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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 146 KB, 500x540, funnybuttoobaditisbillnye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9846516 No.9846516 [Reply] [Original]

What is your opinion about thot-free zones inside universities?

For me, it is really annoying to see young girls dressed like strippers in the halls of my building and classroom. I think halls and classrooms should be designated thot-free zones. This could be anything from having a mandatory dress code to outright denying entrance to thots. I really don't mind which one it is, I just want to have one place in the world that is not my room where I am completely free from thottery. And honestly, I don't get it. I have nice clothes too, I have a lot of clothes meant to attract women, but I only wear them when I am going somewhere to look for sex. I would never dress like that to class but for some reason, thots do not share this sentiment. Thots will be thots, I guess.

>> No.9846618

go back to the dark ages old man

>> No.9846621

I will if you give me one good reason to dress for sex when going to class.

>> No.9846622

>go back to the dark ages old man
6 months of holidays in sunny Spain, drinking hallucinogenic wine and beer while talking metaphysics with monks
God I wish that were me.

>> No.9846625

there doesn't need to be one, you're the horny goat with the problem

>> No.9846632

>t. boomer

>> No.9846643

I agree with you OP. Conservative safe spaces are the last thing university campuses need. Don't they have churches for that?

>> No.9846645

>there doesn't need to be one
>there does not need to be a reason for my actions
I despise the brainlet lifestyle. You say this, but you are clearly lying. You just, for some reason, don't want to be honest with yourself and examine why do you do certain things.

> you're the horny goat with the problem
This completely contradicts what I am saying. My position is that my classroom is not a place for sex. When I'm at university I am quite literally the opposite of horny. And I am a very tolerant person, but when I saw a thot literally twerking that's where I draw the line. These people are wasting my time (and their time) coming here.

>> No.9846646

if you weren't horny you wouldnt even notice how women were dressed

>> No.9846648

Oh, yeah. You are right. I forgot about that. Men can only use their eyes when their penis is erect. Silly me, forgetting basic facts about anatomy.

>> No.9846652

it's not about what your eyes see but what your brain notices. just accept that you're thinking with your dick, it's ok

>> No.9846653
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>> No.9846659

I was not going to say this but you seem to be set in your ways so I will.

>if you weren't horny you wouldn't even notice how women were dressed
Think about this. You are saying that you cannot notice how a woman is dressed unless you are horny. This means that if a female colleague of yours recently purchased a new dress which looks great on her, you are physically incapable of noticing the charm and giving her a compliment unless you saw her in a sexual way.

In my opinion that is just sick and twisted. You sound like a rapist right now.

>> No.9846669

Just stare at them like an awkward creeper until they stop.
Make them feel uncomfortable.
It's honestly a win-win for you. Blatantly indulge in the eye candy when the thottery is afoot.
If they don't like it then they shouldn't dress that way.

>> No.9846670

>I am quite literally the opposite of horny.
Then why do you care what women wear?
>And I am a very tolerant person
No, you're just a beta male afraid to speak up, so you take it out on girls who probably don't even know you exist.
>when I saw a thot literally twerking that's where I draw the line.
Now your problem is their behaviour? Wasn't it their clothes?
>These people are wasting my time
How exactly are they wasting your time?

>> No.9846672

>Then why do you care what women wear?
Please see >>9846659

>No, you're just a beta male afraid to speak up, so you take it out on girls who probably don't even know you exist.
Well, the personal attack already shows you have no genuine point, but I already started replying to you so I might aswell keep going.

>Now your problem is their behaviour? Wasn't it their clothes?
In my original post, I use very explicitly the word thot. Thottery has many aspects, including clothing and behaviour. I have actually not said anything new. Just reiterating my points by giving an example.

>How exactly are they wasting your time?
I have to give lectures to people who are literally never going to make it. Waste of time really. I would prefer if they took themselves more seriously and devoted themselves to study. That way I could actually come out of my classroom proud.

>> No.9846691

>You are saying that you cannot notice how a woman is dressed unless you are horny.
either you were horny to start with or you lacked the mental willpower not to become horny

listen, it's ok. everyone's been there. you just have to practice controlling yourself

>> No.9846709

great b8 OP

>> No.9846742

>either you were horny to start with or you lacked the mental willpower not to become horny
Okay, repeat with me: You can look at women and make objective observations about what they are wearing WITHOUT being horny.

All it takes is being a normal human being. I mean, the people that think about how women look the most are fashion designers which tend to be gay men with 0% attraction to the female models they use to test their creations.

Please take a chill pill.

>> No.9846746
File: 141 KB, 600x800, thot-patrol-wang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds like a job for...
...THOT Patrol !

>> No.9846747

/sci/ - Generalizations and labels.

I'm going to go all out and assume you're a guy who is attracted to the girls but you know they wouldn't like you and this hurts your ego so you don't like seeing attractive or girls dressed in little clothing at all.

Grow up, ignore it.

>> No.9846748

what you're making is a purely subjective observation. there's nothing objective about it. and i'm not the one who's so hysterical about what other people are wearing that i complain about it on the internet.

your blood pressure will go down if you just stop being so goddamn horny all the time

>> No.9846757


>> No.9846759

read the thread, retards

>> No.9846772

i'm half the thread dumbass

>> No.9846818

First of all, I would not date my students for two reasons
1) It is really hard to see undergrads, regardless of gender, as anything more than subhuman
2) #metoo

Joking about 2 obviously but you get the idea.

It is actually objective. I think we can make the distinction between clothing that is practical and professional, and clothing that is designed to attract sexual attention. I think the latter is not appropriate for a university, but I don't mind women wearing that. It should just be a social norm that those types of clothes are reserved for parties, clubs, bars or any other places where people go explicitly to look for sexual partners.

>> No.9846822

if they wore the same clothes at home or in a situation where they were not among their preferred sexual partners, they would just be wearing normal clothes, not clothes designed to attract attention. that you interpret it as attention-seeking clothing says more about your own uncontrollable horny impulses than their desires

>> No.9846825

I personally just have an issue with people dressing like they have absolutely no fucks to give and like the university itself is an extension of their bedroom.

>> No.9846826

>You interpret it as attention-seeking clothing says more about your own uncontrollable horny impulses than their desires

You are ignoring the fact that there are clothes that are DESIGNED to be sexually appealing. I am actually not judging the women who wear them, but the clothes themselves. And if you genuinely do not know what kinds of clothes I'm talking about... fuck man go to a party or something. Meet some women.

>> No.9846830

The Jesuits at my school protect me from all the nasty impure women who want to steal my virginity away from me and my future wife

>> No.9846831

>my future wife
Your future wife sucked my dick last night

>> No.9846834

no bully pls

>> No.9846842

Everyone gets it, you're a bitter incel with autism incapable of acting above your base instincts and blaming that on everyone else.
Go back to /r9k/ and stay there.

>> No.9846848

>replies to my post
>does not respond to my point
>base instincts

Fuck man, these new 4chan buzzword AIs are getting better and better every day. How can I change your settings to /a/ buzzwords? I want you to tell me that anime was a mistake.

>> No.9846866
File: 227 KB, 1600x1200, 1528209421178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is pathetic

>> No.9846876

>thread in which the OP is criticizing women, but also asking for opinions
>instead of arguing, post this shit.

Yeah, no. If you think women are above scrutiny then you are just a cuck.

>> No.9846878

>You are ignoring the fact that there are clothes that are DESIGNED to be sexually appealing.
sexual appeal is entirely in the eyes of the beholder. in this case, it's you, the uncontrollable pervert

>> No.9846879

>sexual appeal is entirely in the eyes of the beholder.
Yes, but I'm not talking about sexual appeal. I am talking about clothes.

A sexy woman will be sexy in pretty much anything. You can't hide a cute face. What I am complaining about is explicitly the use of inappropriate clothing.

>> No.9846881

you only think it's inappropriate because you're embarassed by the raging boners you get

>> No.9846884

I think it is inappropriate because that's what I see women wearing at the fucking club.

>> No.9846888

ah, i get it. if only men went to the clubs you could dance without being hunched over to hide your erection

>> No.9846890

>clothes for being at the club are not clothes for being in my class
Why is this so hard to comprehend?

>> No.9846891

if you didn't have a throbbing member from your constant arousal i bet you could concentrate on class, right?

>> No.9846892

>clothes for being at the club are not clothes for being in my class
lol who are you, the university owner?

>> No.9846903

No, my good man. A boner would be no problem. I could give a lecture high and drunk off my ass. I could give a lecture while getting my dick suck. Fucking undergrad shit man, I could do it while a horse fucked me in the ass.

I am just a concerned professor, looking to save the souls of some poor thots and bring them to the good side so that they can become mathots.

>> No.9846904

then why do you care?

also lol. there's no fucking way you're a professor. you're a TA at best, probably an undergrad lab TA.

>> No.9846908

>then why do you care?
Because I want to save their souls.

>also lol. there's no fucking way you're a professor. you're a TA at best, probably an undergrad lab TA.
No, I am the research assistant of the undergrad lab TA's technician.

