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9776504 No.9776504 [Reply] [Original]

What's happening to the body when you're like this?

>> No.9776510

It's pretty much dying.

>> No.9776517

getting the nutrients it needs

>> No.9776530

I think I heard somewhere that bizarrely enough, the people who get it this bad actually don't have diabetes

In fact, that's the mechanism that lets them get this huge: No diabetes preventing them from taking in nutrients

>> No.9776541

more... nutrients....

>> No.9776545


>> No.9776556

first, consider that the majority of "metabolism" is devoted to fluid balance. and excess food intake is one way to specifically generate metabolic disorders. so here, fluid is maintained in crazy places. further disruptions include metabolic skin disorders, again clearly in play. almost certainly she'll have high blood pressure and blood lipids, enlarging the heart and forming fatty deposits in blood processing organs, further disrupting normal metabolic function. she probably also shits like a hippo.

>> No.9776558

Imagine getting to a point where diabetes can be the healthier alternative

>> No.9776587

Are there some animals that has an anti-fat instinct?
Imagine if humans go too fat, and the body just stopped making you hungry.
You can survive on just body fat, if you get your essential nutrients pluss water.

>> No.9776623
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don't know. but that's exactly why so many humans are so fat now. we have very strong physiological responses to starvation. but we don't have well-defined responses to extreme sugar and fat abundance. an argument can be made that it's genetically much harder for some people to stop themselves from eating, because there's so much genetic variation in "not-starving" physiology. some people naturally have limits to what they are driven to eat, while others, not so much. so it's probably not a very important evolutionary development wherever scarcity would be common.

>> No.9776645

what is that in between her legs

>> No.9776652

how does she urinate or defecate effectively

>> No.9776659

Effectively? She doesn’t.

She does it very very ineffectively.

>> No.9776663

Her beer gut.

>> No.9776689


You need to still eat a balenced diet. You dont want your body taking things from just your body, because the process to create ATP does desperate shit to get your energy in starvation mode, and its not good for you.

Eat some carbs, fats, and sugars, always. You dont need much sugars though. Eat a lot of vegetables and stop drinking soda.

>> No.9776706

So if I wanted to throw her a bone what would be the best way of doing it?
Just sort of wedge myself up in there or give her some kind of tactical liposuction?
I'm relatively thin and have a 6 inch peepor btw.

>> No.9776731

you have 100 folds to choose from. eventually you'll figure out which one feels best.

>> No.9776766
File: 56 KB, 680x680, stares in american.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine all the crap that accumulates in these folds holy shit

>> No.9776775

You'd probably catch a horrible disease that would require amputation of your penis, even if you found the vagina.

>> No.9776807

>can't get any fatter
>tfw it might be because of diabetes

>> No.9776840

Fruit is underrated. Most contain more nutrients than most vegetables. Fructose=/=glucose, very different when effect when digested.

>> No.9776884


Fruit also has a lot of fiber, whitch makes you feel full.

>> No.9776919

The real question is: who keeps feeding that thing?
She can't be the one that is working and buying food for herself.

>> No.9776925

Fruits and vegetables are carbs too. But carbs that burn slow like them are better than carbs that burn fast, like bread.

Fruits also have a lot of sugar. Treat juice like its soda, even juice with pulp. Juice is no replacement for fruit. Its vitamin sugar water. But fruit is good in moderation.

Vegetables with moderate amounts of other stuff is the best diat. Fruit have a lot of fiber. Nuts are great as a snack.

>> No.9776934


>> No.9776936

Liver = foie gras

>> No.9776946

These people should be treated as a mentally ill person, locked up and starved until theyre skinny. She could probably make it two years off her fat stores before she hit a normal weight. Of course they would be given vitamins and salts to keep them in homeostasis, but other then that just water.

>> No.9776947

You are a fucking retard. Theres documented instances where morbidly obese people like her stopped eating all together to get thin again, and it worked with no ill effect. We're talking 382 consecutive days without a single scrap of food.

