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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9787637 No.9787637 [Reply] [Original]

As a man of science.. how are you not OBSESSED with death?

All these millions of years and years an uncountable number of creatures and humans died. All lived, reproduced, died and eventually evolved into us.

Evolution has never been about the survival of the individual. It was always about the survival of a species. It has never been in evolution’s interest to keep us around longer than necessary. This is why I believe we naturally do not allow us to really think about death.
When was the last time you seriously were conscious and it just HIT you, realizing that one day.. you will die and disappear in nothing, permanently. Have you ever?

I believe our goal in life is to achieve IMMORTALITY. Not only is it possible, it is inevitable. Life is way too short and meaningless to just simply live it like we were biologically ment too.
I realize now life is a game. A game of survival and when you die, its game over.
We have been playing this seemingly unwinnable game for far too long. We are ready to break out of it.

Join me. Dedicate your life in any way possible to the inevitable invention of immortality. The more scientists getting involved, the sooner it will be here and the bigger chance we have it will be in our own life time.

>> No.9787664

>evolved into us
Evolution means "out of", not "into".
Lrn2evolution fgt pls

>> No.9787669

Not in our lifetime, bro. Your best bet is to procreate, then at least your genes will survive and perhaps a few generations from now your offspring will live forever.

>> No.9787674

Like the man said, lrn evolution fgts

Its in our instinct procreate, and continue the species, as every single living thing on "see-able universe". Just like many other things we do

>> No.9787676

>your offspring will live forever
wow thats great! oh no wait. who fucking cares

>> No.9787678

Instinct will become non-existant. By the way before replying to my post maybe read it fully first? retard.

>> No.9787679

What for? Unless we can travel to other solar systems, life will eventually end forever on this planet.

>> No.9787680


>> No.9787693

How young are you op? Literally everyone who has ever lived has thought about the fact that they will die one day. One reason religion exists is because it helps people to cope with this fact and makes them less depressed about it.

>> No.9787703

>When was the last time you seriously were conscious and it just HIT you, realizing that one day.. you will die and disappear in nothing, permanently. Have you ever?
baby's first existential crisis
no shit man since i was 4 years old

>> No.9787709

That means nothing to me, there is no net benefit to me individually if some people with 1/8th of my DNA at best live forever.

>> No.9787714

cont, fyi i agree with your (op) view that we need to beat death but you're a retard for thinking you're the only one thinking about this and that you're so profound

>> No.9787727

>What for? ...we will die anyway eventually because of X hurr durr

Just because we do not have an answer for X now doesn't mean we won't have in the future. C'mon this is just retarded I have to explain this, kid.

22. Wrong. People don't. We should be constantly thinking about death. Not just for a second and get on with your lives. It's madness.
People do not think about this stuff at all. You and I are a needle in a haystack, wether you like it or not. Most people believe death is and will always be a part of life.

>> No.9787769

We die anyway as our brains change and we slowly lose our current personalities and memories. There's no living forever, age extension is obviously still great though.

>> No.9787788

Death is just change. It's a part of existing in a universe constantly fluctuating. Why's it such a big deal? Would you be doing something different if you didn't consider death? If so, you're self admittedly living your life with self imposed restrictions and limitations.

>> No.9787836

i want to keep doing what i'm doing forever, the only thing limiting me to do that is fucking death, ok?

>> No.9787844
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Keep doing whatever you're doing then. But that sounds extremely boring, while the universe is abound with change.

Not trying to belittle your personal issue against reality, but it really is a non-issue. You don't really think this is the first universe, do you? ;)

>> No.9787858


What you want from life is based on knowing you will die.

An immortal man can achieve everything he ever wanted to in mortal life, but with no fear of failure and no pressure of time, at best he wont be fulfilled by them. At worst, knowing there's no reward any more, he'll do nothing forever.

>> No.9787951

An inmortal man would probably learn philosophy and all the self-improvement stuff just so he can carry on effectively with eternity. He would be very balanced I would dare to guess.

>> No.9787953

>babby's first existential criss

>> No.9787961
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>> No.9787963
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What does /sci/ think of cryonics?


>> No.9787969
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Just make superintelligence and have it science-out immortality for us duh

>> No.9787987
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Time crystals. Then we grab some cold brews with whatever other alien cunts figured out to into time crystals. Imagine how cold the brews will be after the heat death of the universe. Eternal leisure awaits mybruh.

