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980461 No.980461 [Reply] [Original]

I've often heard that too much pain itself can be lethal and that you can die from lack of sleep.


What is it about pain or sleep deprivation that can actually kill you?

>> No.980464

Your brain starts to clusterfuck and lose its shit and missfires, resulting in a coma for j00 and loss of control of vital body function (ie. Breathing). Thusfor...you die. :P

>> No.980489

You go into a coma and your brain doesn't manage to keep vital systems going?

>> No.980493

But why?

>> No.980496

brains are pretty cool. hooray for brains

>> No.980501

Sleep is necessary for your body to put itself back together after the normal wear and tear of life. After a while, it's too damaged.

Pain is really chemicals in your brain. Too many chemicals and you is dead.

>> No.980516

Why can't the body do that when I'm watching sitcoms? My muscles repair then

>> No.980519

Fatal familial insomnia

shit sucks.


>> No.980521

you can't really die from a lack of sleep. if you've been awake for too long, your brain just pulls the plug and you fall unconscious. it's a safety measure so it can rest and do whatever it does.

>> No.980523

Because sitcoms are poison for your brain.

>> No.980527

Doesn't your brain force you to have micro sleep?
Or you just get used to the stimulus that's keeping you awake?

>> No.980530


please lrn2neuroscience.

>> No.980532

Exactly, I use less of my brain watching them then I do sleeping

>> No.980536

what happens to the brain when we sleep?

>> No.980538

Hm we need neuro/sci/entists in here.

>> No.980541


>> No.980549


>> No.980555

ITT: /sci/ can't answer biomed question

>> No.980564

Pain, I would guess that extended extreme pain would simply overstress your cardiovascular system with a stress response. your heart and lungs can only keep it up for so long.

>> No.980573

you can die from pain because of your response to it. If you're in pain, you're in danger; if you're in a lot of pain, you're in a lot of danger. Things like your heart beating faster to help you run will turn into an heart attack.

Also your brain can fuck up.

>> No.980577

With lack of sleep, your brain has no chance to reorganize information between your implicit and explicit knowledge. we have a nice separation of our memories and memory storage when we are awake and rested. when we are sleep deprived, those barriers break down and our knowledge seeps thorugh and higher level processing gets jumbled. it starts at the frontal lobes and works its way down, until the disorganization reaches your brainstem, and you die.

>> No.980607


how long would i be able to stay awake if i didn't do any exercise at all but pretty much just eat a load of high energy shit/sugar? would that delay the 'barriers' breaking down?

>> No.980615

This is /sci/. Buy a notebook, do it, record what happens.

>> No.980616

I don't know about pain being lethal

I do now that I nearly fainted from pain once. [Broke the miniscus in my knee, nurse had no idea what she was doing and put my knee brace on backwards, crushing my broken knee into itself.]

Skin went cold, I got really lightheaded, all the blood rushed out of my head. I guess it's like shock or something? I never want to feel pain like that again.

>> No.980622


i got exams coming up so fuck that

>> No.980640

>[Broke the miniscus in my knee, nurse had no idea what she was doing and put my knee brace on backwards, crushing my broken knee into itself.]

>> No.980657

Yay someone finally got it.

>> No.980668

sugars don't matter, it's not like you run out of energy. In fact, eating while staying awake could be more detrimental to you. Try just drinking kool aid or something, to deliver sugar right to your bloodstream with a minimum of digestion. you need stimulants (caffeine) and a brightly lit room with full spectrum bulbs and no windows to stay awake for extended periods. you can do this for about 40 hours or so until you simply fall asleep despite your best efforts.

>> No.980676


Oh god, that's not a pretty picture. Not at all.

>> No.980708

>[Broke the miniscus in my knee, nurse had no idea what she was doing and put my knee brace on backwards, crushing my broken knee into itself.]

I can't help but to lol.