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File: 28 KB, 1054x352, manlt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9809265 No.9809265 [Reply] [Original]

If evolution is real, why aren't all males tall?

>> No.9809268
File: 127 KB, 600x1266, 1481941225852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you fucking lanklets keep fucking short women leaving none for us manelts

>> No.9809269

>If evolution is real, why aren't all males tall?
Evolution - natural selection - is naturally selecting this guy out of existence. Give it 500 years and see whether the average height of males is taller or not and then complain about evolution.

>> No.9809271

Shorter males have higher fitness ratings
That would have already happened.

>> No.9809273

bullshit all lanklets whites(tallest race) cant get white women so they keep breeding with short gooks resulting in average height going down

>> No.9809286

Tall men like shortstack women. They cancel out.

>> No.9809293

because there is no real benefit to being tall except europoors fetishize it.

>> No.9809297

? pretty sure its murican thots who are obsessed with height the most

>> No.9809298

This thread tows the line of being bait. Regardless, it's not as flagrant as a lot of the other bait threads up right now so it's probably okay not to sage.

Tall is a polygenic trait that's sexually selected for, as well as in some circumstances beneficial to fitness. It's possible that over the course of evolution, the average height has actually gone up- though as alluded to in the thread, the distribution of male height is actually pretty wide. There are sort of two best guesses evolutionarily for as to why this would be the case.

The first is that it's not actually always selected for. In humans, we create societies, such that it's possible that it's not sexually selected for, or more highly sexually selected for, which will give you a different pattern of variation in a stable population. This extends also the the physical reality that sometimes being tall won't actually help fitness, and may hinder fitness to a degree- pumping blood further from the heart, having a higher center of gravity, being easier to spot by predators are all valid explanations for as to why being short could be selected for at some point.

The other is that due to the polygenicity of height, there are genes involved that are differently selected for. Let's say one of the genes that is involved in maintaining strict length of a part of the body, like a Hedgehog gene (used widely throughout development) has a mutation in it. This mutation causes it to work less efficiently, meaning that the developmental signal to "stop growing" takes a bit longer to transduce, which will cause someone to be taller. This same hedgehog gene may also be involved in proper organ placement, or neural tube development, or brain development etc. Making a mutation in it good for height, but bad for some other crucial process.

>> No.9809299

"murican"s of europoor descent.

>> No.9809325


Because evolution generally leads to phenotypic equilibria, based on optimisation of various factors, not blindly maximising "good" traits.

Tall men in our current society are valued most because malnourishment has dissappeared for everyone to the point where extreme height doesn't lead to lankiness/sickliness like it used to.

>> No.9809329

You got us. We made up evolution to hurt you.

>> No.9809331

I don't get it. When will beta males start their own beta rights movement. Feminism has already done half the work for you as feminism is just beta rights for women.

Just say:
"Selection for height is a heretonormative patriarchal practice rooted in euro-centrism and slavery as blacks were selected for their height in slave auction as well. This cisnormative practice prevents the full expression of our intersectional identities because it values biology over other factors. The government should make it illegal for this kind of blatant racist sexist homophibic transphobic practice to continue, and a minimum jail sentence for anyone who discriminates as a transheight person identifying male should be 5 years".

I mean, to you and me what I just wrote is meaningless, but I am already getting called by postmodernist to receive the next nobel peace prize.

>> No.9809332

Manlets fucked the most

>> No.9809341

Being short has a significal evolutionary benefit of collecting more coins from the floor than tall people do

Sources: mythbusters

>> No.9809511

Height is polygenetic. Tall people are still carrying some short genes, and will be passing some of them to their offspring.
Height is not strongly selected for in women. Women will be carrying manlet genes.

>> No.9809533

It happening now
Everyone's getting taller
sexual dimorphism is the only reason women are shorter than men, if men are getting taller than women getting taller too
Unless more dimorphism is being selected for as well

>> No.9809538

>tows the line
It's obvious bait

>> No.9809549

average height has consistently gone up since the beginning of civilizations. like other people said in the thread, short genes are still floating around, but on average populations are always slowly getting taller

>> No.9809563

This isn't true, there has been an increase of 2 inches on average since before industrialization and it hasn't changed for like 40 years

>> No.9809602

Short and stout means lower center of gravity which equals greater combat and physical performance.
Don't forget that the romans were midgets.

