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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 9 KB, 800x627, science-d76762f8bb17a6ea80cd486e17aafa56469450a25de4089bb11d868360bdd42f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9786339 No.9786339 [Reply] [Original]

Very interesting scientific study. This is scientific proof that people with bigoted beliefs are less intelligent.

>Adding to existing knowledge regarding correlations between low cognitive ability and propensity toward prejudice, a new study by the University of Queensland shows that less intelligent people tend to express more prejudicial attitudes against same-sex couples.

>Previous research indicates that lower general intelligence in childhood predicts anti-homosexual prejudice in adulthood. For instance, a Brock University study titled “Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes,” published in Psychological Science, showed that lower intelligence predicts greater prejudice, predominantly through low inter-group contact and right-wing ideology.


>> No.9786353

any non popsci links?

>> No.9786356

I don't think causation can be directly related between the two . I know many bigoted people who are excruciatingly intelligent.

I do , however , think that if one is more likely to have bigoted views , then they less capable of actually thinking for themselves. Which is related to intelligence.

>> No.9786362

the key problem is 'bigoted' has been wrongly associated with 'people who hold non-progressive viewpoints'. Bigotry can be expressed by both progressive and conservative-oriented people, and there are ignorant people on both sides

>> No.9786382

> already belief that low cognitive ability and propensity toward prejudice
Australian study shows that low cognitive people don't discriminate in their prejudice against same sex w/ respect to other groups

>> No.9786391
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I wonder who is behind this study.

>> No.9786398

> tfw born in the golden age of gays just accepting that they make people cringe and keeping it indoors
> nowadays it be like, sorry you find the fact you're making me cringe offensive, yes i'm a very bad person

>> No.9786399

>predominantly through low inter-group contact and right-wing ideology.
>and right-wing ideology
Into the thrash bin it goes. Valuing personal liberty, family, and the welfare of one´s homeland are literally the hallmarks of a thinking individual; only the mentally feeble believe in benevolent government (contempt for authority is best instilled by reading history books), government control over child-rearing or "multiculturalism" (which, according to scientific consensus, reduces cohesion and trust - essential ingredients in a prosperious land - in communities)

>> No.9786401

>smart people know to keep their mouths shut
>news at 11

>> No.9786426


>> No.9786441

careful goy

>> No.9786452

>spoonfeed me

>The cognitive roots of prejudice towards same-sex couples: An analysis of an Australian national sample

>Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes: Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact

Accepted by the same journal as your beloved studies on racial differences in intelligence, so...

>> No.9786459

Well yeah you'd have to be an idiot to live in australia soooo

>> No.9786467

>I don't think causation can be directly related between the two. I know many bigoted people who are excruciatingly intelligent.
This is only trivially true, in the same sense that gunshots to the chest are not directly causally linked to death since many who get shot in the chest don't die.

>> No.9786496

Not spoonfeeding, if the paper existed it should have been referenced in the first place instead of some shit article poorly written about it

Do better, faggot

>> No.9786530

>something something linked to something something
skin color linked to low intelligence when?

>> No.9786536

"low cognitive ability" = blue collars = working class
"high cognitive ability" = middle and upper class.

in other words, normal people against same sex marriage, and faggots supports it.

case solved.

>> No.9786549

Being white is linked to mass shootings too

>> No.9786554

>Accepted by the same journal as your beloved studies
Doesn't matter. Psychology isn't science

>> No.9786571

Multi-racial and multi-cultural aren't necessarily equivalent, but have a correlation. I live in the south where some areas are half white half black and people get along just fine. And southern hospitality isn't a meme. This also applies to the fact that people down here have a similar religious background and political views. Believe it or not, a lot of blacks in the south are registered Republicans, which is why they still continue to win down here.

>> No.9786589

analogies are not arguments, and you used "trivially" incorrectly


>> No.9786597

The more time goes on the more I am convinced there is nothing really scientific about psychology or sociology at all.

>> No.9786603

>get along just fine
Pure lies blacks are absolute cancer to white people where ever they exist, even as minorities in a neighborhood they somehow are domestic terrorist that ruin everyone's day black or white.

>> No.9786606

Actually not true on a per capita basis.

>> No.9786659

Smart people know to keep quiet about things that can get them fired, tbf.

>> No.9786665

I defend my STEM PhD next month and hate faggots, AMA

>> No.9786691

no not really. conservatives are religious, and religiosity has been linked numerous times with low iq (duh)

>> No.9786694

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9786696

I don't think you realize what you've said

>> No.9786753

Hating gays is linked to low cognitive ability and cuckolding is the intellectual's fetish. Better get on your knees and spread those cheeks got, you're not (((low IQ))) are you?

>> No.9786754


>> No.9786762

They're just "linking" things without understanding the social causes.

>> No.9786765

>All these anons saying, "psychology isn't real science if it presents evidence that I don't agree with" in coded terminology.

Alternatively, I've personally had an issue with the field of psychology for a while once it was shown they statistically had the lowest reproducibility out of all sciences. But for some strange reason every time I bring it up people swear that research like IQ and psychometrics are excluded from this and still legit because "reasons".