>> No.9846910

ITT: insecure /pol/tards

>> No.9846912

wtf is this thread? SAGE that shit.

>> No.9846914

>I am just a concerned professor
Or some crossboarding shitposter LARPing as one.

>> No.9846919

>be 31.
>back in college.
>feel like billy madison in the fourth grade.
>in my le pleb calc 2 class, thot next to me wearing spagetti strap?
>can see her nips.
>sqrt of sin is areolas.
>dick like diamonds.

This was like 6 years ago.

>> No.9846922

you're a bootlicker, then. get off your high horse and grow the fuck up

>> No.9846924

>he unironically believes that there is such a thing as the research assistant of the undergrad lab TA's technician

Jesus fuck, on how many layers of pseud are you on right now?

>> No.9846927

that's why i said bootlicker, because it's not a real position. i figured you were a brown-noser undergrad who sucked up to the TA so much they thought they had a modicum of power

>> No.9846928

Yes, nice backtrack my dude. One more layer!

>> No.9846934

all i know is that you'll go to any length to justify feeling bad about becoming erect at seeing a slightest hint of cleavage

>> No.9846941

>it is really annoying to see young girls dressed like strippers in the halls of my building and classroom.
t. Turbo faggotron (incel)

>> No.9846944

Not any length. I've gone as far as I've needed to counter your arguments. You've now reverted to the same argument from like 20 posts ago which means I don't need to go any further. You can just re-read our previous conversation.

>> No.9846946

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9846951

>You've now reverted to the same argument from like 20 posts ago which means I don't need to go any further.
did it really, really take you this long to realize i've been intentionally riling you up? are you that dumb?

>> No.9846953

>Haha XD I have been bumping your thread! GET PRANKED. REK'D!

>> No.9846963

They're embarrassing. Just like ur life.

>> No.9846979

Not even gay but places with only men tend to be more productive and organized, women somehow just add retardation to an area. All the stupid giggling and gossip.

>> No.9846981 [DELETED] 

Oh jesus this is why we want you away from us, this stupid irrational NUH UH YOU SUCK method of reasoning is why women are fucking cancer.

>> No.9846993

i bet you got really really excited to have someone to talk to

>> No.9847001

>being this retarded
holy shit my man, ice yourself

>> No.9847009

i started working in an office that had all dudes after working coed for so long. its so quiet in between keyboard and mouse clicks that you can hear the black guys music coming out of his headphones from across the cubicles. less than 100 words spoken by my whole team per day. fuck man, its nice.

>> No.9847019

i cool myself down in the cold hard truth

>> No.9847211


As a general rule men have much greater spatial and environmental awareness. Women just stand in the way all the time, don't know how to organize shit, and put things in dumb places, cluttering up the workspace area and generally making everything untidy.

Working with women really was an eye opener for me because I had previously bought into that whole equality and "we are all the same" bullshit. It was a huge relief to get out of that environment ( with all the social toxicity that women add ) and into an entirely male workplace.

Now I know this is not strictly true. I have worked with some really great females, and some real idiotic males. But they were the exceptions, not the general rule.

>> No.9847334

just go into a masculine major

>> No.9847448

i agree with you. it's very unprofessional and discourteous.

>> No.9847463

Thots are great, you can be a fuqboi and it's okay because their only friends to warn are other thots, who are more sexually interested in you for being a fuqboi than they are turned off.

Just wrap your dick and get a penicillin shot after, champ.

>> No.9847480
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>> No.9847500
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this made me fucking laugh, naturally /sci/ are taking it seriously and getting BTFO

>> No.9847544
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Jesus there's so many butt blasted women on this thread.

>> No.9847546
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>> No.9847574 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 1183x1578, 1456855643864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women don't understand how male lust actually operates. Women think that men experience women as "the Beautiful," as something pleasant and trifling that can be enjoyed at a distance and then allowed to pass on. They think that a picture of themselves wearing clothing that shows off all their fat and all their soft skin and warm nice holes is like a postcard with a picture of a beach on it. But to men, female beauty is not the Beautiful, it's the Sublime, it's not trifling but great and terrible, and it stirs something great and terrible and daemonic in man's subterranean depths that impels him forward to fuck things from roughly below and behind the prostate area.

When a man sees a picture of a beautiful sexy woman he feels half a million years of race knowledge thrumming in his veins, an infinity of sexy women reaching around behind themselves to spread their asscheeks and pussy apart with one hand and say "fuck me." He hears the drums from the movie Jumanji, his soul tangibly but invisibly leans forward outside of him grasping desperately for the pussy and gnashing its teeth. He wants to taste her holes and squeeze her fat and smell that combination of smells girls have that when you ask them what it is they say it's just normal shampoo and fabric softener but you know it's something more.

It's not fair to post these hot sluts constantly. The jezebels guy is right and this post is not an homage. I'm going to kill myself if I can't escape from this feeling soon. Women don't understand what they're doing. I saw a girl on a bicycle yesterday and I started thinking about what it would be like to be a bicycle seat for 10 minutes.

>> No.9847602
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>I started thinking about what it would be like to be a bicycle seat for 10 minutes

>> No.9847617

nigga just close your eyes and walk away haha

also STEM faculties are natural thot free zones already.

>> No.9847976

You sound like a fucking faggot.

>> No.9847997

>Think about this. You are saying that you cannot notice how a woman is dressed unless you are horny. This means that if a female colleague of yours recently purchased a new dress which looks great on her, you are physically incapable of noticing the charm and giving her a compliment unless you saw her in a sexual way.
I wouldn't dare doing that out of fear of being labelled a misogynist and having my career destroyed. It's best to just pretend women don't exist. If you see some bright flowery dress on a shapely woman with your peripheral vision, do not look. Don't even give them the benefit of knowing they've been noticed.

>> No.9848016

I fully support men only universities. Meaningful work might actually get accomplished.

>> No.9848214

Congrats on having not a single ounce of will and giving your power - your attention, away to a bunch of dumb attention-whores. Thanks for acquiescing to the shitty game women are playing. Thanks for diverting your attention away from more meaningful things. You are not a man.

>> No.9848241

>also STEM faculties are natural thot free zones already.
This, I'm sure humanities classes are literal orgies tho

>> No.9848275

That was probably written by a thot. They actually believe men should be grateful just to touch the ground they walk on. Like, no thanks, I don't want your dirty fucking panties as a souvenir. Throw them in the garbage for all I care.

>> No.9848407

sure is samefag in here

>> No.9848426 [DELETED] 

All vagina-having lifeforms are thots and all thots are vagina-having lifeforms. There is no non-thot female and there are no male thots.

>> No.9848622

But some women are nice and save their thottery for the appropriate time and place.

>> No.9848635

>Being so brainlet that you can't into intellectual celibacy

>> No.9848698

next time go in the class in vest and baggy jeans with underwear exposed and sit close to a roastie.
she wont ever be a thot again. Or she'l suck your dick. both options are good

>> No.9848721

Are you fuckin gay my son?

>> No.9848750

No, I'm a professional you 3 boners away from being a rapist bastard.

>> No.9848754

>How to avoid thots at university
Just go like one floor up in the natural sciences building and you'll no longer encounter thots.

>> No.9848761

the dark ages of 15 years ago when highschools used to ban spaghetti straps because everyone knew it was a huge distraction

>> No.9848762

Thanks for the thread OP, had a good laugh. Kek'd at the butthurt low IQ samefag who couldn't come up with a better quip than "u horny"

>> No.9848767

The slippery slope of rape will be our salvation, join me brother, release the kraken.

>> No.9848771 [DELETED] 
File: 530 KB, 1334x694, Female Brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9846516 Women shouldn't even be in collages in the first place. Pic related.

>> No.9848776 [DELETED] 
File: 530 KB, 1334x694, Female Brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9846516 Women shouldn't even be in universities in the first place. Pic related.

>> No.9848800

you better watch that edge anon

>> No.9848865

This is the spergiest most retarded post this board has seen in ages. Are you also going to start banning guys who lift because they look too muscular?

>> No.9848871

Not OP but I generally agree with him. I've also seen guys at school who dress inappropriately. I don't find it sexually distracting but others might, but it's still very unprofessional

>> No.9849056

>Are you also going to start banning guys who lift because they look too muscular?

In my experience, when it comes to men the worst offenders are guys who wear sleeveless shirts to show off their muscles. I do not say this because it bothers me (similarly to the women), but because it is not appropriate for the classroom.

But there is a huge difference here. While it is clear that guys who dress like this are doing it to look attractive, arms are not a lewd body part. Thinking about equality, I would not discipline a woman for showing her arms, so in principle, I have to act similarly towards men.

But for the sake of argument let's say that someday there are even worse offenders. To be equivalent to thots, who wear tight clothing to show off their butt and breasts, imagine that in the future it becomes popular for guys to wear really tight pants that show off your dick. Miss me with that shit, they are going out of my fucking classroom.

