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/sci/ - Science & Math

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984517 No.984517 [Reply] [Original]


>Sagan's pot smoking and atheism no doubt helped inspire various atheistic pseudoscience fantasies that Sagan foisted on his gullible fans.

>> No.984526

>Implying his fans are gullible

>> No.984521

The shit?

>> No.984540


>they are

>> No.984546


>> No.984548

That article was dildos.

>> No.984557

>The Demon-Haunted World
>Emphasized skepticism

>> No.984565


>> No.984586


>Many opponents of truth have arisen over the course of human history, such as communist China, Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany, and The Obama Administration,


Seriously, what a horrible website

>> No.984613
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being in the middle of reading demon haunted world and reading about Sagan's 'pseudoscience' is amazingly ironic.

>> No.984614

Yeah, dude. Who gives a shit about truth when Nazis and Commies gave us most of the important medical and scientific breakthroughs of the 20th century.

Jury is still out on the Obama administration.

>> No.984624
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>and The Obama Administration

>> No.984637


Why's that man holding a bag sideways?

>> No.984638

>>984586 Here

>>984614 See >>984624

>> No.984640

>List of miracles approved by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints
Somebody who can edit add magnets to that list.

>> No.984649 [DELETED] 

I've noticed that they don't even seem to have a "citation needed" button?

>> No.984656

zomg someone do it

>> No.984652

who needs facts when you have jesus and guns

>> No.984653

I've noticed that they don't even seem to have a "citation needed" button.

>> No.984681


>That isn't senseless trivia. Many of the communists poured into the environmentalist movement, and Earth Day may have been picked for that connection. It's a striking coincidence, and we let the readers decide.--Andy Schlafly 11:23, 20 May 2010 (EDT)

>> No.984715
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...i dont even

i should probably take some aspirin know.

>> No.984740

>>Fred Singer famously rebutted Sagan's prediction on national TV and was vindicated a few days later, when Sagan's nuclear winter scenario failed to materialize.

The citation doesn't confirm this.

Have to wonder how many other citations are equally invalid

>> No.984760

It's not even a serious site. It's like uncylopedia, but trying to make people angry instead of make them laugh.

>> No.984778
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>> No.984808

> They assume that truth is something intrinsic to the Universe, but in fact, it is intrinsic to God. Without God, there is no truth. Without truth, there is no morality. Without morality, you can do whatever you want


>> No.984803

Conservapedia doesn't make you laugh? I must have an odd sense of humor.

>> No.984798

wow, you guys are getting hung up on trollopedia?

>> No.984818

/sci/- 12 year old science fans who cry over joke sites

>> No.984822

"You guys, this site called encyclopedia dramatica doesn't even seem accurate, it says here Jews did WTC and makes peopel cry, I am starting to think this isn't certified with the encyclopedia wizards."

>> No.984836

>implying Jews did not do 9/11

>> No.984841

I see your point. I can't say it makes me laugh or not since all i see is people on /sci/ raging at it as if it were serious.

>> No.984852
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>Examples of pseudosciences
* Animal magnetism
* Astrology
* Much of the work of Richard Dawkins[6][7] (see: Richard Dawkins and pseudoscience)
* Evolutionary biology[8][9][10] [11][12][13]
* Global warming
* Homeopathy
* Psychoanalysis
* Vaccine

>> No.984872

i don't laugh at conservapedia because regardless of what its creators think, there are people out there who honestly believe that the things it says are the truth.

>> No.984882

Better this than Zeitgeist

>> No.984909
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