If it's any consolation to anons on this thread I personally don't think bigots are inherently unintelligent. But I will say that someone who spends a majority of their time obsessed with subject matter that is less productive will eventually find themselves falling behind pack. Of course this isn't exclusive to just bigots though.

>> No.9786771

>Prejudice Against Same-Sex Couples
Why is it called "Prejudice"? And why this article called "scientific"?

>> No.9786776

ffs you need to understand that different social classes has different interests.
"bigots" is nothing more than ideologeme used by one group to attack another.

>> No.9786793

IQ is excluded because it's one of the topics that is extraordinarily (by psychologies standards) reproducible.

i get that you're trying to make an implicit argument by beta-personality disorder, but you're not smart enough to pull it off.

>> No.9786804

>(((rich educated elites))) support gay marriage
>"""poor ignorants""" are anti gay marriage
this is like calling serfs against feudalism stupid

>> No.9786809

People in this board ignore that poverty heavily affects your education

>> No.9786853


>it's one of the topics that is extraordinarily (by psychologies standards) reproducible.

Is it? Then why is it so common for research in the field to contradict the each other's results even when utilizing the same methodology as previous work? Reproducibility isn't just about reproducing the effect but also the exact measurements of said effect. And measurements are not being replicated the same. You can try to pretend it is by conflating the use of statistics in the field in question but if it's still producing conflicting research to such a common degree then there is clearly something wrong here.

>> No.9786946

Psychology is a science, but I do not think it is a science as practiced by universities. I would say that more objective psychology studies are done by both the military and marketers. After all, in order for them to achieve their goals (torture/strategy/helping soldiers for the military, and selling products for marketers) they NEED objective information, things need to add up. If you need to sell products and need to use psychology, there is no room for subjective interpretation; your advertising will either entice customers or it won't. Meanwhile in academia they have more lofty social goals of making a better society so naturally their studies are a lot less objective.

>> No.9786976

These studies are worthless and only find what they want to find. A study could also link high consciousness to racism or any other "ism"

>> No.9786984
File: 39 KB, 639x499, 1518218442793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

per capita is racist social construct

>> No.9787058

Sounds about right for Australia.

>> No.9787074

Here's a question, what if the people of low cognitive ability don't understand the significance of your questions?
Like, you're presenting a situation to the subject in too abstract a manner.

And how did they run the test? Did they actually interview and perform cognitive tests on 11.5k people or was it just an online form?

>> No.9787086

Have you interacted with blue collars lately? They are literally retarded and incredibly douchy. If you dont notice this, you are also retarded

>> No.9787151

assertions are not arguments

>> No.9787160

post the correlation numbers

>> No.9787166

you will notice the correlation isn't mentioned because it's very small.

in fact weaker than race and IQ correlations

>> No.9787330
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It was referenced by the article linked in OP.
Notice you have nothing to say about the papers themselves. It's almost as if you didn't have an argument. Kill yourself.

Yup, racial IQ studies fail the reproducibility test.
>tfw Lynn took scores from a Spanish home for the retarded and said they were IQ scores from equatorial guinea

>> No.9787333

>implying I was making an argument
Why would I reply to something that wasn't an argument with an argument?

>> No.9787335

>you used "trivially" incorrectly
I used it in the mathematical sense. This is /sci/ after all. But I guess I shouldn't expect a /pol/tier IQ thread to understand that.

>> No.9787340

>I used it in the mathematical sense.
it's embarrassing that you think this

>> No.9787460


It's not an assertion when you have hundreds of published research documents not agreeing to each other's measurement results despite using the same methodology.

>> No.9787461

then it shouldn't take you long to find them.

>> No.9787466

About that...
















https://www.education.wisc.edu/soe/research/research-news/2017/10/16/paper-co-authored-by-uw-madison-s-bellmore-sh ows-academic-benefit-of-ethnic-diversity


>> No.9787489

>linking a mishmash of articles and blogposts that you couldn't bother reading

i'm not going to piece together your arguments for you, goon.

>> No.9787499

>ask him to link studies
>he does
>you just ignore them

>> No.9787505

>invent a justification that's obviously not real
>green text about it to save face

he didn't ask for "studies" by your crude standards

>> No.9787527

Please kill yourself

>> No.9787540

>This is scientific proof that people with bigoted beliefs are less intelligent.
we've known this for a long time, but what worries me is that >we come off as elitist and predjudiced for saying it, thus defeating the probably objective of making people less bigoted....and making them reject science further. we have seen it in the USA, simply because science is at odds with explotitative capitalism and the anti-homosexuality movements in religion

>> No.9787544

OP is a faggot

>> No.9788079
File: 30 KB, 245x340, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know what a trivial solution is
back to /pol/ already please.

