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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 36 KB, 1024x617, IQ_distribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9808949 No.9808949[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does this make you feel /sci/?

>> No.9808961

If I have a +2σ brain and a +2σ dick, is there something like Mensa for guys like me?

>> No.9808976
File: 301 KB, 520x678, 1514390089868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 95% of the population has an IQ lower than 125

>> No.9809005

>tfw 10% of the population is worth anything at all in life
i've already accepted my worthlessness

>> No.9809015

I have an IQ of 133 and i feel deeply retarded most of the time, i wonder what it must be like to be the 98% of the population stupider than me

>> No.9809023
File: 1.08 MB, 4456x2688, 1528028256276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admit I framed it like a brainlet.
All I'm saying is that it's disappointing that a higher percentage of the population doesn't pass certain absolute thresholds in terms of general cognitive ability. Myself included.

>> No.9809029


>> No.9809033
File: 183 KB, 728x1000, 1523696778848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can be worthless together anon.

>> No.9809037

I think about how stupid I am and then how stupid other people must be, since I'm supposed to be a "genius"

>> No.9809069

Average or stupid people dont know theyre stupid and think they know everything and are always right. That gives them the confidence to go on living

>> No.9809125


>> No.9809127

They probably don't even realize they're idiots because they're too busy watching TV, or taking pictures of something they just cooked to post on Facebook.

I would wager that they are much happier than those in the upper echelon though.

>> No.9809128

thanks, i guess

>> No.9809139

>IQ 136

I outright don't want to believe this. I always knew most of the population were pushovers, but the idea that there is very little above me cognitively is depressing and really dents my ambitions for growth. It's apparently not required.

Side note, 15% of the population has IQ <85

I wonder if this picture is global (so including mentally retarded shit heaps in Africa) or valid for places like Europe

>> No.9809140

Stupid people think they're smart. And smart people think they're stupid. Super geniuses may know they're smarter than average.

Sorta like the dunning-kruger effect.

>> No.9809150
File: 116 KB, 676x960, polfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how IQ scores work. Fuck off back to /pol/ with your daily IQ threads.

>> No.9809155

>tfw 135 iq mustard raec

>Side note, 15% of the population has IQ <85
>I wonder if this picture is global (so including mentally retarded shit heaps in Africa) or valid for places like Europe
It's for places like Europe. In Africa, over 50% is <85 IQ (Witcherts et al. estimates average sub-Saharan African IQ to be 82)

>> No.9809158

Yes, it's called gay marriage.

>> No.9809159 [DELETED] 

I am still a Brainlet with 145 IQ, but I am an Indian, taking British Mensa test may not give th best results.

>> No.9809162
File: 282 KB, 1231x1540, ledditor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that you'll never have an IQ this high.

>> No.9809165

How accurate is this test?

>> No.9809166
File: 112 KB, 203x180, 1528794094549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I explained myself here

I'm not even /pol/, what are you on about.

>> No.9809168

How many of you have left fucking schools and colleges to be more free.

>> No.9809169
File: 98 KB, 720x720, 1526836563749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wonder if this picture is global (so including mentally retarded shit heaps in Africa) or valid for places like Europe
The average of 100 by design corresponds to the populations of USA/Canada and Western Europe roughly speaking, so yeah, it is valid for places like Europe.
In other words, it's these populations that are the standard and by which the average is determined, I think.

>> No.9809171

If you're actually not from /pol/, you'd fit in with them very well. You should go there and not come back here.

It's not an absolute threshold. It changes constantly.

>> No.9809176

Democracy was a mistake

>> No.9809179

Taking working memory test at http://opencoglab.org/memtest1/

>> No.9809185

You're dismissed, edgelord.

>> No.9809187


They also don't care by choice and if American are mostly brainwashed.

I'll take someone with a 95 IQ who wants to learn anyday over someone with an IQ of 105 but hates learning. Sure maybe they take longer to learn but they at least try.

As someone with a higher than average IQ but not astronomical I feel it's my responsibility to create materials the dumb ones can understand. All they have to do is try.

>> No.9809276

What's the relation between IQ and So᠌y?