>> No.9788681


>> No.9788747

>Evolution has never been about the survival of the individual. It was always about the survival of a species.
No, you're terrible at evolution. Genes of the individual are passed on. Species change because successful individuals in the species reproduce more.

>> No.9788750

of course you can waste all your resources on telomerase-based drug research or cryo-sleep...and leave your offspring behind with nothing exept dept and the memory of an insane father. but as your legacy declines in socioeconomic status it is more likely to reproduce.

>> No.9788767
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I mean I don't personally dislike the idea of dying. Life is good partly because if the thrill that the ever-watching eye of Death gives me.

What I cannot accept and really dislike is the idea of eternal oblivion though, it just irks me you know ? Like I feel like it's not possible for my sentience to just...end. I mean all I've ever known is my own consciousness so trying to accept that one day it'll just disappear forever without leaving a fucking trace is madness to me, it doesn't make logical sense, but at the same time it really is the only logical conclusion. Really makes me think.

>> No.9788771

What is mitochondria

>> No.9788773

>When was the last time you seriously were conscious and it just HIT you, realizing that one day.. you will die and disappear in nothing, permanently. Have you ever?

Sure, but my worldview isn't such that this is particularly interesting or unsettling. It's a relieving thought, if anything.

>> No.9788775
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>Born to die.

>> No.9790142

You could think of death, starving indians, group rape of newborns and genocides all day, but eventually experiencing ones life seems like a better option. Get a family, financially stable, gather experiences and pass on knowledge and try to do more positive than negative for the collective

>> No.9790147
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>I believe our goal in life is to achieve IMMORTALITY. Not only is it possible, it is inevitable
Agreed. Accept Jesus.

>> No.9790163

>People do not think about this stuff at all.
Yeah they do, they just either forget about it or accept it. It's like being scared of going to sleep, after a while you HAVE to find a way to either not think about it or rationalize it, else you'd be stuck.

>> No.9790279

(1) death is a fact.
(2) science deals with fact.
(3) deal with it, faggot.

>> No.9790280

Lrn2evolution fgt pls

>> No.9790415

some organisms dont die

>> No.9790433

Brainlets who romanticise death are usually either >50 (the eternal boomer) or depressedfags from the r9k/pol cesspit

>> No.9790443

>As a man of science.. how are you not OBSESSED with death?
I have more immediate problems.

>When was the last time you seriously were conscious and it just HIT you, realizing that one day.. you will die and disappear in nothing, permanently. Have you ever?

Despite not being obsessed with curing death, I find it helpful to occasionally meditate on my inevitable mortality. This helps me appreciate each moment more, and helps me avoid wasting time because I have only one short life.

>I believe our goal in life is to achieve IMMORTALITY. Not only is it possible, it is inevitable. Life is way too short and meaningless to just simply live it like we were biologically ment too.
Define 'immortality.' I believe we could preserve our brains in 'jars' for thousands of years eventually, but true immortality, with absolute imperviousness to destruction by weapons, heat and the like hardly seems possible, let alone inevitable.

>Join me. Dedicate your life in any way possible to the inevitable invention of immortality.

I've already spent a lot of time working in a different area of biology, which I find more interesting than longevity research.

>the sooner it will be here and the bigger chance we have it will be in our own life time.
Lol, just lol. The further I've advanced in my career as a biologist, the more ridiculous this notion has become.

All that said, I admire your optimimism. But there's reasonable, educated optimism and there's ridiculous, unfounded optimism.

>> No.9790445

Just figure out a way to lengthen your telomeres and your set

>> No.9790477

>how are you not OBSESSED with death?

I have more important things to think about, like passing my next exam.

>> No.9790488
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I don't know. Perhaps it will be too melancholic and sad to see everyone around you fall... I mean who gets to get immortal? Death is a cornerstone of life. However, Prolonging the "Health" Lifespan would be great. Moreover, I am more curious about what is there after death.. what happens after u die ...if only one way someone could back from death and tell us... it would be phenomenal

>> No.9790975

You don't fully understand the extent of immortality and you have a very high opinion of the potential of a single human.
Immortality is infinite, you cannot properly imagine how it would feel to be immortal and it will not necessarily give you more value in your existence unless you also solve aging. In addition, the human brain and body is extremely limited for a being that can possibly survive forever. Humans are not meant to live forever and will likely go mad because their tiny little brains cannot understand the meaning of infinity and will feel trapped in the same body. Also you as an individual are not important, you are just a tiny little speck who will not contribute anything of importance, it is the collective endeavour that matters. That is why it is important to keep each generation fresh with new people and new ideas and by making ourselves immortal we will limit the resources available to the next Einstein or Euler. Intelligence and talent is a random event and each generation is smarter than the previous by technological advancement so by making ourselves immortal we will keep a lot of dead weight of dumber and less productive people.

