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File: 183 KB, 647x829, 2005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9775295 No.9775295 [Reply] [Original]

Chinese provinces by I.Q.:

Inner Mongolia——105.1±13.8

>> No.9775318

I can't understand white supremacism when the Chinese beat them at their own standards

>> No.9775320

>white supremacism
There's no such thing. It's a myth created by black power, BLFs, terror groups and other extremists to discredit liberal governments and their allies.

>> No.9775321

The chinese government is famous for providing fake data about themselves.

>> No.9775327

I bet most people you call "white supremacists" aren't actually white supremacists

>> No.9775328

to be fair whites don't eat dog or walk by men curbstomping babies and kids hit by cars
This too

>> No.9775332

And according to one biz tale they almost out jew jews

>> No.9775334
File: 282 KB, 600x391, q4JK_f-maxage-0_f-thumbnail-100-0_s-600x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Tibetan government-in-exile maintains that Tibet is an independent state under unlawful occupation

>> No.9775335

I.Q. tests like Raven's and others get rescaled every now and then in order to have an average of 100 and they convert the z scores in order to have a standard normal distribution, so different versions and different language versions aren't really comparable because they get rescaled at different times and with different target populations, actually at the end of that paper the authors reccomend that the I.Q. test they used needs to be rescaled to 100 because they got an average of 103.4

>> No.9775338

Not surprisingly Hainan and Tibet were the only provinces that still had iodine deficiency by the time when the study was published

>> No.9775340

Im gonna marry my waifu from zhejiang

>> No.9775341

the study wasn't even carried by the Chinese goverment though

>> No.9775346


How can their IQ be different when they're the same race?

>> No.9775348

the provinces with high I.Q. have a lower proportion of African-Americans and the ones with low I.Q. have a lot of African-Americans.

>> No.9775352

Different levels of nutritional deficiencies, environmental toxins (like lead), and level of cheating on the tests.

>> No.9775361
File: 146 KB, 446x1406, PISA2015bySteveSailer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While northeastern Asians score a bit higher on IQ tests than whites, the best societies they produce aren't any wealthier or nicer than the best all-white societies. High IQ is necessary, but not by itself sufficient to produce a pleasant place to live.

>> No.9775362

I was told by an angry South chin that Hokkien speaking Chinese were the most retarded Chinese

>> No.9775365
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You know that both mainland China and Vietnam only uses a few major cities in their tests, and due to their Hukou/Hộ khẩu systems, only the wealthy/legally migrated ones are allowed to attend school. I mean, no way in hell Vietnam can surpass even European countries. I know the majority is far from bright

>> No.9775368

Are you denying /pol/ exists? How on over there, you'll see what supremacism is

>> No.9775371
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>> No.9775376

As you can see from the graph there isn't data for Mainland China, it explicitly says that it's only for Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Guangdong, and they don't use "a few major cities", the PISA target population is the same for all participating countries/economies (which is basically 15-year-olds enrolled in school)

>> No.9775377

>I know the majority is far from bright
again PISA is only representative for 15-year-olds enrolled in school, which for most countries would be around 1% of the population, of course if we were to test I don't know something like 40-year-olds instead of 15 we would get very different results, especially for countries like Vietnam, Korea or Singapore.

>> No.9775379

nigger, these are among the most developed provinces in China. Do you even know how the Hokou system works?

>Critics of PISA counter that in Shanghai and other Chinese cities, most children of migrant workers can only attend city schools up to the ninth grade, and must return to their parents' hometowns for high school due to hukou restrictions, thus skewing the composition of the city's high school students in favor of wealthier local families. A population chart of Shanghai reproduced in The New York Times shows a steep drop off in the number of 15-year-olds residing there.[36] According to Schleicher, 27% of Shanghai's 15-year-olds are excluded from its school system (and hence from testing). As a result, the percentage of Shanghai's 15-year-olds tested by PISA was 73%, lower than the 89% tested in the US.

