rather than feeling like they're asking "their professor" they'd be asking a student who's doing well.

>> No.9850024

In my last physics class attendance was 15% of your grade.

>> No.9850051

Go to class. Play chess with the dude next to me.

>> No.9850079

Be asian

>> No.9850125

You should become more independent and decide for yourself which classes are useful to attend and which exercises are useful for you to understand the material.

>> No.9850175

Well please enlighten me. What was a typical day like for you?

>> No.9850229

Depends on the semester or whether or not I'm on a break. But here's what it generally was last semester.

Day Off (Only had courses twice per week)
>Get up about 9
>Eat light breakfast
>Shit post until about 10
>Do some course work until about 11 (I use a .txt document so I'd delete them from the doc as I completed the work)
>Eat lunch
>Finish whatever course work I had left if any
>Fuck off for the rest of the day

Class Days
>Get up at about 8
>Eat breakfast
>Go to first two lectures (11-12:15)
>Go to gym and eat lunch (12:15-3:15)
>Go to final lecture (3:30-4:15)
>Come home
>Shit post + games
>Eat dinner
>Do very minor amount of coursework if I had any

During my breaks I sort of invent shit to do to keep at being organized. Here's my most recent
>Get up at 8:45
>Eat light breakfast
>Shit post or game until 11:00
>Read until 11:30
Personal books
>Eat (Typically 12:30+)
>Do math on Khan academy (20-30 minutes)
>Do whatever I want until work or bed

>> No.9850319

4.0 GPA physics from a top 10. Never went to lecture. Stayed at home to read the textbooks and occasionally went to office hours if I needed help getting something (a concept or a particularly difficult homework problem). I think this is the best way to study. Only brainlets who need the material verbally spoonfed to them go to lecture, and the lecture quality can wildly vary, from just ok to sketchy and shitty.

>> No.9850341

>the lecture quality can wildly vary, from just ok to sketchy and shitty.
I think this is an important point. You can study with whatever method that works for you. But A-students get A regardless of the quality of the prof, uni, book, etc.

>> No.9850427

It depends on the class for me. In my department the primary purpose of most the lectures were to discuss the previous night's reading. It was done in an open, class wide, discussion in which we could bounce ideas off of each other or the professors. Even though I understood the readings the way he explained them helped me to solidly understands them. It was much the same thing with a few history instructors because the sources we'd read could be difficult to fully comprehend because of linguistics or cultural differences. I think lectures like that can be worth going to and they rarely lasted the full 75 minutes (Usually lasted 30-45).

However, I found that in the hard sciences my best bet was to never show up to the lecture, read the text book, and ring up the teach if I had issues. It wasn't that they were bad professors it was that to cover a chapter per week or lecture required us to go at such a break neck speed we'd miss things or never have time to properly absorb the information. Genetics, intro bios, intro chems, and Ecology were the biggest offenders.

I've been in courses where there's no book and it's pure lecture. Biosphere was one of these in which the professor
>Loved the material
>Loved to teach
>Had his shit organized so he never struggled between lectures and research
It was 10/10 on the best days and 8/10 on the worst. But I agree, the quality in lectures can dramatically vary from professor to professor.

>> No.9850432

and not performance enhancing ones either
all the top students party hard as fuck

>> No.9850436

I am almost always in the top 5 in exams and I literally never go to class. I've been in class like 3-4 times in total in the span of almost 4 years.

>> No.9850464

Same but 4.1 Math/CS student.
I just gave up on social life after the first year desu.

>> No.9850474

You can give up on one major and have a social life.

>> No.9851732

just cheat

>> No.9851927

Any tips for studying more literary studies (not sciences like math etc.)?

>> No.9851941

Are you talking about stuff like English or majors in which it's a lot of reading?

>> No.9851943

give up... a loaf of bread pretending to be chicken is still a loaf of bread.

You cant "act smart" and thus magically "be smart," stupid.

>> No.9851946

they can only grade you by asking problems. if you can solve every type or problem you get 100%. DO... MORE... FUCKING... PROBLEMS!