>> No.9849242

You keep reiterating "my classroom" as if that is a justification for your stance. Do whatever the fuck you want with your class as long as the school you work for allows it, I dont give a shit. Just realize that you dont have a sound argument for it. You are like a father being mad at their daughter for having a tattoo because you personally dont like tattoos.

>> No.9849253

lewd is a subjective opinion, not an objective one

>> No.9849376

holy shit shut up you fucking faggots
men are sexually stimulated mostly visually, am I a rapist for noticing a girl walking around dressed in spray-on clothes?

>> No.9849380

it's definitely objective and you're a retard

>> No.9849384

>nurrr nurrrr you're wetawd!

yikes. someone call the incel patrol.

>> No.9850381

Everyone reading this thread should also read this:


t. Ivy League mathfag with a 4.0 gpa

>> No.9850387


"incels" are a natural consequence of a degenerate hedonistic society which thinks that one of the main purposes of life is having constant sexual pleasure. There's a reason why religions and ancient societies feared unrestrained sexuality so much. They knew it could be highly dangerous and corruptive

>> No.9850412

if you look at her longer than you do anyone else on the street, your penis has overcome your rational mind and you're demonstrating your flimsy willpower

>> No.9850545

Can you just give a TL;DR?

>> No.9850579

There's more going on in modern society than hedonism.
Most incels are just not properly socialised because they can survive in their own little worlds playing games and reading books.

You're just a prude my dude.

>> No.9850626

Ok then. TL;DR, The book talks about the benefits of complete celibacy (no porn, no masturbation, no looking at women, no thinking about sex, and not even any wet dreams). By practicing celibacy you get solid willpower, extremely strong concentration, and, if you can maintain it for a long time, occult powers (the easiest to obtain are the powers of attracting people, influencing people, empathy/telepathy/mind-reading). All of it is 100% true.

Read the document in its entirety before you dismiss this as nonsense. I've practiced full celibacy for stretches of months at a time and I have seen some shit.

Every single ancient society had priests, monks, nuns, virgin girls, shamans, medicine men, etc. whose life was devoted to celibacy and the development of religious and occult powers. The reason that all this is so hard to believe is very simple. It's because living in the modern world has made complete celibacy impossible (just the remembrance of say, a sexy advert can break someone's meditation).

This book gives practical tips for trying to maintain complete celibacy and briefly outlines some of the religious history/philosophy/metaphysics behind all this (although it's much, much deeper than just what's covered in the document).

>> No.9850627

You, and most other people, have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You're so far from the truth. Read the document and my summary of it.

>> No.9850643

How many threads are you going to shill this in?

>> No.9850662

As many as it takes so that people get the message. If I can help even just one anon reading this, I'll feel like I've accomplished something. The situation for young men in modern society is worse than it's ever been. Psychic and occult power is being transferred from the male to the female, from the ordered state to several chaotic ones.

All the social phenomena and memes like 'incels' and 'angry and sad young men' have a deeper reason driving them. If I can help just one 'incel' or 'depressed virgin' or even some normal guy sad because his girlfriend cheated on him, I'll feel like I've accomplished something.

My life has been completely changed reading this. I've gone from depressed virgin to someone who's happy all the time, so happy that if I lost everything, my friends, my possessions, my family, my education, and had to live poor and naked and alone in the Himalayas, I'd still be happy and at peace. If I had to go fight and die in a war, and suffer pain and loss and death, I would be happy.

Read the book.

>> No.9850673

>As many as it takes so that people get the message. If I can help even just one anon reading this, I'll feel like I've accomplished something. The situation for young men in modern society is worse than it's ever been. Psychic and occult power is being transferred from the male to the female, from the ordered state to several chaotic ones.
dude get help. So sad to see schizophrenics not realize they are.

>> No.9850691

Lol. I'm the farthest thing from schizo you could possibly imagine. Not saying Ivy League math majors with a 4.0 can't be crazy (I guess Ted Kaczynski is an example). But I have a family who loves me, and a few friends who I talk to about normal every day stuff. I have a life and work and normal ambitions like everyone else.

None of what I'm saying is a delusion. I got this knowledge through reading older and more esoteric books (I can link you to some if you're interested). At first I didn't believe it either- no one wants to at first, because it's easier to just keep jacking off and thinking about sex. But I persevered, and I experienced some really weird things. It's all real. I can only tell people online because obviously people will think I'm insane IRL. But it's all real.

>> No.9850697

you're an idiot for thinking other people's problems are your own. I used to jack off a ton. now im too busy doing academic shit to jack off even every day. Sometimes i dont even want to but i know it's a better option than waking up in a puddle of cum.
Im really sorry some people decide to indulge in certain biological processes you deem as unworthy of their time or attention, but who the fuck cares, it's not your life. I would absolutely love to never shit, eat, shower, or jack off again but guess what, you're in an imperfect biological body, and some people fall victim to its immediate pleasures. You have to get over it and worry about yourself.
again, who the fuck cares what other people around you are doing if you're accomplishing shit and making yourself a better person?

>> No.9850706

> Im really sorry some people decide to indulge in certain biological processes you deem as unworthy of their time or attention, but who the fuck cares, it's not your life.

That's true. It isn't my life. But I know from personal experience that some people can dramatically improve theirs by taking up complete celibacy. If you're not at that stage, then I don't really have a problem with you.

> you're in an imperfect biological body, and some people fall victim to its immediate pleasures. You have to get over it and worry about yourself.

That's also true, I completely agree. But all the religions of the world teach a certain knowledge that has been lost or falsely maligned because of science. That knowledge is that we are, in fact, not our biological bodies. The eventual goal of human life should be to overcome the weaknesses and 'immediate pleasures' of our bodies, so that we can reside in our own pure Spirit. Celibacy is a good way to do that. Someone who practices celibacy and meditation wholly and sincerely will find that the bliss of residing in Spirit is much, much, much greater than the immediate pleasures of the physical body.

> who the fuck cares what other people around you are doing...

The only reason I care about what other people around me are doing is because it interferes with those who are trying to develop themselves. I'm a libertarian, I believe people should be free to explore the entire realm of human experience, but one very important dimension of experience is being shut off because of unrestrained sexuality everywhere. Sort of like a toxic, poisoned environment (hence the need to create 'thot' free zones, just like people would create smoke-free zones so that people don't get lung cancer involuntarily).

> ...if you're accomplishing shit and making yourself a better person?

When I began the practice of complete celibacy, my definition of 'accomplishing shit' and 'making myself a better person' drastically changed.

>> No.9850716

>That's true. It isn't my life. But I know from personal experience that some people can dramatically improve theirs by taking up complete celibacy. If you're not at that stage, then I don't really have a problem with you.
who cares about them? why do you care? what is there to be gained? why would you waste your time when you could be improving yourself?
>The only reason I care about what other people around me are doing is because it interferes with those who are trying to develop themselves.
how? how the hell is someone thotting it up stopping me from getting research done? also as a libertarian, you want absolute personal freedom except when people do shit you dont like, like slutting it up in school with what they wear. how do you not see the hypocrisy? what if they want to explore the entire realm of human existence by thotting it up?
>When I began the practice of complete celibacy, my definition of 'accomplishing shit' and 'making myself a better person' drastically changed.
great for you, but not everyone is you, and what you consider to be not an accomplishment is different to other people. You are only your perception of the world, and must acknowledge that other people's perceptions are equally as valid as yours. What you consider an accomplishment now others dont, and what you dont consider accomplishments now others do. get over it.

>> No.9850729

> who cares about them? why do you care? what is there to be gained? why would you waste your time when you could be improving yourself?

There is value in selfless service. I'm posting on an anonymous message board. No one knows who I am. There's nothing for me to gain. But I think of myself as a kind and selfless person. I know for a fact that the overall amount of happiness and well-being in the world would increase more if one person took up celibacy then if a cure for cancer was discovered tomorrow. Of course, this will be extremely difficult for you to understand, but if you reach a certain stage of advancement, you will understand why this is true.

> How the hell is someone thotting it up stopping me from getting research done?

Unrestrained sexuality doesn't stop someone from getting scientific research done. But it blocks off an entire realm of spirituality which you currently have no power to appreciate unless you were actually in that realm (which you're not).

> also as a libertarian, you want absolute personal freedom except when people do shit you dont like

I already explained this. It's not hypocrisy. Everyone should be free to explore whatever realms of experience they wish WHILE NOT STOPPING OTHERS from exploring whatever realms they wish. Read my analogy about smoke-free zones again.

> What you consider an accomplishment now others dont, and what you dont consider accomplishments now others do. get over it.

I'm already over it. I understand better than anyone else that perceptions of the world can be relative, and vary among different people. I understand this because I underwent a dramatic shift in my own perception. I encourage you and everyone reading this to explore different realms of perception, even if it may be difficult. To boldly go where no one has gone before. Isn't this what being a scientist is all about?