>> No.9775383

/pol/ is a parody of itself. A conspiracy of conspiracy theories.

What kind of moron doesn't recognize this? The same kind of idiot that thinks /b/ is a hacking group in all likelihood.

>> No.9775388

I told you already, PISA from its inception was only made to give us information about 15-year-olds enrolled in school only, hokou is not really that relevant because that's not the reason why there's a relatively low proportion of 15-year-olds enrolled in school, the real reason is because China is still a middle-income country, for example the OECD member country most similar to China in terms of GDP per capita and life expectancy is Mexico, which also has a lower than average of teens in school.

>> No.9775390
File: 275 KB, 1841x1642, pisa-science-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see also pic related

>> No.9775395
File: 159 KB, 1024x576, pisa-excellence-and-equity-12-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and anyways I don't know why you guys are so concerned about only rich Chinese kids taking the PISA test and such, as I mentioned already their GDP per capita is similar to Mexico, if you are so worried about how the SES is affecting the comparability between countries you can take other metrics and compare students within the same strata and then compared them vis a vis other countries, as in pic related.

>> No.9775411

When the racism from /pol/ manifests itself in the real world (it does), it's no longer just trolling.

>> No.9775413

>Chinese Taipei
>not Taiwan
Into the trash that image goes

>> No.9775435


>> No.9775450
File: 127 KB, 785x757, 1502585110986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know how huge China is
Also you don't seems to understand what forms race

>> No.9775452
File: 14 KB, 476x539, 1502805986459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong image

>> No.9775455

Because /pol/ (in particular Americans) refuse to believe they are dumber

>> No.9775461

>that pic
France is such a rat's nest

>> No.9775471

China lies about their population all the time. For example

>The murder rate in China is around 10,000 per year according to official statistics, 25 per cent less than the rate in Australia per capita.

>Instead of 25 per cent less murder than Australia, Dr Bakken said the real figure was closer to 400 per cent more.


>> No.9775482
File: 223 KB, 1680x1538, PISA 2015 Response Rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmmmmm if we look closely at the PISA data it seems that other countries are the ones actually cheating

>> No.9775494
File: 60 KB, 724x860, ss (2018-05-30 at 02.05.34).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The commies are not to be trusted
But I'd trust those so called """academics""" even less who gets paid to promote political agendas

>> No.9775614

Racism and supremacism are not the same. A supremacist wants to rule over the races, while the racist simply believes a race is batter than another in a certain category. A racist can also be someone who simply prefers his own race to others. Nearly everyone is racist, but very few are supremacist. Slavery might be advocated by a supremacist, while segregation and forced emigration might be advocated by a racist.

>> No.9775615

>Slavery might be advocated by a supremacist, while segregation and forced emigration might be advocated by a racist.
Both of those are problematic.

>> No.9775633
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>Trusting Chinese data
>What is selection bias favoring select elite high schools while neglecting the rest of the student population
Come on anon, you're better than this.

>> No.9775751

>a third world shithole with some IQ tests putting it as low as sub 80 somehow have even their bottom percentile outperform European and East Asian countries
Try to figure out how this isn’t complete bullshit
>you can’t
It’s clear as a day that they have manipulated the results through skewed sampling

>> No.9775778

>trusting tests in a country with cheating occurring for even the most trivial bullshit.

>> No.9776418

>skewed sampling
the sampling and survey procesures aren't even carried out by the participating countries but by an independent contractor (which in the case of PISA 2015 was Westat)

>> No.9776419

wypipo btfo

>> No.9776435

So the first half have no statistically significant difference?

>> No.9776476

it's standard deviation not confidence interval

>> No.9776507

Being born white is problematic for liberals.

>> No.9776518

>black Americans score higher than Uruguay, a country that is over 88% white
What the fuck? Explain this please.