>> No.9852558

Yes, philosophy in particular

>> No.9852771

Yeah I remember prepping for tests in 400 level Physics courses. Friends would ask "so how long do you plan on studying?" My response was always "I dunno."

Some people seem to think that if they put in x hours, they'll get an A. It's never that straightforward. Sometimes I'll study way longer than other people, sometimes I'll barely even study. My grades were pretty consistent.

To OP, focus on understanding material. If you start falling behind in class and you're just copying stuff down, not truly conceptualizing it (disengaged), that's when you've got to put in some extra work. Some people don't get to that point and they appear to just coast through. Others have to bust their asses to do well. But understanding that the goal is to learn the material, not to put in x hours, that mentality really helps.

At different times in my life, I've been the person who skips class, self studies, and gets As. I've also been the person who spent 20 hours on a single homework problem just to understand it--not even for the grade. I can 100% say now that it is worth the effort to retain information, not just to get an A.

>> No.9852774

Yea, cramming doesn't work. Studying just before the test is like someone signing up for a powerlifting competition, blowing off working out, then doing 500 pushups the day before thinking it'll prepare them perfectly.

>> No.9852775


>> No.9852795

Just graduated with a 4.0 in chemical engineering plus an honors thesis.

Start your homework as early as possible, like the day it's assigned. If you're scrambling to finish/copy it the night before it's due, you're just screwing yourself over. It gives you time to reflect on it, ask questions if you need to, and makes you way less stressed out. When tests came around I barely needed to study because I already understood the material. Besides a few hell weeks, I was never really stressed during undergrad. I never used adderall, pulled an all nighter, made some bs excuse, etc because I spread out my workload.

Also go to every single class and make friends with smart people.

>> No.9852917

>I’m not even trying to brag, because there’s nothing admirable about being more innately intelligent — if anything, it indicates how little work (relative to my peers) that I’ve put into my work which isn’t something to be proud about.
It also indicates how much work you've put into training your reasoning skills and developing the way you handle information, which is both harder and more important work.
It's unfortunate that we dismiss intelligence as an unearned "gift" but praise work ethic as a cultivated virtue, while they're both about as hereditary and both about as malleable as each other
>Meanwhile some of my friends would spend 20+ hours per exam and still struggle to get Cs (70) on theirs.
They're lying. It's very trendy to oversell the amount of time you spend studying, when you're really just fucking around for 90% of it. Look at all the people on their phones in the library. "I studied for forty hours this week" sounds impressive/praiseworthy as hell, and signals to others that if you didn't get an A it's not your moral fault, because you're at the limit of your capacity. That's why people lie about this all the time.

>> No.9852947

4.0 here. I always went to every single class, never went to office hours. Like other anons have said, start the reading and homework as soon as possible and try to understand everything as opposed to memorizing things.

>> No.9853177

always go to class. grades tend to be skewed towards those who attend class: the teacher works problems that show up on the test, gives hints about exams, etc.

>> No.9853179

summa EE here: i'd say most important thing is to not procrastinate. always aim to finish assignments a week ahead of time. this is because shit can be more complicated than you give it credit for -- you need time to work through any issues that arise.

>> No.9853188

So you wanna get good grades or actually learn? Fucking meds.

>> No.9853189

I hold my poops in for no fewer than 3 days and nights at a time to save toilet time.

>> No.9853198

take notes
read book
read notes
reread book
reread notes

>> No.9853205

Personally, I didn't give a shit about my grades. However every math problem the teacher gave to me, I saw as a challenge to overcome and not to back down. Got A+ in most of my stem courses.

>> No.9853214

as other anons and reddit told you to get stright A you need to attend all lectures(very importan) no matter how boring or tired you are try to get atleast 1 thing, reding through what you did the same day isn't a neccesity but you MUST revise what you did in class by reading and solving lots of problems, last is to answer past questions(you can actually just answer past questions and be fine if you are not a retard) so you should not be suprised by a tricky question or sth.But i guess you are american so you probably only answerMCQ's till your bachelors or sth and from the "questions" i have seen from most american test the questions are piss easy so it's very probable someone just jerking off at home, never attending lectures and just reading a bit 2 weeks before the exam get's an A

>> No.9853216

>Go look at some Ben Carsons lifestyle. A hardcore Christian with a tremendously disadvantaged background but with the right determination he went on to become one of the best paediatric neurosurgeons in the world.
You forgot to mention intelligence. What makes you believe that the average hood nigger, or trailer park trash, has the mental capacity required to embark on a professional career? Determination is worth nothing at all if your neurons aren´t quick enough.