>> No.9850735

oh boy this is gonna be fun

>There is value in selfless service.
holy shit you're such a martyr, thank you so much based anon sacrificing so much time from his important endeavors to enlighten me how women should wear what he thinks they should
> But I think of myself as a kind and selfless person. I know for a fact that the overall amount of happiness and well-being in the world would increase more if one person took up celibacy then if a cure for cancer was discovered tomorrow. Of course, this will be extremely difficult for you to understand, but if you reach a certain stage of advancement, you will understand why this is true.
seriously, get mental health help.
>Unrestrained sexuality doesn't stop someone from getting scientific research done. But it blocks off an entire realm of spirituality which you currently have no power to appreciate unless you were actually in that realm (which you're not).
see above
>I already explained this. It's not hypocrisy. Everyone should be free to explore whatever realms of experience they wish WHILE NOT STOPPING OTHERS from exploring whatever realms they wish. Read my analogy about smoke-free zones again.
so those girls are stopping you from entering a spiritual realm by forcing you to look at them with their clothing choice. got it.
>I'm already over it. I understand better than anyone else that perceptions of the world can be relative, and vary among different people. I understand this because I underwent a dramatic shift in my own perception. I encourage you and everyone reading this to explore different realms of perception, even if it may be difficult. To boldly go where no one has gone before. Isn't this what being a scientist is all about?
yea you're actually a crazy person with internet access. huge narcissist too. go ahead and give me your dismissive reply about how im not in a mental state of advancement enough to see the light.

>> No.9850752

Go to a uni that don't offer humanities

>> No.9850756

> seriously, get mental health help.
Not an argument.

> so those girls are stopping you from entering a spiritual realm by forcing you to look at them with their clothing choice. got it.
No one is really, truly forcing anybody to do anything. I tend to think of this situation more calmly and objectively: like a fish being born in water, not knowing that land exists. I just think it's a bit sad that it's very difficult for young men living in our society to live in a more spiritual manner.

Of course, I admit that no one is physically stopping anyone from running away to be a monk. A student in the average hedonistic Western college is theoretically free to isolate himself from women, alcohol, and other pleasures in order to pursue his spirituality. But I take issue with the fact that there are a lot of obstacles in the way of this. All I'm asking is that there is room for people to pursue both their bodily pleasures, and their spirituality. As I said before, I'm not a prude, I'm a libertarian. In the same vein, I also believe that prostitution should be legalized, but also that there should be spaces for male students to live free of women if they wish. In the past, this would have been very normal and reasonable. It's only because of widespread feminist propaganda and ignorance that this is considered 'sexist' and 'bad' when in fact, it is not. It is you who resides in a state of ignorance, due to your lack of knowledge about the dictates of the past. You have been brainwashed into believing that our modern society is the best possible one because of 'freedom'. Freedom to pursue whatever material pleasures one desires is actually a meaningless freedom. It quickly becomes worthless. Real freedom is spiritual freedom. Read the book. It'll all make sense. I speak as someone who once believed what you believe, but now I know better.

>> No.9850759

get help anon. or go live in a cave, you're clearly not mentally appropriate for modern society and where it is going.

>> No.9850779

Sadly I think this is true. My plan is to make enough money to retire early and spend the rest of my life in a cabin somewhere up north. I don't have a problem with this and I'm perfectly happy (no matter how hard this is for you to believe!) Participation in this material world of sex and intoxicants brings me more pain than pleasure now. It disturbs my meditation and has stolen away the faculties I've worked so hard to develop.

If there are any others on this board who are curious, I encourage you to read the book and to begin purifying yourself now. It is 100% possible to achieve unparalleled bliss and freedom from all material troubles. Look into religion (not modern Christianity- that has been degraded into an unsuitable form). Study the Eastern religions: Buddhism and Hinduism. Look into original, Orthodox sects of Abrahamic religions. Look into asceticism. There are great discoveries and great realizations to be made on this path, more than any scientist will find studying one highly specialized, technical, materialist topic over the entire course of his career. The Spirit shall eventually overcome all matter.

>> No.9850795

i never challenged your happiness. I only challenged the purpose of the pointlessness of trying to correct people's actions into what you consider to be "correct"

>> No.9850800

Everything has a point. Nothing is ever pointless. I wish you and everyone reading this the best of luck.

>> No.9850831


>Be woman in china
>Life is rough, but you keep your head down and work hard
>New factory opens up
>Spend all day on mindless labor making motherboards for $300 a month
>Bought and used by /pol/tard NEETs to complain about how women and foreigners have no value to society

>> No.9850833

Taiwan is this case, but point remains.

>> No.9850974

What is your opinion on unrelated posts on /sci/?

For me, it is really annoying to see retards shitposting about hating women or their IQ no one cares about. I think /sci/ should be a dumbass-free zone. This could be anything from denying manlet a access to the thread to taking away their electronics. I really don't mind which one it is, I just want to have one place in the world that isn't my room where I don't have to sit through manlets' retarded, unrelated bullshit.

>> No.9850980

You're getting baited by an (ironic?) retard

>> No.9850984

sign of how retarded sci is that this thread got 122 replies. i hear reddits havin a purge. can we not purge you all. go back to /r9k/ or /b/ or /pol/

>> No.9851025

Read the thread a bit more, he admits he is not ironic. He is a retard. The genuine article.

>> No.9851026

>122 replies
>57 unique IP's
go forum slide somewhere else

>> No.9851058

i never admitted that, i only said i was trying to bait you the whole time.

i do believe everything i said but that's beside the point

>> No.9851079

>i do believe everything i said
Yes, so you are the genuine article. A retard in the flesh.

>> No.9851683
File: 580 KB, 1582x1627, hpubw7gbpoiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever heard the term "temple of science"? Temple. A sacred place to be respected.
Not a fucking catwalk for attention whores.
Those of you who see no problem with it - it's provably because youre being sexualised since childchood.

When cult of the flesh dominates over the cult of the mind, the civilisation is doomed. As it was with Greeks, Romans, and now, with Europeyans.

Protip: numerous great men in history criticised distracting factor women have on the developing Man. Shit, not so long ago being asexual was considered a good thing - no distractions, can focus on science.

If you don't understand corelation between cult of hedonism and the end of science, you're a retard.

>inb4 being called a poltard by some nigger
Oh, I don't hate women, either. I'm married & have a kid.

>> No.9851690

This is why Tesla was unironically the most redpilled genius in recent history

>> No.9851691

>Not even gay but places with only men tend to be more productive and organized, women somehow just add retardation to an area. All the stupid giggling and gossip.
Its true.
What's even worse are 100% women workplaces. The women would get into those quiet wars where they all talk shit about each other behind their backs, build fractions agains each other, spew acid, all while pretending to be nice & civilised.
Actually, introducing some men into the open space they used to work in, calmed the situation and made them behave more normal.
>source: wife was an editor for a large int. corp. that owns several international women magazines, portals and books

>> No.9851698

how did this shit thread get so many posts. u guys should segregate yourselves and make an incels page... /inc/

>> No.9851699

u ever seen love island? men are cunts too,

>> No.9851710

more like dying before reaching 30 from common cold :(

>> No.9851729

I had similar thoughts

>just the remembrance of say, a sexy advert can break someone's meditation
where is this cited from?

I worked in advertising and 'sex sells' was the only thing we practiced. I was depressed and quit the job and now I'm studying CS because I don't ever want to manipulate humans for money again..

>waking up in a puddle of cum
do you think this is the only thing that happens if you stop to fap?

>You have to … worry about yourself
Look we humans are neither completely separated nor conjoined entities.

every human is himself AND part of the human species.

Complete eremites don't exit and can never exist, one can never completely(!) isolate himself from human society.

therefore most of societies problems are each individuals problems and vice versa.

>> No.9851738

but all they do in cs is manipulate humans. all the cs jobs are maintaining websites for companies with an emphasis on attractability and advertising with the rare occasional interesting ticktok

>> No.9851741


u a virgin bruv?

>> No.9851744

that's simply not true, there is a lot more to CS than maintaining a stupid website...

nah brah r u? bc only virgin fgts rite lik dis unironlically

>> No.9851746

well i dnt know much about it but literally thats what all my cs friends do now. good wage though 45k in pounds starting.

nd nah mate u right like this when uve had a bangin nite out.


>> No.9851747

You clearly don't understand how sexuality works on a subconscious level
>Ever wonder why women are always the first to notice that somebodies fly is down?

>> No.9851749

because they love it? #bigdix

>> No.9851759
File: 176 KB, 750x750, 3713982725435398459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Complete eremites don't exit and can never exist, one can never completely(!) isolate himself from human society.
>therefore most of societies problems are each individuals problems and vice versa.
This is how I know you're into eastern philosophy
>Indra's net

>> No.9851781

my eremite never exits. he just recedes and proceeds. into the perforation ad nauseum.

>> No.9851813

>occult powers (the easiest to obtain are the powers of attracting people, influencing people, empathy/telepathy/mind-reading). All of it is 100% true.
I thought this was the science board

>> No.9852016

I am completely unrelated to any debate here, but I just saw "thottery" and it gave me a chuckle. Thanks.

>> No.9852023

>I could give a lecture high and drunk off my ass. I could give a lecture while getting my dick suck. Fucking undergrad shit man, I could do it while a horse fucked me in the ass.
Prove it.