>> No.9776522


I don't think most consider themselves white supremacists

>> No.9776543

Uruguayans are niggers

>> No.9776553

just apply that to charliegooks

>> No.9776555

he can't. PISA scores are dogshit

>> No.9776561

>The Chinese produce statistics that put politically hated Tibet last.
Yeah, I'm sure this is legit.

>> No.9776568

iodine deficiency, that was actually also one of the purposes of the study, there have been a lot of national programs to raise the coverage of coverage of iodized salt, this is especially a problem in Xinjiang, Qinghai, Hainan and especially Tibet.

>> No.9776576

Genuinely interesting, ty.

>> No.9776577

>PISA scores are dogshit
Several countries have implemented longitudinal studies that follow the participants in the PISA study
as they matured. Some countries, such as Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany, and Uruguay
interviewed participants who took part in PISA 2000 or PISA 2003 after a number of years. Survey
instruments, attrition rates and length of follow-up differed across these countries. Other countries, such as
Switzerland, linked information contained in PISA to administrative information. Denmark, administered
the PIAAC questionnaire [PIAAC is the OECD Programme for the International Assessment of Adult
Competencies], and assessment instruments to a sample of students who had sat the original PISA 2000
study, and matched information available in administrative data sources, to identify some of the changes
individuals experienced during the 12 years that set PISA 2000 and PIAAC 2011/12 apart. Canada was the
only country that re-administered the PISA assessment to a sample of participants in the PISA 2000 study,
to identify achievement growth in reading performance as a function of the experiences participants had
encountered over the period.

>> No.9776581

Longitudinal follow-ups of participants in PISA have generally identified a strong association
between reading, mathematics and science skills at age 15 and outcomes such as school-to-work and
school-to-further education and training transitions. For example, the 2009 Canadian Youth in Transition
Survey followed students who were assessed by PISA in 2000. The study indicated that poorly performing
15-year-old students in PISA faced a disproportionately higher risk of not participating in post-secondary
education and of poor labour-market outcomes at age 19, and even more so at age 21 (OECD, 2012d).
A similar longitudinal survey in Switzerland, which followed the PISA 2000 cohort until 2010, showed
that students’ reading performance in PISA is strongly associated with the probability of completing upper
secondary education and transitioning into tertiary education (Scharenberg et al., 2014). Similarly PISA
longitudinal studies of participants in the PISA 2003 and PISA 2006 editions in Uruguay indicated a strong
relationship between performance in the PISA maths test and the probability that individuals completed
upper secondary education (Cardozo, 2009) or dropped out from school (Ríos González, 2014). Finally, a
study conducted in Denmark indicated that poor performing students in PISA 2000 were more likely to
have received income transfers for more than a year between the ages of 18 and 27 – meaning that they
were unemployed or ill for long periods (Rosdahl, 2014).

>> No.9776584

At the same time, longitudinal studies of PISA participants also revealed a large degree of
heterogeneity in life outcomes among individuals with similar PISA scores at age 15. Furthermore,
evidence from the Australian Longitudinal Study of Australian Youth (LSAY) suggested that many of
those who had poor maths scores in the PISA 2003 test were doing relatively well in terms of labour
market opportunities and happiness by the time they were 19 years old but also, and crucially, that lowachieving
students from a low socio-economic background had a lower likelihood of success than similar
students from more affluent homes (Thomson and Hillman, 2010). These findings suggest that the learning
opportunities individuals experience after the end of compulsory schooling can importantly determine
individuals’ outcomes and that these vary across individuals with a different socio-economic background.
Moreover, post-compulsory learning opportunities are likely to play an increasingly important role in
shaping individuals’ life chances. In the not so recent past, the age of 15 was very close to the age at which
young people completed their studies, even for those who decided to continue their education beyond the
compulsory minimum. However, over the last 20-30 years, OECD countries have experienced a major
expansion in educational participation and attainment (see Figure 1.1) resulting in an increase in the time
spent in education and training and a consequential delay in entering the full-time labour market. In many
countries today, at the age of 15, a student can expect to stay in education for another 5 to 10 years.