The only reason you hear about Ben Carson - or most other statesmen, academics and businessmen, for that matter - is due to his mental aquity.

>> No.9853220

>What kind of shithole university doesn't insure that people are showing up to the lectures and not failing?
Only shithole universities need to worry about people failing courses en masse.

Class attendance is for vocational schools, where the students learn by doing.

>> No.9853266

Not a 4.0 average but ever since I transferred I have maintained a 4.0 mostly cuz I already have 9 years of programming exp (fucking around with vidya which led me to learning about C++, functional programming, front-end ect..) and the theory stuff is pretty easy to digest, the biggest thing that helps me is just keeping ahead of my course work that way I already know what is going to be taught making it easier when the prof covers it and ask questions that the prof can clarify easier.
t.pure math and CS major.

>> No.9853288

Effective studying and diligence in maintaining a routine. Recall is the best method for memorization so incorporate strategic breaks/interchange into your daily grind of homework/study sessions. Learning to love the process is most important though. Being comfy and enjoying what you're learning along with having other good things in your life will make the whole experience fun and easy. Forcing yourself to do shit leads to repression and resentment. Negative thoughts/people should be avoided at all costs as they jeopardize the entire operation. Having a particular desk you associate with productivity is ideal as your mind will get right back into the groove every time you sit down. When you have to put yourself through something that is shitty no matter how you frame it then humor is the option of last resort. Modulate darkness and absurdity according to shittiness and avert your mind to the highest ideals of your metaphysics as you bounce between concentrating on the task, negative thoughts, and laughing in the face of ordeal.

>> No.9853298

Shut the fuck up faggot gatekeepers. Don't listen to these retards it's all about hitting the books and doing problems every single day, not doing crazy 12 hour sessions. It's not even hard as long as you are giving the material repeated attention 365 days a year and accepting is as part of your life. 10 minutes daily is much more valuable than any single day's work.

>> No.9853313

Be good at writing and don't subvocalize when you read.

>> No.9853334

This is what causes right wing politics. Conservatives spend every day in their shitty regimented lives which they come to resent and then take it out on the rest of us with austere policy. They're all going to commit suicide when a basic income becomes freely available out of necessity from the automation takeover of the labor force.

>> No.9853580

Whats wrong with subvocalizing? Pretty sure you understand just as much, if not more, by doing it

>> No.9853637

Not that guy but I like my regimented life. Makes it easy to find times and situations when to do things.
UBI will never happen, at least not to the degree of "woo, we don't have to work and can just fuck around all day." there will always be shit jobs that can't be automated and jobs that require a human eye and mind to work on at higher levels. You may be able to eat and have a house on UBI but that will be it unless you do one of the two jobs above and even then it won't be much different than it has been everyday leading up to UBI.

>> No.9854020 [DELETED] 

You have to suck dick for good grades, plain pure and simple. I once got an argument with my professor over the "1 + 2 + 3 = -1/12" thing, and he ended up giving me a terrible grade in the class. This goes to show that truly smart students are punished for being inquisitive while people who don't question it are rewarded.

>> No.9854030 [DELETED] 

>They're all going to commit suicide when a basic income becomes freely available out of necessity from the automation takeover of the labor force.
Or they can all just starve to death. If they're worthless then why should they be getting anything in return for being worthless?

>> No.9854036 [DELETED] 

>You have to suck dick for good grades, plain pure and simple.
Professors have incentive to punish students who don't agree with their opinions, thus preventing that student from likewise becoming a professor and having the ethos to challenge said opinion. That's just how academia works.

>> No.9854039

>he thinks 10 minutes amounts to anything.

What are you, a Psychology major?

