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9816604 No.9816604 [Reply] [Original]

Cheating whore learns about basic mendelian genetics the hard way

>> No.9816665
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>a son was born with achondroplasia, a disorder that causes dwarfism
mfw cucked by a literal midget

>> No.9816671

Wang ask his ex-wife who she had the affair with, her answer:
The American Sixth Fleet

>> No.9817031


>> No.9817339

What a fucking slut

>> No.9817342 [DELETED] 


>> No.9817387

She owes Wang alot more money than that. He cared for her kids so much.

>> No.9817440

>no court orders for the father that say "suck it up, pay up"
>no slap on the wrist for the guilty female party
>no "fatherhood is 100% social and 0% biological" nonsense

I envy the chinks

>> No.9817515

what happened to this kids? would it be cucked for Wang to take custody of the kids after this?

>> No.9817828


I swear you are the autist who posts this story or stories like this regularly on here. Why are you so obsessed with blood types and infidelity?

>> No.9818145

Im tired of this motherfucker. 2 days ago he posted about France not letting parents have a blood test, that it wasnot fair and that kind of bs.
This fucking twathead.

>> No.9818150

No you don't.

>> No.9818152

He's right though, that isn't fair at all.

>> No.9818171

You can still get blood tests in France. That shit people butch about here is just typical anti french ahit

But only Court-authorized tests are legal -- eg, when parents file for divorce, the battle gets bitter on alimony and child-rearing costs, and the father has doubts on his paternity. Or one person claims asylum with his family and the state wants to make sure the children are indeed part of the family...

>> No.9818542


It's interesting that whenever incidents like this happen it only reveals non paternity with one or two students in a full class. It pretty much proves that cuckoldry is quite rare among the general population

>> No.9818573

If you raised them and loved them as your children, and if they loved and respected you back, then do the facts of their birth really matter? I think if Wang wants the kids he should be allowed to have them.

>> No.9818589
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>not many get caught in one particular way and then covered in the newspaper
>drawing any firm conclusion from this
>it's fun being a cuck

>> No.9818598

So are people who adopt cucks by your definition?

>> No.9818623

The thing is that Wang's genes are superior. His wife cucked him and produced genetically inferior offspring. This is degeneration and a step backwards.
He should not take care of worse kids.
If the kids were actually his they wouldn't be midgets. He might like them but he's not even raising superior offspring.

>> No.9818633

Not to mention that if there is any genetic component to personality traits at all (a reasonable assumption), then being cucked or willingly forgoing biological children means "subsidizing" dishonesty, deception and lack of responsibility/concientiousness. Humans are not blank slates.

>> No.9818634

It's not the same thing, how fucking autistic are you? That poor bastard didn't adopt those kids.

>> No.9818638

I don't think so. If I learned I was adopted it wouldn't change anything between me and my parents. Any retard knows how to fuck, but when raising a kid you give something much more important than genes. It's a fucking heavy blow for sure, but I value the part of me that has been shaped by experiences much much more than genetics.

of course here on 4chan people will just yell cuck at you, but I think he should keep his kids

>> No.9818667

he took children that weren't his own and raised them as if they were, the only difference between this and a conventional adoption is that he didn't know the kids weren't his at the time.

>> No.9818668

>when raising a kid you give something much more important than genes
Exactly, it's a huge expenditure of time emotion, and wealth. Not something a healthy-minded person would do for another guy's kid unless that guy had saved his life or something.

>> No.9818669

Do you have a mental disorder?

Serious question

>> No.9818673

If I learned that I wasn't the father of my child I dont think it would change anything between me and them either. Obviously the wife is out, and she can consider herself lucky that she isn't leaving in a bodybag. But if I've raised a child from birth I am going to consider him (or her) mine, paternity tests be damned.

>> No.9818674

Why do you ask?

>> No.9818675

He can adopt them if he wants

>> No.9818676

This. $30,000? That's it? Jesus fuck.

>> No.9818678

I don't see children as an investment really. That said the wife should get nothing but a huge fine and restricted access to the kids. Personally I'm not really that cool with having kids since I have ADHD and I sure as hell would feel very guilty if my kid inherited it. On the other hand genetic diversity is necessary and attempting to interfere with it only yields a short term benefit.

>> No.9818681

Yeah, we're pretty much in the same boat then. I think people should care more about ideas (unironically memes) than genes.