>> No.9776591
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>There's no such thing
But there is such a thing, anon.
The myth is that it's just a belief and not reality.

>> No.9776592
File: 126 KB, 700x400, cornerstone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The inferiority of the negro and the concept of cognitive stratification by races was very important in America and was state-sanctioned up until 1968. What we are seeing now is the last gasp of the boomers whose way of life was upended by liberals like Kennedy and Johnson.

>> No.9776606

Whatever feeds your patriotism anon.

>> No.9776630

The thing about IQ is that it doesn't measure creativity.
Chinese students are very studious, usually with a bit of helicopter parenting.
However, there isn't a lot of room to foster genuine interest or exploration.

>> No.9776780

>citing Unz
Back to your containment board

>> No.9776819

They are pretty interested in stuff and do exploration. Just that in places where that isn't really a thing or limited they are restricted. Similar to being in a corporate environment or a place where getting a government job is the absolute ideal like Portugal.

Compare Anglos in Kenya vs Indians, One is just resting on their laurels and the other actually owns shit and make dosh.

>> No.9776822

No they test the general popualtion.

Guys the reason they test Chinese cities/provinces is because those places are basically countries in their own right more or less.

>> No.9776826

>Slavery might be advocated by a supremacist, while segregation and forced emigration might be advocated by a racist.

Anon those two PLAY INTO EACH OTHER.

>> No.9776868

>it’s a Chinese fake their IQ data thread
even more tedious than normal IQ crap

>> No.9776888

That was a bit of a generalization on my part.
I've got a lot to learn about Asia.

>> No.9776892

Richard Lynn and friends have referenced that paper lol

>> No.9776895

It has nothing to do with nation.

>> No.9776935
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>> No.9777033

>white=high IQ
>me= high IQ
>me is not looser reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.9777096

If you go on /pol/ they talk about whites being "more creative" than asians, like they're playing some kind of rpg

>> No.9777239

How come PISA only did the test in Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Guangdong, which with exception of the latter, are among the highest scoring provinces by IQ? I’m sure they would have fought tooth and nail to sample in other cities right? Or maybe the politburo didn’t “permit” it?

>> No.9777250

Amerindians have more civilization potential than europeans though.

>> No.9777271

That's adorable.

>> No.9777277

yeah this a common line

>> No.9777301

It's a generally common racist stereotype about Chineses in the USA.

Even if you go to more liberal boards, you will hear stuff like that quite often.

>> No.9777463


Why are you surprised that an extremely stratified sub-population scores higher than a country. Despite the shit people give African Americans they are already more accomplished than 80% of their native continent of Africa (technically even more if you only include the modern "stock" of Africans) and other smaller countries outside Africa.

This isn't even anything out of the ordinary, we already know the Han Chinese and Ashkenazi Jews as demographics alone scores higher than most countries on this planet. It's logical the same would eventually happen with some specific branch of blacks.

>> No.9777520

Doing some research, you would notice how the Vietnamese almost got a "WE WUZ EMPERORS" complex, where they invent history to appear superior to China. This includes claiming Sa Huynh culture was the first culture in Asia to reach bronze age although that is wrong as the Asian bronze age originated in China and all the recovered artifacts of the Sa Huynh culture seem to imply that the bronze age technology was borrowed from those Chinese bronze age cultures
Evidence even suggests that Sa Huynh was actually a Malay culture later on becoming the Champa kingdom

Other things they claim/do:
>claiming they beat the mongols despite it was actually Champa that did most of the work
>taking pride in kicking out France
>taking pride in a huge phyrric victory against 20th century Chinese military, which is a world record holder in tactical incompetence, despite being utterly cucked by them for centuries in the past
>interpreting a 16th century epic as real history, claiming Vietnamese history started in 2500BC despite literally no evidence exists of a slightly advanced culture until the 1st century AD
>faking student performance to appear top-performers in ASEAN, despite having one of the lowest Secondary education attainments
>claiming that Vietnam had their own script before Chinese characters
>claiming Champa never existed and that Vietnam always encompassed from South China to Cambodia
>denies 80% of their culture is actually Chinese