>> No.9854043

>This level of conjecture and assumption
I simply like living a semi-regimented life. It keeps me calm and allows me to be very productive and insure I get shit done. I used to live a very fluid life and I generally got nothing done and struggled with school.

Fun anecdote: Most conservatives, alt-right, and fascists I know live very unregimented lives but wish they could.

Fun fact: I'm not right wing

>> No.9854130

sounds like you were being an iamverysmart cunt instead of just learning the material you needed to learn to do well, sucks to suck

>> No.9854362

>If they're worthless then why should they be getting anything in return for being worthless?
The amount of social unrest generated under mass automation without UBI would demolish capitalism and the state. It's in the capitalists' interest to not have their means of production seized by the disgruntled starving masses who built them in the first place, so they work out a collective agreement to pay higher taxes to preserve the overall system and avoid catastrophe, like with the history of the welfare state.
Even several libertarians have advocated a UBI in various forms (see Milton Friedman and his negative income tax,)
Another point is that UBI preserves a society of consumers and production for market exchange, as ooposed to the British NHS for example, which funds services at the point of use. The latter is clearly preferable for anyone who might not be able to meet multiple large expenses, should they come up, from a minimum income level. UBI is really the most market/classical liberal response to a crisis of that caliber. Of course, you could always unirionically kill the poor, but that's the risky strat

>> No.9854370

I had a JoJo's thread open in another tab and just fucked up.

>> No.9854384

I did what worked. The only real advice I can give is to have a real feedback loop try things and reevaluate. For me that meant never going to lectures but discussing a lot with both fellow students and TAs. YMMV

>> No.9854429
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https://math.stackexchange.com/a/33987 Read it. Follow it. That's all.

>> No.9854477

Dig real deep into any topic you're learning. Wiki pages, books, pdf's, extra problems, youtube videos, forums, websites, mentors/tutors, discussions, and (most importantly) past papers etc etc. Come test time, the answers will naturally come to you and you'll never get anything other than an A again

>> No.9854490

Study it until you understand it. Going to class usually helps with understanding it, meaning you don’t need to study as much.

>> No.9854497
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How do you become a top student if you don't enjoy what you study, don't care for it and don't look forward to working in that area but it's the best option when other options are being on welfare, working minimum wage or slowly ruining your body with a trade job?

>> No.9854509
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>here will always be shit jobs that can't be automated and jobs that require a human eye and mind to work on at higher levels.
Nah, too many brainlets that are worthless compared to machines, we're about to see an explosion of layoffs when the next downturn hits and automation is implemented to maintain margins. Temp and superfluous jobs dominate the labor market right now and we'll see those jobs go away too. Plus retail is already collapsing because of the internet. Maybe half of the population will take up nursing to the point of driving the wage down to pittance, but even then people with an iq of 85 will be absolutely worthless as computerized kiosks and robots with general utility become ubiquitous. Also the labor force participation rate is already at an all time low among capable young men. It's like you expect all of them to make careers standing outside holding signs for car washes. There simply won't be work for those retards because they will no longer be able to do anything valuable while the rest of us will continue as we are. Also, there will likely be major education reform in the next decade because of the conclusion of that Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation study. If Trump gets re-elected then Devos will corporatize the entire system and btfo millions of shitty teachers in favor of recorded lectures given by premier educators. All of this shit is accelerating just like Ted and Ray warned us. Andrew Yang is running for president in 2020 just to tell the whole country about what will happen 5 years later when conservatism dies and Jews inherit the earth.

> there will always be shit jobs that can't be automated
lmao not for 100 million brainlets

>> No.9854521

Stupid picture. Having nice things makes some people feel good whereas it doesn't do much for others, why the fuck should I conform to some guys preferences just because he's le genius. That post only got a bunch of replies because it threw those insecure nerds into identity crises.

>> No.9854562

I think you misunderstood what I said. There obviously wouldn't be an endless number of jobs, there certainly aren't an endless number now, but there would still be a small difference in class between those just on UBI and those still choosing to work for something to do and to have it slightly better.
Maybe all the jobs will just be taken by educated people desperately lowering their standards much more than they do today instead of having some inbred idiot do whatever is available. Obviously the more basic human run jobs would need to be something based around preferences or opinions, something that would need someone to know what someone means or likes specifically by talking to them. Something like chef work for when someone likes their food a certain way you can't get by pressing the hamburger button on a kiosk.
At least until personal servant robotics come into play where you'd be able to program them more specifically, but that's not for much longer off than just automation.

