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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 368 KB, 1024x603, manin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9837232 No.9837232 [Reply] [Original]

talk maths, formerly >>9825089

>Homotopy types and geometries below Spec Z
>Yuri I. Manin, Matilde Marcolli
>(Submitted on 28 Jun 2018)
>After the first heuristic ideas about `the field of one element' F_1 and `geometry in characteristics 1' >(J.~Tits, C.~Deninger, M.~Kapranov, A.~Smirnov et al.), there were developed several general approaches to the construction of `geometries below Spec Z'. Homotopy theory and the `the brave new algebra' were taking more and more important places in these developments, systematically explored by B.~To\"en and M.~Vaqui\'e, among others.
>This article contains a brief survey and some new results on counting problems in this context, including various approaches to zeta--functions and generalised scissors congruences.

>> No.9837437


Why? Can someone explain why those books might be a better choice for learning linear algebra?

>> No.9838021

Great general

>> No.9838085

math aint a /sci/ence

>> No.9838094
File: 14 KB, 251x242, annoyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[eqn]\sf\color{red}{Gook}\; \color{orange{moot}\; \color{yellow}{\bb STILL}\; \color{green}{hasn't}\; \color{cyan}{fixed}\; \color{blue}{the}\; \color{indigo}\TeX\; \color{violet}{tags}[/eqn]

>> No.9838103

Nobody cares. The board is for science AND math, so kys you're shelf.

>> No.9838123

Did you kiss your mother with that mouth?

>> No.9838125

I've never kissed any of my relatives. Only my boyfriends.

>> No.9838336

Can you guys help me? I'm losing love for math, undergraduate books are tiresome(I'm tired of reading the same shit in 1000 different books, yes I know what a set is) and I'm not mathematically mature enough for most graduate level books.

Is there a middle of the road? Can you guys recommend me math books(pure) that can help me make this bridge from undergraduate do graduate stuff?

>> No.9838351

>I'm tired of reading the same shit in 1000 different books, yes I know what a set is
Did you read chapter 2?

>> No.9838360

Didn't bother, here's why:
If the first chapter is the same in every undergrad book, then how the hell can chapters 2 differ, if they are supposed to follow logically from chapters 1?

>> No.9838362


kek, yes I did. What I was trying to convey is that I've been reading a lot of books that stay in a very limited number of topics that generally overlap to much. I'm asking for books that go a little further than the basics of Analysis/Algebra/Topology

>> No.9838366

What do you mean basics? Once you finish an undergrad book, read a grad book. There's nothing inbetween. Although for reading advanced books it usually helps to have familiarity with multiple subfields.

>> No.9838367

I don't think that they require DELF (though you should probably check it out, I don't know) and in the case of Paris VI, where I did my M2, you don't need to be fluent in French.
The professors will switch to English whenever there is a non-francophone student in the class.

>> No.9838372


ok, can you recommend graduate level books for someone that is starting a graduate course? Beginning graduate level stuff is what I'm looking for.

>> No.9838375

That being the case, I would still advise to learn at least some French because in most other aspects of practical life, you will have to deal with people who don't speak English, and some may be kind of dicks about it ("customer is always right" is not really the way we do things here).

>> No.9838378

Follow your uni's recommended books. Or if you feel they are too easy/basic, check out the books in the /sci/ wiki

>> No.9838385

Read the AMS Student Mathematical Library series. They are designed to provide introductions to various advanced topics in a way that is intelligible to motivated undergrads. Of course, they are no substitutes for actually learning the subject in depth, but they can motivate you to learn things, and see some tools that you have learned about in action.

>> No.9838408


thanks for the recomendation, will read em

>> No.9838423

I really liked Aluffi's algebra chapter 0. It kind of implicitly assumes some familiarity with undergraduate abstract algebra, but it goes from the beginning starting with set theory (which is not ideal in your case) but it quickly turns to categories and describes algebra in a very modern way, which makes it quite compatible as a bridging book.

>> No.9838437
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>If the first chapter is the same in every undergrad book, then how the hell can chapters 2 differ, if they are supposed to follow logically from chapters 1?

>> No.9838444
File: 63 KB, 1000x1000, 1510737155392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the standard Numerical Analysis Textbook? UCLA's list has some old-ass books so not sure when the last time they updated that list was.

>> No.9838459
File: 784 KB, 985x1260, billy&bonaparte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we save the EU for mathematics?

>> No.9838463

So the University of Paris does NOT require French if you just pick the right number? Tres bon if true!

>> No.9838501
File: 241 KB, 907x1210, is it a meme :mg:?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this, am I about to get memed?

>> No.9838514

you've already been memed

>> No.9838515

You already did if you bought a free book.

>> No.9838517

>Just got this, am I about to get memed?
Why don't you read it and find out?

>> No.9838521

Is HTT specifically a meme or is foundations in general a meme?

I didn't buy it, I mentioned I was interested in it to a professor and he lent me his copy.

>> No.9838522

>is foundations in general a meme

>> No.9838543

>I didn't buy it, I mentioned I was interested in it to a professor and he lent me his copy.
Keep it for a few weeks and then return it to him. It will make him seem less of an idiot when even dropouts and other shit folk on /sci/ know that book is just pure autism.

>> No.9838941
File: 1.47 MB, 1062x1500, 160412084224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore these fags. Brainlets can't appreciate the beauty of foundational mathematics.

>> No.9839003

Any HoTT theorists here who can give me the rundown on type theory from Russel to today? Seems interesting and I'd like to learn some more theoretical computer science.

>> No.9839034
File: 143 KB, 692x1000, dubd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your background?
Do you know formal logic, set theory, lambda calculus, Curry-Howard?

Here's an excellent text


The guy who bought the HoTT book out of the blue should certainly also start here.

>> No.9839056

Not that I know of

>> No.9839413


>> No.9839706

IUT is a joke, just like Anon's future.

>> No.9839778
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>> No.9839834

What does this have to do with Wildberger.

>> No.9840171
File: 17 KB, 336x499, Real Analysis Textbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a cs and physics double major and since my school doesn't allow triple majors, I'm trying to self study pure math as hobby. I finished book of proofs and my prof recommended this book to me. R8 this book.please.

>> No.9840645
File: 105 KB, 645x729, 1526753354124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I write proofs?

>> No.9840683

1. Start with premise
2. Infer
3. ???
4. Profit

>> No.9840704

With a pen on a paper. Using the alphabet you are familiar with.

