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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 81 KB, 1920x1408, Mandelset_hires.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9806978 No.9806978[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

IQ is a social construct that cishet white men devised that defines “intelligence” on the basis of culture. Sadly, there is a direct correlation between high IQ and “earning” a PhD in a STEM discipline, which is all too reflective of how white cishet men have designed disciplinary concepts to reinforce their own power structures.

It is fundamentally unfair and marginalizing for IQ tests and mathematics curriculum to be designed around the same white supremacist, cisheteronormative standards, thus marginalizing women of color. What we need isn’t just “fair hiring;” we need a radical reconceptualization of mathematics in a decolonizing framework.

We have allowed white cishet men (nearly all of whom had utterly disgusting views about race and gender) to define “mathematics,” “logic” and “proof” for us? there are many kinds of math, many kinds of logic, and many kinds of proof, and assemble a new concept of math from the mosaic of cultural expression that humanity affords.

Even if you restrict to "classical" logic, mathematics education is problematic. For example, "All players can't hit home runs" could mean that most players can not hit home runs in some dialects, meaning points would be lost when answering questions which rely on the interpretation "No player can hit a home run."

Furthermore, the math programs largely help privileged people get jobs in technology and finance through nepotism (aka "networking").

>> No.9806981

nice copypasta faggot

>> No.9806994

> faggot
Why the homophobia?

Is it because you are also sexist and therefore believe that a marriage must have a ruler (man) and a ruled person (woman)

>> No.9807000

>Is it because you are also sexist and therefore believe that a marriage must have a ruler (man) and a ruled person (woman)
At this point the people pushing this line of tripe, such as yourself, are starting to give ammo to the people saying that life was better, for everyone, before feminism happened.

>> No.9807051
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>> No.9807080

Memes are exclusionary and serve to perpetuate the patriarchy; the creators of memes are almost exclusively young white men , who then act as the gatekeepers of what is cool and funny. That movie is also problematic.

>> No.9807164
File: 576 KB, 1200x788, 1527000027758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad I like the patriarchy

>> No.9807170

isn't it boring to "troll" like this though? What's the point, dude?

>> No.9807177

Then you are what's wrong with society. Cis wh*te males such as yourself have been the oppressors for far too long. The patriarchy must be smashed, along with outdated concepts such as "objective reality" and "truth", which wh*te men have had a monopoly on for millennia.

>> No.9807178

I ask you again; what's the point of making these threads?

>> No.9807192

To get people to think

>> No.9807193

You're not posting anything to think about.

>> No.9807214

>"Then you are what's wrong with society"
>implying I give a shit about your faggy opinion
If this isn't bait, I just want to tell you that I don't care about the labels you give me

>> No.9807233

if math is racist, so is jazz

>> No.9807421

this post isn't provocative at all. this is just the average opinion of every humanities undergrad. if you want to post a spicy idea/troll, try something original.

>> No.9807425

there's no such thing as race

>> No.9807441

1. A very bad troll 2. No one fucking cares 3. Why the Mandelbrot set? Is that racist also, or do you have problems with it being painted black, or that it has an imaginary axis that is just as unreal as your bullshit?

>> No.9807442
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>> No.9807527

racism = prejudice + power, so minorities can never be racist

>> No.9807573

Such a meaningless question.
>IQ is a social construct that cishet white men devised that defines “intelligence” on the basis of culture. Sadly, there is a direct correlation between high IQ and “earning” a PhD in a STEM discipline, which is all too reflective of how white cishet men have designed disciplinary concepts to reinforce their own power structures.
Even if all of this is true, there is no problem with it. If anyone doesnt like the "white power structure" just leave and make up your own logic, and math, and science. Ofc dont expect white societies to pay for it.

>> No.9807610

Systematic racism, yes. Any individual can be racist.

>> No.9807611
File: 1.61 MB, 480x360, bait taken.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is such obvious b8 that anyone who responds to it in earnest should be b&
sage and ignore

>> No.9807718
File: 32 KB, 500x333, 1490696281657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I find it sad that I've become completely desensitized to this sort of rhetoric and grown used to the fact that these intellectual currents have become a defining trait of our timeline, despite being so blatantly outrageous.
How crazy can society get /sci/? I don't even want to think about what the future might hold.

>> No.9807733

You state that dumb people should earn equally. Good.

No, it's because there are no rules and with no rules with no ruler we can shot homosexuals.

>> No.9807800

Good one

>> No.9807836

World's going to shit so fast that the bait of today is the majority's belief ~30 years from now.

>> No.9807841

I know this is bait but East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews are generally better at maths than whites

>> No.9807844

You're taking this homophobia meme literally, off yourself.