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9825500 No.9825500 [Reply] [Original]

What are some lewd scientific facts?

>> No.9825503

Eating a hamburger releases about as much pleasure (dopamine?) into your brain as one orgasm.

>> No.9825505
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Sperm can survive 5-7 days inside a woman's body.

>> No.9825513
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It takes 1 hour for sperm to start moving after ejaculation.

>> No.9825517
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It can take anywhere between 1-12 hours for sperm to reach the egg

>> No.9825519
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Only a third of eggs that are fertilized by sperm are viable.

>> No.9825521
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Between 50 to 70% of fertilized eggs fail to implant.

>> No.9825523

This activates my giantess vore fetish

>> No.9825525
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Only 85% of couples that try to get pregnant succeed in the first year. Thus during an ovulation cycle (28 days), the success rate is just 13.6% or less than 1 in 7.

>> No.9825528
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>> No.9825532
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>> No.9825533

The shape of the human penis is that way in order to remove the soft plug of semen of other males from the vagina. This implies that women are sluts and men who often get sloppy seconds had more children. A dog's penis has a knot that swells up to lock it in place so that other dogs can't screw the bitch at the same time. Apes have a tiny penis that is solid and they also have a hard plug for their semen that basically cements the vagina up so new semen from another male can't get through. Cats have a barbed penis to help secure themselves inside the vagina so that other males can't get in and screw at the same time.

Trivia fact: there's a separate hentai manga for each and every one of these and many more.

>> No.9825536

Humans are the only apes (and mammals?) without bones in the pen0r.

>> No.9825537
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>> No.9825539

niggers have bigger penises than whites

>> No.9825548

these are not lewd, these are horrifying

>> No.9825550

Ducks will fuck ANYTHING, no exceptions and they often rape victims to death. I'm not joking. You need like 4 female ducks for every 1 male duck to prevent rape deaths. Even if you have all males, they will just rape each other to death. The will gangbang 1 until it dies them move on to the next. It doesn't matter if they are on land or water, the results are the same.

>> No.9825553

Sperm whales can ejaculate over 500 gallons at one time

>> No.9825555
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Use them for inspiration

>> No.9825562

that sounds like a myth
sperm whales are called sperm whales because of a substance call spermaceti in their heads

>> No.9825924

Yes, and how many gallons of sperm do you think a whale can hold in its head?

>> No.9825926
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>the duck penis unrolls like a screw

>> No.9826068
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>there is no sadpanda version

>> No.9826347

Wat. Yes there is.

>> No.9826491

Huh am I missing something here?

>> No.9827065


>> No.9827082

Then how the fuck did I knock two bitches up with the few sex I've had in my life?? Do my sperms have fucking power drills??

>> No.9827098 [DELETED] 

>he think it's his

cucked hard

>> No.9827107

I disagree

>> No.9827112

Have you ever orgasmed?

>> No.9827113

Generally women perceive darker skinned men as more virile or desirable.

>> No.9827139
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>> No.9828362

quads and sauce

>> No.9828444
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Lewd in the sense that incest requires you to change the avoidance to attraction, or perhaps the avoidance is the attraction. Overturning your biology for taboo lust.

>> No.9828447

women are whores

>> No.9828455

Poor lady... that's fucked. The husband is a retard.

>> No.9828460

Those two bitches were particularly seducing because they were ovulating. Hence the impregnation success rate.

>> No.9828503

>humans can smell MHC genes

brainlet detected

>> No.9828534

>woman doesn't know she's got two holes
>her husband is the retard

>> No.9828539

Everyone who's ever lived was the result of fucking

>> No.9828542

not true. IVF is a thing.

>> No.9828545
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>> No.9828553

I don't think you have ever masturbated

>> No.9828622

>expecting women to be intelligent instead of submissive housewives

>> No.9828634

>What are some lewd scientific facts?
The world lines of every benis intersects a region of space and time occupied by your mothers vagoo.

>> No.9828642

Based ducks. The japan of the animal kingdom.

>> No.9828643

Everyone who has ever lived (Now with a slight error margin)

>> No.9828644


Semen based networking when? We can pump gallons through pipes

>> No.9828652

>Hentai depictions of the female orgasm, however, look more like the result of torture
In most hentai it usually is.

>> No.9829047
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>believing a woman when she says it yours

>> No.9829441

Estrogen is the most prolific female sex hormone, it shortens and weakens bones and causes fat to accumulate on the backside, thighs, hips and breasts. It also increases emotional behavior.