>> No.9840705

>How do I write proofs?

>> No.9840788


your school doesn't allow triple majors? at my school, as long as your gpa meets a certain requirement, you can pile on as many majors as you want

>> No.9840957

any cool topics of research related to healthcare?

>> No.9841145
File: 114 KB, 850x850, __murasa_minamitsu_touhou_drawn_by_fuuen_akagaminanoka__sample-ccf18d5bf8f298ee353f7849683a47fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might help you, friend.

>> No.9841155
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>> No.9841161
File: 4 KB, 309x96, CUBES___t658igqwkdjbweiyft3vg33gwejsdhfr++ewq2q23is.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derivation of the Limits of Sine and Cosine at Infinity

>> No.9841198

Fast route is to memorize a trig identity sheet but it's just gonna bite you in the ass again later

>> No.9841206

If you're going to make up nonsense at least collect like terms

>> No.9841275
File: 14 KB, 250x226, 1474747000419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm calmer now, I'll just read some books on trigonometry.

>> No.9841455

Given that you understand the basics of Topology, Analysis, and Algebra, I would recommend you look at the more advanced sections of your undergrad books and try to figure out something more advanced which you want to learn. Find buzzwords and wikipedia them until you find something that catches your fancy. At least for me, you need to have a goal, a source of motivation to slog through the theorems and proofs because quite frankly, reading textbooks is boring. So, pick something that's beyond your understanding but can at least get the gist of what its about and then sort of patch your understanding up to that thing. Also, for the thing you want to learn, just pick a theorem and work solely on understanding why that theorem is true. Learn everything required to learn that theorem. Here's a secret: there's no reason to learn every single theorem in a book. Just learn what you need to learn for your goal. Then, when you need to go back, it's easy to patch up what you missed.

I'm a PhD student in math and have reached the point where this is the only viable way for me to learn math. Because of that, I retain significant more motivation than ever before to learn new math because everything I learn now is directed by a goal of understanding specific at the end.

>> No.9841610

[math] (\cos(x),\sin(x)) [/math] is the point on the unit circle when you have covered distance x on it, starting from (1,0).
This is literally all there is conceptually. It's simple as fuck.
For example, why is [math] \cos^2(x)+\sin^2(x) [/math] always equal to 1? It's because (by definition) [math] (\cos(x),\sin(x)) [/math] is always on the unit circle which means (by definition) that it has length equal to 1.

The identities can all be derived by using the following:
e^{i(x+y)}= e^{ix} e^{iy}\\

>> No.9841979

Not op but thanks desu

>> No.9842283

>Here's a secret: there's no reason to learn every single theorem in a book.
New PhD student here. I'm really having trouble switching to that mindset, though I know it's not realistic to try to read books cover to cover. How do you not get overwhelmed by the stuff you don't know when reading the sections you need if you didn't take the time to think about the proofs ?

>> No.9842434

Am I insane or do mathbb letters have colors associated to them.

I have no idea where I got this in my head, but for some reason Z should be green, F should be red, S should be yellow, Q should be beigeish, N should be gray.

Where did these associations come from? Did I just make them up?

>> No.9842448


>> No.9842502


pretty sure that's a sign you might be a homo

>> No.9842576

Is anyone interested in a group reading of Chitikila Musili's book on algebraic geometry and compiling a document with errata and some solution to exercises?

>> No.9842587

>Indian author

>> No.9842589

Did Musili tell you to compile an errata document and now you are trying to outsource it?

>> No.9842741

I think you're right. I started thinking about it and realized I can instantly associate a color to pretty much every letter.

>> No.9842745


Pick the ones with the yellow covers. That's when you know their not fucking around.

>> No.9842760

Being wrong isn't my style.

>> No.9842797

Sounds like you have trouble with tolerating ambiguity. It might be too late for you. The fact that you were previously reading books cover to cover makes it sound like you haven't ever grappled with solving any problems for any length of time. You're starting to get to the point where all the problems that you should have not looked up, you did, so now there are no easy problems for you to spend time getting used to that feeling of frustration and unknown. Since you never developed this courage and resilience, you're like a person who has spent the last 4 years reading books about painting and now you're about to start painting and expecting too much out of yourself.

I'll try not to be too mean though, just remember that something can only ever be new once. The first time you see something just plow through it anyways and get some kind of big picture, blurry overview at least to get the general proportions down of how the concepts are roughly connected together. Then from there you can begin to better inspect how the pieces glue together and what the edges are like. Another thing, If you've ever driven a car, you don't have to know how an engine works to get somewhere. At the end of the day, what are you striving for?

>> No.9842814

First chapters explain where a pussy is on the body. But each pussy smells a little different.

>> No.9842852

Musili is long dead. The reason behind this proposal is that I looked for an errata and didn't find it, it is a personal thing but I thought maybe someone else is up to a refresh and would like company as I do. Say it is out of boredom and loneliness, no sense of accomplishment and things like that. I'm actually up to anything, but I had this book on the list.

>> No.9842871

I see. I like your idea.

>> No.9842878
File: 54 KB, 573x605, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember Atiyah's 2016 paper about there being no complex structure on S^6, but some people didn't like the proof?

He came back with an update:

>> No.9842904

You are literally insane. N is obviously a navy blue.

>> No.9842908
File: 471 KB, 500x374, 1330071328745006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, based Atiyah.

>> No.9842910
File: 7 KB, 255x217, SVM_kernel_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me what the bottom formula in pic related means in plain English? Retard-friendly if possible.

>> No.9842916

It's a normal distribution with the normalization factor that's missing...

>> No.9842952

Well said. A way I used to get used to this kind of thinking was that I read the chapter first without paying too much attention to details and then moved onto the problems. Solving those forced me to look at the results presented so far and trying to figure out which ones I needed to prove the given claim. I suggest trying this to >>9842283 if he has time for such activity.

>> No.9843040
File: 184 KB, 338x414, [Asenshi] Amanchu! - 06 [DD437ED2].mkv_snapshot_14.55_[2016.08.19_12.54.01].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4-spheres has exotic smooth structures
>2-sphere is not parallelizable
>now 6-spheres don't have complex structures
What the FUCK do we do now??

>> No.9843077

I hate this general.

>> No.9843162

Axler's exclusion of determinants, while legitimate, is not consistent with literally every other linear algera course and courses that use determinants like vector analysis.

