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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9832926 No.9832926 [Reply] [Original]

Keep studying hard, Mr. Shekelstein is waiting for you!! Engineers, don't forget to swear your code of ethics so Mr. Shekelstein can pay you a 50th of the value you create while narrowly cutting the line of committing human rights violations and embezzling money for himself. Scientist, better finish that grant paper... And it better not be something Mr. Shekelstein can't immensely profit off of or else it's going right in the trash.

Tick tock wageys!

>> No.9832934

not science or math

>> No.9832938

Right! You scientists are much much smarter than engineers, as long as you are a good goy making me mon- I mean advancing collective knowledge or whatever...

Remember to vote Democrat® if you want to maintain your funding!

>> No.9832939

pray tell; what is the alternative?

>> No.9832947


>> No.9833002

After I finish my degree I plan on finding whatever way I can to work from home and become self-sufficient enough to retire by 30 or so. Can't imagine slaving for Mr. Shekelstien.

>> No.9833011

Whether it is the struggle he wishes is another matter.

>> No.9833017

What? I don't understand.

>> No.9833027

My wife and son laughed. We are setting the timers this evening.

>> No.9833068
File: 395 KB, 831x762, cozy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think even the physishit has more money than you NEEToddler.

>> No.9833317

Do you have a good relationship with her son?

>> No.9833355

>Muh Democratz
>Muh libtards!
>Muh The Left
Keep faggoting on, big boi.

>> No.9833378
File: 69 KB, 699x485, 430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heh, if I change LE terminology he used, he'll sound less intelligence den me XD

>> No.9833387

>Muh j00s
>Muh wife's son
>Muh pepe reposts

>> No.9833405

Become Mr. Shekelstien. Start a business, if you're smart and go into the right field you can make a shit ton of money while working with something interesting.

>> No.9833406

>Disagrees with the sentiments implied but doesn't provide a single argument
Heh... to be blissfully ignorant... Heh... Enjoy it, kid.

>> No.9833427

>Earth is flat, (((they))) make NEETs pay for support for their wife's son

>Muh flat Earth
>Muh NEET. Muh cuck. Muh JOOOOOOOOOS!!!

>Hurr durr no single argument hurr durr blissfully ignorant, kid

>> No.9833458

Every time you post, you look even worse. Run along, sweaty, this is a bored for intellectuals.

>> No.9833476
File: 48 KB, 499x499, 1500493334662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank u mr Shekelstein u won’t regret this!!!

>> No.9833483

Lelz, OP BTFO!

>> No.9834026