Ironically, if you calculate the mean IQ of all the IQ tests out there of Thais, Filipinos and Vietnamese, Vietnamese comes out dumber than the 2 former

>> No.9777527
File: 145 KB, 1920x1080, 1526995414200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing they tested all 900 million rice farming, dog boiling, rhino horn snorting, shark fin gobbling, child curb stomping, insurance frauding, smog licking, malnourished communist that lives in that god forsaken shit hole and not just the ones that can afford to live in the big cities isn't it? I'm sure it's completely comparable to Western IQ tests which test even the most retarded bongs living in the outback and definitely isn't skewed in any way what so ever.

>> No.9777529

Have you ever lived with a Chinese man? You would know it too be true.

>> No.9777800

What? That creativity is some RPG stat?

>> No.9777811



>> No.9777868
File: 444 KB, 1417x1187, China.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they could survey a bit more places

>> No.9777879

>yeah let's ask the weeds that grow in the middle of the wasteland what their iq is

>> No.9778078

As my research advisor said, never trust India, and take a grain of salt with China.

>> No.9778082

imagine how beautiful the szechuan valley must have been before 100s of millions of people lived there. tragic

>> No.9778088

>Pattern finding is a white construct
Also a 103 IQ is technically tied with most European countries

>> No.9778098

>+- 13.0
>+- 16.0
You are literally a retard if you give any credit to these ridiculous numbers. You don´t expect an error of a standard deviation in both directions when testing for IQ.

Judging by the chinaman´s reliance of corporate espionage and outright theft and reverse-engineering of western technology, they surely don´t seem as intelligent as they proclaim to be.

>> No.9778104


If Chinese people are so smart, then why don't they rise up as one and slit the throats of the Chinese Communist Party?

>> No.9778107

>IQ has a standard deviation of 15
>standard deviation of results is around 15
Wow, how intelligent you are, high school grad

>> No.9778123

The +/- is the error, not the SD

>> No.9778143

>being this fucking retarded
The margin of error on IQ-tests cannot be one SD in both directions, you absolute mongrel. Were they inaccurate in such magnitude, they would be completely worthless.

PS. 96% of people place in the 70 to 130 range, which encompasses 4 SD:s (two in each direction from 100).

>> No.9778200

You don't know shit. Countries like China and Vietnam are piss poor, but they inherit the USSR educational system. Calculus, DE, Linear Algebra, Physics I+II, Inorganic and organic Chemistry are taught in HS to all students. Everybody know STEM, but nobody know social science

>> No.9778358

You're adorable, cutie.

See the problem with calling it an RPG stat is that you also have to acknowledge IQ as a statistical indicator.
We're talking about populations, not individuals.
I'm sure there are very creative Chinese people.
However, as a population I'd say the average Chinese person is less creative than the average Westerner.

>> No.9778364

Couldn't that be cultural?

>> No.9778370

I never claimed is wasn't.

>> No.9778372


>> No.9778511

It it was fake the highest would be the 120s.

>> No.9778550

They cherry pick from only four different provinces and they have at least two to three more provinces with around the same amount of people as the other ones they use

>> No.9778556

guy on 4chan

>> No.9778576

my friend lives in ningbo. I hope he's ok.

>> No.9778679

So why is the remnant of the country they borrowed their education from performing much worse?

>> No.9778799

Well the tests given were obiously not IQ tests. You can't have a 25 points difference between regions populated by the same race.

>> No.9779030
File: 12 KB, 792x612, Rank_order_countries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you know how huge China is
China is big.