>> No.9809301

Remember to subtract 15 points to obtain your ASHKENAZI adjusted iq score...

>> No.9809323
File: 49 KB, 468x574, 1466226886745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that comic
Imagine if any group besides straight white men were portrayed in this light. Imagine if Jews were portrayed this way.

>> No.9809335

>tfw too intelligent
>not finding STEM interesting for the sake of it
>liberal arts degree, dealing with the exact herd of people he disdains

Durr hurr intelligant hurr

Me. Im a very successful NEET. However, i find the "free" life to be boring and devoid of mental stimulation so im prolly enrolling STEM next year

>> No.9809344

The Greeks even saw the flaws in it.
Go read what Plato had to say about it.

You're dismissed, brainlet.

>> No.9809378

It's been pretty obvious that I am in the .1% range throughout school (SAT, gifted talented, etc.) but it's still pretty hard to beat the helicopter parented kids with infinite bank accounts.

>> No.9809406
File: 144 KB, 871x917, 1413408885004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iq 130
>tfw there are 140 Million people on earth smarter than me

It's like god is fucking with me

>> No.9809409

Dude shut the fuck up and be grateful you can function, 130 is great iq. Not to mention if you have good artistic capabilities

>> No.9809415

What difference would it make? Im starting to think stormniggers and sjws are biologically incapable of understanding nuance.

>> No.9809431

i often forget how "flat" the distribution actually is, i usually assume 80% of people i meet are 100iq and that there are very very few 140+iq peole but it's strange to know and difficult to imagine that there are actually 7 million 140iq+ people and as many above 100 iq as there are below 100iq.
>deeply retarded

>> No.9809434
File: 86 KB, 433x427, 1524152490261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so butthurt, friend?

>> No.9809435

I’ve noticed people with high iq’s can still be stupid by making posts like this.
I’m assuming your crystallized Intelligence is 133 but your fluid Intelligence is lower.

>> No.9809451


>> No.9809452
File: 123 KB, 1440x1653, 1528274516842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It changes constantly.
The only thing that changes constantly is the average, and it's for the worse - due to a myriad of environmental factors that are leading to a steady decline in cognitive ability of the general population.
So not only are there very few people who can get a PhD in physics, but their share of the population is becoming smaller.


>> No.9809455


>IQ is 144
>done nothing with my life

Oh well, least I had fun

>> No.9809522


Holy crap I feel like a moron after reading this.

I should have never become a brain surgeon. How did I not see this.

>> No.9809540

Idk i am a very gifted pianist, aced all natural science competitions including logic, learn and read pretty fast and have a good social life even though i must admit i had to try very hard to learn how to behave with other people and i have trouble understanding their motifs because they differ from mine

I have bad motor skills tho, i write slowly and used to walk pretty strange

Still think im retarded tho, i wonder how retards actually feel

>> No.9809544

What IQ tests did you guys take?
t. 99.something percentile on an IQ test in 5th grade

>108 IQ last year with the WAIS-IV

i'd get retested if you took your iq test before age 15 honestly

>> No.9809548

this is a 105 IQ post

>> No.9809550

well no shit. the earlier you take your iq the more "age adjusted" it is. iq is only meaningful later on in life.

(mental age that you obtain from the iq test)/(actual age) * 100

>> No.9809552

GATE is a meme
t. horrible SAT scores and go to shit college

>> No.9809554

there are online iq tests that are as accurate as real ones brainlet

>> No.9809557

Christ, this thread reeks of highschoolers and first year undergrads.

>> No.9809561

you sound like me and I have a 112 IQ, so yeah you're probably not too smart. i know genuine 150s and 140s and they're getting BS degrees at 17 and placing in top 3 in national math competitions

>> No.9809565

you're probably not a 144 then

what were your subtest scores like?

>> No.9809583

We did an overall IQ test at the end of elementary school, including the one similar to mensa and i correctly solved all examples but the last two bc i ran out of time and they said i got in the top 2%. I was ~10th on the national math competitions, i later met those who scored better (they were my classmates) and they had IQ 160+

I got tested officially 3 times later in life, aged around 20 but they just said my results were far above normal but didnt score it

I had a lot of mental problems so i gave up competing and kind of slacked at school

>> No.9809599

I guess you have 0 motivation.

