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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 4 KB, 275x183, ufo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9774676 No.9774676 [Reply] [Original]

How exactly would a UFO be built and how would it work?

>> No.9774699

>how exactly would alien technology that is incomprehensible work?

Great question, op

>> No.9774702

If I told you, that would identify it.

<------ /x/

>> No.9774705

You assume a pretty exact identification of an unidentified object.

>How to build UFO
>1: Build any of the myriad otherwise unremarkable objects that people commonly fail to identify.
>2: Release into wild.
>3: Await slew of UFO reports.
>4: ?????

>> No.9774709

OP was talking about a flying saucer

>> No.9774710

Then he should say so.

UFOs are almost exclusively, or more likely entirely, not alien spaceships.

>> No.9774721

sure thing buster

>> No.9774728

The worst people on /sci/ are the idiots who pretend they're smart while playing word games. Everyone who isn't autistic knew what OP meant.

>> No.9774740

I'm asking for the science behind it, idiot. There's blueprints out there.

>> No.9775138

Words matter, and we should be happy someone points out our error.
As for the blueprints for a disk like flying ship try to search for Coanda effect.
I'm not sure a bigger model would scale easily, but it could work.

>> No.9775163

Dear lord you are brain-dead beyond repair

For the people that are retarded OP even attached a picture of a flying saucer

>> No.9775191

Ok, let me tell you why you're a retard. There is literally, Lit.er.ally one purpose of language, and that purpose is communication. The majority of us, understood exactly what OP meant. That means, the language used in the communication was acceptable. At least to those of us without autism.

>> No.9775201
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>how do I build an unidentified flying object
If you built it, it would be identified in your inventory.

>> No.9775218

they would require a real proper correct understanding of gravity (not that jew relativity meme) and how to control it

>> No.9775549
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What possible use do you have wih such information? Curiosity? I can point you in the right direction but convince me; why should I help you?

>> No.9775561

Fuck. Boipucci destroyer right here.


>> No.9775563


>> No.9775613


/sci/ mods don't like unconventional physics even though there is historical precedent that supports electrogravitics as a valid scientific phenomenon. I was banned earlier for explaining the hydrodynamics of luminiferous ether. Looks like Pilot Wave Theory and luminiferous ether are banned topics here. So, in the spirit of not getting banned again, I shall declare that I love sucking Einstein dick and relativity is awesome! Now that is out of the way:

Falcon Lake UFO:

T.T. Brown Electrogravity Vacuum Experiments

Is This What Quantum Mechanics Looks Like?

Zero Point: The story of Mark McCandlish - The Fluxliner

>> No.9776735

You got discord?

>> No.9776739

Because he's asking a science related question on a science board?

Settle down, you arrogant fuck

>> No.9776750

Yeah, a lot of /x/ stuff is not on topic here.

Such is life.

>> No.9776785

Build something that changes its appearance/behaviour every time someone ties a name to it.
But then the act of doing that counts as a type of behaviour, so it would have to stop doing this behaviour in order to remain unidentifiable... but then it would be identifiable as something because of its fixed behaviour/appearance.

Tl:dr you can't

>> No.9776896

>You got discord?
No sorry, I prefer to remain anon. We can continue privately on Tor if you'd like or just make a post on /x/.

>> No.9776898

Why not use IRC over Tor if you're that obsessed with remaining anonymous?

not that anon btw

>> No.9776903

I usually use a hubcap and a fishing line, it works pretty well because the fishing line is hard to see.

>> No.9776910

>not that anon btw

Just trolling the feds that have access to the 4chan cloud. Works of fiction, nothing to see here.

>> No.9776911

Use to have xmpp with OTR but not anymore. Not sure how we would use Tor anyway, plus it's not even 'private'.

>> No.9776913

>I'm asking for the science behind something that doesn't exist
you are the idiot

>> No.9776922

Hate to use an old saw, but... "If we knew how, we'd have them."

>I'm so oppressed.

>> No.9776924

That's not true, there's people out there who's made home made ufos. to a degree. theres a lot of evidnece out there too. majestic 12

>> No.9776939
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Antigravitics and zeropoint is old 1960's technology. Most of it is public information if you know where to look. Follow the trail of dead researchers.

>> No.9776964

>If we knew how, we'd have them

Ask yourself: What would the public do with an almost limitless source of electrical power and anti-gravitic flight capable of going a few thousand miles per hour? You have no idea how the real world works.