>> No.9809613

well they would be harder to knock over but they wouldn't have a very far reach
plus mass is pretty much the most important factor, that's why there's weight classes
A taller person can get way heavier than a short person and still be healthy, they're just bigger overall

>> No.9809616

We're going to engineers males to be small over the next few years. The dimorphism of this species is wrong and will be reversed.

>> No.9809627

This post is very dangerous. Please delete. Our social/political system has made more than enough damage.
That's a battle of raw strength and power. Weapons level and can even turn the tables on a mountain. slow movement's and such. I know this is very basic explanation but I think you know what I mean.

>> No.9809633

yea firearms favor smallness, lightness, quickness etc. but we don't all walk around with guns so does it really matter?

>> No.9809643

>yea firearms favor smallness, lightness, quickness etc. but we don't all walk around with guns so does it really matter?
In our society nothing matter other than how many mental illnesses you can flaunt to the whole world
So why does anything really matter?
In the end of the day tall people are useless. Its like being proud of having an appendix

>> No.9809644

Tall people aren't "useless" no one is useless unless they don't contribute, and everyone who contributes is valuable. You can't just say some group of people is useless because of a physical attribute anon.

>> No.9809645

>This post is very dangerous
When the thought police hits 4chan.

>> No.9809655
File: 25 KB, 300x212, Rick-Wilson-GOP-Strategist-Mocks-Donald-Trump’s-Alt-right-Supporters-On-MSNBC-300x212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I mean tallness is useless. The same way as keeping your foreskin on goy.
>When the thought police hits 4chan.
Honestly this is why Europe tries to put a stop to letting Nazis speak out in public they get a voice, get backing then all of a sudden 6 million Jews are dead.
Its the same with this radical left. Give these people a platform and you'll have 6 million men cutting off their dicks in no time. This is very dangerous. Its essentially genocide

>> No.9809667

>If evolution, which relies on variation in populations to work at all, is true, then why are there variations in populations?

Is it possible you do not understand what you are asking?

>> No.9809685

>6 foot
>6 feet

brainlet girl

>> No.9809699

yikes american """"wemen"""

>> No.9809700

tell the truth: you are on the spectrum, aren't you?

>> No.9809702


>> No.9809713

it's ok dude, at least you're knowledgeable and passionate about your field

>> No.9809728

The average height of 1st world nations is going up, but the normal curve exists so there will always be manlets.

>> No.9809729

Feminism struck first by declaring war on incels, so manlets are still on the backfoot and haven't developed such rhetoric yet..

>> No.9809842

Yeah, I just want to give reasonable explanations and answers in threads. Sometimes bait threads pose genuinely interesting questions, and I think every time that I can maybe start a discussion on theories for as to how certain ambiguous events may have occurred evolutionarily, or perhaps just talk about biology a bit. But I can post in ten, twenty threads without a single (you). I think I probably write a bit too autistically, or maybe bait threads are just not the place to take it seriously.

>> No.9809858

it's probably because most people on this board are pseuds and underage and don't posses the knowledge to fully understand your posts let alone engage in a conversation with you

>> No.9809887

Well said, don't listen to the other autists calling you autistic.

Evolution proves that manlets aren't totally inferior.

>> No.9810438
File: 50 KB, 460x533, IMG_6471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, don't worry, you will find true love eventually.

>> No.9810452

Most humanity history has been in bad nutrition, making real tall people begins mostly from rich families, you won't get real sexual selection in tall until had several generations had full nutrition(maternal nutrition, men nutrition,childrenhood nutrition, pregnancy nutrition).

But in general men begin taller that women.

>> No.9810485

Have always been a very small minority of men in every country, stop acting like most men are incels.

>> No.9810497

20 to 50% of all males under 35 in the west are incels according to the latest data

>> No.9810500

why do roasties find the need to make these backhanded compliments? "you're so great and all, but fuck off from me"

>> No.9810503

Probably she meant it because she's not an horrible person. Did this ever occur to you?