>> No.9809612

>iq around 90-100
>memory is fucked up beyond any recognition
>trouble with math, english, programming,
>no social life, few friends
>tried to learn c but forgot everything after several weeks

/sci/, I don't know what to do. I need help.

>> No.9809618

Opposite of Creativity is Slavery
Maybe you have high IQ but thats nothing without Creativity.

>> No.9809626

i've got the same problem

>> No.9809768
File: 960 KB, 1920x1080, 1524968408791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried having a proper sleep schedule, eating exclusively healthy food and exercising?
You can't expect to face life heads on if even your base / fundamentals are broken.

>> No.9809824

Anon i did drugs, too. Be clean for an extended period of time and read read read and sleep alot and your memory will get better

>> No.9809836

Not him but I sleep a lot and have constant brain fog

>> No.9809925

This is only for whites as they have a 100 IQ average.

>> No.9809952

>about 150 millions people
rare af indeed

>> No.9810177
File: 197 KB, 1241x927, 1528598597394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have 85 IQ
What are my options

>> No.9810219

Nah man, it's the only bottom 10% that's worthless. The middle 80% is fine if you don't care about social mobility.

>> No.9810230


>> No.9810284

I feel completely the same anon.
Tested at 137

>> No.9810331

Not really. You guys make it possible for neets and ((academics)) to care about big brain stuff, by maintaining civilization

>> No.9810335

I do not feel. I only thiiiiiiiiinnnkkk. Come join my mind and we shall become infinity

>> No.9810336

This is what makes me the most worried. We are heading down a real bad path

>> No.9810397

Learn how to learn.

>> No.9810401

Straight facts.
Got 135 on a shitty online test, so I'm likely more retarded than that.

>> No.9810469
File: 9 KB, 252x200, 14126486248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO the difference between 125-135 isn't that great. A 105 can easily associate and socialize with 120s and 130s. The true difference is 150s and 135s. I feel like me and the people around me are all 130+ (I'm tested 133) but when I speak to the few people that make me feel retarded, I can't even begin to understand how they self teach themselves the things that they do. The people who were in accelerated classes with me and excelled (one of them never got below a 100% on quizzes and tests in AP Calc) were always the 150s who lacked some social skills but were genuinely geniuses.

>> No.9810479

Average people are aware of their stupidity, its dumb people who are oblivious to it. Notice average people stress out about doing poorly in education while morons never wont show any hint of concern.

>> No.9810482

>Phds are stupid
You cant be serious.

>> No.9810506

Lots of assumptions in this post. Not GATE, but it was very difficult (statistically) to get into. Regardless, GATE uses an IQ test so idk what you are even talking about. And horrible SAT scores and horrible colleges? Lol does the fact that people are better than you make you feel bad?

>> No.9810510

Are you an actual brainlet??? Do you know how standard deviations work. The fact that you use plural makes me think you don't. 150 means 1 in 3000. Odds are there was/is 0-1 in your entire high school (not just your grade). Never getting below 100% on AP calc is so easy to do. Math in general is a total joke if you know what you are doing.

>> No.9810572
File: 95 KB, 936x781, 1496613095614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a tested (via Mensa) 133. I got like an A- in AP calc, and to get that A- I had to try my ass off at the end of the 4th quarter. I was allowed to take AP Calc as a junior where most of the others were seniors, but they were all in the same boat as me. The 150s I speak of are the people similarly selected, like myself, that were in AP Calc as juniors. Also, yes I know how standard deviations work, and because I do, I know that in the private highschool of 10,000 students I attended there we're at least a few 150s, and probably more because of the better values and smarter, more successful parents everyone there was raised by. Your arrogance tells me you are either AD or a brainlet yourself.

>> No.9810629

How do we break the 130 ceiling, lads?