>> No.9788091
File: 126 KB, 700x400, cornerstone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Valuing personal liberty, family, and the welfare of one's homeland
But those are left-wing values, anon. They're why the left doesn't subscribe to fake theories of racial differences used to encroach on peoples' liberties, destroy families, and divide nations. Meanwhile, "rightful supremacy of my personal racial group" is one of the hallmarks of right-wing ideology.

>only the mentally feeble believe in benevolent government
Another good data point corroborating OP. We know that the hard right idolizes the 1930's totalitarian movements in Germany and Italy even after they failed so spectacularly in the end.

>government control over child-rearing or "multiculturalism"
You're hitting all the bases. Impressive. This is indeed something else the left is staunchly against which the right supports. American laws designed to prevent integration of communities and even laws against miscegenation are classic examples of right-wing government overreach and were only recently overturned. It's natural that Liberals, possessing more intelligence on average, were responsible for the removal of those laws.

>> No.9789308

there are a lot of autists on this board.
notice that threads about the malleability of intelligence or the IQ of bigots slide pretty quickly. but threads about le black white gap meme last until the bump limit.

>> No.9789328

>Robert Putnam complains about people twisting his research

lmao he is the original twister when his very well documented and thought out research didn't support his political bias. Anyone can read that paper and come to their own conclusions about the glaringly obvious facts.

>Citing the us army as a shining example of integration

Sides approaching escape velocity.

>> No.9789331

Correlation =/= Causation

Just because retards hate gay people doesn't mean there aren't any very legitimate reasons for opposing the liberal agenda.

>> No.9789341

Your entire post is laughable because the left today supports exactly zero of those values, whether they did in the past is totally irrelevant. Bringing up just about any of those topics immediately will get you labelled a right wing bigot.

>> No.9789354

It's a widely accepted fact college educated people are more liberal. Alt-right assumed college is changing peoples thoughts to be more leftiest. Maybe it's alt-right who are just too stupid to attend college.

I know it would be easy and fun to rub their nose in it, but this is literally dangerous. The US runs on the 2 party system and if the vast majority of 1 of those parties is too stupid to be college educated how can they be trusted to vote? Is there some way we can made an education institution or some initiative specifically to help the right-wing party who apparently got left behind?

>> No.9789365

>Maybe it's alt-right who are just too stupid to attend college.
They've always had a noticeable anti-intellectual stance.

>> No.9789389

Maybe it's because anyone with a brain doesn't want to pay 100k and waste 4 years of their life for a piece of toilet paper that no employer gives a shit about?

The only value im college is for those going in to STEM.

>> No.9789397

And also the fact that the education provided by the vast majority of colleges is offensively bad. You can literally learn more by watching fucking youtube videos in your topic of choice.

>> No.9789412

So what? My 145IQ won't go away just because i'm homophobic.

>> No.9789436

>The association between low cognitive ability and prejudicial attitudes against same-sex couples holds in the presence of economic and socio-demographic variables, such as education.
yes, because fag shit keeps getting shilled to education majors. imagine my shock that rednecks who don't get exposed to the brainwash maintain the natural aversion to homosexuality.

>> No.9789441

if you think rednecks have low homosexuality rates, you are mistaken my friend

>> No.9789476

could it be that smarter people are more likely to pretend they aren't bigoted?

>> No.9789477

You lost. Thanks for conceding with grace.

that's the 27th /pol/fag I've absolutely destroyed

>> No.9789494

I always find it funny how people who claim their studies to be superior are always behind a pay wall.

To me this either shows you 1) haven't actually read it yourself, otherwise you'd offer the free link
Or 2) the study is easy enough to point out its flaws and you need you try to hide that by obscurity.

>> No.9789504

You didn't "destroy" anyone you fucking dipshit. The very first link you posted is by an extremely dishonest person who fudged the analysis of his results on fucking purpose because they didn't fit his agenda.

>> No.9789512

do you hate faggots because of the massive amount of disease they spread, or the fact tht most are pederasts? or another reason?

>> No.9789518

Confounding variables? Who would have thought!?

>> No.9789524

>Abstract Some prominent scientists and philosophers have stated openly that moral and
political considerations should influence whether we accept or promulgate scientific theories.
This widespread view has significantly influenced the development, and public perception, of
intelligence research. Theories related to group differences in intelligence are often rejected
a priori on explicitly moral grounds. Thus the idea, frequently expressed by commentators
on science, that science is “self-correcting”—that hypotheses are simply abandoned when
they are undermined by empirical evidence—may not be correct in all contexts. In this paper,
documentation spanning from the early 1970s to the present is collected, which reveals the
influence of scientists’ moral and political commitments on the study of intelligence. It is
suggested that misrepresenting findings in science to achieve desirable social goals will
ultimately harm both science and society


>But those are left-wing values, anon. They're why the left doesn't subscribe to fake theories of racial differences used to encroach on peoples' liberties, destroy families, and divide nations. Meanwhile, "rightful supremacy of my personal racial group" is one of the hallmarks of right-wing ideology.
the left is imposrting millions of non-Whites into ALL White countries and will make them a hated diminishing minority, probably just a coincidence though? certainly not on purpose, the laws probably just changed themselves

