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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9805572 No.9805572 [Reply] [Original]

why is /sci/ so afraid of women in STEM?

Are you all afraid you won't be able to compete and lose your jobs?

>> No.9805615

/sci/ is a image board. AI haven't improved enough that it can feel fear.

>> No.9805627

I work at a defense contractor. I have literally never seen a female engineer where I work, because our products kill people and inversely save people. Our shit is time-critical and there's no room for error. Fucking up means you get cut, no exceptions. Too high pressure for stronk wymynz.

>> No.9805632

Because encountering one past the second year is like a feverish dream
You'd freak out too if a unicorn rammed into your car

>> No.9805643
File: 71 KB, 500x667, E372CAAA-8B79-4EA4-B203-710C035F3668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t fear women. I mean if you’re qualified and competent welcome aboard

The problem is we lack compotent women in each field and or not many women like the subjects in STEM/STEAM

Pretty sure if more women were in these fields then there’d be less sexism and stuff as a woman wouldn’t be such a rare occurnece for the men that they would act as surprised as this guy >>9805632
> unicorn

That being said
> software engineer
> engineer

>> No.9805673

Actually I welcome all women. I say bring them all on board the STEM train by force is necessary.

That being said men are more competitive so if push came to shove I'd bet the males would excel in a competition. It's a driving force for us.

>> No.9805677

t. bot

>> No.9805682
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>> No.9805685

The only thing that scares me about women is that they won't have sex with me.

>> No.9805701

engineering is becoming to watered down as a profession ffs

>> No.9805716
File: 27 KB, 440x328, 003zfb37vwwy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically this
this viral social media pussy-in-technology advertising scheme was literally just software engineers who write "artisinal ruby on rails experiences" or some other bollocks posting pictures of themselves holding those little signs calling themselves """engineers"""
Maybe in California is writing android apps an "engineering" job, but that's only because Facebook and Google would rather call themselves "engineering" companies than "advertising" companies, which is what they fucking are.

>> No.9805717

>fear women entering your career field
>not fearing AI entering your career field
What is this? 2017?

>> No.9805731
File: 48 KB, 592x439, good morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid of the cyclotron exploding.

>> No.9805734

Quite the opposite

>ywn publish the unified field theory with your scifu

>> No.9805737

Women are very gynocentric meaning they will infest STEM with cunts including cunts who mentally shouldnt even be in STEM to begin with. Now the female researchers who do experiments yes they should be in this but the female doctors, female programmers hahahaha fuck no.

>> No.9805752

Seriously. In my calculus courses, approximately 90% of the students were majoring in some form of engineering. The other 10% were majoring in economics, business, psychology or one of the natural sciences.

It's looking like there's an engineering bubble in the works, kind of like the lawyer bubble that happened a few years back.

>> No.9805759


I think I misinterpreted your post after rereading it actually, but I still stand by what I said in my previous post.

>> No.9805811

more like we are afraid of affirmative action making us go jut to make them fit. and them being unsufferable

>> No.9806213

I work at one of the companies that are part of the long list of subcontractors and suppliers when a primary contractor wins a bid that's too big to handle by themselves. I have female coworkers. Sometimes, I do wonder why it takes months for some of the big guys to read and approve of our stuff.

>> No.9806224

Not /sci/ related, reported

>> No.9806228

affirmative action necessarily means women in stem are inferior to the men in stem

>> No.9806234

<not known from rasterized picture>/10
Would probably bang.

Software engeneer.
Rasterized picture, with unadequate colors...


I really don't think she looks like engeneer.

>> No.9806236

Notice "help". She's probably a useless project manager or some shit.

>> No.9806242

>>I really don't think she looks like engeneer.
you're right. doesn't look dumb and arrogant enough

>> No.9806248

imagine being that guy

>> No.9806261
File: 73 KB, 1190x906, least intelligent comment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine actually believing this
t. pure maths student who knows and actually engages in conversation tons of 3rd and 4th year female students in maths and physics

>> No.9806323

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/175015638