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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9808547 No.9808547 [Reply] [Original]

Did you ever develop an addiction to studying and/or working?

I've been working as a teacher for the last two years, but at the same time I started studying programming and math.

I feel a sort of compulsion to do it. I have to control myself not to study so much I become crazed with stress. I feel guilty if I'm not spending my free time on personal project or studying.

I postponed my hobbies so that I can study programming and math. I let go of music and artistic drawing.

I wonder how bad this is, if it is.

Currently I've been having stress outbreaks due to how stressed I am from so much studying or working. I've been having episodes of high blood pressure which are entirely new to me for the last two weeks. I notice they usually happen after studying.

Did you ever feel it? How do you balance it? I sometimes try to balance it by playing Dark Souls but I can't do it for too long before I feel guilty.

Pic somewhat related

>> No.9808801
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No need to double space we are not on Reddit.
Being obsessed about it is good but why does it stress you?
I feel more clear headed and calm when I study mathematics.
Second off, what books about mathematics are you using?

>> No.9809103

SICP is literally high school level shit.

>> No.9809113


>> No.9809114

Yes it is.

>> No.9809214

name a single high school in the US that covers that material

>> No.9809239

Plenty of people I knew whilst at high school read SICP. But that doesn't necessarily make the book 'high school level'

>> No.9809250

"high school level" is going a bit far but SICP was intended to be an introductory, first-year introduction to programming and was used as such for decades.

>> No.9809267

I think the best way to turn it into something that's healthy for you is probably to frame everything you do within the same rules of operation. After all, that's kind of what science is for- developing an axiomatic system that correlates as closely as possible to reality itself. Take things like music and art, and use what you know about math, programming, or science to inform what it is that you create, and maybe even in the process work from an artistic perspective to try to gain insights into how you can better grasp these concepts.

Not to sound like hippy bullshit, but everything in life ultimately is going to be connected. Math is a good lens to view the world simply because it'll help establish some of the abstract logical connections that apply to many different things in life that you can understand the world better with.

:^) the other option is to become autistic about something else. Genetics and population level biology is actually pretty fucking neat for most programmers, from those I've spoken to.

>> No.9809305

Thanks, bro. I have somewhat harbored a passion towards statistics and pure math. I realized how linear algebra correlates to my interest in drawing, mainly that of understanding lighting, thanks to OpenGL and computing.

I'm still calibrating. It's not that I have a healthy relationship to my studies. It's that I'm a "studyaholic". It's compulsive.

>> No.9809350

>t. mathfag who thinks programming is trivial

>> No.9809385

I mean, programming is pretty trivial. The real limitations come from shitty languages.

>> No.9809397

ditto for math.

>> No.9809479


>> No.9809492

This is the same guy who shills for C++ as a first language and recommends that garbage CS chart with even bigger brainlet books than SICP

>> No.9810053

Congrats you've one of the worst bucks on comp sci. No the python version doesn't make it any more useful than pseudo garbage

>> No.9810056

Well open gl is dead so you might want to switch to vulkan

>> No.9810066

Yep I am exactly the same, I need to study all the time or I'll go crazy, because there's always some chink out there who will beat me if I give them one day's lead on me.

>> No.9810088
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>I let go of music and artistic drawing.
>I postponed my hobbies so that I can study programming and math.

I'd say you just changed hobbies? Yes, I also read math/physics/programming stuff in my free time and solve problems. It's why I do to curate a skill, learn, and produce something, like other people play and instrument.

>I postponed my hobbies so that I can study programming and math.
Again, I don't understand this sentence. I mean maybe we resolve this if you explain why you're stressed? You don't seem you have to deliver, right? You're just delving into an "art" that has it's history, flavors, famous people, stories, rhymes and reuses, "memes" and culture, like any other art. And it can be applied on top of it.

>> No.9810101

>I feel a sort of compulsion to do it.
Your desire to learn is a purposed part of the brain that tells you to eat. In case you've ever wondered why it's easy to skip meals while reading.
>I sometimes try to balance it by playing Dark Souls but I can't do it for too long before I feel guilty.
At least play (good) puzzle games or something.

>> No.9810105

You are seeking recognition. Unfortunately, you being a teacher makes you a stem failure, one who works a lot but achieves little. If you were good you would be tenured at an R1. You will be depressed for the rest of your life. Good luck.

What was your gpa btw? 3.0 I guess

>> No.9810112

Weightlifting/Cardio are both very effective methods of stress reduction. In some cases, moderate exercise can be shown to even boost levels of cognition. Not only that but feeling healthy can also be very important in almost all regards of life. I would give it a try.

>> No.9810130

brainlet retard

>> No.9810175

I'm not from the USA so I don't have a GPA. Also, what the fuck is an R1?

And I'd say that rather than seeking recognition, I'm seeking "ability" as in "ableness". I want to be able to take things from my head and put them into the world whenever I feel like it. Maybe "skill" is the word I'm looking for?

Besides, acquiring knowledge is sort of like having sex with the universe. Each layer of ignorance that you leave behind is a hymen you have torn through.

Teaching is just a way to pay the bills. I DO enjoy it, and put effort into it, but it's not the center of my life.

In case you're wondering, I'm from Rio de Janeiro.

I always do it. I've just distanced myself from it for the last two weeks because I don't feel comfortable doing it before finding out if my hypertension is of a psychological or a physiological origin. I have an appointmenet with the doctor next monday so I'm soon to find it out.

>you just changed hobbies
Yeah, maybe that's it. To some extent, all of them connect somewhere. Knowing this I sort of justify to myself that I'm postponing, not switching. That someday I'll take the others back up.

I think I'm afraid to let go of things, and afraid of not having it all, and that may be one of the sources of my stress.

Also, I bought the premium for Brilliant.org so every time I'm away from home and not busy I'm solving some juicy puzzles

Wait, what? I thought Vulkan was merely an alternative. Could you please elaborate on that?

It's all about the thinking process

>> No.9810492

You're an idiot. SICP is timeless.

>> No.9810543
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Hal Abelson, one of the writers of SICP, commented on why he wanted to stop teaching it. He talks about how the world of making computational tools has changed. Instead of building from scratch, many tools have to play nice with the existing kit and often have to be tested with and experimented on to see if they work.

That being said, SICP is still a good text. Many of its lessons are timeless to both scientists and programmers alike. I suggest the Little Schemer and associated books if you like it.

I suggest exercising your skills in other paradigms of language alongside developing your understanding of theory. Everything is connected, and as much as I’m in on theory (hell, I major in math), the magic of CS lies in how easily ideas can be expressed as programs that execute.

>> No.9810632

I really liked your post.

>> No.9810642

Cool, I want to be addicted to study as well. Instead, I just avoid it like a plague.

>> No.9810663

>I'm from Rio de Janeiro
Of course you are. Why brazilians on the internet always feel the need to let people know they are brazilians?

>> No.9810671

>Why brazilians on the internet always feel the need to let people know they are brazilians?
Come to Brazil and you will understand.

>> No.9811270

you mean "come to rio de janeiro and you will understand"
rio de janeirofags are just attention whores, oftenly entitled, fuck you cunts

>> No.9811501

Programming definitely is, but don't mistake it with software engineering.

>> No.9811524


>> No.9811534


I don't understand the hate. One anon asked me about my GPA, and I said I wasn't from the USA. I think that's a cue for me to explicit where I am from, am I not right?

Besides, I don't see an issue.