>> No.9779056

iodine deficiency research is a big deal in China

>> No.9779064

I refuse to believe North China's numbers.

t. Cantonese

>> No.9779068

>Well the tests given were obiously not IQ tests
They used the second revision of the Chinese Combined Raven's Test (CRT-C2)

>> No.9779071


The stereotypical ass backwards region of China (Southwest), where the kiddies barely speak legible Mandarin are above average? They're absolutely shitting us. I cannot, I refuse to believe this numbers.

There's not even a renown university there. Absolute bullocks. The Yangtze / Chiang Jiang river delta is historically China's smartest region. Half the most prestigious universities are based there. It was the dumping ground for bureaucrats who did well on the civil service exams (because Beijing wasn't a fucking capital, nor anything before the Mongols).

>> No.9779081


It's China, these numbers are probably all gamed

would we really believe the Soviet Union if they had come out and said their average IQ is 115? lol

>> No.9779091

>What is selection bias favoring select elite high schools while neglecting the rest of the student population
They sampled children aged 8-10 years old. And they both tested children in urban and rural area of every city. The article mentioned very clearly in first 2 pages that they use probability proportional to size ('PPS') sampling method for every province, then every city (市), then every county (县), and then every district (区) of each city. And using Simple Random Sampling (SRS) method to choose random primary schools in every disrict/county, then in every school and finally then the children.

>> No.9779117

non statistician statisticians: the thread

>> No.9779123
File: 34 KB, 505x576, 1430267820399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm I wonder who could be behind this post.

>> No.9779127

>invariably get shitstomped every 200 years by a northern revolution like clockwork for 2000 years
>Supposedly more intelligent and cultured
>Finally come up with a solution of creating the whampoa military academy, the west point of China
>Get shitstomped in the north, now occupies the Madagascar of China

>> No.9779131

Li, Youhan & Wang, D & Su, X.-H & Zhang, S.-B & Yu, J. (2006). Surveillance on iodine deficiency disorders in China in 2005: An analysis of intelligence test. 25. 430-433.
Objective: To study children's intelligence after universal salt iodization (USI) had been implemented for 10 years in China. Methods: The children of 8 to 10 years were sampled by population proportion sampling method. The samples were divided into groups according to the province, age, sex, urine iodine. Intelligence quotient (IQ) values were measured by the combined Raven's Test in China (CRT-C2). Results: The mean IQ of children was 103.4, being 103.4 and 102.0 respectively for boys and girls after USI had been performed for 10 years in 32 provinces, children with IQ values less than or equal to 69 accounted for 4.4% of the population. Children with IQ lower than the average level distributed in the provinces where the USI was not well implemented. Children with adequate iodine contents had the highest IQ (103.8), and IQ decreased obviously when the children was iodine-deficient (98.7). There was no significant difference of averaged IQ between children with excessive and adequate iodine. Conclusions: Iodine deficiency significantly affects intelligence development of children aged 8 - 10 years old, indicating that it is correct and effective to implement the strategy of putting iodine into edible salt to control iodine deficiency disorders in non-iodine-excessive endemic areas in China; iodine excess has no obvious influence on intelligent development of the children aged 8 - 10 years in non-iodine-excessive areas; with the improvement of living quality, developing level of children's intelligence in our country is elevated in the recent decades, so it is necessary to revise the present IQ norm of CRT-C2.

>> No.9779152

According to Scopus the study has been referenced just once, and iactually it was done mainly to monitor the children urinary iodine and total goiter rate, if this is propaganda by the PRC they are not doing a good job.

