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9842462 No.9842462 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a coping thread for people who like math and science but failed somewhere down the line and won't/didn't end up with a good career? Normies are not welcome in this safe space.

The only thing people care about is your GPA, but they don't care what grades you get in specific classes or if cheaters ruined your grade by increasing the average. But because I don't cheat and because I didn't do well in unimportant classes despite doing well in important ones, I have a shitty GPA despite being much smarter than most of my classmates.

>> No.9842465

I really don't care about a high paycheck, I just want a job that isn't embarrassing to tell people about and can allow me to live alone and enjoy my weekends and evenings.

>> No.9842497

this pretty much

As long as I can maybe enjoy my job, make enough to pay for rent and food then I am happy

>> No.9842505

>despite being much smarter than most of my classmates.
well they found a way to get better grades so maybe you're not that smart
whats your gpa? usually unimportant classes don't bring it down too much

>> No.9842510

>As long as I can maybe enjoy my job, make enough to pay for rent and food then I am happy
>I just want a job that isn't embarrassing to tell people about and can allow me to live alone and enjoy my weekends and evenings.
Why the low standards?

>> No.9842514

They are typical leftists with weak minds, don't let these pricks get to you. Either become a prestigious researcher or make lots of money, but never settle. Die rather than settle.

>> No.9842515

> have been studying math for years
> know a good amount of abstract algebra, combinatorics, ramsey theory, other misc topics
> 18 years old
> it looks like my uni has a shit uninspired math department
> going to have to get a math B.A. instead of B.S. so I'll have to put up with the sjw liberal arts requirements
> dumb school only considers GPA for every

>> No.9842520

What is the context for this post? Are you an undergraduate student? Did you just graduate and you are looking for a job? Are you a fresh highschool grad that didn't get accept to state? Perhaps a community college student looking to transfer?

These circumstances mean entirely different things in different situations.

>> No.9842525

This, tell us more faggot, don't leave us hanging

>> No.9842538

this is the truth

>> No.9842565

Dear faggot. GPA doesn't matter.
t. multi-million business owner

>> No.9842590

>low standards
i prefer to call it work/life balance. i honestly don't want to work at all.

>> No.9842602

You really think more money and prestige = more work? This is not the case usually. CEOs pretty much never work and can become billionaires whereas their employees are underpaid and work crazy hours

>> No.9842605

>so I'll have to put up with the sjw liberal arts requirements
this is actually the fucking worst.

>> No.9842630

>sjw liberal arts requirements
Which school for brainlets do you go to?

>> No.9842647

Britfag here

>did extremely well at school (not a private one)
>Strike 1: Going to my nearest university (ranked 100 - 200 in the world) instead of a top uni (had no clue about uni status mattering. I'm not sure if my parents were willing to contribute any money for me to go anywhere else, so I don't know if I could have)
>Strike 2: Picking a degree I had zero interest in (boring engineering degree)
>did extremely well in university at first but motivation went from zero to severely negative
>procrastination became huge after the first year but not quite self-sabotaging
>went from having some friends in school to being an ugly loser nofriends autist in university, sitting alone in all lectures and classes, no acquaintances ever; being near people in their prime was suffering
>Strike 3: I realised that the classes at my university were dumbed down as fuck compared to better universities. Why put effort when it would prove nothing? People see me as stupid for going there while Oxbridge and LSE grads run the country
>engineering degree and a dumbed down curriculum made me feel like I was in a vacuous job training programme while physics and maths students at elite unis learn the secrets of the universe
>still did well in the degree until the final year and half, where I could barely bring myself to sit down and start doing any work at all (still suffering from this motivational Hiroshima to this day)
>Strike 4: Have lots and lots of interviews for great jobs and internships but fail them all because I'm an ugly autist
>graduate with an acceptable grade
>work shitty retail part time jobs for almost 2 years
>get a job in London for a respected emoloyer in a job that looks good on my CV
>recently got a better job at a really famous UK employer (public sector)
>have never had a technical job after excelling at maths and sciences at school

I feel like a huge failure. The main lesson for anyone reading is that you should go to as good a university as you can

>> No.9842661

Bullshit desu. I did my BEng through the Open Uni while working full time in CAD technician jobs for shit pay to get relevant experience and make up for the institution. Got my master's at Southampton, started on the grad program of a great engineering consultancy firm on 30k (higher now) and in 1.5 years I'll have my chartered status. Love my job, interesting and great pay. Your attitude defeated you before you even started

>> No.9842663


Not OP but sjw brainwashing is pretty common in american universities.

>> No.9842665

Well I used to have a passion for nuclear physics and cosmology and all that stuff in high school, although I wasn't that good with math but it doesn't matter now because now I'm a logger in the mountains of Serbia. Not a failure though because I'm good at chopping wood now

>> No.9842667


>> No.9842915

desu I thought everyone knew being consistent was important for employment

>> No.9842917

yeah but desu even if you are incredibly good (talking top of class at MIT + harvard MBA) getting to that position is not high odds at a company like that

>> No.9842988

I'm a double major at a public university in chem and phys. I'm taking a fifth year, but will have 6 semesters and 2 summers of research, including 2 or 3 papers by the time I graduate. In chemistry, there are six two-semester course sequences including biochem, physical, analytical, environmental, organic, and inorganic chemistry. Environmental is optional and biochem you can opt out of, so I haven't taken those classes, but the other four I have a good grade in only the second semester of each sequence (A, A-, A-, B+), with a poor grade in the first semester (B-, C, C+, B). Despite obviously having caught up with the material, my GPA does not reflect this. Plus, all the emphasis is on GPA exclusively, and no one seems to care about anything I've done in my (inorganic chemistry) research lab.

