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9840933 No.9840933 [Reply] [Original]

If an experienced neurologist were to look at pictures from a persons brain without any context of who that person is, would they be able to determine that persons sex and race?

>> No.9840934

Sex, probably. Race, not sure.

>> No.9840938

1) Tell brain to grow skin
2) Write down the color of skin on a sticky note
3) You are done

>> No.9840939

Both race and gender are social constructs, so they cannot be seen in brain scans.

>> No.9840946

The type of person you are falseflagging as would never suggest that gender and sex are the same thing.

>> No.9841006

Brains develop differently depending on sex, but I'm not sure if it's noticeable at the organ scale

>> No.9841086

No, Op, that is debunked pseudoscience we are all one race the human race.

Africans and some retarded people (Friend, T., "Brains of mice enlarged to help research," USA Today, July 19, 2002, citing Chenn, 2002) have fewer convolutions (“fissures”) in the cerebral cortex of their brains, where abstract thought is performed. Australian aborigines also have smaller and less complex brains. In size and complexity, the Australian aborigine brain is intermediate between the orangutan and European brain. The thickness of the three outer layers (the supragranular layer) of the cerebral cortex (the six outer layers), increases from lower animals to man.

“The supragranular layers in the dog are one-half the thickness of those in the ape, and the thickness of the ape’s only three-fourths the thickness in man.”

The supragranular layer is 15% thinner in blacks than in whites. (Vint, 1934). Also see (Poynter, 1915) The nerves in blacks are reported to be larger. (Burmeister, 1853). Many other comparative brain studies of blacks and whites can be found in (Putnam, 1967).

“ … the grey substance of the brain of a Negro is of a darker color than that of the European, that the whole brain is of a smokey tint, and that the pia mater [the innermost membrane covering the brain] contains brown spots, which are never found in the brain of a European.”

>> No.9841122

Sex yes; there's some interconnection differences that affect the drive instincts of men and women differently.

>> No.9841126

Yes, there is a diferance between males and females a clear one when it comes to brains, as for race, brains of races are also diferant.

>> No.9841139

Why are /sci/ posters so bad at sarcasm?

>> No.9841257

This is going to upset some people but the male brain weighs more than the female brain and has more synapses with a higher neuron count.
That doesn't automatically mean that men are smarter than woman. Nature rolls the dice a lot more with the male gender so we see bigger variations in intelligence.

As for race, not even going to go there.

>> No.9841546

Sex, yes.
Race, no and yes. You can squeeze out apparent racial distinctions if you go with the categories of race to begin with, however, if you were to break these down in biologically-accurate forms. You will find far stricter distinctions, rather than general statistics.

>> No.9841630
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>> No.9841633
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>> No.9841634
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>> No.9841635
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>> No.9841645
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>> No.9841647

>far stricter restrictions, rather than general statistics
I don't understand this sentence, but if you mean the theory that "race doesn't exist because the major races have smaller races inside, and some people are mixed-blooded between the major races" all I can say is that this is easily debunked, a child could identify the major races, and you are a faggot.

>> No.9841657

Everyone keeps saying you can tell the sex by the size, but wouldn't you only be able to give a likelihood? Men's brains are only bigger on average.

Tall people have bigger brains too. Maybe brain size is only tied to height, and females are just shorter on average. Could you tell a manlet brain from a giantess brain?

>> No.9841659
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Is there a way to tell if a brain is from an anime girl, just by looking at it?

Are catgirl brains noticeably different?

>> No.9841665


>> No.9841732

>its hard to do so it dosen't exist
the post

>> No.9841733

I know this is bait, but the fact that there are actual people who think this way makes me sick.

>> No.9841734

We all know that woman where a gods mistake but this belongs to >>>/r9k/

>> No.9842325

Holy shit why do they all look the same?

>> No.9842331

A neurologist might not, but brains contain genetic material, so all you have to do is look at the DNA. and it will tell you both of those things.

>> No.9842651


>> No.9842816

I've met a few folks who actually work with brains. They've actually been asked questions like this and they claim you can't tell a male brain from a female brain at a glance (they were quite clear you need to refer to the label).