>> No.9854565

Quite good student here. Let me tell you one big secret: wake up early and go to class early. Once you can do it, everything else is easy.

>> No.9854570
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>> No.9854574

Want that answer too

>> No.9854730

Sorry if I'm not up to speed on this stuff, but:

What's the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation study you're talking about?

Who are Ted and Ray?

Who is Andrew Yang?

>> No.9854738

It's talent. I've been getting top scores without trying even during my master's degree. I started and finished papers on the last weekend before the deadline and did better than people who wasted months for this.
The downside is that this had me grow up to be a lazy ass adult and let's just say that you will need some diligence in certain aspects of life eventually. As far as academics go all I can say is this though: If you don't have a knack for your field of study then you need to compensate with a lot of work.

>> No.9854742

People are either driven by love for what they do or the fear of consquences. Both approaches work. I was lucky enough to work in a simple trade job for 4 years before starting college. Have I wasted 4 years of my life? Yeah, in a way, but my fear of ever going back to that life really pushed me forward in college.

>> No.9854756

I had a 4.0 in undergrad.

One big thing is having a strategy. If you have no overarching strategy or thing you'd like to achieve, keeping yourself motivated will be difficult. Even if it's fear, you have to make sure there is a very good reason for doing what you want to do. In retrospect, getting a 4.0 was a waste of time. I should have spent more time thinking about what was worth accomplishing - figuring this out builds resolve. There is no one size fits all here, so I'll digress.

Once you have the resolve, the rest is a question of tactics. There are a ton of them, and I'm sure you've already heard of many of them. Here are a few that work especially well for me.

First of all, you have to conceptualize the entire thing differently than you are doing now. Accept that you know yourself as well as a stranger knows you. I always see people swearing that they'll shed all their bad habits "tomorrow" and get to work, but they never do. These people have no idea what their behavior is going to be like, and they have very little control over it. I do better predicting the behavior of my niece than they do predicting their own behavior. Every human has this problem, and it's fixed by treating yourself as you would a stranger. How would you motivate a stranger to wake up in the morning? If what they are doing isn't working, what actions might you take in the present to prevent them from sleeping in tomorrow? Apply your solution to yourself.

Secondly, keep yourself accountable. Again, you are very bad at keeping track of/knowing your own behavior. Have a planner and keep careful track of the work you do and when you fail to do work. Find and fix your weaknesses.

Being hyper-conscientious of yourself goes a long way. Too many people lie to themselves about the reality of their behavior. If you can manage to stop doing that, you CAN improve.

>> No.9854772

The effective teaching project was a very long, expensive and comprehensive undertaking to understand what can be done about improving American schools. Their final conclusion which was reached a few weeks ago: teachers are fucking garbage and nothing can be done to improve education in its current form. Raising the bar on outcomes necessarily involves getting kids away from teachers and learning through computers. The traditional form of school is pretty much over. Bells, going to class, listening to some idiot with a bachelors in English will no longer be the daily routine for American teens. They'll show up at a building to hang out with their friends and take tests as all their work can be completed remotely. Counselors and administrators will be there to maintain order and organize events, but otherwise it will be a very libertarian system. The only in-person lectures will be from people who are actually worth listening to which will make the whole thing no longer suck shit. Elementary school will become a daycare and mandatory attendance will vary across districts. This will come to the political fore in 2022 and 2024 as the technology is currently on the verge of preparedness.

The unabomber and Ray Kurzweil have speculated about the effect of technology on society for decades especially when it comes to the acceleration of "progress," it turns out they were right and the 20s will be a wild time of innovation and change. Andrew Yang is an economist who promotes ubi and is running for president in 2020.

>> No.9854874

It seems like European secondary schools are able to teach more advanced material pretty effectively - why can't their success be replicated in America?