>> No.9779164

Surveillance on iodine deficiency disorders in China in 2005: an analysis of intelligence test
Author(s): LI Ying, WANG Dong, SU Xiao-hui, ZHANG Shu-bin, YU Jun
Pages: 430-433
Year: 2006 Issue: 4
Keyword: 碘; 缺乏症; 智力; 儿童;
Abstract: 目的了解全民食盐加碘10年后8~10岁儿童智力水平.方法以省为单位采用人口比例概率抽样方法(PPS),按省份、年龄、性别和碘营养状况分组,用中国联合型瑞文测验(CRT-C2)方法测定儿童智商(IQ).结果全民食盐加碘10年后,32个省份的38 448名儿童中,IQ均值为103.4.其中男、女儿童IQ均值分别为103.4和102.0,IQ≤69者占4.4%.实施食盐加碘措施较差的省份,儿童IQ明显低于全国平均值.碘营养适宜时IQ均值最高(103.8),碘不足时儿童IQ均值降低(98.7),碘过量(103.2)与碘适宜比较儿童IQ值未见明显改变.结论碘不足明显影响了8~10岁儿童智力发展,在全国非高碘病区实施食盐加碘防治碘缺乏病策略是正确、有效的;非高碘地区碘过量没有明显影响8~10岁儿童智力发育;近10年来,随着生活水平的提高,全国儿童智力发育水平又有所增长,现有的IQ检测常模有必要再重新修订.

>> No.9779168

If you look at the best high schools and colleges in the former USSR, education remains strong, but the overall quality took a nosedive in the 1990s when the economy tanked and many good teachers (even college professors) had to hold a side job, or change careers. Right now, there's a significant generational gap among teachers. Also, law and economics are now as prestigious as sciences and mathematics.

>> No.9779180

China is a shithole too you know? Poor people in China and Vietnam has it much worse than poor people in developed countries. They may be good at studying, but not very smart

>> No.9779197
File: 39 KB, 666x384, edu_graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone is interested here's the correlation between PISA 2015 and GDP (PPP) per capita

>> No.9779308

Have you bothered to check out the average income and standards of living in eg. Shanghai? You’re in for a surprise, nigger

>> No.9779314

the OECD member country most similar to Shanghai in terms of income would be Chile or Turkey, and their income inequality is higher than the one in the United States.

>> No.9779389

>Have you bothered to check out the average income and standards of living in one of the richest place of China?
try harder, chink

>> No.9779548


>> No.9780433

>I cannot, I refuse to believe
of course you do

>> No.9780873


>> No.9781361


>> No.9781659

im a ethnonationalist, not an iq nationalist

also i like east asians, id be down for a northern alliance

>> No.9781663
File: 75 KB, 1280x853, 1520157760353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its pretty insane when you realize that niggers never manged to invent the wheel

>> No.9782618

white supremaciam is all about hating blacks

>> No.9782663

Shanghai’s average income is $16.000, which is way ahead of Turkey and Chile you dumbass

Yes, so why is the richest part in China, together with the other rich parts of China in the PISA test? I’m not a chink, don’t you see the context?

>> No.9782826

yes I'm sorry, in 2015 Shanghai had a GDP per capita similar to the Slovak Republic, Barbados or Uruguay, above of Chile and Turkey.

>> No.9783680

impressive results nonetheless

>> No.9784708


>> No.9784721

>tibet lowest
seems legit

>> No.9785774

No it isn't.

>> No.9785821

>chinese government statistics

>tibetan IQ inexplicably low

Yeah, looks super legit.

>> No.9785902

iodine deficiency, the Chinese and the Tibetans have been fighting it for years

>> No.9785952

"white supremacy" doesn't exist. Its a lie, a myth perpetuated by blacks. Thats why, when you hear "white supremacy", you always see a shitlib or a negro behind it. Blacks are an extremely insecure race, and they mistake people for seeing blacks as below other humans as "white supremacy". Nobody on this Earth are white supremacist. No white nationalist. Not Nazi Germany. Not the USSR. No one. Not even the most degenerate neo-nazi prison gangs.

What DOES exist, is "black inferiority", and there are many people who believe that, most notably, blacks themselves, which is why they are obsessed with racism, because they have an ego, but are too insecure about the truth.

>> No.9785964

Doesn’t count CPI, and that alot of low wage workers(that push the average wage down) in Shanghai didn’t attend any secondary school in Shanghai

>> No.9786738

Because achievements are more important than IQ, and the white race has made much more advances than the chinese.