Lang is pure shit. I have heard good things about Hoffman and Kunze, that they cover a lot more material than other texts while starting each chapter off simply then adding rigor at a nice pace.

I learned linear algebra with Friedberg, Insel, and Spence and it's probably my favorite undergrad text so far but expect a lot more out of you in terms of proofs. There's also a solution manual online.

>> No.9843209

*blocks your path*

>> No.9843224

>SVM kernel
exp is just the function which is the exponentiation of e (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_function).).
If you don't know what the exponential function or the normal distribution is then you're going to have a hard time with SVM/machine learning.
Chapter 2 of bishop should explain this stuff in a way relevant to what you're doing.

>> No.9843234
File: 62 KB, 2000x1422, gaussian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of k as a measure of similarity between x_i and x_j.
The (euclidean) distance between the two is used as the x value for a function like pic related, and k is the y value.

>> No.9843339

Dope, that's the way to go

>> No.9843646

Did your physical intuition fail you?

>> No.9843666

N is red, Z is grey, Q is blue/purple, R is black, C is yellow/orange, F is green, S is yellow.

>> No.9843687

What the hell am I looking at?

>> No.9843695

The Euler of our time

>> No.9844023
File: 242 KB, 800x800, 1503110718905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the average PhD students in math still struggles with High school Mathematical Olympiads questions?

>> No.9844038

Probably. Thank you for reminding me about the IMO

>site isn't working
Fucking gypsies...

>> No.9844045

? It works just fine for me.

>> No.9844046

I use UML to write diagrams, then type it out for brainlets (a.k.a. supervisors) to understand.

>> No.9844051
File: 40 KB, 1085x576, Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at 17.04.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I get a
>This Domain Name Has Expired - Renewal Instructions.
generic page on my end.

Pic related.

>> No.9844057
File: 149 KB, 1089x650, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Try using a vpn.

>> No.9844093

I probably would, but I didn't start applying myself until second year of grad school. Most of the smart grad students I've met did all the extra shit since middle school, and study for fun.

>> No.9844131
File: 135 KB, 390x462, mkq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone seen this https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3149038/ ?
How cringe is it?

>> No.9844161

I got a quadrature scheme of order [math] k [/math] with nodes [math] x_1,...,x_n \in [0,1] [/math] and weights [math] w_1,...,w_n [/math]
such that
[math] \sum_i w_if(x_i) = \int_0^1 f(x) dx+ c\cdot f^{(k)}(\xi) [/math]
for some [math] \xi \in [0,1] [/math]

The quadrature scheme has an underlying interpolation polynomial [math] p_f [/math], such that [math] p_f(x_i) = f(x_i) [/math] for all [math]i = 1,...,n [/math] such that [math] \sum_i w_if(x_i) = \int_0^1 p_f(x) dx [/math]

Now I want to show that the arc length of [math] p_f [/math] is also an approximation of order [math] k [/math] to the arc length of [math] f [/math], in the sense that

[math] = \int_0^1 \sqrt{1+f'(x)} dx =\int_0^1 \sqrt{1+p_f'(x)} dx+ c\cdot f^{(k)}(\xi) [/math]

I have numerically verified that this seems to be the case, but am stuck on the proof.

>> No.9844460


>> No.9844546

what about strang?

>> No.9844628

It’s pretty meh

>> No.9844642

The whole game of the IMO is that the writers submit problems that are engineered to be solved by some combination of 1-3 tricks, and your job is to figure out what tricks are needed. If you don't have a large enough toolbox of tricks you're simply not going to have any idea what to do with a lot of them.
There's a reason all the kids who succeed at them spends hundreds of hours practicing old problems and going to training sessions.

>> No.9844700

Those tricks are of great values. What’s important here is the attempts in solving the problems, even if they’re unsuccessful. The Poincare Conjecture wouldn’t be solved if Perelman hadn’t use Ricci flow trick.

>> No.9844900
File: 239 KB, 850x1133, __junko_touhou_drawn_by_katsumi5o__sample-034709f152a2f31e76b82ca50c6a73bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This website contains most solution to Dummit Foote Abstract Algebra book. Are there anymore website like this but for different math books?

>> No.9844904
File: 48 KB, 759x268, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black holes and class groups
>Nathan Benjamin, Shamit Kachru, Ken Ono, Larry Rolen
>(Submitted on 2 Jul 2018)
>The theory of quadratic forms and class numbers has connections to many classical problems in number theory. Recently, class numbers have appeared in the study of black holes in string theory. We describe this connection and raise questions in the hope of inspiring new collaborations between number theorists and physicists.

>> No.9844927
File: 1.80 MB, 1202x910, physical maths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder to work with physicists.

>> No.9845039

I don’t understand this meme. They’re both seems like they couldn’t solve shit.

>> No.9845075

>Those tricks are of great values
This is bullshit.

I'm not arguing with you that there is value in learning to work IMO problems, and high schoolers do learn some useful math skills from it (the canonical inequalities are heavily covered, you become extremely adept at inducting and elementary combinatorics, stuff like that) but you cannot possibly tell me there is "great value" in knowing a bunch of substitutions for 3-variable cyclic inequalities or how Vieta jumping works is good for anything other than olympiad problems.

>> No.9845246 [DELETED] 

have mathematicians statistically measured the best mathematicians like a statistically best mathematician?

>> No.9845250

That's dumb

>> No.9845253 [DELETED] 

knock yourself out bud

>> No.9845324

taylor expansion, brainlet

>> No.9845484
File: 109 KB, 723x1023, ontama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically fuck off. Black holes don't exist.

>> No.9845489

>Black holes don't exist.
What do you mean?

>> No.9845496
File: 1.51 MB, 1701x1701, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help I am brainlet

I'm solving polynomials

I have the equation


I first factor out the 3

So I get 3(x^2-6x-16)

The software I'm using tells me to factor out a three and I get completely lost.

It ends up 3(x+2)(x-8)

Can someone explain how you factor out a 3 from 3(x^2-6x-16) and how you end up with the above 3(x+2)(x-8)

I understand how to solve from that point, I just don't get how they got there

>> No.9845507

End your fucking existence if you can’t even solve a simple fucking quadratic equation

>> No.9845516

nvm, I understand now.

The wording confused me with a factoring out a three.

>> No.9845524

I'm not an english native speaker, but we call it "finding the nullpoints". Your equation can be written like "ax^2+bx+c. You find nullpoints when your equation is 0. So you use the well known formula [-b+-sqrt(b^2+4ac)]/2. When you solve your equation you get 8 and -2. Try it out.