On the physics side of things, I'm maintaining a B average. The physics department is different from the chemistry department because the material is so difficult that it curves grades based on the average. Because so many engineering students take physics classes (and consequently cheat while taking them) I'm unable to get ahead. The cheating is so rampant that I would need to write another wall of text to explain it, but it's bad enough that I have no doubt that my grade is hit heavily by it. The gist of it is that all engi students collaborate outside of class, they all have cheg, and they all use their phones and cheat off each other during exams.

I haven't taken any GRE topic-specific exams to prove I am actually further ahead than my GPA (3.2) suggests, but apparently it would not matter since GPA is still more important than standardized exams.

I should also mention that I've taken a few bad liberal arts courses which have worsened my grade, including a biology course which turned out to be intentionally much more rigorous for med students, but I was coaxed into it by another person who wanted someone they knew to take the class with them.

>> No.9843023

Also I pissed off the bio TA by correcting her in front of the class multiple times. She insisted she was not mistaken, but I persisted anyway. Once she said that there is a pressure 'gradient' which allows you to push air in and out of your lungs. I corrected her by telling her the correct term is pressure 'differential' but she was offended by this. She also asked us a chemistry question asking us how to make a percent solution from two different reagents without specifying if it were percent by mass, volume, or some other variable. She asked this question multiple times seemingly to spite me, despite the fact she was only making herself look stupid to me. Thirdly, she would tank my grades on lab reports for including advanced chemistry knowledge including how oxidation and reduction takes place during PCR, but she marked it all incorrect because it wasn't part of the textbook. She did not like me at all and instead of the lab component of my biology course pulling my grade up (as it is supposed to) it pulled me from a C average in the lecture to a D for the class (when it could have pushed me up to a B).

>> No.9843049

God I’m pathetic. I’m going to graduate a semester later and will have a 2.9 gpa. God, sometimes I truly wanna kill myself. I don’t have many reccomndarions and am working my ass off this fall semester and summer to get some more me. My family thinks I’m smart but I’m just a brainlet. God all I want is a job like this guy >>9842465

> physics major

>> No.9844192

How te hell can you be embarrashed about a job? Is this a middle class thing?

>> No.9844199
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I'm a 23 year old high school drop out, been a NEET for six years now. I've gotten a lot better at math over the last four years despite being a lazy NEET.

>> No.9844204

>failed somewhere down the line and won't/didn't end up with a good career?
We told you engineering was the only way not to starve to death; you laughed at us. This is perfect divine justice right there.

>> No.9844231

Are you me?

>> No.9844234
File: 402 KB, 2250x858, singularity1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason why I haven't killed myself is because there's a chance that I might get to survive past the Singularity, and ascend to become superhuman.

>> No.9844239

Try being a high school teacher.

>> No.9844263
File: 62 KB, 720x604, agzyKIO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't get into ivy league
>settle for a top 10 school instead
>graduate with no friends, just a gf
>get a abarely 6-figure job
>small wedding because budget
>now stuck in the rat race of getting promotions

Does it get better?

>> No.9844273

>now stuck in the rat race of getting promotions
No you benis. You stay there long enough to get experience then use that to leverage a better salary/position at another place (assuming there is a real demand for your specialty).
Make it super clear that if you don't have room to move up you have no problem moving out.

>> No.9844275

How do I know when I can't move up though? I've gotten 4 promotions in the 2 years I've been here, should I leave if that slows down?

>> No.9844284

Left leaning and socially progressive people tend to be the ones who pursue academia in non-STEM fields. However, outside of California, Ivy League, and New York it's heavily overblown.

>> No.9844474

>Normies are not welcome in this safe space

Are you trying to make an /r9k/ thread on /sci/?

>> No.9844482

Math and CS double major (with some courses in mathematical physics but not enough for a minor). My GPA was a 1.2, but after deciding to take an extra year, retaking some classes, taking fewer classes per semester, getting research, talking to professors, getting into a few grad classes, etc., I raised it to a 3.1. There are 4 semesters left, and I if I keep doing well in my upper level classes as I have been, it will be around 3.5+ by the time I graduate. Heavily consider taking an extra year and doing research. You can also spin the grade tend into something really positive rather than a negative

>> No.9844606

Yes. Also don't let them you know you're going to leave when the promotions stop; you should look like a loyal slave to the company until you leave and repeat the process at the next company.

>> No.9844903

This pretty much sums up how society needs to be in general. I'm all for competitive behaviors but we have games (physical/digital) for that now. Encouraging financial competitiveness is socially retarded. The more money you have the more isolated your conversations/words become, because you turn to money to enable the change/power.

>> No.9845029
File: 8 KB, 212x212, 4059227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once I become a billionaire, I'm gonna hire all you fucktards and give you beautiful white girlfriends

>> No.9845066

And that's while you'll never even be a millionaire

>> No.9845069

Checking in
I can't do anything right dammit

>> No.9845079

I got an F and a C in two upper div courses in my major
I retook the F and got an A, but my advisor says I'm fucked for grad school. Feels great, boys

>> No.9845098

Since when did 60/40 splits become 99/1 splits?

>> No.9845103

i have a shit gpa and a good job

this is because I got straight As on my CS courses, and made sure to only put enough effort for Ds on my electives. Sometimes I accidentally get As

>> No.9845133

>tfw pretty bad agoraphobia and anxiety second and third year of uni
>rarely could leave dorm room
>relied on what the profs posted online
>brainfog from hunger and malnutrition because too anxious to eat at the dorm cafeteria or buy food elsewhere
>somehow barely passed

>tfw fixed my anxiety somewhat and turned things around in last year
>finally getting mostly As in all my courses
>final GPA is still shit because of my 2 and 3rd years

>tfw can't find a job because no internships and my GPA is shit