>> No.9818688

>the only difference between this and a conventional adoption is that he didn't know the kids weren't his at the time
Is this supposed to be an off-color joke, like calling rape "surprise sex"?

>> No.9818694

doesn't look that way to me. Sure you can choose to misinterpret it to him saying it's OK to be a cuck or similar, but it's not the kids fault their mom was a slut

>> No.9818711


But you know that genetics would favour "cheating" because leads to a way bigger variety of gene mixing?

>> No.9818718

>he got his emotions hurt because the kid wasnt biologically related to him
good to know a single piece of news invalidates years of love and affection. what a piece of shit.

>> No.9818722

you're a fucking dumbass

>> No.9818730

And theft is just like a charitable donation except you don't know you're doing it. Fucking kek

>> No.9818834

It's not a fair world. She owes him 500k or something

>> No.9818837

Yeah genetics favour cheating except this time the kids are half midget which means the genetics are trash and undesirable.

>> No.9818841

wait, the guy can divorce the whore AND he can get compensation? wtf I love chinks now

>> No.9818844

>years of love and affection
if she cheated on him right after they got married sh emust not have loved him very much

>> No.9818849

i was talking about his relationship with his child, dumbass

>> No.9818881

>Find out wife cheated on you and both daughter and son are not yours nearly two decades after

Heavy stuff, definitely wouldn't be too happy about being cucked that hard. I'd almost be tempted to cuck the ex wife with her own daughter instead since it's technically not incest anymore.

Can't fault the guy if he was both angry and depressed. For years he thought his son's situation was all his fault only to find it wasn't but then that means he's let down his entire ancestry genetically.

>> No.9818900

And all he got was 30k

>> No.9818994

he divorced his wife and left with a net positive, in any other country she would've emptied his bank account and stole his house. He got off great

>> No.9819020

I guess so. 20 years though.

>> No.9819043

>two kids from the same affair
so she was cheating on him for at least 8 yeras?

>> No.9819277

did we ever have a completely /pol/-compatible thread on /sci/ before, or is this the first case when not a single post is out of tune?

>> No.9819310

This isn't a /pol/ compatible thread. If it was they wouldn't care because the man is chinese. They only care about whites. /pol/ doesn't consider Chinese people human

>> No.9819326
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>/pol/ doesn't consider Chinese people human
Neither do females.

>> No.9819328

If I borrow something from a friend it's the same as taking it without permission right?

Surely you're not stupid enough to believe the garbage you posted are you?

>> No.9819447

the cucks in this thread are more than i expected to be...

>> No.9820642

They didn't test the whole class you stupid fuck, what are you retarded or something?

>> No.9820644

>>no "fatherhood is 100% social and 0% biological" nonsense
Who says this?

>> No.9820711

>Why are you so obsessed with blood types and infidelity?
Its pretty simple. People dont want to raise others children.

>> No.9820770

>AND he can get compensation?

Not enough, not nearly enough.


I really do think DNA testing should be something that should be put on the birth certificate - there is no greater validation of paternity than this scientifically. The cost is only getting cheaper as well and it would be a great thing for it to be done routinely.

>> No.9820785

You envy liars with a culture about stealing as much as you can in your short life?

>> No.9821699


>> No.9822233

>White man talking about stealing

>> No.9822237

>who says this?
To wit: >>9818573

>> No.9822241

I agree with the cucks but in this case the genes of the bull were bad. The cuck was better and the wife chose poorly.

>> No.9822260
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/pol/ is a board of peace. The only racists on /pol/ are the liberal shills. They came to /pol/ expecting to find hateful people but instead they found only love and compassion and so they make their own hate threads to try and kick start the "racists". It basically just devolves into a bunch of shills fighting with each other.

>> No.9823206

>ex wife with her own daughter instead since it's technically not incest anymore.

>> No.9823272


so this is the structural sexist racism the SJWs speak of

white men do seem to have it good, but so do asian women.

>> No.9823293

In some US states if you don't disprove paternity within a year you are legally responsible until 18th birthday regardless of no biological relation

>> No.9823951

in France private paternity testing is punished by law to not upset the order of society.

you read that right.

>> No.9823992

Killing you and taking your shit while impregnating your women is not stealing, xiaofeng, it's manifest destiny.

>> No.9824118

Read a book brainlet.