>> No.9776973

quantum mechanics ?

>> No.9776986

What would the public do if (insert magic here) exists?

Therefore (insert magic here) exists but is being hidden by the government.

>> No.9776995

peddling mainstream bs. stop bootlicking. the research is there.

go to 'advanced google search' type in variations of UFO searches and do it from site https://bibliotecapleyades.net/ and you will see all the info you need. but lemme guess its 'magic' right?

>> No.9777006

Google whatever you want and you will find all the "info" you need if you are gullible enough.

>> No.9777010

Of the hundreds of "UFO caught on tape" videos I've seen, none have been compelling. They're all extremely blurry, poorly shot hoaxes. I could maybe buy their shit quality if we were still living in 1995, but this is the age of auto-stabilization and everyone owning an iPhone - it's just not feasible for videos to be that poorly shot.

Let's not even get into the logistics of an extraterrestrial species coming to Earth. Even assuming they possessed the resources, what's their motivation? Fucking around in the sky so crackpots can rake in YouTube views?

>> No.9777017

>How would alien machines 1000s of years ahead of us work?
Idk magic because thats what it would look like to us.

>> No.9777029

Why not read what I recommended you? Instead you watch low quality ufo sightings on youtube.

>> No.9777042


Went to this site. Saw the word 'Pleiadians'. Immediate red flag.


>> No.9777170
File: 1.97 MB, 438x270, BOM BOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if they control our world and secretly programmed all our phones and cameras to filter out their flying saucers and nobody uploads them because they couldnt see it on the video.

>> No.9777187

It would have to be built by someone or something simultaneously unaware of it's construction and flight.

>> No.9777188
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Time to end this.


>> No.9777195

Could a robot build one? After all they aren't "aware" correct?

>> No.9777202
File: 1.91 MB, 340x250, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have you done?


>> No.9777218

>what does dark matter look like?

>> No.9777221

maybe you should watch the "UFO caught on tape" video released by the Pentagon, or read the report they made about it. i find your iphone comment very funny, you think you can capture even a good picture of the moon with an iphone camera? not even, much less so a little light in the sky.
not only that, but according to the report of the Nimitz UFO incident, the object could not be seen in regular light, only infrared. you would need a multi million dollar IR tracking system with incredible zoom capabilities, attached to an F/A-18, not "an iphone camera with auto-stabilization".



as for how their propulsion works, they can somehow manipulate gravity by creating a field around the aircraft. this allows them to maneuver in ways that would kill most humans because the occupants are not affected by G-forces (the craft is in its own gravitational frame). the field also allows the craft to move at supersonic speeds without creating sonic booms, because the air molecules are not disturbed. check out "Unconventional Flying Objects: A Scientific Analysis" by Paul R Hill, a former NASA scientist

>> No.9777229
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>> No.9777235
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So be it.

>> No.9777257

The world's smartest man Michio Kaku did a show on how flying saucers work

>> No.9777268
File: 9 KB, 240x240, 54790cc598d84_j_allen_hynek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's already enough evidence to prove there is a phenomenon. That's a fact no matter how much you dismiss it, and that goes for everyone else here. We know the government has had an invested interest in ufos since the 1950s, there's rare cases of mass witness sightings from around the world, and just last year, we finally have the former head of the department of defense (whose had more access to unreleased files) state that these do exist and have been known to disable our technologies at nuclear test sites. Now the only thing we need to get past is actually explaining what they are, and at this point they could be anything. The ET hypothesis and secret military aircraft are the only logical explanations we have so far. Do not ignore this as if it's some crackpot conspiracy bs when clearly this is a much more serious topic than you would think.

>> No.9777275

meant for >>9777010

>> No.9777282

Why do people think that iPhones can shoot something clearly for 30,000 feet? You are right anyway, pretty much all the modern UFO videos are hoaxes, this one isn't
>inb4 blurry
Well it's 1950
>inb4 planes
He sent it to the USAF for analysis, they said it wasn't one of theirs.

>> No.9777295

Analysis of a frame of another UFO movie shot in 1952
Aaaaaand the CIA refused to return the whole film.

>> No.9777298

If we agree that planet has a definition and that this definition excludes Pluto.
We as a society don't get to change the definition to accommodate you.
I'm not trying to attack your intelligence, I just want to agree that it was a fair correction.

