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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9837331 No.9837331 [Reply] [Original]

Science is done through experiments.

Why don't we pump the atmosphere full of carbon to see if anything bad happens?
If it turns out the it's bad for earth there's this company i remember checking out that can pull co2 from the air and turn it into plastic.

>> No.9837391

>More co2
>Plants use co2
>More plants
>More oxygen
>Bigger animals
>Fires burn bigger
>Ironically, more oxygen allegedly causes ice age
>Human post-apocalyptic event and temperature reset
>Start coming out of ice age
>Society begins to flourish again, technology is rediscovered.
>Faggots start brainstorming to tax gullible idiots any way they can.
>Notice temperature and co2 is rising.
>Claim man-made global warming.
>Retards everywhere believe it because they get shown the Al Gore video by some shitty professors.
>Turns out global warming wasn't real, let's call it climate change
>Turns out nobody gives a shit about third world countries shitting up the environment with carbon emissions, only first world nation's.
>Denying climate change is racist.
><-----you are here

>> No.9837396

More oxygen doesn't always equal to bigger animals.

But yes, filling our atmosphere with too much carbon will raise the temperature, melt the ice caps, ruin the ocean currents, lead to our entire ocean turning green, mass extinctions followed by a rapid ice age and more mass extinctions.

This is merely a cycle, though. Has been happening for eons now.

>> No.9837398

And yes we humans play a big role in climate change with our greenhouse gases emission. Could we prevent it? I don't know, it requires a technology that would keep the atmosphere's oxygen and carbon levels in a calculated balance forever.

>> No.9837747

>pump the atmosphere full of carbon
We're doing the best we can, Anon.

>> No.9837752

>there's this company i remember checking out that can pull co2 from the air and turn it into plastic.
It was fucking debunked.

>> No.9838962

Is killing myself a bad idea?

Let me test this question by killing myself

>> No.9838969

>Why don't we pump the atmosphere full of carbon
but that's exactly what we've been doing for the past 150 something years

>> No.9838973

>i dont know anything about the subject except what Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the corporate propaganda tells me I should know

do you enjoy being a useful idiot?

>> No.9838984

>Why don't we pump the atmosphere full of carbon
Way ahead of you.

>> No.9839005

That's some cute irony on your part, friend.

>> No.9839040

was loving your comment until i saw you saying that people changed the name "global warming" to "climate change" because it turned out not to be real. Thats false
And that man didn´t cause global warming... like wtf dude
Humans fucking emit more CO2 than the earth can absorve... before cars and all that shit if the earth emitted 700 megatons of CO2 it would absorve the same amount but now with the industry we emit far more CO2 than the earth can absorve causing really huge changes in the world.

>> No.9839041

>This is merely a cycle
It's a big deviation from the cycle that has been running for almost a million years. We should be slowly cooling into a glacial period right now, instead we are warming an order of magnitude faster than the cycle's fastest warming.

>And yes we humans play a big role in climate change with our greenhouse gases emission. Could we prevent it?
Yes, simply stop emitting so much GHGs.

>I don't know, it requires a technology that would keep the atmosphere's oxygen and carbon levels in a calculated balance forever.
Oxygen hasn't been a big factor in the climate since it became a big component of the atmosphere. And humans evolved in the same climate that we were seeing before the industrial revolution. There's no need to micromanage it beyond that.

>> No.9839066
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>> No.9839073


>> No.9839169

>Oxygen hasn't been a big factor in the climate since it became a big component of the atmosphere.

Most of the Ice Ages we've had were caused by oxygen levels.

>> No.9839323

>no u

>> No.9840268

No, they only caused two. The Huronian was caused by the Great Oxygenation Event and the Karoo was caused by the advent of land based plants. Oxygen levels are usually a product of temperature and not a cause.

>> No.9841564

Hahaha Earth's butthole

>> No.9841567

hahaha Earth's Wet

>> No.9841569

>Why don't we pump the atmosphere full of carbon to see if anything bad happens?

yes, its whats going on from like the industrial age
just give it some time atmosphere is huge kid

>> No.9841572


more oxygen means the instant death of all life on earth

>> No.9841573

hahaha Earth's Round and Wet

>> No.9841574


just don't inform us
and do it already

>> No.9841614

Depends on the quantity you mean with "more."

We could definitely live with more than ~21% oxygen.