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9798224 No.9798224 [Reply] [Original]

If the Earth is millions of years old why are canyons so rare? Shouldn't there be canyons everywhere?

>> No.9798251



>> No.9798258

So there's even less excuse for there not to be Canyons everywhere.

>> No.9798276

there are, but rain tends to erode the sharp tips and walls further, thus turning canyons into valleys and rolling hills

>> No.9798287

Then there wouldn't be any Canyons. If the Earth is billions of years old why do Cannon's exist wouldn't the rain have eroded all their sharp edges leaving nothing but Rolling Hills.

>> No.9798296

shit, got me, i'm a creationist now

>> No.9798298

erosion speed and type depends of many factors
rainfall, moisture, temperature and temperature changes, rock composition, wind, vegetation, river flow speed and volume, abrasivity of river sediments, presence of geological faults, etc.

something like Grand Canyon could never form in Amazonia for example

>> No.9798312

Well the Grand Canyon could never form where it's at either way unless you think Rivers can flow uphill.

>> No.9798318



>> No.9798335

You never thought the river might just be there because that's the lowest elevated area?

Yeah I'm just not buying this whole Canyons thing. I'm just not buying this, the erosion cause by a constantly flowing river would far surpasse that of infrequent rains. Why is there no settlement more than 5000 years old at any river delta.

>> No.9798345

So many reasons why humans would have chosen better sites

Climate at the time
Prosperity somewhere else
Shitty wildlife
Sub humans everywhere

>> No.9798347

And Aqueducts

>> No.9798348

Funny story. If believing in evolution requires a huge leap of faith. The belief that some chemicals could come together and form the extraordinairly complex structure that is DNA. Something that's never been witnessed in nature. Every life form on the planet has come from another life form.

>> No.9798354


okay lets start the latter question : because there are not that many settlements that we can still excavate from longer times ago anyway and many rivers tend to shift their beds ( you can see this in the older cities e.g. in mesopotamia there are various bigger cities like Uruk that used to lay directly at the river but are kilometers are way from it now).

Now what is erosion? Erosion is essentially natural forces (not only water, wind , especially if it transports dust, sunlight, tectonics ...) shaping rock over time. Why does this lead to canyons at some places but not everywhere? For a canyon you need ( oversimplifying here!) the following : a relatively punctuated source of erosion ( like a river), rock that is stable enough not to crumble when punctually eroded and as little other sources of erosion as possible. if one of the latter is not met, you get some form ov valley, but nothing closely as steep and impressive as a canyon. Besides, erosion is essentially how typical sand-deserts form from rock-deserts, as an example that you dont even need water for erosion.

>> No.9798357


please show at which point evolution requires a leap of faith. you got the right nucleus acids and they form dna all by themselves^^ and we even got pretty good ideas how and where it could have started, based on the miller urey experiment and others like it, if you want i can elaborate on this. no secret knowledge, no leap of faith, not even the disbelief in a god is required ;)

>> No.9798371

Well the first leap of faith is that you have to believe the universe invented itself.

Number two is that there just happened to be pond somewhere but I had just the right chemicals and conditions and maintain these conditions for the thousands or millions of years that would have taken to form even the first protein something that is statistically impossible by science's own standards.

And lastly that humans evolved from a lower life-form despite there being no biological evidence.

And that's just to name a few. You also have to turn a blind eye to all the people that have fabricated evidence.

>> No.9798374


>> No.9798375

That's supposed to be sediment not settlements. All this technology and voice to text this still a massive piece of shit.

>> No.9798377


okay wow. Nope in order to not be a creationist i do not have to actively believe anything. "I do not know and i dont think we can ever know" is a perfectly honest answer and certainly better than making shit up. Yeah there is evidence of human evolution in fact its so big that even kenneth miller( the evangelical christian and biologist) says that the dna evidence alone would be enough to confirm it.

And where coul live have been formed gradually? E.g. in the walls of black smokers where we KNOW the conditions to change really slowly ( even on a geological scale).

And just ask yourself... if it was so easy to disprove evolution or abiogenesis... why did nobody until now get a nobel price for it? Are you really smarter than guys like Prof. Miller? ;)

And this doesn't even start with the mountain of reasons to disbelieve in creationism like there not being a god.

>> No.9798384


sorry i have no in depth clue about sediments, not a geologist, i am a physicist by trade ^^

>> No.9798400

Well that's easy, as I already told you you have to make many leaps of faith in order to believe in it. Much like religion.

>> No.9798425


tell me one "leap of faith" i did there. Just one.

And besides : even if you falsify abiogenesis and evolution right here creationism is still idiotic since there is no god :)

>> No.9798442

I've already stated the leap of Faith you're making about DNA at this point we're just going in circles.

>> No.9798455

canyons are rare on the surface, because most of canyons are under water.
canyons are fissures created by expanding earth.

>> No.9798458

>something that is statistically impossible
except it's not

>> No.9798507


OP, please have a counterargument for each of these or gtfo.

>> No.9798510


oh nice list, haven't seen that one. A little short for my taste but well :P

>> No.9798577

Most of these assume everything is constant. We have been observing some of the them for a few decades at best. Not a very good pool of time.

>> No.9798586


if they are not constant no science we ever did has any value anyway.

>> No.9798591

Most science has no value. Because its sitting there waiting to be outdone by better science. Until you get dogmatic ones that believe in a theory no matter what because their world view depends on it.