>> No.9845530

This is the brainlet way of solving the quadratic, a non-brainlet just notices that 2-8=-6 and 2*(-8)=-16 so x^2-6x-16=(x+2)(x-8)

>> No.9845538

This guy thinks.

>> No.9845546

That's because the numbers are "nice". sometimes it might have ugly numbers and you will have to write it down. I'm giving him the brainlet way because not even brainlets could fuck that up.

>> No.9845558
File: 356 KB, 599x510, Angry2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I spent years thinking Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces were some 2000IQ+ tier elite math shit
>finally get to babby's first functional analysis class
>It's just more fucking norms and vector spaces

>> No.9845564

same thing for c*algebras, but they are my limits

>> No.9845570

How silly.

>> No.9845577

wtf x^2+1 has roots +-1 now
>not even brainlets could fuck that up

>> No.9845708
File: 7 KB, 277x138, 79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is computer science harder than maths guys?

>> No.9845752

Yes, math is built on the foundation of computer science.

>> No.9845780

>Yes, math is built on the foundation of computer science.
Other way around.

>> No.9845822

You must be fun at parties

>> No.9845824

Anyone have other insecure mathoverflow/stackexchange posts? They're fun to read


>> No.9845868

The suicidal thoughts of anime brainlets are a lot funnier to read.

>> No.9845890

Yeah, saying things like "The Earth is flat", "Einstein was wrong", "Holocaust didn't happen" is probably a hoot at every party that you go to.

>> No.9846012

Try again. That function shouldn't even touch the x axis. That means your solution is a complex number. In this case it is +-i. Don't be discouraged if you feel like a brainlet, you just have to go slow at first.

>> No.9846018

go back to your original post and look closely at what you wrote retardo

>> No.9846019


>> No.9846175

I don't know about websites. Online you can find pdf with solutions to exercises from Atiyah, or books with exercises and solutions such as Altman's. Also, as you probably know, there is MSE.

>> No.9846185

That post was obviously wrong. It's -4ac.

>> No.9846186

still forgetting something

>> No.9846194

Strang is engineering-tier.

>> No.9846366

Exactly what I said.

>> No.9846370

munkres topology

atiyah's commutative algebra

>> No.9846376

literally all the responses to Cleo's posts or the meta posts aimed at >her

>> No.9846463

Who's Cleo?

>> No.9846468


>> No.9846476


>> No.9846486


>> No.9846491

>Who's Cleo?

>> No.9846492

I asked a question. Please answer it, faggot.

>> No.9846497

Ah, a stackexchange user.

>> No.9846503

just browse by highest voted answers for maximum keks

>> No.9846551
File: 800 KB, 500x500, gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suppose i have 1000 sets containing A and or B and or C. Suppose i know the quantities of {AB}, {AC}, {BC}, {A} (just A), {B}, {C}, and {ABC}. what statistical test would i use to determine the significance of the relationship between the pairs and between the three?
For example, to be able to predict if a set containing A will also contain B, or B and C, etc?

>> No.9846560
File: 72 KB, 512x384, a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the earth is round and the holocaust happened.

>> No.9846612


>> No.9846633

>Black holes don't exist.

>> No.9846642
File: 810 KB, 960x960, look at my thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard compared to in person cal 2 would an online linear algebra class be from the same school?

>> No.9846785


>> No.9846807

independence or the other one?

>> No.9847419

Let's say I have a differential equation on the format:

y'' +k*y=0 (for this example, let's just assume k>0)

Wherever I look, it is always said that k must be n2, n=0, 1, 2..., for this function to be periodic in 2pi. I'm not sure if I'm just experiencing a huge brainlet moment or what but why the fuck does it need to be so? wouldn't any k make it periodic, since the solution will be linear combination of sine and cosine anyways?

>> No.9847423

Oh, I get it now. The period will be 2pi/sqrt(k) which will only be 2pi periodic if sqrt(k) is an integer. Sorry for wasting two posts on this thread

>> No.9847502


Is there a good textbook that presents multilinear algebras (especially exterior algebra) in a unified framework? Preferably with strong geometric developments.

>> No.9847585


>> No.9847589

Winitzki's Linear algebra via exterior product should present almost anything in a very elementary way. The discussion is limited to linear/multilinear algebra, but it has the merit of presenting all usual operators (contraction, Hodge's star and so forth), which I don't see in many other books.
Multilinear algebra is used everywhere, differential geometry, Hodge theory, algebraic geometry, algebra etc, so if your question was if there is a decent book that includes all of that I'm quite positive there isn't, you should refer to different books according to your needs.

>> No.9847591

Don't be an asshole Anon.

>> No.9847593

>Don't be an asshole Anon.
I'm not an "asshole".

>> No.9847694

You're a sphincter. Same shit.

>> No.9847713

Thank you. This looks good.

>Multilinear algebra is used everywhere, differential geometry, Hodge theory, algebraic geometry, algebra etc, so if your question was if there is a decent book that includes all of that I'm quite positive there isn't, you should refer to different books according to your needs.
Not gonna lie I was hoping for that. Essentially a collection of all the fundamental operators possible with multilinear forms. But it sounds ridiculous now.

Do you happen to have a good recommendation for Hodge theory too?

>> No.9847724

Some people say string theory is unfalsifiable because we don't have the right technology yet. What kind of technology is needed?

>> No.9847733

Your mom’s virginity is unfalsifiable. Face it, string theory didn’t predict shit and incoherent with our observation. So it’s false.

>> No.9847736

>incoherent with our observation
How so?

>> No.9847826

>Do you happen to have a good recommendation for Hodge theory too?

Unfortunately no. I had the pleasure to follow a course in differential geometry, where the teacher gave us a brief exposition of Hodge theorem in order to prove Poincaré duality (in particular, that the pairing is not degenerate). If I'm not wrong the reference he gave us was Warner, and said that the theory is easy modulo some hard analysis (tipical nonsense involving weak solutions to PDE).

>> No.9847839

ST is not unfalsifiable.

Think about it, all of ST is built off of data to begin with. It is its own verification.

When you do computations you get exact results back equal to lower order approximations. When it doesn't fit a new prediction there are countless things you can adjust.

