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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 13 KB, 400x400, eye_of_god[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
979526 No.979526 [Reply] [Original]

I was excited when moot created the /sci/ board, I thought it was going to be a cool place where we could post about interesting stuff we learned about or in our experiments.

Instead it has become an atheist circlejerk. You smug fucking atheist faggots think you're so special that you can't even conform the word explaining your beliefs to the proper english spelling restrictions.

But I digress, what would it take for you close minded losers to actually accept that there is a G*d and that he loves each and every one of you, no matter how far you've strayed? It might be hard for you to be rational here considering your rabid belief structure, and your forced ignorance on the beauty and elegance of the universe; but is there anything out there that can prove the truth to you????

>> No.979533

and you're only making the board shittier

please leave

>> No.979534


>> No.979537


Oh wow an atheist being dismissive and dodging a serious question, how unexpected!

>> No.979547


Put god in front of me, and i will shoot him. 'the fuck he thinking, going around "loving" me? What a gay cunt. Just like you. But worth wasting a couple of cents on.

>> No.979553
File: 133 KB, 400x307, OP_IS_A_FAG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this isnt /b/ but...

>> No.979555

The only reason that this board is an atheist circle jerk is because idiots/trolls keep posting about "creationism being real" and "the Bible being logical" and all sorts of shit like that.

Oh, and if that god (douchebag) is so "loving," then how could he punish someone for eternity? (Unless you're a Witness that believes in obliterationism or a Jew that doesn't believe in hell, in which case, there are plenty of other problems with major religions to tackle).

>> No.979556

You did not contribute to this board in any meaningful manner with this post, hence this post is just as worthless as any magnet thread.

Please provide a logical argument or physical proof from an experiment you conducted for existence of "G*d."

If you have neither, then we have nothing to discuss sir.

>> No.979560

I do wonder how people can claim to be scientists and also believe in god. Honestly, I can't understand how one can rationalize those two things.

>> No.979561

wow a christ fag ruining a good board with your religious bullshit

>> No.979562


Hello Mr troll (OP is a fag)

>> No.979569

op is mad

>> No.979568


G*d is loving because he is great. He works in mysterious ways that might seem cruel to some, but in there is no way for us to comprehend the true nature of them. Why would G*d punish people? Why do scientists willfully create cancer in hundreds of thousands of living things? To help more down the line? The mice certainly don't comprehend why this is happening, neither can we.

>> No.979566

See, the only people who start threads that bring out hardcore atheism, are trolls, and theists trying to make a point. If you just shut up about god, it wouldn't be an issue.

>> No.979570

there is a huge difference between knowing and putting your faith in a 4000 plus year old book, now fuck and leave us to discuss legit actual science

>> No.979571

forgot to sage!

>> No.979572

If you can read this, you're not a troll.

>> No.979573
File: 30 KB, 319x302, 1274192813108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can god tell me how fucking magnets work?

>> No.979574

Scientists give rats cancer to learn.

An all-knowing and all-powerful being has nothing to learn in this situation, and especially has no reason to punish someone for ETERNITY.

You're either a troll or a sheep.

>> No.979575


What causes any of the fundamental laws of our universe to be true? Who is in charge of the speed of light? Why are particles naturally attracted to each other instead of repelled? Why was their more matter than anti matter in the big bang?

>> No.979578

why did god make aids? why did he make disease sadness depression lonlieness anxiety etc.?

>> No.979585

this is why im agnostic

>> No.979584


So you are claiming to know and understand the thought processes and ways of the On High?

>> No.979589


actually, there really isn't that much atheist discussion on this board until cocksuckers like you show up and provoke it.

thanks for being part of the problem shithead!

>> No.979591

this isnt science this is just you cramming your shit beliefs down our throat

>> No.979593

"It just is"? If it were any different, we wouldn't be here to speculate on why it is the way it is. (This is known as the Anthropic Principle).

As for the matter/anti-matter thing, scientists theorize that...shit...what was it called...it starts with a P...paracle...parable...para-something, idk, they think that that breaks down at really really high temperatures even in the STRONG nuclear force, whereas they previously thought it only broke down in the weak nuclear force. This could give rise to an imbalance of matter/anti-matter.

>> No.979598

Are you?

>> No.979599


>ways of the On High?

ok now i know you're a troll. nobody says that.

obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.979606

when you post religeon shit, then it turns into a circle jerk

>> No.979608


No this is why I am not making any sort of judgment call on 'why bad things happen to good people' There is no possible way for you to know, and there is no possible way for me to know. I can speculate, but it would not mean much because it is just my opinion.

The only way we will know is when we are reunited with Him after death.

>> No.979609

Damnit, thats not fair. You can't start off a thread well then suddenly inject LOLITROLLU

>> No.979611

because of how many people that have responded, I know that /sci/ has been successfully trolled so heres my own giant fart to add to the flame,

>>But I digress, what would it take for you close minded losers to actually accept that there is a G*d and that he loves each and every one of you, no matter how far you've strayed?
Actual fucking evidence,

>> No.979610


>> No.979613

that's what op is telling us in a not so subtle way. a good lesson to be had

>> No.979614


>What causes any of the fundamental laws of our universe to be true?
We have many theories, nothing sure as of yet.

>Who is in charge of the speed of light?

Maxwell's Equations

>Why are particles naturally attracted to each other instead of repelled?
Strong force/EM Force

>Why was their more matter than anti matter in the big bang?

There was a particle interaction early in the universe that favored matter rather than antimatter very slightly.

>> No.979615

So you admit that you don't know why this...er..."god" would make bad things happen to good people, but you won't admit that you don't even know if this "god" exists?

You're delusional.