>> No.9852031

believe me, i do understand. i also know that if you dont have conscious control over where you put your attention, you're a simpleminded robot no better than a sack of ground meat. why are you even in school if you don't have the slightest ounce of willpower?

>> No.9852034

>Why don't you have willpower over your subconscious
How retarded are you?

>> No.9852167

It's totally possible to gain willpower over your subconscious, but it does take some effort. In fact, those who have willpower over their subconscious are often the most well-integrated, well-adjusted, and psychologically capable people. People whose subconscious and conscious are integrated, whose thinking and feeling are integrated, are the happiest. People who think logically one way but feel another way are very unhappy and depressed. It all starts with gaining mastery over the subconscious.

You should read Jungian psychology and his books about dream interpretation (like Man and His Symbols). Try NoFap seriously and look into lucid dreaming. There will be some wack shit in your dreams that will help you in day to day life. Like using your dream to get the solution of a math proof, which has happened to me before.

>> No.9852194

>imagine unironicalky writing all this
I wish all the incel poltards would go back to plebbit whence they came

>> No.9852196

It already exists, it's called /pol/

>> No.9852325

Open your own private university with your own rules and stop whining.

>> No.9852328

>You should read Jungian psychology
>Believing this crap
Done listening to anything you have to say as it's clearly tainted with Peterson-esque pseudo intellectualism

>> No.9852344

I thought you were a lunatic at first anon, but your posts have all been lucid and thought out. You may have (by contemporary standards) unconventional ideas about things, but I think you've clearly demonstrated self awareness and consciousness, which puts you a cut above the typical raving schizo posts that sometimes end up on /sci/. I'd love to check out some of the books you mentioned earlier, if you're still around.

>> No.9852541

>Believing that the only modern psychologist that uses Carl Jung's work is Peterson

Amazing. I cannot even imagine how it must feel to be so ignorant about everything and yet be so confident about being correct.

>> No.9852580

> I thought you were a lunatic at first anon, but your posts have all been lucid and thought out.

Gee, thanks.

> I'd love to check out some of the books you mentioned earlier

Here's a reading list with some descriptions:

The Practice of Brahmacharya by Swami Sivananda
(written with a view towards the common man. Includes a brief motivation, as well as useful and practical day-to-day guidelines for maintaining celibacy. For beginners, this is the Bible. It is also the Wikipedia, in the sense that it will serve as a guide to motivate your further researches into this topic)

A History of Celibacy by Elizabeth Abbott (title self-explanatory)

Eros and the Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex by Julius Evola
(provides a comprehensive overview of ancient societies, doctrines, mythologies, and rituals and their views towards human sexuality.).

Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control by E. Michael Jones
(describes how the vice of lust can be and has been exploited for malicious purposes)

Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung (a very good book, and not just for understanding sex. Includes interpretation of the archetypal symbolism of ancient religions and myths).

Any book by Swami Krishnananda is excellent (https://www.swami-krishnananda.org/books_4.html).). This man is a Hindu monk who has read Western philosophy (think Kant, Hegel) and can explain ancient Indian spirituality from the lens of the logical, Enlightenment-era Western philosopher.

Postmodernism 101 by Heath White (describes the current state of affairs in world history and how it came to be. Excellent for overcoming modern-day propaganda).

>> No.9852583

>how it must feel to be so ignorant about everything and yet be so confident about being correct
Never before has a more projected opinion been presented to me. Thank you

>> No.9852609

Thank you, anon. I'm always interested in reading something new. If you haven't already, make sure you check out >>>/lit/

>> No.9852616

Also, some other books, once someone has gotten the basics down:

The Doctrine of Awakening by Julius Evola (repeals popular myths about Buddhist spirituality, such as that it is for the weak, cowardly, or that it is intrinsically nonviolent. Reaffirms that the source of all morality is religion and reminds the reader of the true definition of sin, independent of any incorrect modern day conception of morality as some kind of utilitarianism or altruism).

The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda

How to Know Higher Worlds: A Modern Path of Initiation by Rudolf Steiner (Steiner was a German student of the natural sciences who also dabbled in mysticism. This book explains why and how science has usurped the status that religion once occupied in our society. It also provides an practical introduction to mystical practices and exercises).

Sayings of the Desert Fathers (deals with the overcoming of lust through asceticism, from an ancient Christian perspective. Pay particular attention to the sayings concerning fornication)

The Primitive Rule of the Knights Templar (law-book of this medieval Catholic military order, containing an injunction towards strict celibacy).

Any good book that has to do with Native American traditions will mention the hunting rituals of the Cherokee peoples and how it involved the practice of fasting, celibacy, and ritual purification for a fixed stretch of time.

Any book written by the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran, a great poet, a great imam, a great leader, and a great man.

>> No.9852618


Occult Science in India and Among the Ancients by Louis Jacolliot (although the origins of this book are a little sketchy, Jacolliot comes close enough to many of the important aspects of ancient Indian/Aryan spirituality).

This pdf document about sex and religion (http://hbrucestokes.com/images/Kesher_-_Sex_and_Religion.pdf))

The Laws of Manu (at sacredtexts.com. Generally anything from sacredtexts.com is a good resource). It can be found here: http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/manu/manu09.htm.. Pay attention to the line "That chief of royal sages who formerly possessed the whole world, caused a confusion of the castes (varna), his intellect being destroyed by lust."

Lastly, the Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 12, Chapter Two. This is an ancient Hindu prophecy/eschatology concerning the symptoms of decline we see modern times. It's disturbingly accurate.

There's actually a lot more you can find out. Once you start reading one thing, your natural curiosity will be triggered and this will start a chain reaction. You'll be searching for more and more, wanting to learn more and more. This truly is a hidden knowledge, a great secret, only hidden because it's been turned into a huge joke by modern society. I urge you and everyone else to start reading and help yourselves.

And yes, I do frequent /lit/ occasionally but I've made a conscious decision not to read modern and postmodern literature anymore since I've come to the conclusion that it can be toxic to the Spirit.

>> No.9852620

>this science and math related thread has been up for 2 days
Bravo hot pockets.

>> No.9852623

> Fucking undergrad shit man, I could do it while a horse fucked me in the ass.
t. voice of experience

>> No.9852638

Sorry, there's even more. There's one last book I'll mention, unless anyone else has any specific requests or questions. This book is noted for inducing severe detachment in all who read it. Note that detachment is not the same thing as depression. In Eastern spirituality, detachment with the transience of this world and its material pleasures is seen as desirable, a prerequisite to achieve transcendence. The book is:

The Vairagya Satakam: http://estudantedavedanta.net/Vairagya-Satakam-The-Hundred-Verses-on-Renunciation.pdf

>> No.9852786

How about limiting who is allowed at university instead?

Only accept serious scholars and reject everyone else.

Problem solved.

>> No.9853564
File: 311 KB, 703x547, Banisadr_Fallaci_Khomeini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any book written by the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran, a great poet, a great imam, a great leader, and a great man.

You almost had me, you muslim peace of shit.
I'm old enough to remember what that worshiper of feces is.

>> No.9853752

Your post screams virgin OP.

Who cares what they wear? You don't have to interact with them if you don't want to. You don't have to look at them unless you can't help it.

I hate feminism for a number of reasons but all humans should have the right to bodily autonomy because all living things are born autonomous, meaning it is intrinsic to human nature.

As is sex. The reason we don't see men dressed as thots as frequently as women at our age (assuming you're in uni) is that women have an expiration date. Not many people want a girl past childbearing age. Women see that day coming and in university it feels closer than ever since they know work is coming right after and know that it's harder to find a mate in the work place since they cannot exploit their sexual appeal in a professional setting and because their co-workers aren't always the same age group.

For women, finding a mate becomes harder as time goes on. For men, it's kind of like a bell curve. Peaking when you've found a job and house and stabilized your life with a longer plateau than women that only lowers once you're senile, rather than dropping to zero the moment you hit menopause.

Men age like fine wine, women like spoiled milk, so it is their incentive to entice a mate before no one wants them anymore and their best chance is university when they're at their peak.

They're just following a drive for sex and survival like all of us are.

>> No.9854635

>You don't have to look at them unless you can't help it.
OP is LARPing as a teacher
He quite literally needs to look at them

>> No.9854645

Women shouldn't even be allowed in unis in the first place desu

>> No.9854849

This is a possibility worth considering, but it goes against my principles of liberty and equality. The only thing we can do is establish a pure meritocracy and then if women can't get in then so be it.

>> No.9854863

Those are bad principles as they are not based in reality.

>> No.9854868

They are. If you are trying to run a society and you directly oppress any group, those people will always try to stage a revolution against you. Living knowing that there is a growing number of people wanting to behead you is no way to live if you ask me. We must keep the people happy and grant them freedom so that they feel that they could also one day be at the top.

>> No.9855641

I'm with you, but the thing is, women arent equal to us. They are poor creatures who bleed once a month and are driven by emotions rather than logic. Wathing womens lack of response for rapid islamisation of Urop and how easy it is to manipulate them with marxism, made me loose all respect for them.
They do make fine doctors though, I'll give them that.

