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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 25 KB, 1357x800, iq_by_country.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9841778 No.9841778[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

IQ of nations


Heritability of IQ


Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study


The Existence of Race


Good videos if your to lazy to read.




To the MODS

I was banned last time for posting this thread but i see this as unfair, as i understand reason being ''racism''.Ignoring and censoring scientific data and deeming it simply as ''racism'' is not being open minded and wise but rather simply ignorant, if you rely think there is not scientific basis to race realism, you should have no problem of debunking and disproving data, research and evidence i and those who support me are about to post in this thread, you have all power of banning me, but doing so would be an act less scientific than you think of me for posting this thread, so i urge you to be open minded, and give your opinions and evidence.

>> No.9841788
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>> No.9841789

/pol/ in 3...2....1...

>> No.9841791
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>> No.9841794
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>> No.9841795
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>> No.9841796


What is your point, are you saying anything that induviduals from /pol/ say is untrue?

>> No.9841798
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>> No.9841799
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>> No.9841800
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>> No.9841804

>not science or math

>> No.9841805
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>Fails to provide an actual counter argument
>Assumes the premise of my argument is false because it's offensive
>Muh /pol/

>> No.9841806

Why don't we have actual argument rather than simply meming things?

>> No.9841808
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>> No.9841810

>LARPing this hard

>> No.9841811
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>Entertaining and or discussing a hypothesis that explains the income disparity among the different races of man is not science

>> No.9841813

Again, give me real arguments rather than some pictures, i am here, lets talk?

>> No.9841815

>Not even dubs
delete that picture now.
It has no significance

>> No.9841817
File: 116 KB, 900x924, Alvin and the chimpmunks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9841810 https://2kpcwh2r7phz1nq4jj237m22-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Color-Of-Crime-2016.pdf

>> No.9841819

Talk to me, give me your arguments, im willing to have a civilised discussion.

>> No.9841820
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>> No.9841822


enjoy the ban /pol/ pig

>> No.9841823

To be considered science you must
>follow the scientific method
>Offer a cohesive model
>Be falsifiable
>Be rigorous
The psychological study of IQ does none of these things
You can talk about it all you want, just not on a science board
>I was banned last time for posting this thread
Rightfully so

>> No.9841825
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mfw retards think intelegance is effacted by enviroment to the point that it maters.

>> No.9841827
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>> No.9841836

IQ and Intelegance is one most well studied, fields of, psyhology, it can with great acuracy determine ones, income, crime rate, education, etc, so your wrong buddy.

>> No.9841838
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>> No.9841841
File: 229 KB, 1890x1630, 9397445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people of color are dumb why do we have so many of them here at uni?

>> No.9841848
File: 169 KB, 599x770, MAGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never before have I seen such unbridled autism in a single thread.
thank you for the laughs tonight mr. /pol/

>> No.9841849

Because not all of ''brown people'' are ''dumb'' IQ has a variation within populations.

>> No.9841852

Again you presented 0 arguments, thus far no one in this thread has actualy gave me a good counterargument against race realism because its SOOO unbelievable that populations of Homo-sapiens have been seperated for thousands of years and developed diferent characteristic INCLUDING intelegance, right?

>> No.9841856
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>> No.9841858
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Burgers aren't very smart either

>> No.9841860

ok, I'll bite.
what degree(s) do you have? did you attend a prestigious University? did you ever study with an expert in their field?
do you have a high-paying job? do you do volunteer work? have you been able to form long-lasting, close friendships with others?
do you play an instrument? do you play it well?
what makes (You) any different from the non-white people you see as lesser? how are you any different to them?
>inb4 "muh ancestors"
>inb4 "muh ad hominem"

>> No.9841863
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Scandinavians have larger variations in IQ than say, Eastern Europeans, diferances between Europeans are real, just like diferances between sub saharan africans and west africans are real, but thats a whole other topic.

>> No.9841866

How is my personal life relevant to the topic we are discussing?

>> No.9841868

what makes you different to people you believe to have a lower IQ?
how have you distinguished yourself from your peers, both white and non-white?
your grasp of language and grammar, as well as reading comprehension, is far from the standard expected of most intelligent people.

