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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9846403 No.9846403 [Reply] [Original]

I know: Group theory gets used in quantum mechanics and elsewhere in physics, but the group theory used is trivial. E.g., never hear of Sylow's theorem, the Jordan-Holder theorem, the Feit and Thompson work on simple groups, etc. For group representations,you need to know very little about group theory to do group representations (I wrote my undergrad honors paper in it). Heck, I wrote a paper on multidimensional, distribution-free hypothesis tests based on groups of measure-preserving transformations, and the group theory needed was trivial. Similarly for the use of group theory in ergodic theory, ODE, and integer linear programming. Groups are nice, but really need to know only about 10 pages of the basics and can pick it up in an hour whenever need it. Or, you want group theory to attack Rubik's cube?

Yes, Hamming used some finite field theory in error correcting codes: Now that work and a dime won't cover a 10 cent cup of coffee. Instead, coding theory has moved on. Yes, yes, I know, from A. Wiles we finally have a proof of Fermat's last theorem; other than Wiles, who made any money with that?

Algebraic geometry is building expensive houses on-spec that stand empty too long. There's just no significant promise of return on investment there, or elsewhere in abstract algebra. E.g., the US NSA pushed hard on finite field theory for years before RSA showed that they had been wasting their time.

US mathematics' long, disastrous, self-destructive love affair with algebra, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, algebraic number theory has been a major contributor to shrinking Federal research grants to mathematics, shrinking departments, mathematicians who'd swap their Ph.D. for an electrician's license, and the technology world putting mathematics on the back burner if not in the trash. Can cover nearly all abstract algebra in 1 word: Useless.

>> No.9846409
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Agreed fully, but proper mathematical analysis is not applied math. And yet it is supremely useful and meaningful.
Algebra and number theory are where the undergrad kiddies play around on their little baby jungle gym. People who continue to do it past the first few years of graduate school and don't only algebraic topology purely as a tool for studying topological spaces are not mathematicians, they are manchildren.

>> No.9846502
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>b-b-but muh rich structure
>muh Sn

>> No.9846563

IT's true, people who specialize in analysis are usually much more alpha.
The deeper you go into algebra the more cucked you tend to be.

>> No.9846584

Great to know, I fucking hated my abstract algebra course but loved analysis. Thanks /sci/ :)

>> No.9846629

Linear Algebra ⊂ Abstract Algebra


>> No.9846640

>I know: Group theory gets used in quantum mechanics and elsewhere in physics, but the group theory used is trivial. E.g., never hear of Sylow's theorem, the Jordan-Holder theorem, the Feit and Thompson work on simple groups, etc. For group representations,you need to know very little about group theory to do group representations (I wrote my undergrad honors paper in it). Heck, I wrote a paper on multidimensional, distribution-free hypothesis tests based on groups of measure-preserving transformations, and the group theory needed was trivial. Similarly for the use of group theory in ergodic theory, ODE, and integer linear programming. Groups are nice, but really need to know only about 10 pages of the basics and can pick it up in an hour whenever need it. Or, you want group theory to attack Rubik's cube?
>Yes, Hamming used some finite field theory in error correcting codes: Now that work and a dime won't cover a 10 cent cup of coffee. Instead, coding theory has moved on. Yes, yes, I know, from A. Wiles we finally have a proof of Fermat's last theorem; other than Wiles, who made any money with that?
>Algebraic geometry is building expensive houses on-spec that stand empty too long. There's just no significant promise of return on investment there, or elsewhere in abstract algebra. E.g., the US NSA pushed hard on finite field theory for years before RSA showed that they had been wasting their time.
>US mathematics' long, disastrous, self-destructive love affair with algebra, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, algebraic number theory has been a major contributor to shrinking Federal research grants to mathematics, shrinking departments, mathematicians who'd swap their Ph.D. for an electrician's license, and the technology world putting mathematics on the back burner if not in the trash. Can cover nearly all abstract algebra in 1 word: Useless.
stale pasta

>> No.9846684

I don't understand the "pure mathematics has no applications" meme. We know. We don't care. That's why we have a distinction between pure and applied mathematics. If you want "useful" math, then become an engineer. I must warn you, though, it's soul-crushingly boring.

>> No.9846727

>vector space? what's that? Oh you mean a module over a field.
>Linear map? What's that? Oh you mean a functor

>> No.9846765

>We know
That's not true at all. Just something math majors say to girls to sound artisitic and profound.

>> No.9846766

A functor and a linear map is not the same.

>> No.9846775

That's an artificial divide (dare i say social construction lol) that is at most a century old.
Mathematicians of the previous centuries appreciated the beauty and fun of math problems and constructions just as they found beauty in its applicability to the real world and its ability to compute things or predict events.
The idea that really valuable math should be completely turned inwards is very recent, and proves to be pretty bad incentive for math departments being awarded grants.

>> No.9846786

Reminder that the best mathematicians in all of history also studied physics.

