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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 26 KB, 460x276, Craig-Venter-in-the-lab-o-014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
981179 No.981179 [Reply] [Original]

So this guy just created the first artifical life form.

All the newspapers and reports about it just write "HURP FUCKING DERP, HE IS PLAYING GOD. DERRRRR, DERP."

Why the fuck are these idiot reporters unable to do anything except start jerking off about god?

>> No.981190

I'm going to need a publication or at least a serious article right there.

>> No.981192


>> No.981193


>> No.981194
File: 611 KB, 960x1299, Weamplaygods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So this guy just created the first artifical life form.
[citation needed]

>Why the fuck are these idiot reporters unable to do anything except start jerking off about god?
pic related

>> No.981197


>> No.981200

>Why the fuck are these idiot reporters unable to do anything except start jerking off about god?
...because he is playing god?

>> No.981206

... maybe because ... he is playing God.

>> No.981207

Trying to make your topic more plausible by going straight into some detail about it as if the news was common knowledge might work on new /b/, but not on /sci/.

>> No.981209


>> No.981211

Him am go too far, him am play gods

>> No.981227

Actually, thinking about it, this isn't all that remarkable. Synthetic DNA isn't anything new, this is simply the first time they've made a working cell using entirely synthetic DNA.

For a second, my drug-addled mind thought the title implied that scientists had actually synthesized life itself. Now THAT would be a breakthrough.

>> No.981231

>Now, the scientists have put both methods together, to create what they call a "synthetic cell", although only its genome is synthetic.

>> No.981238


Shit 4chan, is it that hard to use tineye or google OP's pic filename?

Fucking newfags, I swear to Science Christ.

>> No.981246

I like the irony in that, very nice

>> No.981250




AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FUCK FUCK FUCK. <span class="math">\mathbb{FUCK}[/spoiler].

>> No.981251

>implying "synthetic" dna is more synthetic than any other random shit in the universe, like what we are made of

>> No.981253

sure is creationist in here

>> No.981256

sure is someone who knows what they are talking about in here

>> No.981258

>reverse some of the damage to the environment by capturing carbon dioxide
Do they really expect them to be any better than the carbon capturing organisms? Sound like the regular hype to gain funds.
Of course, this is ignoring the fact that life thrives with higher CO2-levels.

>> No.981259

Well what you just described was the synthesizing of life itself.

Cell without dna = dead bilological mass
cell with synthetic dna = completely new synthetic life form... dude

artificiall cells are older news than artificial dna.

>> No.981263
File: 19 KB, 469x304, NotSureIfSerious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.981267

>playing god?
if i was craig venter i'd reply "playing god? I AM GOD!!!"

>> No.981268
File: 13 KB, 180x180, 1271294639222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you bold?

>> No.981269
File: 38 KB, 594x443, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Craig Venter and his team have built the genome of a bacterium from scratch
Well let me ask you this... did he first invent the universe?

>> No.981270


>> No.981275

So 100% CO2 would make life explode? Interesting....

>> No.981280

Pardon my ignorance, but didn't he just change the makeup of an already existent life form using artificially made DNA? I mean, he didn't exactly make life completely from scratch here.

>> No.981284

you have to rage HARD for it to happen

>> No.981286

No, that crazy renegade fuck just made an apple pie and went from there.

>> No.981287


this is no big breakthrough at all, he probably did this just for shits and giggles, not really to advance science.

I could have grad students here at my university do the same shit if I felt like wasting time, money, and university lab resources.

>> No.981288


Damn, that's not what I meant. I meant what would be truly amazing would be recreating the origin of life.

This is just more advanced genetic engineering. We've already got bacteria making shit for us, this is simply taking it to the next level. Cool, but not nearly as profound as all these retarded news stories want us to believe.

>> No.981291

<span class="math">How did I Bold?[/spoiler]
Good question

>> No.981292

all chemical processes performed by cells ultimately traced back to the DNA they start with.

>> No.981293


>> No.981295


> implying DNA is the only think that makes life what it is
> implying the existence of DNA is obligatory for life to exist

>> No.981301

he has the beard of a god, i would accept him if it came to it

>> No.981303

use jsmath
\ m a t h b b {FUCK} (eliminate the spaces between letters)

>> No.981304

By modifying the genome further they can create a hell of a lot of variations.