People, including ST researchers, just get scared and go "well these abstractions seem far removed from the math I did in undergrad, are we sure we can still go back from this", but it doesn't work that way. The work done in ST will never be declared "useless" when someone finds a grand unified model because it helps us to understand and do computations with gauge groups that underlie well established theories. What I mean by this is; we still build bridges and aeroplanes with Newtonian mechanics.

>> No.9847844

I just thought that maybe you could be interested in Janich's Vector analysis.

>> No.9847849

No, string theory is unfalsifiable because it is infinitely adjustable. It has sufficient free parameters that you can tweak to fit any data.

>> No.9847851

By the way, this is not the physics general.

>> No.9847852

Yeah I've also only had exposure on its applications in differential geometry. But thanks anyway.

Looks very promising, thank you Anon.

>> No.9847858

>By the way, this is not the physics general.
String theory is math, not physics.

>> No.9847871
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>String theory is math, not physics.
It's too unrigorous to be called mathematics. It's a LARP either way.
Go away.

>> No.9848472

>more fucking norms and vector spaces

That doesn't mean the theory is simple..

>> No.9848627

In the famous SICP book (computer science), one of the exercise was to write a recursive function to generate a list of every subset of a list. I tried to translate my solution in mathematical notation and i would like to prove it : [math]\mathcal{P}(\{x_1,x_2,...,x_n\})=\mathcal{P}(\{x_2,x_3,...,x_n\})\cup \{x_1\cup X:X\in \mathcal{P}(\{x_2,x_3,...,x_n\})\}[/math]
Where should i start? Should i use induction?

>> No.9848636
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Ok, i don't know why my latex code is broken, here is an image.

>> No.9848642

I feel stupid, i think there is nothing to prove, that's really intuitive.

>> No.9848682

How do I learn to learn math whilst enjoying it?

I'm getting very bored reading textbooks and doing exercises. There has to be a better way to learn Math, really I just hate reading math textbooks but enjoy doing interesting exercises. I have taken two semester of real analysis and abstract algebra.

Is it viable to try to learn math by picking out cool topics and trying to learn them? I'm sick of learning things by linearly following a book. Any advice would be much appreciated!

>> No.9848881
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Here, these are unsolved problems recommended for undergraduates. Make it your goal to solve it. Learn all the necessary math to solve these problems. You don’t need to learn all the theorems in a book, just theorems you needed to achieve your goal. I would eat my left nut if you managed to solve even one of these unsolved problems.

Or pick up some problem books recommended by /sci/ in the wiki like Putnam.


>> No.9848888

you can talk to faculty to get involved in their research. do that and it should work well, it's a different and fun way of doing math

you also don't have to learn linearly, but you need to go about it methodically and using books/papers anyway

>> No.9848907

don't give useless advice

>> No.9848918

Your degree is useless

>> No.9849082
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>Quantum Langlands duality of representations of W-algebras
>Tomoyuki Arakawa, Edward Frenkel
>(Submitted on 4 Jul 2018)
>We prove duality isomorphisms of certain representations of W-algebras which play an essential role in the quantum geometric Langlands Program and some related results.

>> No.9849290

are linear/non-linear optimization classes continuations of matrix/linear algebra?

>> No.9849348

bad advice

>> No.9849500

Most linear programming algorithms are about arrays representing geometric objects.

Non-linear programming algorithms use ideas from about every math field you can think of.

>> No.9849549
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According to Godel Incompleteness theorem, it's impossible to prove certain problems. Can we prove that such problems to be unprovable?

>> No.9849650

you can find two models of your theory, one where the theorem holds and one where it doesn't.

>> No.9849684

Yo /mg/, I'm looking for some good theorem for interpolation errors in more than one dimension.

In one dimension we've got the usual interpolation error
[eqn] | f(x)-p_n(x) | \leq C \sup_x \left | f^{(n+1)}(x) \right | [/eqn]
for any interpolation polynomial of at most degree [math] n [/math].
I'm aware of the Bramble Hilbert Lemma, but it just specifies, that there exists a polynomial of degree [math] n [/math], but I need a result that works for any interpolation polynomial, so something along these lines:

For a lipschitz domain [math] \Omega [/math] there exists a constant [math] C=C\left(n,\Omega \right) [/math] such that for any [math] u\in W_{\infty}^{n+1}(\Omega ) [/math] and any polynomial [math] p\in P_{n} [/math] with [math] p(x_i) = u(x_i) [/math] for all [math] i=1,...,\frac{(n+1)(n+2)}{2} [/math], we have
[eqn] || u-p|| _{W_{\infty}^{0}(\Omega )}\leq C\left\vert u\right\vert _{W_{\infty}^{n+1}(\Omega )} [/eqn]

>> No.9849688

the last formulation is a bit akward.
[math] \{x_i\}_i [/math] should be any collection of points that define a polynomial in [math] P_n [/math] uniquely

>> No.9849742

I think I found a solution.
[eqn] ||u-p||_{W^0_\infty (\Omega)} \leq (1+\Lambda(\{ x_i \}_i)) \inf_{v\in P_n} ||u-v||_{W^0_\infty (\Omega)} [/eqn]for the lebesgue constant [math] \Lambda [/math] which is only dependend on the inerpolation nodes.
Now I can use Bramble Hilbert to get
|| u-p|| _{W_{\infty}^{0}(\Omega )}\leq C\left\vert u\right\vert _{W_{\infty}^{n+1}(\Omega )}
for any interpolation polynomial, where [math] C [/math] is only dependend on [math] \Omega,n [/math] and the interpolation nodes

>> No.9850555

I dont understand what it means for an object to be "nice."
I see that word everywhere. What does it mean?

>> No.9850564

>I dont understand what it means for an object to be "nice."

>> No.9850566

It has some kind of desired properties. This depends on the context, obviously.

>> No.9850685
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Why haven't you solved the Collatz Conjecture yet anon?

>> No.9850760

It means that it has all the properties required for some relevant theorem(s) to be applied.
Like for example, a function may be called "nice" when it's infinitely differentiable, or real analytic, or whatever.
It essentially means "don't worry about checking the properties required to apply the usual theorems".

>> No.9850845

I dont understand what it means for a function to be "well behaved."
I see that term everywhere. What does it mean?

>> No.9850979

>Why haven't you solved the Collatz Conjecture yet anon?
I have.

>> No.9851005

Because it’s a boring conjecture. Who give a shit if n eventually become 1?

>> No.9851123

go nuts :^)

>> No.9851270

>I have.
Mathematicians use "we", not "I".