I don't know about race, but I suspect not. Although I don't think it would be strange for there to be differences across different populations, it's hard to know to what level these differences manifest in a way that changes the appearance of the organ. It shouldn't be too different because a major part of what distinguishes us from other animals are our brains. Although other mammals e.g. sheep can broadly resemble ours in structure, you'll notice we have key differences like a larger frontal lobe and a more round shape. I think all humans will share broad characteristics.

Like, who knows, maybe you could measure gyri and sulci and come up with some statistical differences, or some average size gradients of like the Hypothalamus or something, although, I would hardly expect a trait among one population of humans would be exclusive to that population; like if you said Population X has a smaller brain structure in region 1, you'll still probably find at least some people in Population Y who also have that same size region 1, making it impossible to say with absolute certainty that when you see this trait that you're definitely looking at Population X.

>> No.9842827

My Neuro professor once made a brief aside about this; he agreed there are differences observed, but didn't seem to think it was a direct link to sex, but rather claimed brain size correlates with body size (he then talked a little bit about elephants and their brain size and junk because he felt it supported his idea). Do you think part of the explanation could be simply that bigger things maintain higher neuron count?

>> No.9843621

>Source: My ass

>> No.9843796


>> No.9843797



>> No.9843998

t. Butthurt roastie

>> No.9844021

thats a female chihuahua

>> No.9844119

Because you're a faceblind autist.

>> No.9844124


the chinese have developed their own anatomical "brain atlas" because
> Existing human brain atlases are widely used to provide anatomical references and information regarding structural characteristics of the brain. The majority of them, however, are derived from one paticipant or small samples of the Western population. This poses a limitation for scientific studies on Eastern subjects.

>> No.9844144
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Yes as Humans are a sexually dimorphic species.
Yes as cranial size varies with race.

>> No.9845233


>> No.9845238

One vote for no

Human brains are fundamentally identical blank circuits with some variation in the ability to perform "calculations" and really nothing more

Physiological differences are one thing. But do you guys believe that consciousness inherently has a race or sex attached to it? Why? Why can you not also say it has these, but not a specific eye color? Or hair color?

Can you code an AI to think "femininely" if the differences are that distinct? Or does a conscious mind more or less always do the same thing in the same way every time? Can you teach a blank template for code how to process things "Asianly" or "Black-like"? If human minds can be programmed like that, why not artificial ones?

>> No.9845293

you can from the skull, sort of, but not from the brain

>> No.9845393

Does brain matter contain chromosomes?
If so, yes.
Does brain matter contain genetic information?
If so, yes.

>> No.9845398

>Modern popular culture.
Thanks modernism, thanks postmodernism.
You really fucked things up, well done.
Also, your architecture is fucking ugly.

>> No.9845400

Do you know what's bad, we all know this is unironically true for the majority of women. Sad.

>> No.9845502

>a child could identify the major races

According to his culture and people anon.

>> No.9845504

>Yes as cranial size varies with race.

That doesn't effect the brain.

>> No.9845535

It takes significant training for a child to learn the exact boundaries and exceptions. But any child after a day in New York will recognize some version of whites, blacks, and asians.

>> No.9845693

>Human brains are fundamentally identical blank circuits with some variation in the ability to perform "calculations" and really nothing more
Your brain is not microprocessor crunching 1s and 0s.
This board is a fucking disgrace.

>> No.9845723

How retarded are you?

>> No.9845803

How does it not effect the brain?
What would be the use of having a bigger cranium then if not having a bigger brain?

>> No.9845871

Was just about to say this

>> No.9845884
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>Human brains are fundamentally identical blank circuits with some variation in the ability to perform "calculations" and really nothing more
No the Human brain has biological processes, which varies among the the two sexes of Mankind and or race. These varying processes change the fundamental make up of the brain.
>Well muh A.I en shit
An A.I absent of these biological processes would probably be something completely Alien to what most Humans know/understand.