>> No.9829449


>> No.9829467

>the duck penis unrolls like a screw
pigs have a corkscrew penis

i know this from watching videos of pigs railing women

>> No.9829473

>pheromones are independents of dna

>> No.9829475

this is well known pop sci

>> No.9829484


>> No.9829491


>> No.9829499

Well literally yeah. It's why you find boobs, butts and thighs attractive, male brains are programmed to look for indicators of femininity, and the most visibly obvious of those are signs of high estrogen. The reason most people stop finding women attractive past a certain point of body fat is because your brain registers their proportions as being more babylike, which you know to avoid when searching for a partner.
Testosterone on the other hand is the male sex hormone, it strengthens and lengthens bones, builds muscle, encourages risk taking, aggressiveness and possessiveness and the sex drive. Ever wonder why men are stereotyped as perverts? A healthy man has over 15 times as much testosterone as a woman, while women barely even have 6 times as much estrogen as men. Men are actually much more equipped to deal with the heightened sex drive that comes with increased testosterone, which is why woman with even twice as much testosterone as a healthy woman [still only two fifteenths of a healthy man] are often much more lustful than other women, they've got no natural means of handling that much [hence why butch girls tend to talk about sex so much]. Men on the other hand are not equipped to deal with increased estrogen, which comes with its own problems.

>> No.9829505

It's fucking bigger than mine

>> No.9829782
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>> No.9830047


>> No.9830144


> Jerking off more helps preventing prostate cancer

21 a month, more than 4 times a week, the point is, start fapping gents


>> No.9830146

not just human, but penguin have a enough mind to have a imaginary waifu.

>> No.9831483
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Or you could creampie a girl like god intended.

>> No.9831798

checked also sause?

>> No.9832631

>tfw can barely go once every 2 weeks
no coming back. it just feels disgusting

>> No.9832658

You again

>> No.9832888

what are the problems of increased estrogen?

>> No.9832898


>> No.9833660

And cancer

>> No.9833831

in frogs

>> No.9833927
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>> No.9833954

You broke it
>he wants to be a gay frog

>> No.9833959

only men enjoy sex

>> No.9834186

You must be a really shitty lover

>> No.9834344

>The shape of the human penis is that way in order to remove the soft plug of semen of other males from the vagina.
This is false. Stop reading discredit pop-science books.

>> No.9834364

That's fucking disgusting.

>> No.9834388

You probably seemed like the most likely guy to fall for it from all the guys she had fucked that month

>> No.9834415

except in italy

>> No.9834418

but no nigga

>> No.9834477

become god and make the old god masturbate himself while you fuck his wife

>> No.9834544

You want lewd fact? Every night (in America) a significant part of the population has sex

But not me...

>> No.9834553

Someone is cumming right now. Someone is cumming every single moment of the day. This thought blew my mind as a kid. Every moment, someone dies, someone is having sex, someone is cumming, someone is pushing a baby out of her vagina.

>> No.9834578

Thanks for rubbing it in

>> No.9834601

>t. phimosis

>> No.9834686
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>Someone is cumming every single moment of the day.

>> No.9834822

>A dog's penis has a knot that swells up to lock it in place so that other dogs can't screw the bitch at the same time.
So this is the reason why they get stuck sometimes.

>> No.9834828

>doesn't have a bone
What did they mean by this?

>> No.9834854

The negroid race is genetically predetermined to have lower intelligence.

>> No.9834857
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>tfw you've played enough trials in tainted space to take that knowledge for granted

>> No.9834892

fatfag detected
maybe for you, but not for the mentally stable

>> No.9834897

I envy you, I'm trying to nofap and I can barely make 3 day intervals

>> No.9834927

>burger memes write them selves

>> No.9834929

>pop sci
into the trash it goes

>> No.9835042

Italian here, am I missing a meme about myself?

>> No.9835103

wrong because the shape you imply only occurs with circumcision.

>> No.9836078

*when they're not cheating

>> No.9836093

finally, a good post

>> No.9836120

never seen any of that coming my way

>> No.9836123

Rape can induce spontaneous ovulation. Especially in minors.

>> No.9836290

on average by about 1cm but wolrds bigger penor is actually white

>> No.9836292

>Implying both women didn't cuck me for the gibs.
T. Beta Sucker

>> No.9836298

t. nigger

>> No.9836413

If you have a dirty dick, you can do anal and create a niche in a woman's gut microbiome.
Your bacteria will be fucking her 24/7 and it may even affect her mood depending on the bacteria.