>> No.9791104

>You don't fully understand the extent of immortality
don't pretend you do, faggot

>> No.9792519

I feel the same, OP. Only that I'm 26. This is not necesarily my first existencial crisis, but boy I really want to dedidacte my life to spread the concept of "reachable inmortality" to the masses.

People are sheeps. They live their lifes ignorantily and die without leaving a trace about them. Look at al the famous people across the ages. Aristotle, Einstein, Newtwon, Tesla. All of them have been dead for years ago yet we still remember them.

Don't you want to have your name in avenues, parks, schools and books? Don't you want the rest of the Universe remember you once were there, for all eternity? Well you have to work towards it NOW. It's a shame how not many people realize this and instead decide to live a boring, uneventful life, thinking the lies of religion will award them with an eternal life of pleasure and doing whatever their want forever.

Immortality can be attained, yes, but then the next question is "now what?". What if we're virtually immortal, what do we do with our lives?
I suggest we explore the damn universe. Now we have all the time in the world. Find out the truths of our reality, where does the Universe comes from and if there's anything BEYOND it.And last but not least: how to defeat entropy.

As a species, I feel we should work towards this goal. Only afterwards we can rest and do whatever we want with our lives.

It's upon us to build Heaven. Or Paradise. A realm where we can do whatever we want forever.

>> No.9792560

Eternity is really long, especially near the end

>> No.9792770

Why the fuck would I want to be immortal? This materialistic universe is awful and I'm actually longing for the day I die.
The only way I'd like to be immortal is if I was God, or I could upload my consciousness to a simulation where I can be God. Otherwise, immortality is a meme for people that like being slaves to forces beyond their control.

>> No.9792858

Death is a manifestation of entropy. The universe will always tend to go back to it's normal state, energy and chaos in general stop it from it. Our "tendency" would be to follow the universe: starve or die by other means and decompose, but, by eating, exercises and other stuff, we survive and go against entropy. We cannot run forever, and entropy is unstoppable, so one day it simply catches up to us. There are MANY factors that affect our body and mind, like brain degradation after a certain age, the sun rays degrading our skin little by little everyday, the oxygen we consume, etc...
Death is something unavoidable.

>> No.9792883

Consciousness is an illusion and death is no more meaningful than passing from one conscious moment to the next

>> No.9792906

manifestation of the second law, not entropy. dumbass.

>> No.9792922

one thing is though that we still dont know why we die naturally. unnatural death is more obviously a product of the second law. but is there away to prolong our homeostasis indefinately? logically i do not see why not.

>> No.9793453

If everyone lived forever that would be extremely problematic for everyone, including animals

>> No.9793537

Immortality would get extremely boring and tedious after a while. A few hundred years would be nice, but beyond that what could you possibly have left to experience. Eventually the only thing left to you is to die.

>> No.9793542

Agreed. Not scared.

>> No.9793545
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Evolution has never been about the survival of the individual. It was always about the survival of a species.
Why would that be the case? I understand youre saying that evolution favors the majority and not the minority, but doesnt that fly in the face of what we know? For instance, it was that one ape who stood up, or that one fish who jumped to shore, or that one bird who was born with a particular beak. It seems that evolution favors that one, singular mutated individual.

>> No.9793549

By any chance did you read Evitable Conflict by Asimov?

>> No.9793573
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this picture unironically got me in the feels

I will try harder tomorrow and forever.

>> No.9793633

I do agree with the sentiment that one of the ultimate goals of medicine should be to cure death. However, our current treatments for diseases of AGING are not adequate, and optimizing these could easily return a decade or two of quality life. Immortality with poor QoL is not really living. We can already maintain a person with no functioning heart or lungs on ECMO for a long time (current WR 551 days) but they are bound to the machine to survive. Life extension research is useful to start now so it will be ready by the time our quality of life treatments are ready. But I think we can all agree that immortality with lung failure, dementia, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis is not optimal or even desirable.

>> No.9793645

You're going to die, and everything you know is going to die. Even the stars and galaxies die.

Have fun with your grotesque flailings against the unassailable tides of eternity, though. I'm sure your obsession will lead to a really healthy and fulfilling life.