>> No.9798615


No established science has ever been proven to be so wrong as to be overthrown. Established science is correct forever, and subsequent investigation will only refine it.

>> No.9798639

Well thats because its all theory. Theres are very few facts in science.

>> No.9798647


yeah, reality itself does not allow for claims of absolute certainty concerning the natural world. And now? You think this makes the shit religiotards made up credible?

>> No.9798670

Aside from Mudslimes, they rarely get so defensive they toss around insults like "reliigotard" with no provocation. I do wonder why you would get that way if your foundation was so solid.

>> No.9798801
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>The belief that some chemicals could come together and form the extraordinairly complex structure that is DNA. Something that's never been witnessed in nature.
you're either a brainlet or trolling and I seriously hope it's the latter.

>> No.9798814

>Small organic molecules.

So some molecules which include carbon are the same thing as protein or DNA. Thats the equivalent of saying, lighting exists therefor Thor exists.

>> No.9798817

The Earth isn't a star. Go back, brainlet.

>> No.9798829


i am just sick and tired of people making shit up and inhibiting our progress with it :) Imagine where we would be without christianity. , i suppose at least we'd have permanent colonies in half the solar systems by now^^

>> No.9798831

>because their income view depends on it.

>> No.9798839

Speaking of stars. I do wonder why people get this idea that because things like stalagmites exist, there for they are proof the earth is older than 5000 years. If God made a stalagmite, then that stalagmite is as old as god made it. Should these people also point to the stars, that I would take them 2000 years minimum to start produce heat? So much inconsistency.

You would be living in a mud hut herding goats for Muhammad. There is no single bigger contributor or preserver of science than Christianity.

>> No.9798903

>If God made a stalagmite, then that stalagmite is as old as god made it.
The universe was created last Thursday.

>There is no single bigger contributor or preserver of science than Christianity.
What is the Islamic Golden Age?

>> No.9798918

That would be the age where Islam destroyed more history than any point in time. Look up the truth of the Golden Age. They can make that claim because all they have to do is preserve the Quran and they preserved the only knowledge worth preserving.

>> No.9798938

>What is the Islamic Golden Age?
Absolutely fucking nothing compared to what Christians did from the Middle Age to the construction of modern physics.

>> No.9798968

Nice whitewashing history. You'll fit right into the 50's.

>> No.9799033


thats why the time when christianity dominated the world is called "the dark ages". Because it was so such and enlightened and beautiful time.

>> No.9799124

>there are people here who unironically believe in Creationism


>> No.9799132

Because valleys and fjords exist.

>> No.9799596

Could be that canyons are formed in only certain strata or perhaps in bizarre, sudden erosion events. That goofy theory of a bolide impact striking an ice sheet and suddenly ending the quaternary glaciation might hold water.

>> No.9799704

Well, for one, we seem to be talking about the origins of life now, not evolution. Evolution is a theory which seeks to explain whatever mechanism brought about the diversity of life on our planet, it doesnt seek to explain life's origins. So trying to tack the origins of life onto evolution is a gross misunderstanding of what the theory of evolution is.
Second, current thought does not say that a bunch of random chemicals wrought fully formed DNA, but rather the first self replicating proteins. DNA comes much later.

>> No.9799741

there are.
the mountaintops are the original ground
the entire world is one gigantic canyon

>> No.9799881

They're just acting like retards in order to get (you)s

>> No.9799898

There are canyons everywhere.

>> No.9799915

That's ignoring tectonic plate movements, anon.

>> No.9799917

you are like a monkey trying to understand a space ship

thank-you for amusing me.

>> No.9799996
File: 356 KB, 572x380, 1501504582263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> universe invented itself.
By definition, no.
The universe is everything
Prior to the universe is nothing
Ergo the universe cannot invent itself
> statistically impossible
Only if you assume a local uniqueness which science vehemently rejects, additionally I suspect you know nothing about statistics.
>no biological evidence.
There is a metric ton of evidence of evolution throughout the fossil record for every living species, a gap does not invalid the rest.
>fabricated evidence.
The corruption of humans has nothing to do with the validity of evolution. As an anon pointed out literally yesterday you can perform small scale experiments for yourself like culturing some bacteria, introducing anti biotics, and then dosing it again after it regrows.

>> No.9800027
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 1501582509299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no single bigger contributor or preserver of science than Christianity.



>> No.9800604

exactly, it was at a different elevation when it formed due to continental drift

>> No.9800617

It's hard to believe that that's really what a thousand *'s look like, but it's true.

>> No.9800744

nigga colleges were first created to produce priests who would go out and built churches to bring religion to savages
I will grant that church did inhibit progress, but really that tribalism would've formed one way or another. The hot religion today is one of egalitarianism, the belief of this "spirit" in a person, separated from their physical self that represents their value to society that is equal to all other "spirits".
Jus sayin.

>> No.9801455

there are a lot of canyons

>> No.9801473

Pretty much. 'Spontaneous' DNA synthesis has never been observed 'in nature'.

>> No.9801523

climate has a more rapid metabolism / change than erosion of canyon, meaning most sources of erosion will fade away before they have time to have a great impact.

>> No.9801525

nothing is eternal
what is nothing?
kinda everything, potentially

>> No.9803198
File: 72 KB, 720x780, IDiot Bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting awfully close here.