>t.ex hardcore feminist

>> No.9855643

>people will always try to stage a revolution against you.
Heh. No. All revolutions are orchistrated by intrest groups who use victims as canon fodder to achieve their goals of conquest.
Wellcome to the real world, bro.

>> No.9855748

Go back to rolling in mud at Woodstock

>> No.9855829

>I'm with you, but the thing is, women aren't equal to us.
I am talking about equality of opportunity.

No revolution can make it unless they amass a huge number of supporters (to use as cannon fodder, as you said). Read about Cuba's revolution for example. Had the government not been treating their farmers and their intellectuals so badly, Cuba would not be communist today. And then the communists treated their people like shit too, the only difference is that they went all the way to create a police state that immediately kills all dissenters.

>> No.9855853

>That hoe over there
Why not just say hoe. It's literally faster.

>> No.9855855

Well, you gotta keep up with the kids. I know most people here are not professors and I know speaking like a grandpa is not very lit, senpai.

>> No.9855956

>Men age like fine wine, women like spoiled milk, so it is their incentive to entice a mate before no one wants them anymore and their best chance is university when they're at their peak.
They don't need to do it in the lecture rooms.

Sometimes I wish school uniforms would come back.

>> No.9855963

you sound like someone who would say that women want to look good for themselves. never mind what they really mean is feeding their self-esteem from the attention they get from guys exactly like OP. at some point, you are just asking for it.

>> No.9856652

At first I didn't know which side I was on but thenI heard one side call the other a bunch of incels. That's when I knew that the side with said incels must be wrong. Very persuasive argument, would recommend for all current issues.

>> No.9856657

>>t.ex hardcore feminist
I'm interested to see how you're an ex-feminist. Was there anything you think that drove you to be a hardcore feminist in the first place? And what made you drop it?

>> No.9856691


>> No.9856851

>Was there anything you think that drove you to be a hardcore feminist in the first place?
As I teen I could not get pussy.
>And what made you drop it?
Lost my virginity.

>> No.9857142

Bump. I just want more stuff for my NoFap reading list

>> No.9857290

Just call them sluts and get on with your life lol.

>> No.9857313

Great logic m8. I should go to class wearing a cup and a leather tank top then if any women complain I'll just accuse them of being horny and having no self control

>> No.9857387

We should unironically bring back codpieces though

>> No.9857397

It's slang that originates from /pol/. I can't find the screencap at the moment but I swear I'm not joking.

>> No.9857462

Is it normal sexuality or a problem? Cunts spelling themselves in a classroom shouldn't be accepted CMV.

>> No.9857791
File: 78 KB, 776x1222, Modest-dress-for-women-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw no modest qt3.14s anywhere at my uni.

>> No.9857907

what clothes do you use to attract women¿?

(send help)

>> No.9857958

>you only think it's inappropriate because you're embarassed by the raging boners you get
Where does this line of thinking end? Should people be allowed to go to class in a swimming suit, underwear, nothing?

>> No.9857968

Why not?

>> No.9857979

It makes other people uncomfortable. It makes other people so uncomfortable that it's already illegal in most public places. If nudity isn't allowed, it's not hard to imagine that revealing clothes wouldn't be allowed based on location and time. OP may be a faggot, but the people saying "they can wear whatever they want xDDD" are also faggots. There's already precedent for things like dress codes. Students shouldn't wear revealing clothes in class.

>> No.9857985

I think asians should be required to take exams naked, so we can be assured they aren't cheating. Why does my right to have my degree mean something take a backseat to your right to not feel uncomfortable? Facts don't care about your feelings

>> No.9857996

>I think asians should be required to take exams naked, so we can be assured they aren't cheating.
I remember you from another thread! That was a while ago.

>Facts don't care about your feelings
EVERYTHING is arbitrary. We have to choose values based off of our understanding of the society, culture, and tradition we find ourselves in. Once we've decided on values, we can use facts to help us make trade offs. Western industrialized societies are more worried about nudity in the classroom than the chance of a student cheating. That's why we aren't naked in the classroom.

>> No.9858010

There is no empathy from /sci/ ever which makes me sad.

It must be truly frightening to know in 10 years time you won't have a great body anymore and that you also spent the first 18 years of your life not building any skills. Yes, most people are dummies but I look at all these people working lame jobs doing mediocre tasks for mediocre or little pay and I just feel bad.

A woman I know in her 30s sits on Facebook all day trying to sell facial products to people. I don't feel superior to her. I feel sorry for her.

>> No.9858020

>It makes other people uncomfortable
No, it makes (You) uncomfortable, and frankly you seem like the kind of oversensitive pussy that gets offended by everything and lashes out in impotent rage on a myanmar papercraft fan subreddit like it's his little hug box.

>> No.9858029


>> No.9858041
File: 137 KB, 500x500, benis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress codes and laws against public nudity exist. If you think you should be able to wear whatever you want in public, then you think you should be able to do things that would make you a sex offender. If you do those things, you are a sex offender, a pervert.

What OP considers unacceptable might be fine in your world view. It might be fine in the view of the people around you. It might be fine in the classroom. But there are things that are not fine, and you will not be able to live near an elementary school if you wear them in public.

>> No.9858236

This. I think that "faggot" is actually a woman because she can't grasp the basic fact that ogling at women is a instinctual behavior hardwired in all healthy, straight men.

>> No.9858402

Just look like you are rich. If you have a nice body then show it off.

>> No.9858441

>Dress codes and laws against public nudity exist.
And they are by no means universal. In my town women are allowed to go topless and theres a big nudist park right in the middle of dowtown.
If you want everyone to follow your own personal flavor of morality feel free to transfer to Riad Polytech, GO FIGHTIN' ACKBARS!

>> No.9858453

This has nothing to do with morality. It has to do with practicality.

Look, we all know there are plenty of women with daddy issues and Iwantattention syndrome, but does that mean that we should let them disrupt the other men and women who actually go there to learn? There are designated daddy issues disposal locations like bars, parties, concerts, etc. You know, places where people are not working. Places where you go specifically to have fun.

I know that from your perspective, it hurts that your dad never loved you and you really need that male attention and validation to keep yourself from tying that knot but try to think of other people. My mom and dad are still married. They still love me. People like me do not need your cancerous attitude. Keep it to yourself.

>> No.9858454

The only redpilled solution is to ban women from universities. Prove me wrong.

>> No.9858455

>dress doesn’t even cover her ankles
get that slut out of here

>> No.9858459

That is a horrible solution. If we allow men to ban women from doing anything, then what argument will we have when, say, Asian people want to ban white people.

The actual redpilled solution is to make university so hard and competitive that women are effectively unable to get in, not because we are banning them, but because they just can't score high enough.

>> No.9858464

if Asian people want to ban whites from universities in Asia then they should go ahead

>> No.9858466

Fuck man, I'm not this redpilled yet. Carry on you beautiful beautiful man.

>> No.9858474

ITT conservatives defend safe spaces for little horny bois

>> No.9858482

I'm glad to see you have no argument against it and you just came here to report and give a summary for anyone new reading the thread.

Your summary is unfortunately only a half-truth. We are not sexist as you, this is something that will benefit both boys and girls. We are not doing it for any specific gender. It is for all of us.

>> No.9858618
File: 53 KB, 400x501, thot alarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9859148
File: 238 KB, 415x457, 1529899065133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want everyone to follow your own personal flavor of morality
Your town is a rare exception. You're the only one forcing your personal morals on others. I'm reminding you that the overwhelming consensus across the industrialized world is that you're a perverted exhibitionist that shouldn't be allowed near children.

>> No.9859159

My physics department is 99.95% thot free, from what I've observed.
>tfw no physics thots

>> No.9859207

when you let it interfere with your studies, it is.

sounds like a plan. as long as you actually take the lesson to heart and get a grip on your own body

if you weren't an unrestrained sex pervert you wouldnt even ask that question

>> No.9859220

we already have them, they are called engineering classes

>> No.9859223

>1) It is really hard to see undergrads, regardless of gender, as anything more than subhuman
Oh my god no one in my life has ever said anything I relate to more than this.

>> No.9859225

ha ha, us postgraduates right??! FUCK undergraduates

>> No.9859230

what, are you a buttmad undergrad or something?

>> No.9859281

I agree with you OP
I think people here are trolling

>> No.9859445

I post on /sci/ regularly and I know for a fact that there is a small group of feminists here so I can guarantee the retardation you see in this thread is 100% non-GMO, organic and bought directly from the farmers.

>> No.9859450

t. roasties
Quit kidding yourselves and just go work in a strip club or camwhore like all of you are truly destined for

>> No.9859463

>everyone i don't like is a feminist

>> No.9859468

If i was a roastie I would work in a strip club so fast. Its essentially 0 effort and you make mad rack

>> No.9859484

>it is the girl's fault that other people can't control their boners
Sorry pedro we don't allow pedos to be teacher anymore, nobody is slowing down the class

>> No.9859489

>we don't allow pedos to be teacher anymore
Guys I think this one might actually be genuine.
>How could you possibly be this stupid?