>> No.9841870

Listen up, your cherry picking right now, my personal life has nothing to do with topic we are discussing, imagine a guy with daun syndrom saying ''evolution is real'' yes he is not the guy you would usualy take seriusly but the fact that he has a daun syndrom woun't make he's statement any less true.

You fail to realise that im not here to promote white supremacy, hell by race realism itself ashenazi jews are ''superior race'' they score around 115 IQ and their contribution to science also sugest it.


>> No.9841882

your personal life has everything to do with this.
the point is, all this racism or "race realism" is simply an outlet for all the anger you feel at the world, as well as your dissatisfaction with your own life.

there is nothing to discuss. it is commonly accepted that there are IQ differences between different groups of people. I'm not here to refute that.

a person's inherent value cannot be discerned from a test. there is more to a person than a simple number, or what they can or cannot do. people are multifaceted by nature, and having a particular skill does not mean you are superior to anyone else in a different field.

so please, think carefully about what you choose to believe about the people around you. IQ and race don't necessarily define any particular person's life, so don't let IQ and race define yours.

>> No.9841931

Im just acepting reality as it is, if your not going to desmis reality of race, than there is nothing we should or can talk about, at least in this thread, me just pointing out scientific evidance and facts is not me simply beeing ''bigoted'' or ''racist'' its me simply beeing REALISTIC hense name race realism.I feel that truth should allways prevail over ignorance, im an Eastern European, i have never seen a black or brown person in my whole life, yes it hurts my feelings once i think about datta that sugests that Eastern Europeans, are not as capable as a group as oposed to Scandinavians, jews, east asians and northwest Europeans, but it dosen't make it any less true.

>> No.9841940
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Forgot pic

>> No.9841944
File: 942 KB, 3600x2061, ourworldindata_homicide-rates-in-europe-map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9841967

Not OP
You are being intellectualy dishonest and you are making retarded assumptions that discredit your position.

>you can't decide a person's value based on some test

Are you retarded or delusional?
Should we discard all entrance exams?
Should we discard most medical examination methods?
Should we stop evaluating language proficiency?

All of these tests aren't so great when applied to a small group of subjects or an individual. They are valuable because they show results when applied on entire populations. Iq tests are no different. Neither is practical application of knowledge. about races.

>> No.9841980

If /sci/ anons are so smart then why why is there so many assburgers like you posting itt?

>> No.9842006

not the anon you replied to
Their point was that having a higher score on a test (IQ or admissions, etc) doesn't make you a better personal overall than someone who has a lower score.

>> No.9842009

Thats like saying ''a bike that is made from cheaper parts is not worse than that which is made off of expensive parts'' which is true only on like 10% of ecasions, your not wrong but your cherry picking.

>> No.9842016

A test can only do so much do determine your ability to do a particular thing (e.g. performance in a postgraduate program, ability to succeed in medical school), and doesn't necessarily mean you have other skills needed to succeed in life.
IQ is a great example of this: how many Mensa members go on to do fantastic things with their IQ?
Being born white won't instantly make you a genius, but you have to also consider that there are other factors affecting performance in testing (such as tutoring, past experience taking that test, environment).

>> No.9842030

I agree with you, but as i said its cherrypicking, you speak about mensa members, you will noitice that those mensa members per capita have done much more in their life than average population.Yes theoreticaly there can be a genus with 160 IQ siting in he's basement doing nothing all day and a guy with 90IQ working he's ass off every day but usualy its the oposite, imagine if we would seperate populations with diferant IQ say we would seperate people with 120IQ and people with 100IQ and place them in their own countries, YES there IS a slight possiblity that 120IQ country would do worse in terms of economic development and crime rate than a 100IQ country, but we bouth know that on practice it would never happen.120IQ country would allways do better, if we don't count things like natural resources into equation.So this ''human worth'' argument is invalid not in the fact that its factualy invalid but that its practicaly invalid, we have tons of evidance which sugest that groups which have lower IQ's tend to have more homocide rates and less income than those with higher IQ's.