Is the transition to computerized education really supposed to be a totally good thing? I've learned a ton on Khan Academy and other sites like it, but I've also learned a lot from teachers. I went to a public magnet school, and I think the teachers there were great for the most part. (It seems like humanities teachers are stronger across-the-board.)

>> No.9854883

If I have a verified iq of 135 and want to remember how to do precalculus, stat and calculus before classes start in late August, how many hours of study will I need?

>> No.9854944

>everyone has their own way that works for them

well colour me SHOCKED

>> No.9855011


I don't think you realize how powerful the teacher unions are. They aren't going to let you just come in and dismantle their system. We currently spend a shit ton of money on education and get laughable results from this entrenched system. I'm all for tearing it down and starting over, but it's not going to happen.

>> No.9855048

There are many issues as to why shit doesn't get done in America.

-The majority of teachers are mediocre at the subjects they are teaching.
-The curriculum is too lax and simple while catering to the lowest common denominator of student (i.e. the ones that should be failed outright)
-Students are not disciplined and cannot be expected to learn completely on their own (the grand majority are lazy and refuse to do basic shit like study)
-General lack of quality resources to learn from (I'm looking at you, McGraw-Hill) and of the resources that do exist are tailored to the already terrible curriculum rather than teaching the subject for the sake of learning it (we have to learn this set of standards, ignore this seemingly unimportant topic, etc)

The list goes on. If you want to improve education here you need the second coming of Kolmogorov and to let him have free reign over the system, all the while paying absolutely no attention to the opinions of the parents and kids.

>> No.9855080

American public school teachers are just shit. People here become teachers because they want the extra days off and easy work, but they come to resent it because children and teens are obnoxious. There are no humanities, classics are a foreign concept, the only literature is Shakespeare, philosophy doesn't exist, math is taught as rote steps, the classrooms are musty, half the teachers are shrill women, everyone hates it every single day.

Their asses are getting subverted. Charter schools are on the rise and kids fucking hate school. If the public schools don't change then kids will transfer to a comfy private school that lets them work at their own pace. This will only be exacerbated by those averse to diversity. Once the technology is there then it will take off with profit.

>> No.9855089

Who's Kolmogorov?

>> No.9855127

Is this loss?

>> No.9855393

>Cal Newport

Is he a meme guys?

>> No.9855468

It's all about having the ability to memorize useless shit. All the top students here have that. Iq has nothing to do with It(except for maybe very high level math)

>> No.9855492

Realize what you know, what you don't know and what you need to know for your grade. After that you find out the things you need to know. That's really all there is to it. The method is completely up to you, and it will probably vary from person to person. Just be cognizant of how well you understand the material.

Personally, I go to all lectures I can and supplement with information from the internet. So far it has been working well and I haven't spent any money on buying books that I won't have a use for a month later.

>> No.9855493

Because not doing it helps you read faster. But you're right, reading faster means fuck all if you have to reread what you just read because you didn't understand it.

Also, philosophy major here. You didn't clarify if you're just taking philosophy courses or are a major but if it's the latter you really want to work very hard (assuming you want to make it into academia). Read philosophy for fun, visit your professors during office hours, and study math and physics on the side. The field is saturated as it is so you're really going to have to knock shit out of the park if you want to make it.

>> No.9855523

This. amerifats will never understand the eurocuck struggle. Even minimum wage and trade jobs pay well In the us

>> No.9855529

t. brainlet

>> No.9855534

define brainlet? IQ doesn't even measure memory .

>> No.9855562

Fuck off back to facebook

>> No.9855736

He's actually a tenured CS prof. Better than conmen like Tim Ferris or Scott Young.

>> No.9855739

>However, I see here that people claim the top students never go to class and just self study.
You got memed

>> No.9856243


>> No.9856456

ive read his How To Become a Straight-A student and deep work advices he gives sound preety legit

>> No.9856463


>Be social
>Be open minded
>Be Left Wing

But you can use a shortcut by being rich

>> No.9856468

or being jewish

>> No.9856471
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my dabid got into MIT because of how smart he was goyim

>> No.9856494


Please never come to /sci/ again /pol/tards, go back to your glommy and full of hatred place.

