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File: 62 KB, 587x222, matlab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9783295 No.9783295 [Reply] [Original]

I still have it on my computer from a couple years ago when we got a copy from our school. Is there anything I can do with this that will help me in my day to day life? I'm not creative enough to come up with anything, and I have somewhat low IQ.

BTW, is Matlab considered programming?

>> No.9783298

use python and use numpy and scikit learn and make some cool classification programs

>> No.9783301

I've never used it but as far as I know matlab is shit

>> No.9783304

>BTW, is Matlab considered programming?
you write scripts, then they do what you tell them to do.
what do you think?

>> No.9783305

>matlab is shit
no, you're shit.
about the only real argument people have against it is "muh proprietary software" which is dumb as fuck when every device in their machine is proprietary

>> No.9783306

Is learning Python harder than learning Matlab?

Why do you believe it is shit?

I don't really know what programming even is.

>> No.9783311

How dare you bring this image to my eyes I am having flashbacks of inadequacy and confusion.

>> No.9783319

it is definitly programming. MATLAB is nice for linear algebra and maybe some of the niche tool boxes it has (where you need to pay extra for). The issue with matlab is that it becomes a complete pile of shit for any more general programming since everything is an array and you dont have normal data structures

Python is easier and way more in demand and open source. It is better than matlab in every regard

>> No.9783326

>Is learning Python harder than learning Matlab?
The numpy library is pretty much a copy of MATLAB. But Python is a real programming language while MATLAB is an overgrown calculator.

>> No.9783340
File: 13 KB, 160x219, Its-free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just kidding...but the guy above is right about the "meh proprietary software" since sympy is a free library any folk can contribute in the project in that sense u can find nice things for any different branch of science and everything is free

>> No.9783345

except that people dont want to pay for matlab fees so you will go farther and be more valuable knowing python, also since python is more popular it means you have access to way more libraries and packages other brainboys created and distributed

>> No.9783354
File: 48 KB, 721x299, 1496793146271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9783362

Matlab looks like it's a lot better at graphically representing data than matplotlib in python. Is that true? Asking as someone who is a reasonably experienced python programmer who is deciding whether to plunge into matlab or go the numpy + matplotlib route.

>> No.9783377

>MATLAB is an overgrown calculator

how to spot someone who has no idea what they're talking about

>> No.9783435

Python is leagues better for graphical stuff. Also if you want to play with images in Matlab just importing a large library is a pain in the ass since everything is an array doing basic operations on strings (such as searching in directories) is a huge pain in the ass

>> No.9783456

Cool, I'm gonna go the scipy route instead

>> No.9783494

>comparing python to matlab
maybe octave is close

>> No.9783868

No, never saw it again in the real world. Just learn excel really well, or python like other anons said.

>> No.9783872


>> No.9783889

Speaking as someone who uses both python and matlab in mathematical research (numerical analysis), they both have their uses.

Matlab is much easier to get off the ground running, and has all sorts of useful things built into it. While on the other hand python is free, and is more flexible as a language. However, both suck if you want to do any problem that is actually computationally heavy since they are both scripting languages. Matlab still wins out in this case though because it has optimized subroutines written in fortran for it's built in functions (like its incredibly useful backslash solver).

>> No.9784053

Python, Matlab, matplotlib ... so how can any of this help OP in day to day life?

>> No.9784056

Why not just use Mathematica?

>> No.9784199

I dont really have an experience with mathematica, but matlab/python/C++ seem to be the industry standards (for my field, computational PDEs).

I believe matlab is more structured as a programming and mathematica is more like a calculator, but once again this is my limited experience talking.

>> No.9784213
File: 26 KB, 140x132, 1526741895291.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matlab is the biggest steaming pile of dogshit software I am required to use on a daily basis. The language is fucked, the libraries are fucked, the documentation is fucked. And to top it all off, you pay mathworks to shit down your throat and are begging for more every year.

>> No.9784233

Matlab is pretty good. I think its useful to be familiar with it, they use it everywhere in engineering as far as i know.