>> No.9810697

like the choosen people

>> No.9810775
File: 148 KB, 634x804, Nihilanth_model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>complete lazy sack of shit
>get bored with standard classes
>decide to take honors and AP
>too much busy work can't be fucked with to do it
>principal forces students who took APs before to take more
>try even less cuz I couldn't for anything besides AP stats
>took SAT
>first time got a 1970
>second time got a 2040
>third time got a 2150
>graduated with a weighted 3.0 gpa
>now am a double major in pure math and CS
>almost done with both
Am I bicc brain like the rest of the /sci/ kids?

>> No.9810778

>bragging about undergrad degrees

>> No.9810780

I might do masters but its stupid to do that without work experience, and with a job you can get the company to pay for your education.

>> No.9810782
File: 20 KB, 574x430, very sad cate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some norway mensa test said I was 140IQ
>be extremely lazy

Why the fuck

>> No.9810788

>with a job you can get the company to pay for your education.
yeah, good luck with that. if you're in science/engineering then you're a slave to be nickle and dimed for everything and exploited. if you're in management they might send you off to get a mba.

>> No.9810791
File: 41 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we don't want our employees to be more competent/knowledgeable

>> No.9810804

>tfw 118 iq brainlet
What do?

>> No.9810805


Kind of odd how so many people here claim to have an IQ above 130.

>> No.9810815

I know the feeling. IQ of 146, graduated HS two years early, and ended up doing nothing for the next seven years due to mental and physical health issues that were completely outside of my control.

I consider suicide daily.

>> No.9810841

dude just stop to care and fucking do watheveryou are able to do

>> No.9810900

ITT: Brainlets pretending to have high IQ's on an anonymous chinese cartoons forum and not seeing the irony

>> No.9810901

I got 138 but i'm fucking retarded.

>> No.9810908

got tested when I was 12. 142 on the verbal IQ part but painfully average on everything else.
Should I retake the test? I don't want to become a writer, god damn it

>> No.9810918

Look up what verbal IQ actually entails

>> No.9810936 [DELETED] 

Who here is lowering their metabolism to live longer?

>> No.9810943

>le radical centrist

>> No.9810948

I did it just fine myself. You just need to work at it. You are more likely to have a soul than they are, so use that to your advantage. Research your heart out on how to navigate the world, and success will come to you.

>> No.9810956

>get 136 on WAIS
>have always lagged behind in classes
>loser NEET after HS

Why me.

>> No.9810960

but people larping on /sci/ does, especially when I know genuine geniuses. gifted and talented programs are genuine memes

you seem rather defensive for having your intelligence challenged

>> No.9810964

I actually have a high IQ and this thread gives me second-hand embarrassment

>> No.9810966

you're fucking retarded, mate

>> No.9811009

Never did any on paper test. But most online tests gives me 125 to 130 IQ

i honestly f've done many dumb decisions in my life that even a supposed 80 IQ person could see. which leads me to that just getting an 99%-85% averages in school AP courses doesn't mean you're smart in other factors.

apathy also been killing me as i stopped going to the gym for the past 4 weeks with the excess that i gotta study for finals when i could just study for 30 min and get a 80%.

t. syrian

>> No.9811069

>the job for me:
>global authoritarian leader
>unfortunately the masses won't let me

>> No.9811072
File: 3 KB, 225x225, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have done several online tests over the years
>lowest score ever received was 127
>never taken a real test
>feel literally retarded most of the time
>wont ever take a real test because i cant be bothered
>are the online tests inaccurate/am i actually retarded or am i just doubting myself, will never know
>this is my curse

>> No.9811123

I went to the hardest/best high school in the country and was placed in the best class. A guy from my class tested official mensa 165 and hes now majoring from particle physics in germany. He was ironically very far in terms of intelligence from this other guy in my class who never spoke a word and really loved to program so he enrolled in CS. The physics teacher told him to go study physics because hes literally better than her at it but he didnt want to go. He attended university programming competitions in high school and won every time. Too bad i have no idea what hes like, he never spoke

t. Only 133

>> No.9811124

*doing a masters in particle physics


>> No.9811138

Got to the end in just over 9 minutes, was feeling like i wasted a bit of time on questions i could of dismissed but thought 9 minutes was pretty good.
Got to the end and it pretty much told me im an idiot