>> No.9789537

regardless, there is still an aversion and degree of unacceptability

>> No.9789556


>the left is imposrting millions of non-Whites into ALL White countries and will make them a hated diminishing minority,

Not him but are you really going to pretend that millions of non-whites weren't brought over to white countries for cheap labor by private businesses? Are you also going to pretend that white countries didn't send missionaries to different parts of the world to convert them either which gives them a chance to ask for handouts?
What about the fact that countries like China and India rising to prominence because the governments of white countries allowed businesses to indulge in cheap labor in foreign countries for cheap products. Which ultimately hurt their own citizens?
Maybe we should also talk about white countries finding themselves stuck in the middle east causing more refugees to be born spread like a virus because instead of just nuking the fucking region they wanted to prolong the oil and war economy instead?

All this shit was pushed predominantly by the right-wing. You can't weasel your way out by blaming liberals for all this. They certainly deserve their share of blame when it comes to illegal immigrantion/ refugee quota acceptance. But the bulk of the blame falls on the Right and the history proves this.

>> No.9789590

>Not him but are you really going to pretend that millions of non-whites weren't brought over to white countries for cheap labor by private businesses?
no, the right wants cheap labor, the left wants votes, but the facts remain, Whites will be made hated diminishing minorities in their own homelands, in ALL of them! is there a more sinister reason behind it?

>What about the fact that countries like China and India rising to prominence because the governments of white countries allowed businesses to indulge in cheap labor in foreign countries for cheap products. Which ultimately hurt their own citizens?
true, the effect is nice for the businesses, and the ones who get the votes(lefties)

>Maybe we should also talk about white countries finding themselves stuck in the middle east causing more refugees to be born spread like a virus because instead of just nuking the fucking region they wanted to prolong the oil and war economy instead?
we can, that's fair. the wars were certainly not in our interests, were they? who's interest (((were))) they in?

>All this shit was pushed predominantly by the right-wing. You can't weasel your way out by blaming liberals for all this. They certainly deserve their share of blame when it comes to illegal immigrantion/ refugee quota acceptance. But the bulk of the blame falls on the Right and the history proves this.
AIPAC controls both parties through funding and promising to fund those who refuse to sign its pledge to be israel first

>> No.9789592

Don't bother, that anon is a /pol/tard who thinks joos are conducting white genocide

>> No.9789607

but is he wrong about his demographic claim that Whites in all their countries are being made diminishing minorities, dur to mass immigration and birth rate differentials?

>> No.9789610

He is. And the fact that you capitalize white indicates you are a Stormfront shill.

>> No.9789615
File: 87 KB, 534x550, wg 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he Wrong about mass importation turning Whites in to minorities

or is he wrong that Whites are hated by the left/non-Whites?

>> No.9789620

This image is so fucking cringy.
He is wrong about both. Whites will not become a minority, and the left and nonwhites do not hate white people.
You also didn't answer the question - are you a Stormfront shill or not?

>> No.9789623
File: 65 KB, 593x294, wg 1960 immigration bill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringy? but not untrue?

what's a stormfront?

>THEY MAY NOT KNOW IT, but for kids under the age of 5, the day the United States became a minority-majority nation has already arrived.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2014 there were more than 20 million children under 5 years old living in the U.S., and 50.2 percent of them were minorities.

>The U.S. will become “minority white” in 2045, Census projects
Youthful minorities are the engine of future growth

>> No.9789635
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>consenting adults having sex with one another is genocide

>> No.9789638

>Study Shows

>> No.9789645
File: 163 KB, 618x896, wg pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mass immigration isn't "consenting adults having sex with eachother"

so now you've changed from "Whites are not going to become a minority" to "hurr, people having sex isn't genocide"

do you admit, to yourself at least, that the immigration laws were changed in 1965, and that the immigration since will make Whites a minority, you know, as usnews, the US Census Bureau, brookings institute, and countless other sources attest?

>> No.9789646

this guy is prejudice against conservatives and says they are full of bigotry but there’s bigots on their side but they’re not all bigots haha what a fucking retard

>> No.9789649

Nobody cares

>> No.9789655


>> No.9789659

But Wikipedia isn't wrong. Literally every "white pride" person is a racist piece of shit like (You) who believes that white people are superior to everyone else

>> No.9789666
File: 274 KB, 940x1050, wg antiwhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about factual statements?

does anyone care about the chinese genocide of the tibetans? is there a double standard?

why do people not care that the group that pretty much created civilization(electricity, computers, cars, trucks, trains, planes, radio, wifi, fibre optics, the internet, refrigeration, modern medicine, etc etc) are being deliberately flooded and dispossesed of power? eventually to be made hated diminishing minorities in their own lands


so you support disparate treatment for different skin colors. the classic definition of racism, bigotry and skin hate, at least you are honest about it

>> No.9789672

Several of those things that you listed were created by Asians.

>> No.9789679
File: 41 KB, 480x320, wg 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

several? not most? oh wow, Whites win again

which ones?

what about Tibet? no comment?