>> No.9846789

especially Grothendieck

>> No.9846796

Not amongst the greats.

>> No.9846819

sorry that you lack the mathematical maturity to understand the importance of group theory

>> No.9846874
File: 85 KB, 850x382, How-to-achieve-the-solution-thought-the-Cell-Method-and-the-differential-formulation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineer here, we're starting to use Algebraic Topology as an alternative to solving PDEs for multiphysics problems


>> No.9846996

I dare you to prove that there is no general solution in radicals to fifth degree or higher polynomials without using group and field theory. I literally dare you because I've never seen that done and it would be pretty sweet.

>> No.9847039
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>I dare you to prove that there is no general solution in radicals to fifth degree or higher polynomials without using group and field theory. I literally dare you because I've never seen that done and it would be pretty sweet.
see pic related for a topological proof

>> No.9847046

I found group theory really dry when I did it too desu - the sort of person who enjoys it also writes their name inside their gym kit in case they lose it

>> No.9847053

Sweeeeet, thanks man

>> No.9847054

the muh Sn made me laugh in this because I thought that the whole time reading theorems from the book

>> No.9847172

Why have I not heard of this?

>> No.9847192

Wait, are you that guy that was talking about a "new computational method" in /engi/?

>> No.9847293

absolutely based and redpilled

>> No.9847303

Theoretical pure math is useless, in a few years everything will be taken over by machine learning i.e. statistics and optimization

>> No.9847308
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>last update: 16th April 2014

>> No.9847618

t. doesnt know cat theory

>> No.9847628

>Sylow's theorem, the Jordan-Holder theorem, the Feit and Thompson work on simple groups, etc
>Finite groups
People don't know these theorems because most work is done on infinite groups. Including group theory research itself.

>Algebraic geometry is building expensive houses on-spec that stand empty too long.
Nigger what? We use AG in symbolic math packages so that most results can be used by anyone.

>E.g., the US NSA pushed hard on finite field theory for years before RSA showed that they had been wasting their time.
This happens in most research fields. The literature is just too vast for any researcher to be read up on all of it.

>US mathematics' long, disastrous, self-destructive love affair with algebra, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, algebraic number theory has been a major contributor to shrinking Federal research grants to mathematics,
I don't think this is true. For example the DoD funded the geometrics langlands which is the largest grant ever awarded to mathematicians in human history. I would appreciate any statistics to the contrary though.
>shrinking departments,
There are too many departments for the current economy. Less faculty is inevitable, but I'm willing to bet the number of faculty has been increasing steadily if you check the LBS.
>mathematicians who'd swap their Ph.D. for an electrician's license,
This is true for engineers as well, what's your point?
>and the technology world putting mathematics on the back burner if not in the trash.
Again, this is not true. Many frontier results are being used in optimization, equation solvers, simulators, graphics processing techniques etc. etc.
>Can cover nearly all abstract algebra in 1 word: Useless.
True. Because it's fundamentally abstract, it's not of use unless you actually relate it to something tangible; such as computations. This is some that is done all the time. And many modern results in AG and AT are used in computations.

>> No.9847629

>quotesniping copypasta

>> No.9847631

Even functional analysis techniques are proving inferior to modern AT and AG methods. GTFO with your primitive sticks and stones shit.

What the fuck, this is just another way to describe FEM.

>> No.9848245

that's why anon

>> No.9848284

AT and AG methods? Sorry, undergrad brainlet here, I roughly know what functional analysis is about but what are AT and AG methods?

>> No.9848497

algebraic topology/geometry AKA nothing important

>> No.9848513

Careful now. You might trigger some autist to post links to arXiv papers describing hypothetical "applications" of AT/AG.

>> No.9848537
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*grabs you by the throat*

>> No.9848670

Algebraic topology has become fundamental in modern research in quantum physics and fluids.

>> No.9848803


>> No.9848950

so what important problems has topological data analysis solved? what interesting results has it produced?

>> No.9849569

>hypothetical "applications" of AT/AG.
They aren't hypothetical anymore, it's starting to be applied everywhere in fundamental libraries these days.

I'm a researcher in optimization theory and algorithm development. My work uses AT and almost no analysis, and the algorithms I developed are proving better than previous generations' on any benchmarks I've tested.

Other than my own work you can see some more basic applications like solvers using homotopy method, which are also very powerful.

Symbolic math packages almost all use AG.

Like others have said most gauge theories in modern physics uses both AT and AG.

It's important and powerful fields.

>> No.9849638

1. you are just moving the goal posts, nobody gives a shit about expressing the solutions of polynomial equations with radicals, because you can just represent them with real numbers, thanks to the bisection method, or Newton's method
2. Topologists absolutely, and universally dunk on algebraists

>> No.9850352

You're not wrong desu. Solving them with numerical methods is usually faster too.

>> No.9852241

it is ALWAYS faster you fucking brainlet

>> No.9852304
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