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9813996 No.9813996 [Reply] [Original]

It took the entire history of the universe just to achieve"Us', and we're a statistical anomaly, why would anyone believe in ancient intergalactic civilizations? It quite literally just doesn't make any sense.

I mean I understand a great many of you want aliens to be real, I do too, but we have to be realistic here. If life does exist on other planets at most it is probably microbial, plants, and if they are semi intelligent theyre probably still in their medieval phase or on par with us. The universe simply isn't old enough to support Dyson spheres and other bullshit that clowntown motherfuckers want to believe is true.

>> No.9814102

No, it only took that last few billion years to create us. At the earliest you could consider the creation of "Us" began would be the formation of the sun. The only things remaining from the stars before our sun that we are made of is the elements those stars created. Any life that existed in the systems when those stars went nova have basically been reduced back to their elemental make up and the vast majority of that ended up in the sun. Most of the rest went to Jupiter.

We don't have enough data to strongly support or refute the existence of ancient intergalactic civilizations. So anyone's guess or theory is about as good as the next

>> No.9814112
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>clowntown motherfuckers
you're a moron and you dont know what you're talking about. thanks forgiving me a good laugh.

>> No.9814127

We can't observe the universe. We can hardly observe our own solar system. It took billions of years for our sun to create us on this rock. Knowing that there are trillions of other solar systems out there makes it statistically ""plausible"" that there are other beings and/or civilizations.

>> No.9814145

Even if life is extremely unlikely you'd expect it to be common given a large enough number of chances for it to happen. And the universe is pretty large.
>It took the entire history of the universe just to achieve"Us'
Why the fuck are you trying to extrapolate from one data point a conclusion about the entirety of the rest of the universe's space and time?

>> No.9814293


It's good that you guys have good science questions like this. This is how I know that this is a highly intelligent community. Thank you for posting all these smart things.

>> No.9814369
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Fucking idiot, the Universe is not homogeneous there is no specific reason for life to exist anywhere else in the universe given the time frame. Just to prove this point all life on Earth is decedent from LUCA, it is enough to say life even on a planet where it can be supported, it still is extremely difficult to form.

Just to elaborate on non-homogeneous Universe: There is most definitively an asteroid in the belt between Mars and Jupiter that amorphous shape and mass makes it the only one of its kind in the entire universe, the same can be said about the existence of life.

>> No.9814403

>all life on Earth is decedent from LUCA
>even on a planet where it can be supported, it still is extremely difficult to form
Life today originating from one common ancestor isn't proof life originating at all is extremely difficult. The other obvious explanation is that life itself existing created a new, different set of conditions than those which allowed it to come into existence in the first place.
And everything alive today having a common ancestor isn't proof abiogenesis only happened once. It's proof that any other instances of abiogenesis that might have occurred resulted in lifeforms that at some point went completely extinct.
>the only one of its kind
That's not a very rigorously defined attribute you have there.
Everything's "the only one of its kind" if you describe each thing in existence with enough detail, that doesn't really mean anything.
Also Lambda-CDM is the standard cosmology model and it assumes the Copernican principle, so stop pretending like you're arguing for the mainstream consensus and not against it.

>> No.9815765 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9816207
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I agree OP, your reasoning is both logically sound and extremely beneficial if true. It means the road towards galactic conquest for humanity will be much easier.

>> No.9816209

You’re an idiot.

>> No.9816251


>> No.9816358

I was about to bite, but it would be easier/better if you played devil's advocate to your own arguments. It's actually a good skill to exercise. Enjoy.

>> No.9816438

Because a few million years is a trivial amount of time on the scale of evolution, god knows the mass extinctions have wasted multiples more time than a few million, but we're easily within a million years of being a Kardashev type-2 civ at the moment.

A single data point is not a statistical anomaly. We already know the power of evolution + time, so until we observe a lack of microscopic life on another planet we cannot say that life is statistically unlikely. Mars has been looking pretty promising recently, to say nothing of the ice moons.

>> No.9816872

>why would anyone believe in ancient intergalactic civilizations
Because many stars are billions of years older than our Sun. So there is an opportunity.

>> No.9817618

>implying time is linear

>> No.9817625

>Things that aren't true, the thread.

>> No.9817777

Funny how you posted an attractive white girl instead of a chimp black girl or an insectoid Asian girl.