>> No.9789683

people who are above average intelligence know that speaking out against sodomy would render them jobless, alas

>> No.9789698

You're too retarded to debate

>> No.9789720
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if you can't debate, you implicitly agree I am correct

oh wow, look at that immigration making Whites a dispossessed hated minority in their own country

how noble you are to support it, what a hero

>> No.9789754

>sodomy is normal!
>putting your penis inside another man's rectum and ejaculating sperm is perfectly natural!
>If you don't like it you must be a bigot!

The world we live in today.

>> No.9789764

There's literally nothing wrong with homosexuality, /pol/tard.

>> No.9789776

>He thinks neolibs are Liberals

>> No.9789785


t. the originator of GRIDS in the US


>> No.9789788

the problem is that all negative associations to homosexuality that exist in society such as, substance addiction / usage rates, suicide, socioeconomic status, educational attainment, domestic violence rates, homelessness rates and life-expectancy are all just attributed to bigotry and no one is willing to have an honest conversation about the culture that surrounds homosexuality.

>> No.9789808

and pedophilia/pederasty?

just bigotry makes them do it?

>> No.9789823

I guess we're ALL to blame for not being nice to them

>> No.9789906

what causes sexual orientations / fetishes is honestly at the brink of psychology / psychiatry and it's above my pay grade to answer, as a criminologist. though, the question you just posed is part of the slippery-slope logic of where i believe our current path of understanding is taking us and we need to change our frameworks for dealing with homosexual individuals when improving their QoL metrics, such as the ones mentioned in my OP.
i think this is an interesting point to ponder, especially when you consider the cultural implications of affirmative action and how if a more traditional right-wing becomes the most prevalent position over the next few decades then most certainly the cultural relationship between homosexuals and the mainstream will be damaged.

>> No.9789910

>there are people who actually believe this

>> No.9789914

Fuck it. Conservatives dug their own hole, let then suffer in their shithole states.

>> No.9789998

>discriminating people who have a low cognitive ability is progressive

>> No.9790010

>tfw i have high cognitive ability and am still prejudiced against same-sex couples
Feels good lads

>> No.9790508

>he doesn't understand how journals work
Back to /pol/ retard

>> No.9790510

>The very first link you posted is by an extremely dishonest person who fudged the analysis of his results on fucking purpose because they didn't fit his agenda.
He posted a Lynn study?

>> No.9790519

>degenerates who blindly follow their lust are consenting adults
lol. they can't comprehend what damage they do to society. their actions must be restricted.

>> No.9791030

>right wing is what I say it is.


>> No.9791110

Checked. Look at how buttmad the anti-whites are that whites are getting tribal again

>> No.9791135
File: 188 KB, 1096x2893, homosexuals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what causes sexual orientations / fetishes is honestly at the brink of psychology / psychiatry and it's above my pay grade to answer
55% of homos are pedos. are you the kind of criminologist that cares more about the perpetraitors than the victims?

do you know how being gay got removed from the DSM(list of mental illnesses for those who don't know)? the faggots stormed the APA(american psychology association) conferences several years running, and intimidated them into removing it. pretty sound science huh?

>i think this is an interesting point to ponder, especially when you consider the cultural implications of affirmative action and how if a more traditional right-wing becomes the most prevalent position over the next few decades then most certainly the cultural relationship between homosexuals and the mainstream will be damaged.
would you trust your son with someone more likely to be a paedophile than not? they should be kept away from kids

>> No.9791148

So black people hate gays now? Based

>> No.9791151

Enjoy AIDS

>> No.9791192

>getting aids in 2018

>> No.9791199
File: 100 KB, 635x476, 3ba2fc7d3fd7980d1f02fa85b2a867f957b8f7550cfcda404181bf4923a80ddf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9791225

the sad part is they think the other tribes will have them


Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

>> No.9791751

Only purpose reading the posts here served was remove any doubt I initially had about OP's title.

>> No.9791762

>Very interesting scientific study. This is scientific proof that people with bigoted beliefs are less intelligent.

This is nothing new. Just go to /pol/ and you'll see for yourself how stupid the white nationalists are over there.

>> No.9791766

>lol bro obviously people that care about their race and are white are dumb

>> No.9791767

maybe not dumb but immoral

>> No.9791788


Most of them are dumb though. They're the kind of people that say Einstein was a plagiarist without understanding how GE was formulated at all.

>> No.9791811

You cant be smart if you actually support helping the most dangerous human race on this planet the black race.

>> No.9791815

>its immoral to to not want blacks and muslims to kill you once they outnumber you

>> No.9791818

>left wing is what I say it is

>> No.9791892

You should have journal access through your institution... you do have an institution, right anon?

>> No.9791911

You're probably just an engineer brainlet, let me know if I'm right

>> No.9791918
File: 757 KB, 1500x729, WEWUZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/tards don't go to school anon. school is too racist so they stay home and play vidya and shitpost instead.