>> No.9856510

Study something you're more interested in, duh. Motivation is one of if not the most important aspect in learning. You can be really fucking smart, but you'll still struggle and eventually burn out if you're unmotivated. Think about your goals and priorities. What would the completion of your program enable you to do? What would you want? You might not even need to be a top student.

>> No.9856517

Not the same Anon, but what if we have to study the current subject.

I mean, in Europe you're kind of 'forced' to learn about shit you just don't care, as this anon >>9855523
said in his own terms.

>> No.9856523

Yea, I figured. I'm taking a BA atm, thinking about doing a masters then a phd, but not sure yet. Might just end up taking a masters in robotics instead after my BA in phil

>> No.9856538

med students should be banned from /sci/ desu

>> No.9856544

It appears to me the anon who asked for advice was thinking along the lines of majoring in something you're completely uninterested in, in which case I'd suggest reconsidering one's choice of career.

As for subjects, being European myself, I'm completely sympathetic to the issue. It's scary to think back of how much bullshit I had to study and present at exams throughout my college years to get my master's. I hated the tedious, unrelated courses and one of my two specializations altogether, and I decided to suck it up and do it like a robot. They required little thinking and next to no creativity, the teachers didn't give a shit if I understood the material, they just wanted us to barf up what they'd read out in class. I knew I had to do this in order to get my degree at the end of the program, and I just had to accept the fact I didn't get to have access to education of higher quality in my country. I totally burned out. It's simple, but I'm afraid there's not much else to do, concentrate on your goal in the long term.

>> No.9856738 [DELETED] 

>Tim Feriss and Scott Young
What do they actually do for a living?

>> No.9856746

The single most important thing I did to become a straight-A student was to build a memory palace. I perfected it over years of practice (started in HS and used it throughout undergrad and grad) and as a result I've never had to study. You do have to look through your notes once or twice and associate the relevant info to the objects in your palace but to me it's second nature. My recall is so good people think I have an eidetic memory.

Would be happy to answer questions if you're looking to build one yourself.

>> No.9856758

Cmon dude don't hang like that lmao

>> No.9856760

>Would be happy to answer questions if you're looking to build one yourself.
Is your memory palace a made up place or one you know in real life?
Can it be used for more abstract concepts too (like definitions and theorems)?
Can taking the memory palace "shortcut" lead to inferior understanding of said concepts (i.e. you can quickly memorize seemingly arbitrary things, so you don't spend time thinking about the motive behind defining something a given way)?
Do you just associate the locations in the palace with the thing you want to remember, or do you also make up a story?
Does re-using pretty much the same memory palace for hundreds of different things lead to problems in the long run?

>> No.9856772

>Is your memory palace a made up place or one you know in real life?
It's a gigantic structure made up of mostly real places (holiday spots etc) but it's all connected and I use different locations to remember different things

>Can it be used for more abstract concepts too (like definitions and theorems)?

You would have to get creative because the key idea behind the MP is to convert abstract things into images that are easily rememberable

>Can taking the memory palace "shortcut" lead to inferior understanding of said concepts (i.e. you can quickly memorize seemingly arbitrary things, so you don't spend time thinking about the motive behind defining something a given way)?

Your understanding of the concept is actually irrelevant to how much you can remember. For example I can remember a book on string theory and recall it despite having no understanding of it. However the knowledge would be in my head and would faciliate learning.

>Do you just associate the locations in the palace with the thing you want to remember, or do you also make up a story?

Combination of techniques. Usually for speed recall like memorizing a pack of cards in 20s, you don't have the time to create stories.

>Does re-using pretty much the same memory palace for hundreds of different things lead to problems in the long run?

You can reuse the same location but it's a pretty advanced technique. I doubt an amateur memory enthusiast would get to this stage in any reasonable period of practice but yes it is possible

>> No.9856820

I dunno, but does it matter? Just start now and stop when you feel confident about it.

>> No.9856890

I'm a right winger and I have literally no regiment with my life. I just go with the flow.

>> No.9856914

>I'm a right winger

You mean Reich winger