>> No.9859533


>> No.9859756

I think dressing like a thot is inappropriate for a learning environment
I don't know why most females feel the need to over-sexualize themselves everywhere they go

>> No.9859760

>I don't know why most females feel the need to over-sexualize themselves everywhere they g
They are literal attention whores, they honestly want people to ogle at them

>> No.9859781

Is it appropriate? No. Can you stop someone from getting an education because they wear short shorts? Also no. Your opinion doesn't dictate the lives of others. Fuck off. You can wear whatever you want within reason, so can they. You don't get special privileges, you snowflake faggot.

>> No.9859841

>Can you stop someone from getting an education because they wear short shorts
You can establish a dress code

>> No.9859854

>men are more visually stimulated than women
>it's acceptable for women to show far more skin than men in class
It really makes me think. It's obviously done for attention. There should be some studies done about this so if we can see if the claim that only perverts get distracted by this is true. Feminists really have some nerve, man.

>> No.9859865

Of course. That's completely fair and well within the rights of the school to do so. However, and I may be wrong here. I think establishing a dress code is different than establishing a no thot zone. Especially when OP wants to play God emperor and decide who is a thot.

>> No.9859884

It can simply be
"No lewd or provocative clothing during scheduled classes"
It's simple enough to understand, is general enough not to be discriminatory and will deal with the thot question

>> No.9859891

It's not like people don't have a common understanding of what a thot is
OP was an over the top post of passion but I understand what he meant

>> No.9859913

You can't have a general rule like that. What is provocative to some, may not be interpreted as provocative by another. That's why school don't do this. They have things like "no seams hemmed 4 inches above the knee" or whatever. It's much more specific.
Of course. But What constitutes a 'thot' is not defined. If something like that isn't defined explicitly then you're going to have problems. It's the same reason the law has separate charges for burglary and larceny, when they could just have a general "don't take people's shit" law. They had to be picky about wording, because if it applies to a general population, then it's going to be interpreted differently by every person. Again, that's why schools have the hem line rule.

>> No.9859955

>implying all rules shouldn't just be as vague and elastic as possible to permit unbridled puritanism and arbitrary punishment
daily reminder that "jurisprudence" is pure autism

>> No.9859958

Sure, but it's the way our system is set up. I agree with it. I don't think these things should be too vague. If you don't like something, fine. You shouldn't be allowed to just blanket cover everything you don't like because it offends you. That's leftist tier cry baby bitching. I agree, there needs to be something in place. But "NO THOTS!!!!!!! :(" isn't good enough. Sorry.

>> No.9859973

>just blanket cover everything you don't like because it offends you
>leftist tier
Were you born in 2005?

>> No.9859986

1993, why? How is that incorrect. Don't leftist try to blanket cover everything they don't like?
>White people?
"Racist. All of them. Unless you're actively calling others racists you are a racist. If you're not with the cause you're against it. Simply because you are white, you have built a foundation that supports and still supports racism."
See? I just blanket covered an entire race. That was easy as fuck.

>> No.9860183

>That's why school don't do this. They have things like "no seams hemmed 4 inches above the knee" or whatever. It's much more specific.
Highschools have this because they're dealing with children. Higher education and offices do not. They are vague because adults can figure it out at their own discretion. If you don't know what business casual means and can't find out, you're a child.

>> No.9860243

anon is haunted by all that he can see but cannot touch, the thread

>> No.9860292

you're the only person in the room who thinks they're dressed sexually at all

>> No.9860301

>mini skirts
>cleavage exposed
>tight clothing
>caked with make up
>not sexual

>> No.9860304

it's only sexual because you're a caveman with no self control

>> No.9860308

If the intention is to induce sexual attraction then it's sexual clothing

>> No.9860323

t. beta boi confusing low t with self control

>> No.9860334

have you interviewed them to ask why they're wearing the clothing? or are you assuming that because you're sexually aroused, it must have been intentional?

assuming things isn't good science, anon

>> No.9860340

move to utah, not joking

>> No.9860350

if you truly are just a Tibetan monk who's overcome lust with meditation or something then I sincerely admire you, but I'd bet you're either a fag or some other sexual deviant who's managed to escape the problem talking shit

>> No.9860351

I just pay attention to the lecturer and my work.

>> No.9860353

how many women are going to admit they're wearing spandex pants because they like attention?
that'd be like doing a survey asking fat people if they're fat because of their lifestyle or because of bad genes

>> No.9860355

do you feel sexual urges?

>> No.9860357

I can't tell if you're simple or trolling at this point
Mock me if you will but you are denying reality
Make up is not casually worn for novelty reasons
Mini skirts aren't worn for practicality etc...
It doesn't matter what my individual experience is
Make up is worn to enhance physical appearance, otherwise it would not be worn. Why would they go through the effort?

>> No.9860380

they just want to look pretty to enhance their womanly individuality and independence, not for you silly boy

>> No.9860390

I'm interpreting that response as
"I'm an idiot but I want you to think I was trolling"

>> No.9860391

then you're working on flawed information and it's improper to make assumptions. be a better scientist, anon

of course i do. i'm just an adult and i don't let them interfere with my work.

>I can't tell if you're simple or trolling at this point
it's not my fault you haven't read the thread

>> No.9860400

I wasn't the guy you were responding to

>> No.9860409

you're a girl aren't you
come clean

>> No.9860415

i'm male

>> No.9860416

>for anyone new to the thread
It's about four pages in m8, very obviously humor for those still invested in this nonsense onslaught
>We are not sexist as you (sic.)
You pose this as a problem for men. I'm sure there's a segment of women who find this problematic too. Either way, this is a case of limiting personal liberties to appease the whole (or a small subpopulation that has a particularly hard time focusing), which should never happen.
Realistically, show-y girls will be treated like show-y girls. They'll be treated less professionally. It's a good life lesson for people less socially adept, especially as they enter the work world. Penning up girls who want to dress like sluts will make them act out as adults. I favor letting them get it out of their system before it wrecks working spaces.

>> No.9860417

you identify as male?

>> No.9860420

yes, my i identify as male. i was also born with a penis.

i just don't let it run my life.

>> No.9860422

I don't think anyone was actually being serious about the safe spaces
I do seriously think universities should have a dress code banning skin tight and showy clothes though

>> No.9860423

Do I need scientific proof that jay walking will increase my chance of being involved in a road traffic accident?
No because it's common sense
Most human behavior is constrained by evolved strategies to survive and reproduce

>> No.9860426

Why should the temptation be there in a learning environment? That is what the OP is essentially about

>> No.9860428

sure, but that analogy is a bad fit to this situation. do you jaywalk because you WANT to be hit by a car? no, of course not. you jaywalk for another purpose, and if the drivers around you have no awareness of the road, they might hit you.

sexual attraction is a side effect of how someone dresses, not the purpose. it's the result of someone with low willpower.

>> No.9860431

Do you drinksoy by any chance?

>> No.9860433

>then you're working on flawed information and it's improper to make assumptions
there are things you can learn better through social experience than through the scientific process, like how I assume you're an autist who can't understand that concept

>> No.9860434

there is no temptation, just OP having so little willpower that the most trivial of things prevents them from learning

>> No.9860436

absolutely not, basedmilk is disgusting and tofu is bland.

>> No.9860438

You said you experienced sexual urges and you're implying it requires willpower to subdue
Is that not temptation?

>> No.9860444

i have the willpower to ignore things which might otherwise be distracting to someone with an underdeveloped mind like the op.

>> No.9860446

>strip club
That has actual risk. They're usually in shitty places and run by shitty people. Camming on the other hand means you work from home whenever you want and can get a lot more money with less effort.

>> No.9860447

>purposely misinterpreting the point of the metaphor
his point was that the common sense that jaywalking increases the chance of getting hit by a car is like the common sense of knowing college age guys will look at college age girls who wear a shirt that shows two thirds of their tits, not that jaywalkers want to get hit by cars like how girls want attention, you gormless windbag

>> No.9860448

You might have low test, you should see a doc

>> No.9860453

so your mind is also underdeveloped?
at least you admit it...

>> No.9860457

yeah but then you're on the internet and someone you know might see it
...I mean, someone also might find out you work at a strip club though

>> No.9860460

>sexual attractive is a side effect of how someone dresses, not the purpose
I disagree with that. Like I said human behaviour is constrained by evolved strategies to survive and reproduce. Modern clothing goes beyond improving survival. It's sexualized hence why all clothing models are 10/10 chads and staceys
Wearing make up is a perfect illustration: it has not benefit to survival what other purpose is there?
How do you fundamentally explain why women wear make up? The obvious answer is to increase sexual attractiveness

>> No.9860471

i didnt misinterpret your metaphor, i made it a better fit to the situation. your original metaphor was an incredibly poor fit and a bad argumentative tool.

besides, metaphors are shit. why waste time arguing about how best a metaphor suits the issue when we can just argue the issue?

of course it is, no one is perfect.

you can disagree all you want, that doesn't make you right. it's only sexual because you're a slave to a blood filled sack and a primitive mind that anyone with a modicum of willpower can overcome.