>> No.9810533


>> No.9810546
File: 87 KB, 1030x730, 23675D7F-C508-490E-B584-3B1B64147864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because short men reproduce and pass on that trait. Human height fluctuates with resource availability anyways.

>> No.9810552

her compliment is empty and meaningless. it's the equivalent of saying "no offense" then insulting someone. shove your fake politeness up your ass, faggot.

>> No.9810571
File: 54 KB, 499x500, were you there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9810613

Tall compared to what?
I mean, most of us are over 4 feet tall.

>> No.9810881

not really, im 3'8'' verne troyer-tier.
imma go get some zyklon b as a pastime.

>> No.9810884

Feels good being 6'7". Not sure why people even continue to live if they are not at least 6'2".

>> No.9810887

Honestly I don't fucking know, both my mom and dad are like 5'3" and come from central america. Somehow I got to be 6'3" but I heard my grandpa was tall.

>> No.9810893


compared to the middle ages and even later we actually are on average. E.g. Gustav Adolf II from Sweden who fought in the 30 year war was about 1.85m tall and pretty much considered a giant at that time.

>> No.9810894

you gotta go back.

>> No.9810912

Feels good being 7'1". Not even sure why people under 6'8" even continue to live.

>> No.9810925

I was 7'1" at 16 years old, didn't grow much more than that so at 20 I got surgery and am now 7'6. Most males under 7'2 are incredibly intimidated by me and don't want me around their girls. To both of you I recommend surgery if you wish to be able to even compete

>> No.9810927

>If all chairs have 4 legs why aren't ants purple

Nigger what? Why do people keep shilling this height meme on every single board

>> No.9810976

>tfw 5'30"

Should I just become a girl now?

>> No.9810997

There was a time where women had very little input in whose genes got passed on.

>> No.9811001

i'm 6'3
i'm worth more than every white manlet, especially according to women

>> No.9811034


>> No.9811065


>> No.9811089
File: 22 KB, 260x317, 91EFF5F8-9BF8-47D8-AAE0-D77C78E25856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The foreskin does serve a purpose.

>> No.9811108

Yeah it helps god decide which gentiles to throw to hell

>> No.9811625

Unlike you I am the real deal. Z-score 4 feels soooo good.

>> No.9812553

Being tall takes a lot of energy and there's no point to it when if grug is at least 5 feet tall he can throw a spear or use a slingshot to kill lanklets and goliaths, so selection is towards manlets

>> No.9812557

Gauls were really tall and Romans loved to make fun of the fact that they easily mopped up the tall savages

>> No.9812563

Height is an average from both parents. Its more likely the fault of short women

>> No.9812583

Height is a disadvantage, but it's preferred by females of our species. However, the Fisherian runaway for this preference, was not sufficient to select for the ornamentation over the general fitness rating. Thus, short men are selected for. I bet in the future women will actually be taller than men on average.

>> No.9812626

> but we don't all walk around with guns
Free men and women (i.e. Americans) have the option to do so, and often choose to do so.

>so does it really matter?
Not everyone is a disarmed eurocuck.

>> No.9812631


classic retard question

>> No.9812679

Just because you're a redneck doesn't mean you'll kill someone with your gun. Or does it?

>> No.9812862

Kek manlet cope. You’ve never been able to look down at a girl and feel that inherent power over her have you anon?The sparkle in her eyes and blush on her face knowing how small and cute she looks just being in your presence? Once you experience that you will know being a manlet is an existence worse than hell.

>> No.9813057
File: 69 KB, 615x900, Irene-Nell-Sexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You’ve never been able to look down at a girl and feel that inherent power over her have you anon?The sparkle in her eyes and blush on her face knowing how small and cute she looks just being in your presence?
I have most girls are shorter than me. I'm not a power freak though, so I don't get off on domination that much you barbarian

>> No.9813060

but I like being smaller than the female. males are supposed to be smaller than females.

>> No.9813064

manlets have more advantages in warmer climates
you have 10 seconds to figure out which

>> No.9813172

OPs picture, holy shiiit.