>> No.9791926

>less intelligent people tend to express more prejudicial attitudes against same-sex couples.

>Smart people prefer to keep it to themselves. Real mind blowing stuff OP.

>> No.9791929
File: 125 KB, 714x445, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at 1.53.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another very credible one

>Cuckolding: The Sex Fetish for Intellectuals

>> No.9791937

Why is it immoral?
That's the most retarded argument i've seen about this.

>> No.9791939
File: 167 KB, 635x470, small heda tiem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This only shows that dumb people are more likely to be prejudiced, but not that prejudiced people are dumb. Blacks in the US have low IQs, but most low IQs in the US are not blacks given blacks are only 10% of the population. Another study would say that if you are poor then you are more likely to have a firearm, but since the poor are a minority, if you have a firearm it is more likely that you are not poor.

On the case of intelligence, by definition, if you have more neurons flicking you are more able to make a good judgement on the fly than a numbhead is. His brain is turned off so he has to rely on any dead data he receives from people he trusts.

So as you can see, the irony is that this research is directed to dumb people.

>> No.9791947

Here is the fallacy.
The contention conservatives have against blacks or homosexuals are not based on racism, they are based on lived experience and assessment of empirical data.
That's very different from the prejudice displayed by your average redneck.

>> No.9791949

>on racism
*racism and homophobia

>> No.9791964

So let me get it straight.
Leftist take pride in standing up for pedos??

>> No.9791995

>Very interesting scientific study. This is scientific proof that people with bigoted beliefs are less intelligent.
If someone feels the right to interfere in the relationship of two strangers it is invariably becuase they feel that they have god on thier side i.e. they are strongly religious - which correlates with low iq.

>> No.9792007

The fact the this was the best you could articulate tells me you have a low iq.

>> No.9792008
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>Is there some way we can made an education institution or some initiative specifically to help the right-wing party who apparently got left behind?
it would be nice if this were possible, but they're not just against the educational establishment as it currently stands; they're against intellectualism and empiricism in general. why? because they're enormous snowflakes who can't stand to be told that they're wrong. when the evidence goes against their worldview, they go into damage-control mode, find some reason to reject the evidence, and double down on their previous thinking. liberals aren't immune to this, but conservatives are especially vulnerable because of the importance their ideology places on tradition (i.e. prior thinking).
have you noticed how the schools that conservatives set up for themselves are all explicitly about teaching a delusional fairyland version of facts that prove all their opinions right? look at all those evangelical religious schools that would rather teach creationism and explicitly deny evolution (possibly the most rock-solid theory in science) than risk bruising their students' fee-fees. when trying to educate conservatives, the two big options are to misinform them and keep them happy in their little bubbles or to piss them off by presenting them with actual facts.

so what's the solution? certainly not to shunt them into conservative-focused schools that will turn into echo chambers reinforcing their delusions. they should be integrated into actual schools so they can see that not everyone thinks the way they do, and that people different from them are just people, not monsters (like they may have been taught). but more importantly, we need to have better educational standards that emphasize critical thinking starting in middle school so that they can learn to question the dross they're fed before they internalize it and become welded to those delusional worldviews (and therefore reject any evidence that threatens them).

>> No.9792013

So, in your opinion, people who get 100k+ into debt to obtain a business or a communications degree are smart?

>> No.9792014
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This. Whether or not the leftist orthodoxy is correct is irrelevant; many intelligent people will opt to "bend the knee" and obey the status quo. Less intelligent people (as well as some intelligent people who are more radical) will be less concerned about this and speak freely.

Similarly, an intelligent person in 1540's Europe wouldn't typically argue against the Church because doing so would have disastrous consequences.

>> No.9792021

>100k+ into debt
And it's important to mention that it has variable interest rates.
So basically they end up paying sereval times more than the total cost of their tuition. Real smart move.


>> No.9792769
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Proof niggers are stupid.

>> No.9792886

>Smart people prefer to keep it to themselves. Real mind blowing stuff OP.
Yes, smart people are aware of the possibility of being wrong and thus prefer to live and let live. A liberal attitude.

>> No.9792903

>Smart people are afraid of critical thinking.
Yeh, nice cope.

>> No.9792918

Also, was that your Phd thesis?

>> No.9793109
File: 217 KB, 598x354, shockley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting there?
It seems like you may not understand what critical thinking is. Smart people, and by extension, liberals, are more likely to be practiced at it.

No. Why would you expect something like that on /sci/ anyways? Would you like to hear about my field? I'd be glad to share.

>> No.9793127


Most intelligent post itt.

>> No.9793163

A profound critique, my views have been permanently altered by your unquestionable logic. Thank you for your thoughtful contribution...fgt.

>> No.9793172

best post

>> No.9793214

>No. Why would you expect something like that on /sci/ anyways? Would you like to hear about my field? I'd be glad to share.
Jesus, you completely missed the point.
Think harder.

>> No.9793226

>Who are you quoting there?
>It seems like you may not understand what critical thinking is. Smart people, and by extension, liberals, are more likely to be practiced at it.