>> No.9846045 [DELETED] 

seems dumb

males and females in terms of relative mass are about roughly the same, meaning an ever so slightly larger male brain would have much more profound effects. the fact that he went on to bring up elephants is a totally apples to oranges scenario.

imagine comparing a modern day human that has an average cranial capacity of something like 1250 cubic cm to a homo erectus with an average cranial capacity of 800 cubic cm

both have the same body mass and overall physiology except for the cranial capacity. of course you'd expect modern man to be heads and shoulders more intelligent than homo erectus. same principle applies when you compare the cranial capacity of the new Caledonian crow to say a pigeon.

so if males have on average a larger brain than females, differences in body size are not enough to explain it

>> No.9846158

all that makes sense. My personal thought is that a lot of brain mass seems dedicated to movement and spatial reasoning, and since we tend to observe more males excelling in these areas, like for example sports, it probably stands to reason that these brain regions are enlarged in men.

>> No.9847188
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>> No.9847501

Probably not.

>> No.9847504


>> No.9848362

literally the majority of claims made on this topic lol

>> No.9848365

also even if theres differences across populations it might be hard to know why those differences occur. what if you those japanese people from nagasaki.

>> No.9848379
File: 273 KB, 2048x1242, C8rBp4UUAAEhOez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not because I suspect there's very little emphasis on sex differences in research and teaching. However there are large differences, and if you carefully measure a few parameters like size, white/grey matter thickness etc. you can probably get close to 100% accuracy.

>> No.9848381

They're afraid to play the fool since they always want to be seen as intelligent.

>> No.9848389

i believe some hair colours in other mammals have sex attached. not farfetched.

I also really doubt they are identical blank states. Theres genetic differences across individuals so they wouldnt be. i think youre oversimplifying what the brain does.

if there were advantageous fundamental behavioural differences between sexes (e.g. maternal vs. aggression) then why wouldnt they show up in the brain. ofcourse consciousness can be biased by sex plausibly.

yes you probably can do that with artificial networks if they were as complicated as a human brain but you should rephrase what you are saying. its not that there are feminine or masculine traits. its that some are more statistically prominent in a sex.

>> No.9848394

Wow. Are you aware how dumb this sounds?

>> No.9848403

In what way?

>> No.9848408

Oh cool thanks for the link

>> No.9848411

Yeah, absolutely. It's one thing to observe things by region and it's another to actually find a genetic link

>> No.9848443

how does a part of your body having genetic information in its cells (which all do), determine whether it has sex differences? logically does having a chromosome mean that every trait in your body is sexually differentiated?

>> No.9848447

Doesn't it mean that if you were to inspect those cells, you would be able to determine those differences?

>> No.9848452

Considering the brain to be a sex or a race is an example of the reification fallacy
Just because we make abstract categories to define things doesn't magic them into existence

>> No.9848531

every cell

fucking brainlet plague, I can determine everything about you, fuck your social sciences

>> No.9848538

It's not "considering" it's a fact that you are from determinate sex or determinate race due to your DNA, my brainlet friend

>> No.9848549

You seem to enjoy calling people brainlets while not knowing what you're talking about
My argument was having to do with calling the whole brain a "male/female/black/white" brain. You can obviously determine sex charicteristics and by a lesser degree race via genetics
I'd say you're a retard for bringing something so obvious up thinking it's actual knowledge, but this board is infested with social scientists so it may be needed

>> No.9848562

>These varying processes change the fundamental make up of the brain.

How does race factor into that?

>> No.9848569

>But any child after a day in New York will recognize some version of whites, blacks, and asians.

And that is nyc's criteria of race.

>> No.9848580

if there were any.

>> No.9848583

but would they be able to tell difference of a normal black and a somalian.

>> No.9848673

I call brainlets to the pedantic pseudo-intellectuals who don't know anything about biology

>> No.9848685

You call me pedantic for saying there's no such thing as a "male brain?"
You realize that that term is a literal meme, right?

>> No.9849824

because you're a dumbass autist who thinks people with the same hair color and gender is enough to make them look like twins.