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9782873 No.9782873 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the FDA allow the sale of GMOs when it’s proven that their long-term health effects on humans have never been studied?

>> No.9783811

Because so far none of the shorter term human tests or animal testing have shown any issues with commercially approved GMO foods? And there are plenty of groups with an anti-GMO bias large enough to fund studies to prove they caused harm, like various European agricultural ministries. I am sure the French ag minister would love to prove to the international market how dangerous those American GMO foods are compared to non-GMO French food.

Overall, for a new technology GMOs have proven to be remarkably safe. Even stuff like solar panels have provably killed more people each year than GMO food crops.

>> No.9783820

>a gene that isn't harmful in a tomato
>take that gene, put it in a potato
I agree in that there are flwas with current transgenics but not with the transgenics it self

>> No.9785091

It's not about national food.
We don't want a corporation to own crops.
Our farmers are already killing themselves in droves and making them reliant on corps to grow their crops sounds simply insane to us.
GMOs are likely safe.
What is problematic here is what are the GMOs designed for? Resistance to herbicides/pesticides that are dangerous to ecosystems and humans. Like organophosphates.

>> No.9785117

Have you considered why we're interested in those qualities, anon? Do you understand how many more people we can feed by ensuring that crops aren't raped by insects and pests?

>> No.9785129
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Long term for us: 50 years
Long term for FDA: 2 years study

>> No.9785133
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>> No.9785237

>take spark plug out of one car
>put it in a second car
>live forever in mortal fear second car will explode because of the new spark plug

>> No.9785239

>Anti-GMO retards don't even realize the image they're using as propaganda is clearly a joke

>> No.9785243

>GMOs are bad because of pesticides
pesticide-tolerant GMOs are just one kind of GMO
We're basically giving plants superpowers

>> No.9785279
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>> No.9785303

What the hell is that supposed to prove you fucking retard?

>> No.9785307

by what possible mechanism could GMOs harm your health?

>> No.9785309

>it's more dangerous to be a logger than a police officer

>> No.9785316

Because transgenic DNA breaks off the macromolecules in the food and starts to catalytically destroy your genetic code and so cancer enzymes are produced and eventually it give you aids.
t.natural news journalist, PHD in biology

>> No.9785329

Considering we waste 1/3 or our production I don't see how these qualities would be of any interest to the common good.
Ultimately in France what causes the most lost crops is weather. Not insects who ultimately adapt and become resistant to pesticides.

>> No.9785341

What they do in Africa is Africa's problem.
Their arable lands are of bad quality and they need a fix to handle their population growth.
I believe Bill Gates works towards making GMOs for them.

>> No.9785370

Oh and we lost around 40% or the mondial arable lands due to overexploitation and pollution of earth by chemicals.
Here's what the CNRS(National Center of Scientific Research, gov funded) has to say on the matter:
On pollution by pesticides http://www.cnrs.fr/cw/dossiers/doseau/decouv/degradation/06_pollution.htm
On GMOs http://www.cnrs.fr/cw/dossiers/dosbiodiv/index.php?pid=decouv_chapC_p4_d1&zoom_id=zoom_d1_8

>> No.9785499

That's mostly what I'm concerned about. Most of the people I see who talk about GMOs as being entirely evil don't consider that third world countries could be immensely improved by GMO crops.

>> No.9785509

Maybe GMOs aren't right for the majority of food for France. Can't really say, and I wouldn't pretend to be an authority on what is best for your country. All I'm trying to suggest is that GMOs are an important technology that shouldn't be completely abandoned, because they can do a tremendous amount of good.

>> No.9785514
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>Because so far none of the shorter term human tests or animal testing have shown any issues with commercially approved GMO foods

>> No.9785520

Colour me surprised. Japan has banned GMO, although they do import it, they cannot use it in their crops because what happens when GMO crops fertilize non-GMO crops?????? THEY OVERTAKE THEM COMPLETELY
Unless you are monitoring cash crops 24/7, you would have no clue when normal crops have suddenly stopped being normal and start being GMO
Locking ourselves into a GMO future without understanding the full effects is dumb as shit, anons.

>> No.9785622

>when it’s proven that their long-term health effects on humans have never been studied?
>never been studied
U wot m8?

>> No.9785625

>GMO crops fertilize non-GMO
Lol do you mean pollinate?

>> No.9785638

That was a study done by an anti-GMO group that used a breed of rats intentionally created to get tumors (for researching cancer treatments).


>> No.9785645

>We don't want a corporation to own crops.
I'm not even going to comment, you should just read this again.
Maybe several times.

>> No.9785647

>Our farmers are already killing themselves in droves

>> No.9785649

>posts Seralini
>automatically loses the debate

>> No.9785651

>What they do in Africa is Africa's problem.

>> No.9785665

>Japan has banned GMO
False. Japan has regulations that have to be followed for growing GMO crops. No one is doing it commercially because the public is afraid of it, because of retards like you.

>what happens when GMO crops fertilize non-GMO crops?????? THEY OVERTAKE THEM COMPLETELY
Unless you are monitoring cash crops 24/7, you would have no clue when normal crops have suddenly stopped being normal and start being GMO

>> No.9785870

> Utility and plant patents have a patent term of 20 years from the initial filing, so GMO patents protect a marketed product for about 15 to 20 years after the time of product development (see Figure 1). For instance, Monsanto’s Roundup Ready basedbeans launched in 1996 (see this article), and US Patent Nos. 5,352,605 and RE39,247, the core patents underpinning the product, expired in 2011 and 2014, respectively. After a patent expires, the invention becomes public knowledge to which other companies, farmers, and other interested parties have free access.
By the time the patent falls in the public domain insects/weeds would have become immune to the effects of the pesticide/herbicide used in line with the GMO.
Suicide rates is the national highest for that kind of demographic (occupation).
You should go there.
While being illegal for consumption. We grow GMOs to study them.
We still import GMO based products.
The motive for GMOs in France is purely economical.

>> No.9785892

Before genetic tampering, organisms evolved over long periods of time in relation to one another.

I'm not saying GMOs kill people, but they did not change at the same scale in relation to humans, and there is a likelihood that they interact with our genetic mechanisms in a different manner than non-GMO foods. This hasn't been studied in depth, can't be studied in depth for a very long time, and we lack a lot of understanding of how genetics works across generations in a complete manner which means it's practically impossible at this moment to study those effects to any significant degree.

It also probably doesn't matter all that much... Since people die all the time anyways.

>> No.9786005

GMO crops cannot fertilize other crops.
They are made to be sterile so that customers have to refill at the producer once the harvest is done.

>> No.9786446

That's a sweeping generalization and is specific to GMOs of the time, not the entire technology.

>> No.9786568
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Most likely for the same reason that we fixate nitrogen with chemical fertilizer. It is out of necessity due to our large population and we just move forward without looking back or truly evaluating the risks.

"The Haber process, also called the Haber–Bosch process, is an artificial nitrogen fixation process and is the main industrial procedure for the production of ammonia today. Although the Haber process is mainly used to produce fertilizer today, during World War I it provided Germany with a source of ammonia for the production of explosives, compensating for the Allied trade blockade on Chilean saltpeter.

Due to its dramatic impact on the human ability to grow food, the Haber process served as the 'detonator of the population explosion', enabling the global population to increase from 1.6 billion in 1900 to today's 7 billion. Nearly 50% of the nitrogen found in human tissues originated from the Haber-Bosch process."

>> No.9788392

Why do you feel the need to lie about GMOs? Did GMOs fuck your girlfriend?