>Understanding instead of denying the shortcomming of widespread homosexuality in society and the downright glorification of it is not critical thinking.

>Not want to expose your children to a immoral and unhealthy sexual fetish is not critical thinking

>Being wary of the correlations between homosexuality, pedophilia and suicidality is not critical thinking.

Telling children that a literal disorder is just an alternative lifestyle choice is the smart thing to do.

Yes, your point seems to hold some water.

>> No.9793231

I forgot to mention the increase rates of STD contamination that fags grace society with.
Being welcoming to that is too a testament of intelligence

>> No.9793273


The first 4 links don't conclude anything that refutes his argument.

>> No.9793285

Sure buddy, go play in your room now, ok?

>> No.9794290

>if you disagree with me you aren't thinking critically
OP corroborated again

>> No.9794588

>Retard confirmed
That was not his point.
His point was:
>"I might be wrong so i better not take any stance at all"

>> No.9794595

>That was not his point.
refering to this >>9792886

>> No.9794784

Into the trash it goes

>> No.9794842
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ITT: Right-wing idiots on suicide watch

Accept you're all brainlets and don't even realize it. I mean, look at you making all those excuses for disproving the article. Backfire effect much?

>> No.9794852

Psychology, sociology and their ilk are not science.
Stop believing in bullshit that is at the same level of phrenology and astrology.

>> No.9794872
File: 132 KB, 488x505, Screen Shot 2018-06-07 at 3.53.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ted Kaczynski warned us about people such as yourself.
This is just your way to cope with your feelings of inferiority.

>> No.9794874
File: 10 KB, 902x667, graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb people follow their base tribal instincts
medium people try to conform to what they perceive to be the expected belief
smart people figured out the answer that serves everyone best

>> No.9794882
File: 10 KB, 902x667, graph1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flip the vertical axis

>> No.9794889

The funniest thing is that right-wingers don't realize that they're laughed and looked down upon.

For instance, the moment I realize someone is right-wing, I discard them as non-intelligent. Doesn't matter that they have a PhD in Physics from Oxford or something like that. They're just fucking idiots to me, because being right-wing is a clear sign that there's something wrong with you.

Look, if you're smart enough to get a PhD but dumb enough to be right-wing, that just makes it worse, because you had all the opportunities to not be right-wing, and yet you still are. At that point I'd suspect you're neuro-atypical or seriously damaged physicologically.

>> No.9794906
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>I discard them as non-intelligent
tribalism, and buying into the notion that either political party is operating in the interests of the majority of voters. Democrats are just as sold out to the plutocrats as the Republicans, and the social issues are literally just a bullshit smoke screen to keep the rest of us from realizing were getting screwed.

>> No.9794910

low tier bait

>> No.9794911

Democrats are centrists at best and right-wing at worst. Being right-wing doesn't have anything to do with a specific political party. Also not-being right-wing doesn't necessarily mean being left-wing.

>> No.9794913

>Giving him a you
Either he is a retard that thinks anyone cares about his opinion or he is baiting.
Remember where you are, jesus..

>> No.9794914

yeah, it's not like all the administration of most collages in the US run by feminists / marxists / faggots brainwashing people

Cmon man, I'm hard left but everyone knows the university system turns people leftist. it's one of our greatest tools

>> No.9794917


>muh appeal to adult daycare authority

>> No.9794921

I feel bad reading this because this is literally how I thought when I was a 15-year-old. Oh, do I remember the good old days. I was an edgy liberal teenager who watched the amazing atheist every single day and genuinely believed conservatives were retarded.

All I can say to you is that you will grow up. When you actually own literally anything like a house or business you will hold your government much more accountable than you do now. When you actually start having something to lose, you'll see the government taxing you to give free givemedats and open camps for "refugees" as nothing more than authoritarian.

You are literally just a dumb kid. You really do think that we dislike immigrants because of the color of their skin and shit like that. I will just leave you with one thought: "If all of those liberal celebrities love immigrants so much, why don't they allow some of them to live in a couple of their dozens of mansions?". Really gets that nogging jogging huh?

>> No.9794928

I don't hate homosexuals, and I'm indifferent to them because they didn't choose to be gay. I'm fine with homos as long as they don't interfere with the lives of others.

But, I do support racial segregation and scientific racism.

I can see how hating homosexuals for no reason would correlate with lower intelligence though. There's no logical basis behind it.

>> No.9794935

But there are celebrities that adopt African children for that explicit purpose.

There are Jews that marry blacks and everything. People live on this earth for decades.

>> No.9794938

I hope that you can appreciate how different that is. Someone who is adopted is not the same as a refugee.

Also, I hope you can appreciate how bad it looks for wealthy people to chant "open borders" when they know very well that none of those refugees will ever live near their gated upper-middle-class communities.

>> No.9794939

>I don't hate homosexuals, and I'm indifferent to them because they didn't choose to be gay. I'm fine with homos as long as they don't interfere with the lives of others.
Like gay parares, gay sex ed in schools, homosexuality promotion in the media, rampant STDs and pedophilia??