>> No.9851327

Because I don't care about engineering problems.

>> No.9851367

We fucked your mom senselessly last night

>> No.9851541

redpill me on stacks

>> No.9851568

I understand why Galois theory shows there is no solution by radicals to some (degree 5 and above) polynomials. Why does that mean there is no general solution though? Is it not feasible that there could be some general way to write out a solution involving things other than radicals? Is this just a meaningless concept?

>> No.9851705

I'm trying. But it's pretty hard.

>> No.9851706

>Why does that mean there is no general solution though?
It doesn't.

>> No.9851944

I want to show /sci/ something harder than the Riemann Hypothesis

>> No.9851960

Solution by radicals is the only thing we know how to do aside from numerical approximation shit.

>> No.9851967

>Is it not feasible that there could be some general way to write out a solution involving things other than radicals?

>> No.9852563

So /mg/, I got a job. Thanks for the years of fun and fuck you for the years of shit. The best of luck to everyone on their stuff! Bye bye <3

>> No.9852841

I have the functional equation [eqn] f(x) = f(x^2) + f(x^3) + f(x^6) - 2 + 2x [/eqn]

I want to get an asymptotic formula for the coefficients of the Taylor series expansion of the solution. What methods exist for this?

>> No.9852885

Bye wagecuck.

>> No.9852898

>years of shit
this general started late summer last year, newfag

>> No.9852931

>this general started late summer last year

>> No.9853006
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>> No.9853246
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Really stupid question, but how do I know when a problem is linear least squares vs. nonlinear least squares? I'm kind of worried that I might be applying Gauss-Newton when I don't need to, but I don't know how to be sure.

>> No.9853432

Read your damn textbook retard.

>> No.9853876

I don't have one. I'm self taught and writing a program to do tomographic reconstruction as a hobby. I'm basically minimizing an L2 norm, which as far as I can tell is nonlinear, right?

>> No.9854333

Just read your goddamn book or wikipedia that shit

>> No.9854752

I read Sauer as an undergraduate, and I would recommend it because it had examples in matlab rather than maple. You could also read the fucking wiki, which has recommended texts for nearly every undergrad science/math/engineering course.

>> No.9854825

Apparently not. Look at the other post I replied to.

>> No.9854833

Linear least squares is fitting a line to your data. You might perform a non-linear transform on your data (with "basis functions") so the actual curve fitted to your data is not a line (but is a line fitted to the transformed data).

Non-linear least squares is fitting something other than a line to your data directly.

>> No.9854855
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I just had a bit of a query for some resources/direction if any of you guys had any to give?

I'm in my second year at uni, and one of my tutors just seems to have such a solid grasp on Mathematics. It of course has to do with the fact that he holds a double degree in Mathematics and Philosophy - but I think that really just inspired him to understand it from the ground up. Maybe his passion for Philosophy lead him to be influenced to reading the originals, making an effort to understand the original papers, as they were released, in their own context.

I'm studying Data Science (hold the memes), and I don't want to be one of those people who is clueless of the Mathematics/Statistics behind each of these methods which are commonplace today. As it currently stands I have a decent grasp on Calculus, have been 'as far' as differential equations with no problems really. I've taken a whole class which dives pretty in-depth into regression, its assumptions, its shortcomings, calculus of it, matrix algebra of it - but everything seems so scattered and concepts seem hard to link up at times.

But every time I've learnt this stuff the questions seem to be based around some pretty obvious applications. I can understand them from a very specific 'tool based' approach, but the fundamental way of thinking has sort of skipped me.

Just focussing on the subset of Statistics, how would I go about getting a ground up knowledge of the field? Do I really have to knuckle down and just read page by page through a text book? Try get my hands on the original papers? Are there any (auto)biographies on some of the OG's that give some insight into their thinking and are easier to approach?

>> No.9854903

There are some books on statistics in >>9841145. Just download it from libgen.

>> No.9854913

Cheers, I'll have a look through now.

I'm currently 20, and to my own demise (and maybe growing up on the internet) have unfortunately not grown up being much of a reader. Is it really just as trivial as sitting down, and going through chapter by chapter slowly, making sure you understand everything being said? Should you just skim through and focus less on the details and just try absorb the main parts? Is there any specific 'roadmap' for approaching a fundamental knowledge of Statistics which would be optimal?

>> No.9854925

I prefer to sit down and make sure I'm understand shit. But, if you felt unmotivated doing so, then by all means skim it through and absorb the main parts.

>Is there any specific 'roadmap' for approaching a fundamental knowledge of Statistics which would be optimal?
Don't know. Sorry buddy.

>> No.9854940

Just out of curiosity, do you take notes when you read through a textbook? In a seperate notebook, underline stuff/notes within the margin of the book, or just none at all?

I just find it hard to concentrate, always seem to be 'reading' something but turns out I've been absorbing nothing and have to skip back a paragraph or two to before it was when I 'zoned out.' And it just leads to frustration, and when sitting there, reading through at that rate it seems that it'd take me an eternity to just get through one book.

>> No.9854958

No, I just read it. That sort of stuff happens to everyone.

>> No.9854967

Hmmmmm, I might spend awhile finding a good roadmap of books to go through, and then devote like an hour before bed or something each night, be rigorous, and hope it works.

>> No.9855016

Do the exercises.
Taking notes is good too, but don't do it blindly; think about what you need to write down.

>> No.9855026

Will do. I think the way I'm going to approach it from now on is reading, maybe underlying something that stands out to me in pencil if/when it happens. And then yes, doing the exercises.

Just need to make myself a bit of a roadmap now, and start my own little collection. Need a fucking statistician lol

>> No.9856352

differentiable/continuous everywhere would be my guess

>> No.9856430
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>> No.9856838
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do y'all know anything about quantum computing?
shit looks pretty neat but its kind of fucky getting into it

>> No.9856859

fuck off back to >>>/g/

>> No.9856863

shut up nerd

>> No.9856893


>> No.9856901

sounds like a bunch of hoopla to me, and then who cares if its practical or not like what are you a fucking engineer??
the mathematics behind it looks to be fascinating

>> No.9857047

>then who cares if its practical or not
Optimization is a math subject too you know

>> No.9857056

|x|=? when x^2=x

x^2/x=1, x=1
x^2-x=0, x(x-1)=0, x=0,1

Two different results and my mind is blown. How does this happen? I'm a dumbfuck, not seeking homework help

>> No.9857061

What's another trig-related & compelling, multiple solution question such as:

>A sinusoidal function has x-intercepts at -45o, 45o, 135o, . . . What could its equation be?

