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981584 No.981584 [Reply] [Original]

The only useful thread you'll ever see on /sci/

truth in the picture field fuckers, truth...in the picture field.

>> No.981593


then your job places no real importance on pattern recognition.

>> No.981588

but I like caffeinated beverages and I have no trouble with my job when caffeianted

>> No.981594

I'll drink whatever the fuck I want thank you very much.

>> No.981595

A mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems.

Paul Erdós

>> No.981602


a faggot is you five alive into your anus with penis juice


>> No.981607

care to explain OP?

>> No.981609


caffeine reduces your ability to recognize and analyze patterns.

>> No.981613


>> No.981617

I guess I should stop drinking 2 cups of coffee minimum per day. Programmer here.

>> No.981620

I just had a cup of coffee and can recognize faggotry when I see it

>> No.981621 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">\mathbb{[CITATION NEEDED]}[/spoiler]

>> No.981627

<span class="math">\mathbb{[CITATION~NEEDED]}[/spoiler]

>> No.981636

If you're over sensitive to caffeine, stop drinking caffeinated beverages.

>> No.981661
File: 41 KB, 500x500, maxwell-coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> caffeine reduces your ability to recognize and analyze patterns.

Maxwell functions thread?

>> No.981747

It is "Erdős"

>> No.981895


Hell, Paul Erdős even took speed, although it's probably for the best for we mere mortals to stick to the light stuff.

>> No.981911

yeah i'm going to need some sauce on this sweeping generalisation.

>> No.981930
File: 73 KB, 400x541, EXCUSE ME_AW SHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Except, ya know, the exact opposite is true:


(read the last few lines of the abstract)

>> No.981943

Forget caffeine, I can only think clearly when I'm eating stuff that raises blood pressure, like licorice or salt.

>> No.981950

I fucking hate coffee and pop.

>> No.981967


>> No.982072
File: 68 KB, 494x358, palpatine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen."

>> No.982123


Pretty much my only skills those OP. I used to drink like 8 cups of espresso a day. Now I drink just water and milk. All in all the best beverages ever.

Anyway what negative effect does caffeine have then?

>> No.982193

Not OP, but:

>Researchers have found that long-term consumption of low dose caffeine slowed hippocampus-dependent learning and impaired long-term memory in mice. Caffeine consumption for 4 weeks also significantly reduced hippocampal neurogenesis compared to controls during the experiment. The conclusion was that long-term consumption of caffeine could inhibit hippocampus-dependent learning and memory partially through inhibition of hippocampal neurogenesis.


inb4 unreliable source

>> No.982216

i haf mous bran

>> No.982260

>low dose caffeine
fiuf i always put a shitload of instant coffee in my hot water

>> No.982266

I can quote excerpts too!
>In essence, caffeine consumption increases mental performance related to focused thought while it may decrease broad-range thinking abilities.

>> No.982305
File: 87 KB, 470x320, suppositoire_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're suppositories coffein-flavoured.

>> No.982403


Note those are the short-term effects.

>> No.982632

Except the only long-term effects mentioned there are not the ones OP mentioned.
>Caffeine consumption for 4 weeks also significantly reduced hippocampal neurogenesis compared to controls during the experiment.
Which means it reduces new long-term memory.
Citation still needed for OPs claims.