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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9775757 No.9775757 [Reply] [Original]

That last panel

>Evolutards expect me to beleive this shit

>> No.9775772
File: 160 KB, 565x600, fuck off sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My expectations of what you are smart enough to understand may not be as expansive as your comment assumes.

>> No.9776171

So, when will you guys admit to the passing down of acquired characteristics? You can only fight science for so long before it eats you. Even if she is slow and fat, old miss science still gives head better than a shop-vac. Im talking at least 2000 microns hg. Hmu if you want her digits yo.

>> No.9776420 [DELETED] 

Lol what a moron

Protip: we metaLamarkism now and there's no conflict with Darwinism

>> No.9776425

Lol what a moron

Protip: we metaLamarckism now and there's no conflict with Darwinism

>> No.9776432

>every adaptation has to make 100% perfect sense

Learn how evolution works, retard

>> No.9776433

Hmm. Good point.

>> No.9776444

Except that, of course, Lamarckism based epigenetic methylation of genes is actually observed. But of course you knew this already, right?

>> No.9776446

[citation needed]

>> No.9776459


Knock yourself out, brainlet.

>> No.9776466
File: 62 KB, 1857x407, Evolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evolution was debunked on /pol/ a while ago. There are too many holes in the theory to consider it credible.

>> No.9776470

leave fuck

>> No.9776472
File: 1.87 MB, 444x250, STOP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being so insecure you start insulting people

>> No.9776474

That's metaLamarckism, you mong

>> No.9776475

Brainlet is an insult? I thought it had lost all meaning by this point?

>> No.9776481

>implying gills produce enough oxygen to support endothermic species
Go pick up a book sometime, the world will seem much clearer and devoid of most conspiracies.

>> No.9776491

Metanever reply to my posts ever again

>> No.9776500

Holy SHIT guys, evolution was debunked - on 4chan of all places! Why hasn't the scientific community, no, the entire world heard about this yet?? I mean, the entire scientific community has been putting evolution to the test for the past 150 years, millions of creationists and flat earthers have been trying to no avail to disprove it - it's not stretching it to say that this would be the most incredible find in the history of science. You do know that evolution is the single most robust theory in all of science right? There is more evidence confirming the theory of evolution than there is for other scientific theories like gravity, germ theory, relativity, heliocentricism, etc. So for all of science to be wrong about the theory that is independently confirmed by virtually every branch of science that has to do with life - genetics, molecular biology, embryology, paleontology, comparative anatomy, and more - well, that would be the greatest thing to happen to the field! Science only moves forward by disproving the incorrect notions. Science thrives on overturning old information. So back to my original question, why hasn't this news rocked the world? Where are the Nobel prizes that such a discovery would warrant? If there was anything at all to this ludicrous claim, what are they waiting for? Why aren't they spreading this incredible information around the world?

>> No.9776521

Evolution seems unlikely because you are unable to comprehend just how fucking long the timescales are that it works on. The Earth is old.

>> No.9776528

>Being this autistic

>> No.9776529

You're right
6000 years is a loooooong ass time

>> No.9776537

>6000 years
Oh no
Please tell us this really is just bait. You cannot POSSIBLY think the earth is 6000 years old. That's like saying you believe the United States is only 17 feet across. You must be trolling. If so, whatever, but holy shit this isnt funny anymore

>> No.9776539

Then learn what you're talking about before sperging out on the internet. Lamarckism has been debunked

>> No.9776550

>(((scientific community)))
Yeah, they're trustworthy. The same people who advise you to pump your sons full of estrogen if they start playing with Barbie dolls instead of toy soldiers. Listen to them, they have your best interests at heart.

>> No.9776565


>> No.9776569

I hope this is bait. If not we may have reached maximum autism.

>> No.9776622

Your caveman-like fear of science isn't a valid criticism of it. By the same token, your complete ignorance of evolution doesn't count as proof against it. Try again

>> No.9776727

Ceteceans are not the only air breathing marine vertebrates, there used to be oceans full of marine icthysaurs and mosasaurs that went extinct for some reason. I understand why land life died off from the KT event but the oceanic one boggles my mind.

>> No.9776756

There are also manatees and dugongs.

>> No.9776854

OH you replied again.


Epigenetic methylation is Lamarckism.

>> No.9776865
File: 733 KB, 1000x750, Dewgong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW dugong is a real thing.

>> No.9776880

I feel sad for you because many people such as myself only realized the illogic of evolution theory after studying it both in school and online extensively. Coming from absolutely no religious bias, it's simply a rejection of what has been presented as established fact, yet amounts to nothing more than numerous, flimsy proofs and evidences that are nothing more than organized deception and concealment of truth, which if popularized, would change the fundamental perception of all.

>> No.9776887

Maybe it's a metaphor for the age of Earth since the last cycle of destruction and renewal, which as hinted by popular history, is a thing which happens not so infrequently. Surely earth isn't literally a young creation, but eternal. Who knows, maybe the Bible was never meant to be taken literally? Would you also interpret books like 'Animal Farm' to be literal works?

>> No.9776904

This site is dead

>> No.9777150

>Evolution and Theory of Evolution are the same thing
Come on Anon

>> No.9777677

The whole of science is predicting things that tuened out to be wrong what is your point?

>> No.9777692

>Biology hard science
Ayyyy lmao

>> No.9777764

>what is intergenerational and transgeneration als heritability?

>> No.9778868
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>> No.9779025

>Evolution theory has some poorly understood parts but makes sense for the most of it
>reeeeeeee look at these tiny inconsistencies evolution btfo

>Religious book written by multiple different schizos and fanatics thousands of years ago
>Same people
>Absolutely incontravertable proof, god works in mysterious ways etc.....

>> No.9779033

Ah well clearly god is responsible then, case closed pack it up lads off to the pub.

>> No.9779219

>oldest living ancestor of all animals
>comb jellies

this slavic subhuman really has no idea what he's talking about, huh? Lysenkoism at it's finest.