>> No.9836939


I'm trying with this tinder girl, but she won't give in to watch Netflix at her place :(

>> No.9836945
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Someone's getting caaaaaaaaanceeeeeeeer

>> No.9837150

Ducks are ruthless and cutthroat

>> No.9837226
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The guy that discovered PCR Kary B. Muller was out in the ocean on his surfboard tripping on acid when he came up with his idea.

>> No.9837253

>but not half-siblings
Does that mean all the people who fuck their sisters have cuck dads?

>> No.9837257

so its not true. Fuck off.

>> No.9837260

I wonder if a virgin girl has ever been impregnated with IVF.

>> No.9837289

Breaking a hymen on the way out, not the way in (:

>> No.9837602

Women have a predictable cycle to when they want more sex. It correlates often to a few days after menstration which is when ovulation starts. The draw back is you might end up with a baby.

What would happen if you removed all estrogen and testostrone from someone? Would they become a robot?

>> No.9837607

Gott dayum, my girl better watch her cholesterol

>> No.9837661

>The shape of the human penis is that way in order to remove the soft plug of semen of other males from the vagina
Wrong because circumcised dicks get the same shape when erect, the foreskin can often be pulled back off the head completly

>> No.9837662

>birdie birdie
>tyga tyga

>> No.9837679
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>what are the problems of increased estrogen?
Pic related is the answer. Even hormones mimicking estrogen, aka: s o y does the trick

>> No.9837684

This is bullshit. There is a reason humans are the only primates who don't have spiked penises. It's a sign were monogamous. Stop believing (((studies))) you easily manipulated fools.

>> No.9837865

>Thanks for rubbing it in
That's what she said

>> No.9837873

Females enjoy being raped

>> No.9837931


>> No.9837976


>> No.9837977

I believe this. When you nut, all the pleasure is frontloaded, whereas when you eat, you get pleasure over time.

>> No.9837983

Whites have 2nd largest penises from races.

>> No.9838872

I'm guessing most women don't shove shit up their urethra, so they have no frame of reference to what that feels like. Also seeing as how she was 70 whenever the fuck that story came out, its possible she was some christcuck who was celibate before marriage, so again never knew what it felt like to be penetrated. Add to that that women typically aren't looking at their own cunt when somebody else is fucking it.

>> No.9838883

10 years ago a study came out saying the exact opposite.

>> No.9838929

More like 10.

>> No.9839872

>there's a separate hentai manga for each and every one of these and many more
You can't just say that and not provide any sauce.

>> No.9840000

its bacause in 36' we PASTA'D the abyssinian with the BPC(big pasta cock)

>> No.9840068

So why is it shaped like a mushroom? The shape is shared with other species that use it to remove sperm (and in some cases also "plugs") from competing males.

>> No.9840105

>The shape of the human penis is that way in order to remove the soft plug of semen of other males from the vagina. This implies that women are sluts and men who often get sloppy seconds had more children.
This is a lie. You are telling lies on the internet.

>> No.9840107

Unironically there isn't a single study on Earth that says this. And no, self reported doesn't count.

>> No.9840368


Isn't there also like a huge increase in cancer in men as well?

>> No.9840371

There are multiple people with that fetish

>> No.9840573
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Is the Dickey - Fuller test the lewdest thing in math?

>> No.9840812

Menopause (or manopause).

>> No.9840872

wtf is this stupid fucking plot

>> No.9841196 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9841216

>The shape of the human penis is that way in order to remove the soft plug of semen of other males from the vagina.
This is some bullshit wives tale some cunt ran in a popsci mag 40 years and everyone repeats it as fact because theyre stupid and just parroting shit back without thinking.

>> No.9841317

Ovulation is 2 weeks after menstruation. I wouldn't call that a few days.

>> No.9841608

Why did Donald Trump sign that chart?

>> No.9842223
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>3/4 tsp

anon you might be severely dehydrated

>> No.9842254

It's a plot of people getting chubs during the day, having a wank/sex after work and then sleeping with an erection all night.

>> No.9842911


Well that study was wrong, get with the times grandpa

>> No.9843889

Who here cums more than 10 mL?

>> No.9845058

He said tsp, not Tbsp. 3/4 tsp = 3.75mL, 3/4 Tbsp = 11.25mL.