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9806064 No.9806064 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most likely factors leading to a collapse of modern civilization?

>> No.9806071

Abandonment of meritocracy: Weak becomes strong. Strong becomes evil.

>> No.9806101

low stress tolerance

when something better comes along

but im curious as to what you think "modern civilization" is.
i wonder do you have an ideal of civilization that is constantly being critiqued ?
or perhaps modern society is just the lamentations of the society previous.

how do we know that society hadnt collapsed already and now we are just living a hollow shell of what society once was?

or maybe what you see as a collapse of society. is perhaps a wish to reclaim indiviuation. from the great work so called "the machine".
becuase society, weather steered by one brain or all of them. work to build itself greater, to reach heights
a tower of babylon to reach god.
all people working putting aside their 'petty individualistic differences" to build something so great, so beyond them
that it reaches God.

modern society is once step in societal evolution that works to replace the man with "the greater good" . a society that can be viewed as an organism with all its parts "doing what they are supposed to do".
the end game of society is to find a place and purpose for everyone with little or no resistance.

>> No.9806123

>but im curious as to what you think "modern civilization" is.
Not sure what the best way to define it would be but basically everything that brings about and maintains the current standard of living in the majority of (first world) nations. This would include everything from scientific institutions to food production to technological improvements and maintenance in medicine, agriculture etc etc. You can use "western civilization" as a short-hand.
Roughly speaking, it's what the average person would intuitively think of when you mention "modern civilization."
A collapse of this could be defined in a number of ways but I think the following symptoms make sense for this thread:
-economic collapse
-collapse of global trade
-collapse of food supplies
-collapse of government institutions up to
complete collapse of governments and the
rule of law

>modern society is once step in societal evolution
That's an entirely different discussion. This thread is about the most likely mechanism of destruction, not where we might be going should destruction be avoided.

Breakdown of the social mechanism that created/sustained societies. Very good. How would/will this lead to the downfall exactly? What are are the mechanisms/sequences of events?

>> No.9806127

None, we're at a point at which it would take a worldwide disaster.
If any single country, or continent failed, another society would just take dominance on the other side of the globe.

>> No.9806133

doesn't this belong more on a board like /pol/ or /his/ or /qa/?

>> No.9806136
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>> No.9806140

Alright, well there are a number of global issues which are likely to affect all countries simultaneously to varying extents. For example:
-climate change related issues which could impact food supplies globally (excessive temperatures, drought (lack of rain + vanishing glaciers), changing weather patters, ocean adicification ect..)
-soil depletion (food supplies again)
-large scale aquifer depletion due to overuse for farming (food again)
-fisheries collapse from over fishing and coral breaching
-global economic collapse due to unsustainable mismanagement

>> No.9806141

Not really since the most likely factors are things like the collapse of food production due to things like climate change and similar issues.

>> No.9806148

lack of cultural diversity

Civilizations rise and fall. That's just how things are and how they should be. If the entire world is dependent on a single civilization, or if it becomes ONE giant civilization, or if our culture becomes so intermingled that we all share the same beliefs and zestiest then when that one big culture/civilization goes, be default, everything goes.

e.g. Alexander the Great, or Rome

>> No.9806152

Will file these two under
erosion of vital social/cultural mechanisms required for civilizational maintenance

>> No.9806153

Resource depletion, nuclear war.

>> No.9806159

>lack of cultural diversity
A lot can be said about this topic but I think it's probably best to save it for another thread, considering that large scale natural disasters and/or massive mismanagement of resources are the most likely candidates for our demise at the moment.

>> No.9806169

>Resource depletion
This seems to be a big one. I'd like to know more about specifically which resources (which are required for the status quo and are unlikely to be replaced by alternatives) we're going to be running out of in the next couple of decades.
>oil obviously

>> No.9806197
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>implying capitalism was ever meritocratic

>> No.9806215

The "capital" in capitalism literally refers to the merit. Merit of bloodline counts.

>> No.9806480


>> No.9806483

economic collapse
ecologic disaster

>> No.9806615


>> No.9806619
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>What are the most likely factors leading to a collapse of modern civilization?
young white men devoting their time to video games and porn instead of starting careers and families

>> No.9806623

>The "capital" in capitalism literally refers to the merit.
Capital is the sum of resources with which to produce wealth,
and has nothing whatever to do with "merit".

>> No.9806628

In the short term, the corruption of universities by leftist radicals. In the long term, cultural decay and loss of morality.

>> No.9806631

Lack of unifying propaganda for a common goal

>> No.9806652
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Playing the finite player in an infinite game and placing interests before values

>> No.9806678

Decrease in wages caused by capitalism squeezing more money out of the hands of workers and into the hands of the rich.

Any other answer is fucking wrong.

>> No.9806684


>> No.9806787
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>> No.9806791

1 in 10 people are below 83 IQ and no amount of training is enough for them to do more work than they create.

>> No.9806797

Young men playing video games, because they don't have opportunities to start career or family.
It's a symptom, not a reason.

>> No.9806832

I agree with the weak becomes strong mutation of values. However, meritocracy is not a solution. Meritocracy is a system created by the dumb to keep the masses under their thumb. A truly strong one would be above meritocracy. Period.

>> No.9806863

>What are the most likely factors leading to a collapse of modern civilization?
Dysgenic trends leading to mass retardation. This will be accelerated by African population boom and the resulting mass immigration (African population: 1950: 200mil, 2000: 800 mil, 2015: 1200 mil, 2100: 4000 mil)

>> No.9806869

Energy and Human Evolution
by David Price


Or "Why humanity is fucked", only genuine in comic sans.

It's 23 years old and therefore a tad dated on a few issues. But since it's mostly a big picture I think it's really great even today.