I'm thinking of possibly a question that would have one drawing a triangle or an equation out that doesn't have one concrete answer

Any ideas? Nothing too complicated. Thanks

>> No.9857105

I hope you're trolling. If not, you really are a dumbfuck.

Above the "OR" you are dividing by x, which assumes x is nonzero, hence you drop a solution to the equation x^2 = x.

>> No.9857108

>in current year

why are you interested in coming up with a problem? even in pure math, we try to have some sort of motivation.

>> No.9857115

it's sort of a 'test your peers with a higher-thinking question and get a question back' kind of deal...

>> No.9857141
File: 42 KB, 535x425, Youre_Fucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give them this. it is intended for highly gifted middle school students. i couldn't solve this until my 3rd year as a math undergrad. The solution is 3 lines.

>> No.9857148

Thanks but I need something in trig

>> No.9857160

this can be interpreted as a trig question

a^2 + b^2 = 1
is pythagorean theorem

>> No.9857170

I guess that works... I was thinking of a more 'applicable' trig question- more along the lines of applying sine and cosine laws, closer to Grade 11/12 Trig

Like so:

>A sinusoidal function has x-intercepts at -45o, 45o, 135o, . . . What could its equation be?

>> No.9857186

Try actually solving the problem I gave you, using trig identities.

Make the substitions:
a = cos x
b = sin x
c = cos y
d = sin y

The difficult part of the problem is realizing that the point (a,b) lies on the unit circle and is 90 degrees rotated away from the point (d,c). Once you find this fact, the second set of equations can be derived.

There is also an alternative solution, (the 3 line one) which uses matrix algebra. That solution is the one which took me so long to find. The longer solution is a trig problem.

You should try actually solving a problem rather than just looking at it blankly.

>> No.9857222

Matrix algebra? Just multiply the first line by c^2
and you're pretty much done.

>> No.9857239

This doesn't prove the third equation in the second set of equations. It proves the first two though.

You can prove both at once using orthogonal matrices and uniqueness of inverses.

>> No.9857249

It does prove the third, b=+-c so ab+cd=+-ac+-bd=0. This "proof" is more elementary too.

>> No.9857252

i think you lose parity of the signs. maybe you can solve it in the way you describe, but there needs to be more detail. I think that adding in that detail makes it no more elementary than the other proposed solutions.

>> No.9857261

Elementary in the sense that an arithmetic problem has an arithmetic solution.

>> No.9857266

Sure. One of my friends in my department really likes solutions which are answered in the same way that they were posed. I think that there is an elegance in that, but my personal preference is to bring in seemingly unrelated mathematics and solve a problem in a novel way through.

>> No.9857276

True, it's always nice to have different types of solutions for the same problem.

>> No.9857592
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This good?

>> No.9857626

Holy shit I teach middle school math, seriously. I'll give them this tomorrow.

>> No.9857828

ac = -bd
a^2 c^2 = b^2 d^2

a^2 c^2 + b^2 c^2 = c^2
b^2 d^2 + b^2 c^2 = c^2
d^2 + c^2 = c^2 / b^2
1 = c^2 / b^2
b^2 = c^2
b = c or -c

The rest is trivial substitution.

This is piss easy.

>> No.9857865

Good, now go solve some unsolved problems.

>> No.9858086

>two vectors on the unit circle, and their dot product is 0
>(c,d) is orthogonal to (a,b), so it is either (-b,a), or (b,-a)
>plug and chug for the remaining 3 equations
if you used anything else, then you got 0 points on this question,

>> No.9858103

>dot product
>in middle school

>> No.9858314

>if you used anything else, then you got 0 points on this question,
this desu

>> No.9858325
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>> No.9858349

I do as well. A good challenge.

>> No.9858369

Who the fuck has school in the middle of july?

>> No.9858387

Asian schools.

>> No.9858403
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looks valid to me.

this solution is a re-wording of the "orthogonal matrices" mentioned here: >>9857239

Pic related is my solution.

>> No.9858864

yes? you didn't have that in middle school?

>> No.9858937

it kinda sucks that sci is so slow in the summer, but im kinda glad that the mg spammers are gone for now

>> No.9859013
File: 30 KB, 878x387, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turbo brainlet here taking Trig at 22

how the FUCK do I find the Y values of these points? I understand how to get the X values

>> No.9859025

>the mg spammers

>> No.9859108

Hey I'm math Chad doing my PhD at 22. You have a function which takes in x and gives out y, yes?

If you have x, then plug it in to the function, compute it, and get y.

>> No.9859111

by key points they mean corresponding points on y=-2*cos(x-pi/5)+3 after its transformation from y=cos(x)
so e.g. where will the (pi/2,0) of y=cos(x) be on the y=-2*cos(x-pi/5)+3 ?
it will be where the argument of that cosine in y=-2*cos(x-pi/5)+3 is equal to the argument of that untransformed cos(x), which is pi/2 for the point (pi/2,0). So: x-pi/5=pi/2 and thus x=7*pi/10.
and the values? just input the "transformed" arguments into the y=-2*cos(x-pi/5)+3
so for corresponding point of (pi/2,0) input 7*pi/10 into y=-2*cos(7*pi/10-pi/5)+3 = -2*cos(pi/2)+3 = 3
so here you have your corresponding point (7*pi/10, 3)

>> No.9859112

who /financialmath/ here

where my time series niggas at

>> No.9859116

I’m not a nigger

>> No.9859117

yet here you are, basketballius

>> No.9859119

financial math is not really the type of thing discussed on /mg/, it is an application of some small subset of math and not math itself. for an example of typical discussion on /mg/, we can see that several people discussed this problem: >>9857141 and solved it in a number of ways just for fun. finance is not mathematics in this sense.

>> No.9859125

>it is an application of some small subset of math and not math itself
define "math"

>> No.9859131

Philosophical arguments, but with only logos. No pathos or ethos based arguments. Math consists of taking assumptions and expanding on those assumptions in a rhetorical style mentioned above.

If you are interested in fundamentals of mathematics, the wikipedia page on ZFC is a good starting place:

>> No.9859222

Thank you anons

My professor didn't explain this well at all

>> No.9859237

its ok, sometimes people who work with something for a long period of time tend to forget to explain detail because of being too used to it.