>> No.9776956


I dont belive it. If you dont get enough carbohydrates (meaning vegetables too) you need to get ATP from sort of chemical reaction. You need a balenced fucking diet. All food is sugars (including fruit and processed grains like bread), carbs, and fats (including non meat sources). You need moastly carbs, but it should be moastly vegetables, but some fats and sugars are needed for normal bio-chemistry. Going without one catagory causes your body to go into a backup mode meant for imergancies by chemical processes not meant for long term.

Meme diets dont work, just eat lots of vegetables.

>> No.9776958


Forgot protein. You dont really that much.

>> No.9776959

Not OP, but there is a reason why its called essential amino acids. Thats because your body isn't able to produce it. There would be a fuck ton of muscle wasting throughout a time frame that long. But your body will be able to get most of its energy from the adipose tissue since thats what its function is.
Wouldn't be surprised if her bone mineral density is shit.

>> No.9776961

Your body makes Acetyl-Coa from fatty acids via beta oxidation. Its slower than anaerobic metabolism, but considering someone that obese isn't active they woulnd't need to worry about that.

The liver is also able to produce ketone bodies from fatty acids for energy.

Someone that fat has enough fatty acids stored to handle anon. That is what adipose tissue is for lol

>> No.9776967

You would supplement things like B-12 with a pill, along with the salts your body needs, but other then that you can live off of fat alone.

This also isnt an "emergency mode" our bodies have evolved to handle long periods of fasting. It wont have an ill effect, other then you grovelling around like a little bitch because you're hungry.

>> No.9776971

An article for the unbeliever


>> No.9776975


Pills are a poor substitute for real foods. And feeling full is important to us or else we eat more.

>> No.9776976

The point of fasting is that you won't eat anything other than water.
By logic there are ill effects due to not taking in vitamins or minerals. By taking pills you are not fasting anymore. So yes, fasting has ill effects.

And actually your body's leptin levels adjust after the first few days. Hunger disappears after awhile.

>> No.9776977


>> No.9776978

so starving obese people is actually a good idea?

>> No.9776980

If it is done in the proper medical setting and providing essential vitamins and minerals it can be recommended.

Isn't something the lay person would just go out and do on their own.

>> No.9776981


If you want minerals leached from their bones.

>> No.9776983

It always amuses me when people who are clearly wrong are too prideful to admit their error. It highlights a fault in your personality, that is way more humiliating then losing an argument.

>> No.9776985

one side of the world is dying of starvation and the other side is dying of obesity

fucking unbelievable

>> No.9776987

I'm not even saying you are wrong lol
I'm agreeing with you on the fact you can live off of fat. I never said there was an emergency mode. But I am disagreeing with your idea of a fast.

>> No.9776989


>> No.9776994


Starving yourself is stupid when you can just eat your damn vegetables. Would you rather go with or without food in your stomach?

Food is not just about nutrients, its about being filling. It should digest slowly too or else you get hungry again. Breads digest fast, potatoes digest slow. Trying a pill and starvation would suck.

>> No.9776997


>> No.9777001

What else would you call it?

The first day sucks, second day sort of, after that you enter a mode where bouts of euphoria are not uncommon.

>> No.9777011


That's not normal.

>> No.9777038

survival of the fattest*

>> No.9777041

This is how humanity makes it through the next apocalypse.

These fat fucks havent realized it yet, but they are humanities last and best hope.

>> No.9777046
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>> No.9777047

They could find 469 obese people and only 25 normal weight people? Man this obesity thing must be worse than I thought.

>> No.9777092


Provide source for that outrageous claim or shut the fuck up.

Actually, just shut the fuck up, its obvious you are full of shit, and you most likely dressed up as Spiderman when you fucked your Grandmother on her death bead.

>> No.9777117
File: 68 KB, 884x800, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its obvious you are full of shit


Already posted sources you irredeemable faggot. Now shut the fuck up and think about how wrong you were.