>> No.9806922

Retarded oversimplification of idealism for a complex (and very real) world. So simple as to effectively be meaningless. It's gibberish.

>> No.9806934

Niggers, duh.

>> No.9806975

I just read on my country's news portal that economists estimate another, HARD economical crisis in 2 years.

This it? We end?

>> No.9806980

Global warming, overpopulation, overexploitation, ecosystem alteration and loss of biodiversity.

>> No.9806988

>I just read on my country's news portal that economists estimate another, HARD economical crisis in 2 years.
>This it? We end?
They're probably right. Our recent recovery has been nothing but a debt-driven bubble. Great depression and WW3 here we come

>> No.9807036
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>This it? We end?
This is actual beginning.

>> No.9807130
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Fuggg that's when I finish my undergrad. I'm planning on going to grad school, so hopefully I'll be able to ride it out.

This is of course assuming that this will actually happen. I will say that we are due for a market correction though.

>> No.9807138

Semitic influence

>> No.9807155

Don't worry, unemployment is going to fall to zero once draft is implemented. And after WW3 there will be plenty of jobs available fighting supermutants

>> No.9807241


>> No.9807292

Is English your native language? Do you really mean "leading" or did you mean "that would lead"? I think there's some confusion in this thread about this.

>> No.9807297

How do you think one gets those resources?

>> No.9807298

this and women voting

>> No.9807310

usury, financial speculation, owning private property.

>> No.9807311

Destruction of the planet it's living on

>> No.9807372

we will adapt, or embrace geo-engineering and brute force fix it, there are a few ways we have the technology for
We could probably do a fair bit to fix the damage to the earth, but the climate change doomsday cult is branding anyone that suggests it a heretic

>> No.9807410

Usury and financial speculation require good reputation. How do you build that up?
Owning private property requires lots of money. How do you build that up?

Your claim is that they got lucky, so I'm just wondering when exactly you think that happened. So far you haven't gone back far enough.

>> No.9807514


>> No.9807519
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>> No.9807524

Immigration, Identity, Islam

>> No.9807723
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Still angry your history degree didn't get you a real job?

>> No.9807821

That is a symptom too, not a reason. Civilizations collapse because it is in the nature of civilizations to collapse, because the very structure and process of civilization implies its own collapse, in the same way that our human anatomy and process of life implies our eventual death.

>> No.9808639

Capitalism is literally anti-meritocratic.

>> No.9808737

Historically by force, now by cunning or theft.
Do you think it's by "hard work" and virtue?

>> No.9808741

>Usury and financial speculation require good reputation.
L0Lno, you starry-eyed idealist, you.

>> No.9808783

communist government or taxes above 75%

>> No.9808794

supervolcanic eruption depriving countries of intertravel, communication, food, light and basic necessities, warmth etc we're all fucked

genetically engineered pathogens we're fucked

other natural disasters

genetic engineering via CRISPR related tools

alien intervention

terrorists, nukes etc

basically, who cares about rich getting richer etc when this is how the human mind has evolved, the main threat is nukes and natural disasters we don't have the techonology to overcome

>> No.9808910


>> No.9808916

Yo guys, just read that antarctica is losing ice 3 times as fast as in 2012. Globally, 3mm of water level rise each year.

We fugged

>> No.9808925

Why would usury require good reputation? Speculation requires no reputation, theft among many others is an example whereby you can generate wealth without virtuous merit.

>> No.9808993


same ones as Rome, low birth rates, indulgence, lack of meaning, neoliberal economic policies

>> No.9809653

Well at least the trips to the beach will get shorter

>> No.9809698

Are you talking about age of capital accumulation, or current age?
Today, most richest people are inherited their money.

>> No.9809709

Immigration from inferior races will turn currently nice countries into Somalia

>> No.9809736
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Yes, people like George Soros are truly virtue people and they should rule us.

>> No.9810157

Leaving rightists in charge.

>> No.9810161
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The aliens get bored of watching us and decide to wipe us out.

>> No.9810164
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I think they should be called rightso's.

>> No.9810914

Communism isnt either


>> No.9811114

present the selection of facts without proper context is a form of manipulation.


>> No.9811137

cultural immigration will cause modern (western) civilisation to "collapse" so far in the sense it will convert to eastern barbarism.

but for a pre-agriculture level of collapse, it would be from environmental changes, global warming and hyper-weather would make it so that the "poor" ie the global 90% at the current wealth disparity levels, would not have means to survive with enough "ease" that they can afford the time to supply 40hours of labour to "society" to support the elites as they presently do.
without the indentured masses to provide, elites would not be elites. without elites ruling powers would have no control over the masses. then civilisation collapses.

>> No.9811142
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A society full of idiots who will destroy it

>> No.9811144


>> No.9811153

Women being able to vote

>> No.9811189
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Yes, both sides are biased. That's why you need to understand them both and make your own decision.

>> No.9811253
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1 in 6 americans struggle with hunger
1 in 200 americans are homeless
there was a huge famine in US in 1929 – 1939
constant economic crisies

how can such shithole as captilaism even considered as good?

>> No.9811290
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5 in 6 communist Venezuelans & North Koreans struggle with hunger
1 in 50 californian leftists are homeless
there was a huge famine in Soviet Union in 1932
constant economic crisies

how can such shithole as communism even considered as good?

>> No.9811372

Climate change.

>> No.9811424

>6 gorillions
why they keep using that number? it has special meaning in judaism?

>> No.9811630

Wow. relax. I just show an example of how easily facts can be used for manipulation.

It's easy to draw an emotional picture of poor chinese farmers and conclude that entire communist China was a disaster. While it's not so simple in reality. Everything has its positive and negative sides.