>> No.9859314
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Definition 1: x is God-like if and only if x has as essential properties those and only those properties which are positive
Definition 2: A is an essence of x if and only if for every property B, x has B necessarily if and only if A entails B
Definition 3: x necessarily exists if and only if every essence of x is necessarily exemplified

Axiom 1: If a property is positive, then its negation is not positive
Axiom 2: Any property entailed by—i.e., strictly implied by—a positive property is positive
Axiom 3: The property of being God-like is positive
Axiom 4: If a property is positive, then it is necessarily positive
Axiom 5: Necessary existence is positive
Axiom 6: For any property P, if P is positive, then being necessarily P is positive

Theorem 1: If a property is positive, then it is consistent, i.e., possibly exemplified

Corollary 1: The property of being God-like is consistent

Theorem 2: If something is God-like, then the property of being God-like is an essence of that thing
Theorem 3: Necessarily, the property of being God-like is exemplified

>> No.9859324

>Theorem 1: If a property is positive, then it is consistent, i.e., possibly exemplified
Possibly exemplified? Go back studying logic dude

>> No.9859334

Kill all physicists

>> No.9859351

No I need them so I can use their findings as toy problems in my numerical analysis. Just let them do their thing and think they know anything. They can be useful.

>> No.9859428

tl;dr "if I imagine something with properties that would make it exist, then it exists"

>> No.9859446
File: 15 KB, 333x499, probability.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Kolmogorov good to learn probability from?

also, am working my way into analysis starting with some set theory, but I hear the modern thing is category theory. Recommend a book?

>> No.9859743

there's no point learning category theory without knowing (classical) abstract algebra, and algebraic geometry/topology. Not only that, but you will most likely not understand anything, nor understand the motivation behind it. Further, analysis/probability are one of the subjects where category theory is the least beneficial, and hence the least used.

>> No.9859746

>is an 85 year old math book good for learning?
I haven't read it, but no, it's too old.

>> No.9859836
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 58C699F4-3086-45CA-8CB8-9C3604C8A56C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a great book. It’s like Hardy/Littlewood/Polya’s Inequalities book but with probabilities.

>> No.9859840

Typing /kiss in WoW doesn't mean you have boyfriends, kiddo

>> No.9859845

It is also possible to learn category theory along topology, i.e. via convergence spaces. See Preuss's foundations of topoloogy.

>> No.9859890
File: 47 KB, 499x376, 1525109163167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no point learning category theory without knowing (classical) abstract algebra, and algebraic geometry/topology.

>> No.9859934

you must become a master of the distributive property to do algebra, my son

>> No.9860153


>> No.9860186

Good. We feel the same about you

>> No.9860211

What's the deepest math folklore you guys know?
I'm completely self-taught so I never got to hear all the juicy things that never get published because they are too speculative.

>> No.9860216
File: 75 KB, 530x407, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read section 10.6 of Henri Cohen's 'Number theory vol.2. Analytic and modern tools' (its on libgen)

>> No.9860231

>It’s like Hardy/Littlewood/Polya’s Inequalities book

what is the virtue of said book? I'm not attacking you, I'm the Kolmogorov guy.

>> No.9860240

It's basically the Rudin of inequality

>> No.9860347

I used this book for my real analysis in conjunction with Royden's book. It's ok it doesn't really give a grown up appreciation for measure theory so ymmv

>> No.9860358

can confirm from experience

>> No.9860456

ok, cool that helps. Thanks!

>> No.9860538

Can you tease a bit what he's saying about them?

>> No.9860573

>Can you tease a bit what he's saying about them?
He says it better than I can

>> No.9860648

do you have a rebuttal ?

>> No.9860657

>Liking your women LONG
WTF is wrong with that picture?

>> No.9860692

There's no reason one would need abstract algebra/algebraic topology/geometry, categories are worth studying on their own merit.

>> No.9860698
File: 137 KB, 640x496, IMG_0815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>categories are worth studying on their own merit.
I knew the larping was strong here but wew

>> No.9860716

t. freshman

>> No.9860736


>> No.9860744

t. neet, self-taught """mathematician"""

>> No.9861037

im game

>> No.9861097

if one is """self-studying""" math, should they do the exercises which don't have solutions to them?
it's kind of weird learning a new topic and not being able to self-check what you've learned

>> No.9861108
File: 26 KB, 199x217, 1511946540085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, see >>9844900, >>9846175 and >>9846370. Also, R. P. Burn wrote problem books for analysis and Number Theory.Check it out.

Or pick up some problem contest books like Putnam.

>> No.9861134

is second class honors 2nd division acceptable for phd?

>> No.9861288

It might depend on the type of math and what you hope to get out of it.

For instance, if you're looking to gain general applied skill in (early) undergraduate linear algebra or calculus then you should do as many exercises as it takes for you to feel comfortable with the techniques and then do a few more on the harder scale (but beware that many textbooks contain extra problems that apply the technique to some science or something, don't bother with those unless you're particularly interested in that application). In addition, make sure to look for solutions manuals and if the textbook isn't jiving with you don't be afraid to choose a different one (millions of people have learned these topics and there are countless textbooks that take different pedagogical approaches to teaching it at different levels).

On the other hand if you want to gain conceptual theoretical understanding (perhaps you plan on entering a math program at a university or are just really interested in math) then you'll want to try and choose the problems that are the most important. Look at the theorems and claims involved. Often textbooks will expect that you've done certain problems that will give you insight or may in some cases even be pre-requisites to proving theorems later on. In this case don't be afraid to look at extra textbooks as references (but beware that different texts may use different incompatible approaches, such as slight variations of a theorem or definition). It might also help to look for 'lecture notes' (aka 'course notes') written by a professor for a course (these typically highlight the important material in the same way it would be taught in lecture, sometimes they contain mistakes though). Online lecture series can be pretty good too, as well as slide decks, and professor's webpages.

What are you studying, out of curiosity?

>> No.9861299
File: 130 KB, 1000x759, HoTT girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy but you are wrong. Category Theory is studied for its own sake and there is a wealth of beautiful and rich theory there.

There is also a large community of mathematicians and computer scientists that study it from the programming language theory perspective as there is a powerful relationship between type theory, logic (classical and non-classical), and category theory. The Homotopy Type Theory project lies in this intersection and it's currently one of the most well funded areas of research in either field.

>> No.9862220

What is this in British? A grade 2 pass?