>> No.981307

<span class="math">Retard[/spoiler] <span class="math">doesn't[/spoiler] <span class="math">know[/spoiler] <span class="math">how[/spoiler] <span class="math">to[/spoiler] <span class="math">use[/spoiler] <span class="math">spaces[/spoiler] <span class="math">lol[/spoiler]

>> No.981308

noob testing

>> No.981309

You still need to grasp <span class="math">\mathbb{the~spaces}[/spoiler].

>> No.981311

I wish to <b>GOD</b> I had areyouawizard.jpg handy right now.

i'll trade you an image for this knowledge, if i have anything you're looking for.

>> No.981317 [DELETED] 

/mathbb{thanks guys, I promise not to abuse this too hard}

>> No.981322

\mathbb{thanks guys, I promise not to abuse this too hard}

>> No.981323

[math%] text [/%math]

Remove % signs and I don't know how to do spaces

>> No.981328


>> No.981330

<div class="math">\mathbb{ITT:~Retards.}</div>

>> No.981332


>> No.981331 [DELETED] 

\mathhbb {goddammit!}

>> No.981335

[math%] do [/%math] [math%] spaces [/%math] [math%] like [/%math] [math%] this [/%math]

without the % of course

>> No.981338

bitches don't know about double clicking on math

>> No.981341

<span class="math"> god dammit I suck at this. [/spoiler]

>> No.981345

\mathbb {FUCK}

>> No.981346

It could also be seen as the origin of life as we know it. Only that you would have to wait a couple of billion years for the chance that happens to arrange the proteins in the right order and merge with a membrance structure.

Both of these have been proven to happen randomly. What this dude proved was that IF they arrange in this specific way we have an organism. Now if we just found the simplest possible dna that's "alive" we can calculate the possibility of it happening throughout the universe. We also know these substances can form and combine in interstellar clouds. I'm willing to bet everything I own that this possibility will approach 1 pretty quickly.

>> No.981347


>> No.981351 [DELETED] 


>> No.981352

<span class="math">I[/spoiler] <span class="math">am[/spoiler] <span class="math">testing[/spoiler] <span class="math">spaces.[/spoiler]

Thank you if it worked

>> No.981355

so /sci/ : how long until silicon life?

>> No.981360

Until we make it or find it?

>> No.981361


>> No.981362

<span class="math">\mathbb{ITT:~Shut~the~fuck~up.}[/spoiler]

>> No.981365

<span class="math">u mad?[/spoiler]

>> No.981370


[ math ] and [ / maths], then you're good

>> No.981373


<span class="math">\mathbb{NO~U}[/spoiler]

>> No.981377

<span class="math">I want to be the very best[/spoiler]

>> No.981381

<span class="math">\mathbb{amidoinitrite?}[/spoiler]

>> No.981389

<span class="math">\mathbb{At~least~sage~when~doing~this~people...}[/spoiler]

>> No.981390

can you kids leave sci you're not smart enough for this board

>> No.981400

What's a sci?

>> No.981404

\mathbb {FUCK}

>> No.981408

<span class="math">\mathbb{Ask~me~about~neuroscience.}[/spoiler]

I just wanted to try this bold thing. Don't be butthurt

>> No.981417

<span class="math">do?[/spoiler]

>> No.981422


>> No.981426


>> No.981427

ok i'll make a new thread, this one reeks of idiocy

>> No.981441

<span class="math">idiocy[/spoiler]
<span class="math">in[/spoiler]
<span class="math">this[/spoiler]
<span class="math">bitch[/spoiler]

>> No.981455

[bold]<span class="math">\mathbb{Like~this.}[/spoiler][/bold]

>> No.981458


\mathbb{lemme try this}

>> No.981466

[bold]like this?[/bold]

>> No.981470


<span class="math">it's~not~like~many~people~post~on~this~board[/spoiler]

And it's [ math ] not [ maths ]

>> No.981480

double sage fail x double bold fail = an hero
sorry guise, i'll see you on the other side

>> No.981511

"If you release new organisms into the environment, you can do more harm than good"

What a wonderful, though provoking quote from the site.

>> No.981518

How much DNA do you need exactly to make just enough proteins to simply be able to duplicate DNA, crank out phosopholipids, and divide?