>> No.979620


Your first statement contradicts the other 3

>> No.979622
File: 4 KB, 126x122, kill everyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok athiests you arent exactly helping, and christ fag troll op please go back to /b/ ang go kill yourself

>> No.979623




No I know that He exists, I can feel him and see him at work every day; the questions I have are not for me to know right now. I will learn when my time has come, as will you.

>> No.979625

You, sir, are a damn dirty troll

>> No.979626
File: 334 KB, 682x609, GODISWATCHINGYOUMASTERBATE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is watching you!

>> No.979627


>> No.979630

Not OP but here is a word of advice. /sci/ is nothing but first year liberal science majors who parrot the things they learn in class like they are fucking Copernicus (who admitted to christianity btw). They don't really know anything and when the time comes they will be sorry, but you can't change their minds.

>> No.979628

Why does there have to be a "why"? Why can't something just exist "just because"?

Also, what is your opinion of the schizophrenics that honestly insist that, say, an invisible tiger is next to them and is trying to eat them? They can "feel" it, they "know" that it's there. There doesn't count as fucking evidence.

>> No.979632
File: 82 KB, 800x699, viciouscycleoftrolls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but still

>proper english spelling restrictions

lol'd so fucking hard

>> No.979631
File: 124 KB, 420x420, fuck this thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isnt /b/ god damnit leave threads like this there

>> No.979636


You can see their brain malfunctioning, and you can treat them. Christians don't have the same neural misfirings that schizophrenics do. Bad argument.

>> No.979637

You can never be 100% sure of anything. These are our best attempts at describing the universe. If this does not satisfy you, please continue believing in God if it helps you live life. Just don't hurt others or enforce your belief on them.

Thank you.

>> No.979641

i love that pic

>> No.979643

When one person has a delusion, he's insane.

When the majority have the same delusion, it's religion.

You still have yet to provide any objective or even logical evidence that your "god" exists and that it's as you describe and not as, say, the Greeks described or the Hindus or any other religion.

I still think you're just a really determined troll, too.

>> No.979644

>Copernicus admitted to christianity
It's not like he had a choice

>> No.979652

I feel that applying thermodynamics to religion was the final nail God's coffin.

Also troll harder.

>> No.979655
File: 274 KB, 1125x900, athiests win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck on that, with your closed-mindedness.

>> No.979658


See you have nothing but "beliefs" but you hold them to be true. You BELIEVE in athiesm.

>> No.979666

>you hold them to be true

See, you're mincing words. Yes, I believe that there is no god, but I don't hold that to be "true" in the objective sense, since it is impossible to know either way, but I hold it to be most likely true.

And I reached this conclusion based on a complete lack of evidence for any "god," along with the logical contradictions concerning most gods of religion, and the untestable nature of deistic gods.

>> No.979674

Atheist here.

Epicurus was way before 33 AD.

>> No.979678
File: 237 KB, 500x500, Cocaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.979681


Athiests are nothing but trolls.

>> No.979682

OP, just fucking stop it. You suck as a troll.

>> No.979687

you're right. more like 300 BCE

>> No.979688

just leave the damn thread to 404 already

>> No.979718

The fact that you would consider other peoples gods to be lies and think that only your god exists, despite the lack of evidence that;
a) your god exists
b) others don't
means you are a faggot shitting up /sci/

Also Yahweh is nothing more than one god in a pantheon. Research your religion before you follow it.
Yahweh is one of the 70 children of El.

Bet you didn't know that. You just know that your god has a son who if you don't believe in you r god will send you to hell.

Because he loves you.

>> No.979720


What are you talking about? The 3 major world religions all have the same G*d. The rest are just general philosophies or cults. Isn't it weird how the G*d of Abraham is the same one for 90% of the world?

>> No.979738

Isn't it weird that you don't know that Yahweh was the patron god of israel. He was part of the divine family.

The divine family held significance because in ancient israel your identity was strongest in relation to your family. When israel had a big culture shift and began seeing as the individual as more important then the family as a whol, worshipping a divine family fell out of vogue.

So Israelites began worshipping their patron god only.

Like I said, research your fucking religion.

>> No.979744


>Implying the bible has anything original in it

Just about everything in the bible can be attributed to a previous religion.

>> No.979748


Why? I'm not jewish

>> No.979755


He thinks christianity and judaism are unrelated


>> No.979771

>>he thinks he isnt being trolled

>> No.979784

Holy fuck what is wrong with you atheists? You guys are must be one of the most easily trolled 'communities' out there. I swear you guys are worse than furries!

>> No.979788


"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors"

Atheists pretty much have to rage against religion.

>> No.979794


If you haven't been lolling at the dude making obvious fucking troll posts then you are blinded with rage and of no real superiority to anyone.

>> No.979798


Christians use the teachings of the jews as a metaphor, i.e. they were kind of right but still pretty wrong on a lot of major things (see: Jesus).

>> No.979823

Die Christfag111

>> No.979829

There is absolutely no scientific evidence supporting there being anything close to a deity of any sort.

>> No.979836

easy to prove he exists no "oh there is proof all around us" or "love" or anything like that, to prove he exists properly prove he exists beyond all doubt,

>> No.979840

brilliant its so true

>> No.979841
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 1257672780585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See an obvious troll post
>More responses than any other thread on the front page
>My face

>> No.979843


many people criticize science for being godless.

but what they fail to appreciate is that science is godless by design. it's not a bug; it's a feature.

as soon as a person answers a question about the world with "because god wanted it that way", that's it. they simply will not inquire further into the matter.

and that is why god has no place in scientific discussions.

and therefore, why god has no place on /sci/.

now gtfo.

>> No.979854

I like how you really smart atheists have completely ignored the initial question and just spouted off your Dawkins checkpoints one by one.

Rational and critical minds indeed...

>> No.979857


see >>979843

>> No.979869




>> No.979884


see >>979589