>> No.9777191

what is life but one big circle of equal and opposites

>> No.9777513
File: 111 KB, 754x711, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly why is fruit better? Fruit and veggies, they both contain fructose and glucose. And sucrose which is fructose+glucose.
Fructose gets turned into 50% glucose and 15% glycogen. But I don't know if you prefer fructose or glucose. (I find that fructose can be better if you have diabetes).
Seems better to look at the individual fruit and veggie.

>> No.9777536

Ironically the body is starving, the reason people get so fat in the first place is because the fat cells take all the food in the bloodstream leaving none for the other cells.

>> No.9777544

It's acclimating to its american climate.

>> No.9777557

Since when has cold turkey rehab ever worked? The glaring issue is their family, they can't even move, how the fuck are they getting three metric tons of KFC every day?

>> No.9777563

fruit/veggies are filled with enzymes, coenzymes, all kinds of micronutrients, that can't even be listed. the nutritional value ends up being more important that the sugar ratios.

>> No.9777651


>> No.9777743

How the fuck do even people get that fat in the first place
It's really astounding, isn't it? I mean, after passing the 200 kg mark a sane person would think to maybe do something about it, but no, let's keep it going until we pass half a ton because why not?

>> No.9777761
File: 36 KB, 700x322, walle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck do even people get that fat in the first place
probably actually need the right kind of genes for it to be possible
>do something about it
probably they're in a situation where giving up on the idea is pretty easy. realistically, you could imagine circumstances where any person could fall into the same mindset

>> No.9777767

>get fat
>more depressed because fat
>eat more
>get fatter
>get more depressed
>eat more
Add on top of that their stomach must be expanded a crazy amount so they are probably constantly hungry.

t. Former binge eater, the more I ate the worse it got.

>> No.9777821

t. Current binge eater

It’s pretty much that
But I’m trying to stop

>> No.9777837

Why do I feel hungry all the time :(
I eat healthy too.
Feeling constant hunger is incredibly stressfull.

>> No.9777975
File: 39 KB, 592x444, 1507676280706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This planet is a fucking mess.

>> No.9777988

Short answer is be mentally ill, similar reasoning to how people end up smoking 50 cigs a day

>> No.9777989

Stomach expansion.

>> No.9777990


>> No.9778003

Also mentally ill.

>> No.9778178
File: 333 KB, 1744x1270, avsb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the same guy?
He says fruits are underrated, and then mentions fructose and glucose. Why? (Just curious, that's all)
>Most contain more nutrients than most vegetables.

But take a look at the carrot and broccoli. They beat; apples, pears and banans in therms of nutrition.

~1 kg of apples will give you the daily recommended amount of vitamin C,
compared to ~100 grams of broccoli will give you your daily amount of vitamin C.

(Not trying to argue or anything, just curios to what he ment exactly).

>> No.9778262

Her giant sack

>> No.9778268

>Why do I feel hungry all the time :(

Could be a genetics thing, could be a diet thing.

>I eat healthy too.

Give us an example of a typical day's food and liquid intake for you. Snacks count too, not just meals.

>> No.9778291

For my day to day diet, it's perfectly healthy. Fruits and veggies and lean proteins. I feel hunger, but typically it's a bearable hunger. It's only when I'm stressed out that my hunger becomes insatiable and I eat a lot of junk.

>> No.9778308

That is one monster FUPA (fatty upper pubic area).

>> No.9778355


Maybe add more fiber? Like chia seeds and flax-seeds.

>> No.9778884

oops sorry, not same guy.
my opinion is fruits and veggies are both good. basically, if it's raw the sugar mostly isn't important. though i guess you could create a worst possible situation, like eating bananas all day.

>> No.9779444

Carbs are a menance to the body when trying to lose weight. Trust me, eating bread isn't the best decision while doing diet. It is allowed up to 2 piece of bread(40-50 grams)
organs get bigger? especially the stomach, that's why they receive "gastroectomy", cuts half of the stomach.