>> No.9794941


>> No.9794965

Hello lib shit, how is Tyrone dick?

>> No.9794972

Shit bait, psychology major

>> No.9794979

No, some people are just proud of their heritage. Who could've possibly led you to think otherwise?

>> No.9795000

This guy know what's up.

>> No.9795066

I was never forced to attend the gay parade.

>Gay sex ed in schools

If you're going to off sex-ed, you might as well help future homosexuals while you're at it. I went to school in a small town in Texas, and I met 5 homosexual kids.

>Homosexuality promotion in media

That's Jews.

>Rampant STD's

For gay people.


I'll agree that homosexuals DO like little boys, but the little boys that consent to their shit are usually the same thing that they are.

>> No.9795070

>That's Jews
Who do you think *owns* the jews? Hello.?

>> No.9795088

I'm not sure, please tell me

>> No.9795116

It seems to me that the study only talks about homosexuality, and not race.

If you notice most of the people who are against gays are highly religious, and can hardly be considered "right wing." With this in mind this doesn't mean "racists" are less intelligent, only homophobes, correct?

>> No.9795118


Does the study discuss any specific correlation or explanation as to why homophobes are less intelligence? or is just a simple coincidence branded as "Science?"

>> No.9795119
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>only brainlets give a fuck what other people do in the bedroom
no fucking shit

>> No.9795123

>I was never forced to attend the gay parade.
No, it's just out there for our kids to be subjected to.

>If you're going to off sex-ed, you might as well help future homosexuals while you're at it. I went to school in a small town in Texas, and I met 5 homosexual kids.
No, i'm just against teaching kids that gay sex is just an alternative choice, equivalent to heterosexual sex, when it's in fact a disorder.

>For gay people.
They spread to the hetero population as well since some of them are bisexual and it's a public health issue nevertheless

>I'll agree that homosexuals DO like little boys, but the little boys that consent to their shit are usually the same thing that they are.
You lost me there. Not only that's not true but expecting a child to be able give informed consent is downright degenerate. Not to mention that many of them turn out gay as a result of sexual molestation.

>> No.9795125

How does this mean homosexuality is good though? Are you aware gay people only make 3% of the population, but comprise 40% of Child molestations?

>> No.9795130

Aren't these the same people who says IQ tests are culturally biased and that there are several kinds of intelligence??

Also aren't these the same people who advocate for importing migrants from countries with extremely low average IQ?
Why would they want to bring into their countries these bigots, racists and homophobes?

>> No.9795136

are you actually implying that 40% of child molesters fuck adult males, or are you saying that you're gay if you want to fuck prepubescent boys?
If the latter, that's retarded, kids don't have secondary sexual characteristics at that age, boys are targeted because they're not put on a pedestal in society and are therefore easier to groom.

>> No.9795172
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>the little boys that consent to their shit are usually the same thing that they are.

Pic related

>> No.9795205

What I'm saying is 40% of children molested are molested by Homosexual adults.




>> No.9795281

It's only 7% of all homosexuals that are having sex with actual children (<13)

The rest (23%) are doing it with <16

They're not immoral people just because they don't live life in a Christian way.

>> No.9795288

I never said they're immoral because they're not Christian, wtf.

And how is <16 better?

>> No.9795301
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>They're not immoral people just because they are immoral

>> No.9795303

you mean cowards

>> No.9795304

Because you can tell by the time you're 10 whether or not you want a penis in your ass.

Hatred toward homosexuals is tied deeply into Christianity.

>> No.9795310

>further corroborating OP
When "taking a stance" entails the restriction of civil liberties, you had better be damn sure you're correct before you take action. This concept is the linchpin of our justice system and is simple common sense.
But I guess if you understood stuff like that, you'd be a bit more liberal.

>> No.9795334

The whole idea behind homosexualism is just lust, sex, objectification of partner, twisted idea of love in erotic sense. It's absolute degeneracy.
People hate it because it's destructive. Same as drugs and gambling addiction.

>> No.9795337 [DELETED] 
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fags are gay. libruls are cuks. the data speaks for itself.

>> No.9795438

Do you consider criminology to be a science?

>> No.9795441

>>If you don't like it you must be a bigot!
no one is asking you to like it
you are being asked to allow others their personal freedom to do what they like with a consentual partner

why is this so wrong to you? why do you hate freedom so much?

>> No.9795462

>Psychology isn't science

there are areas of psychology that are fine but it is a really easy field to game the publishing system and publish frankly ridiculous correlation studies with vaguely defined categories.

>> No.9795471

>But for some strange reason every time I bring it up people swear that research like IQ and psychometrics are excluded from this and still legit because "reasons".

It isn't some accident that people defend these it is because they replicate far better than other fields of psychology.

I plan on going into psychology (on the more biological side) and also hate the current state of the science.

>> No.9795636

Millions of kids are being exposed to this but apparently fags nice people and if you disagree you are a bigot.