>> No.9813189

Being tall isn't purely good, for example it makes you need more food which could make you unfit for survival in the past.
Maybe now when food isn't as much of an issue the average height will just increase, especially after the sexual revolution.
However even when it comes to attractiveness height isn't purely good since very tall people have a pretty high risk of having weird faces. A shorter man can be more attractive if he has a better face.

>> No.9813201

6'7 lanklet here, ask me anything manlets

>> No.9813212

How do you deal with the threat of being leg sweeped or hip thrown? At that height and if you're light, I feel like I'd be real anxious of it.

>> No.9813214

what's the source?

>> No.9813226

After awhile you just kinda have to deal with that as a possibility, I've fractured ankles more time to count. I couldn't survive in a fight.

>> No.9813248

Damn man. Well, girls get wet just looking at you, which is worth far more lol

>> No.9813254

Nah, I've only had sex like 3 times in my life. I'm a 37 year old nobody living alone

>> No.9813255

>tfw 5'5"

>> No.9813265

>tfw manlets truly believe that taller people have it easier
>tfw walk around town, can only see tops of heads when I'm on a train
>tfw can see tons and tons of manlets walking around with their gfs
In a perfect world only the tallest 20% of males would get laid like manlets like to claim

we do not live in a perfect world however

>> No.9813267

>because you fucking lanklets keep fucking short women leaving none for us manelts

I am 193 cms, how tall do I need to fuck for you to be happy. And don't tell me some bullshit like 185, because those are rare af.

>> No.9813269

>In a perfect world only the tallest 20% of males would get laid like manlets like to claim
That's a shit world m8

>> No.9813440

It's the real world. Only chads get laid.

>> No.9813441

>It's the real world.
No it isn't though
Either way, we all know the perfect world would be a world of amazon women and small men

>> No.9813446

>Confident and take care of myself
>Stings like hell when my unmotivated tall friends are noticed by women and interest them simply by existing

>> No.9813451

Explain why the top 20% of men are getting 80% of the women?
The next 20% get the remaining 20% of women and the rest 60% of men get nothing

>> No.9813455

>Explain why the top 20% of men are getting 80% of the women?
Are they though? This seems like 4chan lies

>> No.9813460

They used to do this in the past. Only 40% of men passed on their genes in the past. It may not be so right now. But after the sexual revolution it will happen AGAIN.

>> No.9813466

I doubt it for a few reasons.
1, sexual revolution will fall.
2, genemodding will become super common and sexual selection strategies will be changed at the gene level.
3, social pressure is still super strong either way, monogamy is pretty necessary and people can pair bond (we have the capability in our brains).

>> No.9813498

From an evolution point a high distribution of height can be benefical.

>> No.9813676


>> No.9814026

Males in the Netherlands are taller on average than other males from other countries because of evolution, you brainlet.
There has even been research done on this. The average height for males in the Netherlands is around 185 cm or like 6'1" in freedom units.
Sadly, it isn't going up anymore so it kinda proves that an average of around 185 is the genetic limit for males. This, however, won't change the fact that height follows a distribution no matter what. There are other traits which are good and selected by females so there will always be manlets under 185 cm.

>> No.9814059

> "Toes the line," by the way.

>> No.9814122

Kek this bitch

>> No.9814174

Why is height a disadvantage?

>> No.9814202
File: 91 KB, 256x256, 1345568602105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a guy who is at least 6'5" and he used his stature to become a drug dealer and ended up killing a DEA agent. Guy is grandiose, arrogant, openly abusive, slept around, and the guy has literally fucked an alligator before and spread the video, among other things. He divorced his meth addicted wife and can't keep a full-time job.

Meanwhile I'm 5'8" at best, minded my business, got a B.S. in EE, and will have a wife that is willing to have five kids. Note, I was blocked from using the above's chatroom (he's an admin of the site) strictly because I "stole" her from him. "stole" is in quotes because he never admitted he liked her, got pissed when she masturbated with someone over a voicechat after a breakup with an abusive ex, and banned her for a month while stalking her in other parts of the site and telling her about it.

Tallfags get seriously butthurt when they don't get things their way. It's like a woman in a man's body.

