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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9795247 No.9795247[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is a 117 iq good? At what point do you guys consider and iq score to be good?

>> No.9795252
File: 338 KB, 726x2289, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When looking at how many people have a lower IQ then ya 117 is pretty high. However, as you know, the average user on /sci/ has an IQ of 130, so almost a standard deviation above your score.

>> No.9795260

>At what point do you guys consider and iq score to be good?

higher than yours, and high enough to know better than to shitpost a weak humble brag thread.

>> No.9795263

I feel more successful than most of /sci/ desu

>> No.9795267

µ+3σ is the brainlet cutoff.

>> No.9795270


117 is respectable, but not boast-worthy.

>> No.9795404

>Less than 110

Disgusting ("The sweet spot of stupidity" as I like to call it)



>> No.9795443
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>> No.9795468

Did you know most you engenders, computer scientists, and doctors score between 110-129?

>> No.9795476

People under 110 IQ are a burden at university very annoying

>> No.9795480
File: 49 KB, 336x350, iqtest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is actually not correct according to a more official sore manse its more like this

I have a iq of 117 true but I still passed trig with a C. My blindness held me back from seeking higher math.

>> No.9795482

Im grateful that i have a 127 IQ.
I am the smartest person of my age that i have ever met.

>> No.9795515

Sorry, I guess my sarcasm wasn't really hinted in any way. It was a joke

>> No.9795729


>> No.9795735

those online tests give everyone 130.

>> No.9795751

117 is over a standard deviation above the norm. I would expect someone in this category has the brainpower they need to find fulfilling achievement and happiness.

>> No.9795753

>5 for <5
Also the lowest iq currently is 100 - 15√2 inv_error_fun(1-2/#num_people_on_earth) ≃ 5.313...

>> No.9796068

as long as you are above 100 you can call yourself a human.

>> No.9796100

If you are smarter than the average person on a university campus then I would say that's a good IQ.
117 might be barely cutting it

>> No.9796351
File: 55 KB, 500x500, wefuckedup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking idiot, eat your fish pills and try harder otherwise you will never defeat the grod god at scramble

>> No.9796361

What i noticed in very intelligent (140+) people, they dont feel the need to compete and "prove" their smarts to others. They just quietly suceed in their field and let others argue.

>> No.9796379

being a midwit is disgusting and feminine, either be 95 IQ or a 145 IQ

>> No.9796382
File: 4 KB, 842x143, ga4g34d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet here. Can confirm that those tests are bullshit.

>> No.9796429


At the point at which your IQ is high enough to stop caring about IQ i guess

>> No.9796432

145 for theoretical physics, TCS, math, and 130 for everything else.

>> No.9796435

IQ honestly doesn't matter if you have no motivation to build yourself up in society.

A farmer with an IQ of 60 is far more valuable than a rocket scientist with an IQ of 150.

>> No.9796442

these threads are nearly as bad as those dumb propulsion less travel shitposts

>> No.9796459

>Did you know most you engenders, computer scientists, and doctors score between 110-129?

Of course. Computer scientists are not really known for their intelligence, and most doctors have their doctorate in some bullshit non-STEM subject that requires simple memorization of facts. Hence "the sweetspot of stupidity".

>> No.9796461

117 IQ is not good if you got it from an online IQ test, but if it's your real IQ it's at least better than average.

But having high IQ doesn't mean you are able to think intelligently. Many people do well on IQ tests, but are completely unable to separate their emotions from thought processes. In hard logical tasks they may do well, but as soon as they get an emotional stake in it, their thought process short circuits and they get the wrong answer because their feelings tell them it should be another way.

>> No.9796936

This is what brainlets actually believe.

>> No.9797120

The work a farmer does is way more important than the work a rocket engineer does.

>> No.9797179

For who?

>> No.9797194

Society. Without farmers, billions would die. Without rocket engineers, we'd get a little bit worse weather forecasts.

>> No.9797196

Nice oversimplification.

>> No.9797229
File: 181 KB, 614x960, 1515588870487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 190 on some test posted on this board, what do you think it might really be?

>> No.9797236
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>> No.9797243
File: 15 KB, 306x306, 79e0f76f22f429dc6a79ebbe8f3b484d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we stop obsessing about IQ. Aslong as you are of average intelligence << Or even a little below<< and have the motivation for what you do. You can succeed in it!

>> No.9797247

IQ is the measurement of how well you can assign artificial meaning to meaningless tasks/patterns, because that's what society is full of, and what you must do if you're to progress in it.

Mensa would have changed the world in some way if IQ had any merit. Alas, they've done jack shit.

>> No.9797257

Bullshit. Someone with an IQ below average will have lots of trouble or not be interested in complex things that can't be rote memorized.

>> No.9797260
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Is anybody here frustrated that their IQ is almost completely static? it keeps nagging me that I will always be at the same level of intelligence no matter what I do. I hate it. It sucks. My limit is basically determined by the flip of a coin.

>> No.9797285
File: 1.46 MB, 446x469, 1a9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to repeat myself here: "A little below average", and you can be interested in math even if your IQ is below average.

