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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9815969 No.9815969 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here have the balls to post their publications?

>> No.9815976

>Thinking anons of /sci/ have published anything


>> No.9815977

well i have

>> No.9815994


>> No.9816001


>> No.9816003

that's not your paper. that guy has a pub from 1980. nobody here is that old

>> No.9816008

>A mathematical model for the determination of total area under glucose tolerance and other metabolic curves.

>> No.9816014

oh is that the one where the biologists thought they invented calculus? i thought that was more recent

>> No.9816019


>> No.9816024

I published this a time ago.

>> No.9816027
File: 98 KB, 635x808, calculus swoosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is a recent work by me and a fellow /sci/ anon

>> No.9816077


>> No.9816080

holy crap the font in that paper is HUGE!

>> No.9816095

>Keywords: Quetzalcoatl, titties, thicc

>> No.9816100

would publish

>> No.9816152

That anon's retardation was so great it almost made me go blind reading his idiocy.

>> No.9816160

>448,077 reads
We laugh at this man, but in reality his work will be more widely circulated and read than most professional papers ever will be.

>> No.9816213

one piece of shit first author short paper in a top conference in my subfield
one good, albeit speculative 3/5 author paper in a good journal in first author's subfield
one great research question/great motiviation, but weak methodology (not incorrect... just not the best it could be) 3/4 author short paper in a top conference in my subfield

i've got two first author papers, one short, one long, in the pipe for the top conference (the short is going for a workshop at that conference) in my subfield's superfield. the long is extended from the first paper i ever wrote, was rejected at -1 from a conference in my subfield. will be surprised if it's accepted here. the short is basically a lit review/problem definition of a new problem in my subfield. i shared the concept around at the last conference i went to and several members of the program committee of this workshop said it was good, so that'll probably be accepted.

inb4 >conference papers
i'm a cs monkey, everything is conferences unless you want to wait >12 months and get scooped by the journal's reviewers

thanks for the blog post

thanks for the reddit spaces

>> No.9816219

why are CSfags afraid of peer review

>> No.9816225

>he doesn't know that conferences are peer reviewed
odd post

also i'm afraid of peer review because one time i submitted a manuscript and it got hard rejected then a few months later a paper with identical problem definition and methodology showed up on arxiv and it was the student of one of the steering committee members

>> No.9816226

is this real

>> No.9816233

that's why you publish in conference first, then expand by 30% and submit to journal

>> No.9816235

that's why i'm spamming short papers at all these conferences :)

>> No.9816249

Astonishingly yes. The wonders of biology.

(It's obviously not his paper, but I do believe it was a serious publication)

>> No.9816263

I think very few people here are actual scientists. Its mostly undergrads and high school kids who exaggerate their ability and achievements. There could be a couple, but even then, that shouldn't be considered that impressive and I wouldn't want people off 4chan critiquing my scientific work to begin with.

>> No.9816445

Fuck it.

>> No.9816533


you don't publish important works
you sell em to the CIA

>> No.9816608


>> No.9816637

holy shit

>> No.9816640


>> No.9816643


>> No.9816715

Is that one of those ai generated papers that mix random words together to create something that sounds meaningful without making sense?

>> No.9816793

>ai generated papers
Is there a chemistry one?

>> No.9816794
File: 401 KB, 1218x1700, The Chad Research 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9816797
File: 354 KB, 1218x1700, The Chad Research 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9816798
File: 112 KB, 1218x1700, The Chad Research 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9816806

>and get scooped by the journal's reviewers
What is ethics?

>> No.9816810

>you sell em to the CIA
They are already tired of cooked chocolate gorillas.

>> No.9816818

Every time.

>> No.9816827

I want to post but I don't really want to be associated with this board professionally. All of the paper's I've been on would make it easy to identify me, as all the other authors are like 50+ or obvious foreigners with terrible english. Maybe one day....

>> No.9816857

>not posting someone else's publication to smear their name

>> No.9816965


> rediscovers integration
> medical community is aghast

>> No.9816992

No. I don't want, in any way, to be associated professionally with this place.

>> No.9817038

Some Chinese guys actually got caught faking a bunch of MOFs a few years back by doing that, but yeah, there is a lot of jargon that you have to use.

>> No.9817055
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>> No.9817171

something poojeets lack

>> No.9817195


Spoiler: it's horrible

>> No.9817456
File: 40 KB, 500x349, )).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do.