>mfw she gets drunk and tells everyone in the chatroom she wants to suck my dick every morning

>> No.9814427

That last line is fucking brutal. That bitch wants this guy to hurt. Women know how feelings work much more than men. They write things like "don
t give up" in that context to make the guy give up.

>> No.9814432

>Anime picture
Hmmmmm doesn't fit.

>> No.9814450

>she is out there
>not she is down there
talk about missed opportunities

>> No.9814483

Physically yea there is.

>> No.9814595

t. sticklet protecting their only claim to fame

>b-b-b-but predators
Anon, there has never been an instance in nature where a taller human was able to best an animal based on height. Even a chimp could tear your arms off and eat your face on a whim.

>b-b-b-but strength
That's not how levers work.

>b-b-but bigger steps
less energy efficient with those huge levers you've got for legs and in general just less energy efficient overall.

>b-b-b-but can see over people
The only thing you ever look at is a screen and their placement and angle is optimized for average height people, not freakish outliers.

There is literally no benefit to being a freakish outlier, anon.

>> No.9814623

I hole-heartedly agree

>> No.9815364

6'4" galoot here
this dire possibility haunts my every waking moment

>> No.9815630

It's a think in every country in the world.

>> No.9816260
File: 14 KB, 471x426, 1483060539749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, actually that is how it works. The strongest people in the world hail from Scandinavia and Iceland, and are very tall.

Height gives a huge advantage in combat, not like you would understand that manlet.

>> No.9816455

>muh feels
lmao, lrn sum babby physics, retard.

>> No.9816653

Height is a detriment in combat, the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.9816696

Easy answer.
Natural selection is no longer prevalent in modern human culture.
Everyone is (relatively) safe from death based on their physical traits. So, as a result, there is a frustrating mix of good and bad traits.

>> No.9816723

If evolution isn't real, why do people like OP exist?

>> No.9816741

>shorter males have higher fitness ratings

Citation needed

>> No.9816744

Because evolution is not proven, it's just a theory (a geuss)

>> No.9817114

There are more short men, that's literally all the proof you need, that's how genetic superiority and fitness work.

>> No.9817133

Imagine receiving a letter like this... fuck. I'd probably kill myself right there. Manlets, how do you survive this?

>> No.9817151

The average height is higher than 2000 years ago. Might just be nutrition, though.

>> No.9817845

Shorter people live longer than taller people.

>> No.9817879

god i hate women

>> No.9817900
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>> No.9817944

188cm here, dating 150cm

Shes tiny I throw her around like a toy. tall girls? lol no thanks.

>> No.9817982
File: 3.51 MB, 500x271, le muh lankletism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we won't survive if everyone is a dumb fucking lanklet.

>> No.9818022
File: 636 KB, 734x731, 369b6c8806f0156d21f8b1f84990fa62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants to date a bitch that sends formal emails to their dates LOOOOL

>> No.9818062

Honestly I feel like that email full would drive me to go back and murder the woman thank god I'm not a manlet.

>> No.9819090

Cause you assume the tall gene (wich it isnt just one gene) is the dominant and people get laid in a eugenic way.

>> No.9819121

Negro, evolution takes time, optimal traits don't just snap universally into place over night. Why haven't people with lactose intolerance been weeded out yet, or people with predisposition to certian cancers? Because it doesn't completely hold you back from mating. It may limit your chances a bit, but so far, short people can still fuck. As can stupid people and fat people and people with antisocial tendances.

>> No.9819139

These days it is. The tragedy about evolution is that it does nothing to help people that are still alive. And also it doesn't seem to work properly since manlets exist.

>> No.9819153

1. Who the fuck writes emails to dates?

2. 6' height is meme, women have no sense of height. Im dead on 6', my gf thought i am 6'2.

3. This email is, merciless.

4. its probably fake tho

>> No.9819171

many reasons
environmental factors (malnutrition) have contributed to shortness for most of human history.
evolutionarily women don't just select for hight but also for other attributes such as intelligence, high testosterone (low bf, high muscularity, physical fitness) and social status/fatherhood competency

>> No.9819173

Hey fuck off lanklet

>> No.9820838

You mean upper middle class amerikike and tinder ecosistems? Cause the world say otherwise