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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9782716 No.9782716 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of this man?

>> No.9782717
File: 468 KB, 968x1286, freud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does /sci/ think of this man?
We don't.

>> No.9782760


>> No.9782781

Jewish psychological warfare operative working to destroy the Christian family unit.

>> No.9783126

jew magicians are not sci related

>> No.9783133

Faggot jew that wanted to fuck his mom.
Jung will always be superior.

>> No.9783335


>> No.9783336

A bit of a dick desu

>> No.9783449
File: 104 KB, 800x800, 1527854302880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alex jones will always be superior

>> No.9783460

Why the freudphobia?

>> No.9783700
File: 40 KB, 331x132, 440E6693-92EE-4BFF-944B-20631D3DCAF9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because, anon, he is what we call a hack. Many of his claims have been dismissed by modern psychologists and while his psychosexual faggotry regarding kids wanting to fuck their parents is true to a certain, extent, there is no way most people, even the most depraved neckbeards will want to fuck their parents.

>> No.9783823

Why the phobiaphobia. Ugh phobia is the most overused suffix out there. No one ever calles me mushroomphobic. Why attach it to everything else people don't like?

>> No.9784605

>What does /sci/ think of this man?
Jury's out. Dunno yet.

>> No.9784610

Lots of bullshit but he had such an enormous impact on our general discourse and how we think about the mind that it’s worth studying him from a historical perspective.

>> No.9785172

i dont think of men lol

>> No.9785369

Most of his ideas hold very little substance

>> No.9785395

this is not a question to ask /sci/. psychology is already half pseudo-science as it is, while psychoanalysis is 100% pseudo-science. While some idiots will generally say that Freud just stole Schelling's idea of the unconscious, this is just a retarded criticism as they had both worked together on the idea and Schelling did not recognize the real importance of it as Freud also recognized these unconscious neurosis can be remedied by talk therapy. So the basic idea behind all of modern psychology and psychiatry can be credited to Freud. As this was new territory, and before Karl Popper's time, just like many others, he took many patently wrong directions but it's completely autistic to discredit him with "xD he did cocaine!!" he's a product of his times
>Jung will always be superior
found the jordan peterson fan

because they want to fuck their own moms

>plato was a hack because he thought everything was made of earth water wind and fire!11!!1!!11!1
please keep your mouth shut if you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.9785445

How is psychology pseudoscience? Honestly asking

>> No.9785446

>How is psychology pseudoscience?
Psychologists do not use the scientific method.

>> No.9785451

How can the scientific method be applied to a concept as abstract as consciousness

>> No.9785610
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>what is neuroscience
Yeah, sure, it doesn't study "consciousness" itself, but this is as close as we can get for now, there's no point in pretending otherwise

>> No.9785617

Stupid cunt who gave psychology a fame before its due time and a completely wrong idea of what it was. I'd go back in time and shoot him if I could.

>> No.9785628

So what you're saying is, we cant apply the scientific method to understanding conciousness?

>> No.9785633

Pseudoscientist at best, snake oil salesman at worst.

It is detrimental to modern psychology to continue to talk about him: he was a philosopher because his ideas were not testable, let alone falsifiable.

>> No.9785642

We have no idea what consciousness even is, we still don't have the constitutive blocks, like a good map of how our brains work, to tackle something like that. Someday we'll have them, but not today, understand? For now, we make do with best-case approximations like psychology and phenomenology, but later we'll probably phase them out entirely.

>> No.9785643

Not yet. Look, I was a big fan of psychology as a teen, but even cognitive psychology fails when trying to be objective. Even things like Moscovici's experiments can be seeing in different ways because we don't know shit. Watson was right, it's a black box and we are making shit up.

>> No.9785646

Then what makes neuroscience any better

>> No.9785648

That was the point I was trying to make to someone disregarding psychology as a pseudoscience.

>> No.9785659

pseudoscientist brainlet, and worst of all a jew

>> No.9785683
File: 55 KB, 825x299, quote-woe-to-you-my-princess-when-i-come-you-shall-see-who-is-the-stronger-a-gentle-little-girl-who-sigmund-freud-342869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably alright to party with.

>> No.9785708

he pathologized the human expierence.
when before it was mainly in the purvue of "spirituality"

>> No.9785718


I doubt we will. How do you test for qualia? How would we ever be able to verify something like that? With neuroscience you still run into the same problems as psychology in the end.

For instance, describe the color red to me, what does red look like? Now imagine testing for something like that, how would you do that?

>> No.9785733


>> No.9786177


>> No.9786296

When anyone says it's natural to wanna fuck your mom, you're sick

>> No.9787359

>there is no way most people, even the most depraved neckbeards will want to fuck their parents.
sure, thats why incest pornography is so unpopular

>> No.9787806
File: 5 KB, 281x180, cuttermebrother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually quite the expert.

>> No.9787809


take a read anon.

>> No.9787817


take a read

>> No.9787820

desu qualia is the least interesting part of our consciousness and is functionally redundant. its unnessecary to have some genuine notion of qualia.

>> No.9787861

>X is functionally redundant, so it doesn't exist

>> No.9787868

I do believe the term you are looking for is mycophobic.

>> No.9787878

did i say that?

>> No.9788013


>> No.9788040
File: 227 KB, 420x420, confusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting psychology on the science board

>> No.9788141

>Collective councious
Go back to /x/ plz.

>> No.9789426
File: 239 KB, 720x719, 1524890132824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

child molester

>> No.9789462

He's a fraud (lol get it?)

Jung is where it's at.

>> No.9789469
File: 150 KB, 865x559, adorno cultural marxism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the "Frankfurt School wants to end Western Culture" meme
Wonder how long /pol/yp's will go before they actually decide to read Adorno

>> No.9789860

>implying harem anime isn't art
fuck off kike

>> No.9789871

better than orgone theory, i guess

>> No.9790119

The collective conscious is merely a generalization, not some kind of cosmic control.
Our genetical similarities are part of it for example - our motivational system (instincts), development, etc

The basic difference is freuds belief that humans are born without any informations (instincts, etc) while jung believed in the existence of some informations that were meant to help us survive (fear of snakes/spiders for example)

>> No.9790122

Neither is dark matter, relativity theiry, evolution, ...

What's your point?

>> No.9790129

probably would enjoy rick and morty

>> No.9790701

hottest take ever

>> No.9790954

you faggots dont know much history do you?
he is a very jewey jew indeed. he claimed that jews were the best people to diagnose gentile european mental health, because they had a better understanding of degeneracy. so basically he set out to pathologise all of western society and to implant new ideas into is function.

>> No.9790965

pure genius anyone who denies his work is afraid of themselves

>> No.9791001

Hey, anyone who proposes a theory in which women are inferior to men is my friend. He was a genius. Modern psychologists are too cucked to propose any experiments that would show women are inferior. Sucks. I say we should burn all of modern psychology and use his work as a bible.