>> No.981531

about five

>> No.981539

[citation needed]

because I don't think that is true at all

>> No.981540

tree fiddy

>> No.981552

Does this mean they can just create a custom genome which will govern how the cell develops? So they can create like a new species? Couldn't they do this before or they simply changed some aspects of existing DNA?
Anyway, remember the python in Blade Runner? Well it's exactly what this shit is, fascinating, it even had a serial number on the scale ala the water mark in this artificial cell's DNA.

>> No.981557

this shit isn't synthetic at all, venter is an attention whore

>> No.981558


>> No.981560


>> No.981562

Before they were cutting and splicing existing DNA. Now they have a little machine that makes DNA "from scratch"

>> No.981571

So when will I be able to visit my local Jurassic park?

>> No.981574

in about tree fiddy

>> No.981579


I dunno.

Ask Charles Pellegrino I think he (Or someone he knew) came up with that shit.

>> No.981586

you are now realizing that scientists and other adults don't get upset over the use of the word 'god',
especially not for journalistic purposes.

>> No.981592

I'm growing myself a waifu.

>> No.981596
File: 493 KB, 425x679, blacknazi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tree fiddy

>> No.981599


So am I. But don't tell because it's illegal beyond reason.

>> No.981604

>Dr Venter became a controversial figure in the 1990s when he pitted his former company, Celera Genomics, against the publicly funded effort to sequence the human genome, the Human Genome Project. Venter had already applied for patents on more than 300 genes, raising concerns that the company might claim intellectual rights to the building blocks of life.

derpidy derp

inb4 he gets killed by religious fags

>> No.981625

Venter is bullshit with that, he had such an advantage over the human genome project because they had already done contig mapping which was extremely helpful in placing the numerous repeat sequences. And because they were public they had to share all of their data with the public, which included Celera. Celera on the other had did not have to share jack shit since they were a company.

If they had started from scratch they would not have beaten the government project; hoever, shotgun sequencing is a better method imo.

>> No.981641

Does this mean we could make some sort of microbes which eat cancerous tissue and shit out happiness and cocaine?

>> No.981643

Yeah, Venter is a faggot, but I'm still glad this took place.

>> No.981650


Well yes actually.

If the cancer-eating and happiness-shitting bacteria are two different ones then of course, if they are a single one I guess.

>> No.981657

<span class="math">test[/spoiler]

>> No.981674

To be honest the possibilities seem mind boggling, if this is exactly what it sound like, well it's one of those turning points of our history.

>> No.981677

brb telling every single person i know

>> No.981701

I'd be more excited if the cell was built from scratch. It seem like we jut reprogrammed a computer. Now we have to build the computer! WE AM PLAY GODS.

>> No.981715


but... its a self-replicating bacterium made in a lab....

>> No.981725

No it's just some new DNA put into an existing bacterium.

>> No.981734

Venter is a fucking hero. He gets way too little credit. Everything he touches is a success and no one really cares.

>> No.981741



>> No.981755
File: 30 KB, 400x394, 5530_124973746513_774391513_3209969_6389091_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.981765

My dream of cloned army of genetically engineered killing machines vs a robot uprising is come closer and closer

>> No.981947


>> No.981961

eldon tyrel i love him!

>> No.981968

GGibson, D. G., J. I. Glass, C. Lartigue, V. N. Noskov, R.-Y. Chuang, M. A. Algire, G. A. Benders, M. G. Montague, L. Ma, M. M. Moodie, C. Merryman, S. Vashee, R. Krishnakumar, N. Assad-Garcia, C. Andrews-Pfannkoch, E. A. Denisova, L. Young, Z.-Q. Qi, T. H. Segall-Shapiro, C. H. Calvey, P. P. Parmar, C. A. Hutchison III, H. O. Smith, and J. C. Venter. Creation of a bacterial cell controlled by a chemically synthesized genome. Science, Published online May 20 2010.

>> No.982025
File: 40 KB, 400x330, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am strongly against this guy. He should be praising Jesus and the Lord instead of working against them. Also, it is not ethical to create a life form because it goes against God's will. I say we burn him at the stake. /Christfag

>> No.982058


>> No.982066


>> No.983521

But we have been able to make synthetic cells for a long time... pretty sure they could put them in those too.. but there is no point/gain with that at all. So why?

Scientist don't care about proving GOD shit or not.

>> No.983543