>> No.9860474

Why don't you give an alternative explanation? Your "arguments" are nothing but contradictions

>> No.9860475

>How do you fundamentally explain why women wear make up? The obvious answer is to increase sexual attractiveness
again, you just reveal your bias

why do we paint houses? why do we hire architects to design buildings? why do we meticulously design and care for a lawn? it's not because we want to fuck the grass in our front yard, that's for sure.

women wear makeup because they want to hide embarassing acne scars

there are no contradictions and i've already given the alternative explanation dozens of times.

>> No.9860476

>metaphor was an incredibly poor
You misinterpreted because you don't understand the premise. You are assuming that choice of clothing is not sexually motivated, the metaphor means that it's common sense for clothing choices to be sexually motivated. What other reason is there?

>> No.9860477

of course i understood the premise. how else could i correct your clumsy metaphor if i didnt understand it?

>> No.9860478

>they want to hide embarassing acne scars
Thus improve physical appearance and increase sexual attractiveness
I don't think women consider their face to be a work of art

>> No.9860481

improving physical appearance is not necessarily an increase in sexual attractiveness. women wear makeup even when they're only going to be around the gender they're not attracted to.

>> No.9860483

it's also very brave of you to admit that you're sexually attracted to buildings. i bet the parthenon gets you raging hard

>> No.9860486

>You say assumptions are bad science
>I respond with a metaphor illustrating the use of common sense/practical knowledge
>You respond by contradicting the premise (which is the usefulness of common sense)
You are debating caveats yet you call me clumsy

>> No.9860488

i didnt contradict the premise, i contradicted the construction of the metaphor. it was shit. it didn't demonstrate what you thought it did at all.

>> No.9860490

>improving physical appearance is not necessarily an increase in sexual attractiveness

>> No.9860493

yes, you quoted a correct statement. i take it you agree. it's good to see someone finally get it

>> No.9860494

I don't jaywalk even though I could not cite any research into it. I ASSUME it would be dangerous
How does that not illustrate the premise?

>> No.9860495

are you jaywalking because you want to be hit by a car? of course not.

women might wear clothes that have a risk that someone would find attractive, but the objective is not to be attractive. the objective is to wear clothes.

you jaywalk with a risk of getting hit, but your objective is not to get hit. your objective is to cross the road.

your own metaphor supports my point.

>> No.9860500

The purpose of it is to demonstrate the usefulness of assumptions. It's independent of the main topic
you misinterpreted it

>> No.9860503

if i misinterpreted it, the interpretation you intended was irrelevant

>> No.9860505

>your own metaphor supports my point
with circular reasoning,yes

You say that you've explained your alternative explanation elsewhere, link me

>> No.9860509

Do you have a really bad short term memory?

>> No.9860511

it's not my fault you refuse to read the thread

my short term memory is just as good as my strength of will not to be aroused by brutalist architecture, unlike everyone else in this thread

>> No.9860517

bro, you are asserting that the manmade concept of "undergrad" is so powerful in your brain that it overrules millions of years of evolution that has programmed your brain to feel attraction to the bare skin of fertile young women.

youre delusional if you claim a complete lack of physical attraction, or youre a homosexual.

>> No.9860518

>t. dumbfuck incel that is trying to prove to himself that he is normal

>> No.9860639

>>9846618 >>9846625 >>9846632 >>9846646 >>9846648 >>9846652 >>9846659 >>9846669 >>9846691 >>9846747 >>9846748 >>9846757 >>9846822 >>9846842 >>9846848 >>9846866
>>9846878 >>9846881 >>9846884 >>9846888 >>9846892 >>9846904 >>9846912 >>9846914
>>9846922 >>9846927 >>9846934 >>9846941
>>9846951 >>9846993 >>9847463 >>9848214
>>9848721 >>9848767 >>9848865 >>9849242
>>9849253 >>9849384 >>9850412 >>9850759 >>9850831 >>9850980 >>9850984 >>9851026
>>9851698 >>9851741 >>9851813 >>9852023
>>9852034 >>9852194 >>9852196 >>9852325

>If you think women are above scrutiny then you are just a cuck
>These people are wasting my time
>I have to give lectures to people who are literally never going to make it. Waste of time really. I would prefer if they took themselves more seriously and devoted themselves to study.
>I want to save their souls.
>[ I ] Don't even give them the benefit of knowing they've been noticed.
>In my experience, when it comes to men the worst offenders are guys who wear sleeveless shirts to show off their muscles. I do not say this because it bothers me (similarly to the women), but because it is not appropriate for the classroom.

Want to know more? Try OP's reading list:

If you answered "yes" to this question you were not welcome in this thread. Your biases made the thread fucking annoying to read.

>> No.9860681

thanks for adding literally nothing to the thread

>> No.9860699
File: 32 KB, 499x401, 21441254124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the objective is to wear clothes
yeah, the objective of dressing like a hooker JUST WEARING CLOTHES MAN

>> No.9860707

lots of people wear clothes

>> No.9860714

>i don't like seeing attractive women
i guess having muscular naked men around instead would be more your style huh op

>> No.9860715

but only thots dress like thots
you're that same guy who misinterpreted that dude's analogy a minute ago to avoid responding to it aren't you?

>> No.9860718

>Spend two hours reading a thread and constructing a comment
>Try to refocus thread, refute stupid arguments, and get OP's point across
>Post adds "literally nothing" to thread
I need to get a hobby. Time to go checkout the chess thread.


>> No.9860719

half naked girls are for when you're jacking off, when you're at school they're a distraction, not that you'd know

>> No.9860720

you only think they're dressed inappropriately because you can't stop masturbating for thirty seconds to listen in class

>> No.9860723

if a single offhand comment is enough to demoralize you then none of us can help you

>> No.9860726

if you want to contribute you should join the discussion where it's at instead of making a textwall about the whole thread
also no one cares, autist

>> No.9860728

i can understand that, have been in plenty classes with really hot girls
either jerk off beforehand or just have a gf to do it for you

>> No.9860732

oh so it's my problem for having hormones? you're just the quintessential modern feminist aren't you?
also you should google "straw man arguments" real quick and stop doing that

>> No.9860738

I was making it out of satire and distaste for the /b/ tier comments on /sci/.

>> No.9860740

it's your fault for having less self control than a goldfish

>> No.9860743

well I mean a girl can't help it if she's hot, the problem is when they come to class in belly shirts and shorts that cover half their ass

>> No.9860745

being distracted by softcore porn while I'm in a boring class is low self control?

>> No.9860746

>1993, why? How is that incorrect.
From the sedition act to McCarthy up through censorship/obscenity laws, the evangelical moral panics and Jack Thompson, this has traditionally always been a right wing thing. Calling it characteristically left shows a very short memory and lack of historical perspective.
The view you describe isn't even vague/subjective, it's just a generalization/dogma

>> No.9860748

yeah i know what you mean, guess they want chads attention
what classes are you taking that have hot girls in them though

>> No.9860751

yes, now you're getting it!

>> No.9860768


>> No.9860771

that was then and this is now. you don't see conservatives today advocating hate speech laws
you classical liberals are just stuck sharing a party with modern liberals, too bad

>> No.9860789

My "text wall" was made so that people don't have to sift through the shit wall of poor arguments to understand the thread or Op. I was joining the fucking discussion. I was showing a easy to comprehend overview for the thread to try to refocus the shitty arguments such as
being very similar to
This thread keeps on repeating the same arguments. It's stupid, and I don't like it, so I made a text wall to help y'all idiots see that and stop arguing over stupid shit over and over and over again.

>> No.9860796

they're very similar because i posted both of them. i've easily posted more than half the posts in this thread. this thread is me responding to maybe two or three other anons

and as i said very early in the thread, i'm doing it on purpose. i dont know why anyone bothers to respond to me anymore but im having a blast

>> No.9860811

>arguing over stupid shit over and over and over again
where do you think you are?

well the thread says there have been over 100 unique posters

>> No.9860813

That explains why this thread is so repetitive and retarded.

>> No.9860817

hmm, true, i hadn't noticed. i counted, and i'm responsible for 13 out of 52 (numbers could be off) of the posts he quoted


>> No.9860822

You should look over the reading list.

>> No.9860825


>> No.9860834


>> No.9861033

>sounds like a plan.
Not really. He'd get kicked out of the building for indecency and probably charged with sexual harassment.

>> No.9861788

The argument comes down to whether or not the temptation should be there in the first place
The answer is no

>> No.9861932

the temptation only exists in your own mind. if you weren't a mental child then you wouldn't feel the temptation

>> No.9862157

If you don't experience sexual urges from seeing young near-bare skin girls, then you are part of an abnormal minority or a homosexual

>> No.9862187

Don't respond to the troll.

>> No.9862232

>it's the girl's fault
Sorry roastie, in high school that's actually the case.