>> No.9797289

my iq was given at 141 last year on the first online test I took, I believe it was mensa.no
I kept doing them and the score kept increasing on numerous online tests, this year I took the mensa test in my country and passed with a score of 167

I do believe my IQ increased since I got used to the method applied on the texts. I think IQ is just another faculty you can develop and work on

>> No.9797290

And yet it's extremely unlikely that someone like that could be at the top of the field just by working hard.

>> No.9797291

Yes, it totally sucks that we can't significantly improve how well we do spacial reasoning puzzles. We have to make due with only learning new things and getting better at stuff and getting generally smarter.

So we might as well give up and accept our stupidity forever.

>> No.9797302

It's better than average, but the average person doesn't study STEM. It's good for skilled labor but low for STEM.

>> No.9797322
File: 132 KB, 396x385, 1474288870380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it is much more likely that someone with a higher IQ will reach the top of the field. But nonetheless you can still succeed in math even if your IQ is a little below the average.

>> No.9797323

IQ is only statistically correlated with these things. It does not mean you have to have high IQ to be good at it. It's pathetic how obsessed /sci/ is with IQ without even understanding what it is.

>> No.9797403

STEM needs to chill, this is the actual answer by people that rant all corniced that 130 iq is great score. I mean i don't feel that much mater than the average person, so I don't see why 130 should feel that much mater than me. I mean I can understand 140 and up being proud of their score. But pretty much that isnt that great of a score to me, it just makes you cocky. Even most people that are professionals in the area kinda of agree that that score means your smart enough to do whatever you want, but still not that great. They just dont have any one around telling them that they are dumb, but I bet they get called dumb every once awhile, they need to chill out out its just a iq score after all. And STEM wonders why they dont get laid. to focused on thinking your better than everyone.


>> No.9798074


Interestingly, studies suggest that after 120 IQ, people tend to be less successful.

>> No.9798093

Computer Science is literally math. Programmers are not known for their intelligence, but programmers are not necessarily computer scientists, although a lot of them have CS degrees.

>> No.9798094

If you're considering a career in engineering or software development, or perhaps a 'soft' science, I'd say 117 is more than enough.

For physics or math, I'd tell you to look elsewhere.

>> No.9798117


>> No.9798130

>At what point do you guys consider and iq score to be good?

>> No.9798422

Without Rocket Engineers, the entire species would die when we inevitably make this rock completely uninhabitable and have no way to get off it.


>> No.9798917

what the hell?

>> No.9799438

Lol no. A farmer with 150 IQ would feed his whole town. A farmer with IQ of 60 would be starving, even if there was food infront of him. Stop comparing apples to vampyres dipshit,

>> No.9799611

And when the rocket engineer does farming, it solves itself out.

>> No.9799640

It's like slightly above average. IMO 145+ (3 stdev) is when you get actual geniuses. Before that, it's just people who do well in school and tests but not those with genuine ideas.

>> No.9799685

Youre smart enough to do a relatively complex task. Too stupid for intellectual work

>> No.9799908

125 is the 5 foot 11 of iqs. King of the Brainlets.

>> No.9799955

I took a proper IQ test (the one where you meet up at a clinic/university or the like and get it tested by a professional) and scored 153. Felt quite happy about that. What was also interesting was that I scored very high on logical, numerical and verbal IQ, but not so good on spatial IQ (still higher than average though). I think this explains why I never really did good in physics (which was the major I started out in, and relies heavily on spatial IQ) but excelled in higher-level math once I switched majors.

>still fundamentally unhappy in my major though because I'm extremely social and extroverted and like to party, as opposed to literally everyone else in my major

>> No.9800070

Lmao, I'm 5'11" and also 125ish IQ

>> No.9800077

>extremely social and extroverted
GTFO normie

>> No.9800087

When it comes to posting on /sci/ (and 4chan in general), verbal intelligence is most important.
Give me your results.

>> No.9800091

>average intelligent
The word is "intelligence", and average is 100.

>> No.9800098
File: 15 KB, 244x255, 1450918212619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ scores matter

>> No.9800137

no u

>> No.9800331

Prove they don't.

>> No.9800336

Einstein was a total fraud and a plagiarist. Lurk moar, faggot.

>> No.9800428

IQ is mostly genetic.
If you aren't happy with yours, blame your parents.

>> No.9800449

World population: 7.6 billion
Using the 16D/Stanford-Binet

100 IQ: 3.8 billion people have higher IQ than you.
120 IQ: 760 million people have higher IQ than you.
140 IQ: 45.6 million people have higher IQ than you.
160 IQ: 672 thousand people have higher IQ than you.
180 IQ: 2,200 people have higher IQ than you.
200 IQ: 1 or 2 people have higher IQ than you.

Theoretically, of course.

Yeah, with 120 IQ, that's like having 100% of the population of Europe (741 million) having an higher IQ than you.

Of course, IQ isn't equally distributed geographically.

>> No.9800503

A farmer with 150 IQ would spend all his time drinking at the local pub like the other autists.