>> No.9777304

This, being a science person I used to think UFOs were bullshit like Bigfoot or whatever but I read about it one day and was intrigued. It really annoys me that 99% of /sci/ skeptics have never actually read about the UFO phenomenon before decididng it's complete bullshit. That was me 5 years ago, it's called being ignorant.

>> No.9777309

You were being autistic, everyone knows UFO practically means flying saucer.

The military did build a giant coanda saucer but it flopped. I do think someone should try again with modern electronic control and lighter more powerful engines

>> No.9777319

well bigfoot is also real, but it's just a large primate in caves. ufo's are much more interesting.
bumping with turkey ufo incident, for people who say "all the videos are blurry"

>> No.9777349

Turkey UFO is fake as fuck. Not to sound racist but especially don't trust movies from the third world, they fake UFO movies on an industrial scale for money. Bigfoot can't be real, the purported population is too small to sustain itself. If it were large enough then they would have been easily found. The corresponding argument against UFOs is that space is too vast but there are a number of flaws with this 1) This is taken from the perspective of a human lifespan, ayys could live a thousand years for all we know, maybe they could be eternal robots or frozen on fusion powered generation ships, who knows? 2) FTL solutions to GR exist such as the Alcubierre drive

>> No.9777503

>Then he should say so.
Wow Anon.
Well all know OP is always a fag, and this thread is no exception.
But you out-fagged him.

>> No.9777505


>> No.9777833

> it's called being ignorant.

Under the conventional physics models, space is empty. Old 1960's flying saucer craft (CLASSIFIED) appear to violate the idea of empty space since they use electrogravitics (CLASSIFIED) and possibly neutron propulsion (CLASSIFIED). The power source is suspected to be zeropoint or fusion energy. Very similar to what we observe on the surface of the electric sun. The assumption that physics models are full and complete without any form of censorship is naive. There are many private and governmental interests that would like to keep things the same and they work closely with the education system. Ever see a weapons contractor poster in college? Whom do you think are building these advanced craft?

If OP is wise he would steer clear from this subject. Electrogravitics involves deadly high voltages for flight control and high electric charge for nullifying local gravity. Anti-gravity is accomplished with an array of flat multi-layered capacitors containing high charges (See Fluxliner video on Youtube). Mark McCandlish has some of the best technical descriptions you'll ever find. Certainly not a project for the amateur.

>> No.9777897

Even the Teller-Ulam design is more or less common knowledge, North Korea somehow found out about it so there is no way the US could keep antigravity tech from the Chinese and Russians. Electrogravitics was debunked way back in the 1950s, it's just ion wind. I believe in UFOs but I don't believe any of the conspiracies, the government knows and has nothing beyond a bit more radar and film proof than what the public has access to. But they don't have a fucking clue where they came from or how they got here so they keep quiet about it to avoid mass panic. Some of the triangles however are likely indeed US black craft https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora_(aircraft)

>> No.9777977

>t's just ion wind.
>Electrogravitics was debunked way back in the 1950s,

1940's-1960's is when everything related to anti-gravity and nuclear energy went black under the guise of national security. Also happens to be the period where people started witnessing unidentified flying craft. Coincidence?

Here is an interesting timeline to place things into perspective:

“I am now planning aerial machines devoid of sustaining planes, ailerons, propellers, and other external attachments, which will be capable of immense speeds” Nikola Tesla 1912

"I have worked out a dynamic theory of gravity in all details and hope to give this to the world very soon. It explains the causes of this force and the motions of heavenly bodies under its influence so satisfactorily that it will put an end to idle speculations and false conceptions, as that of curved space. According to the relativists, space has a tendency to curvature owing to an inherent property or presence of celestial bodies." - Nikola Tesla 1938

The first major UFO sightings ("Foo Fighters") occurred in 1941 close to the border with Germany.

Nikola Tesla Died in 1943 - His papers were seized and some remain classified today. Connections between german spies and Tesla exist.

Electrogravitics Research, TT Brown, 1958-1960

Eisenhower Speech, Science and National Security,11/7/1957 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9dbBWA5dmA

>> No.9777984

Stopped reading here

>> No.9778019

>related to anti-gravity and nuclear energy went black

Eisenhower Farewell Address - 'Military Industrial Complex' WARNING 1961

>> No.9778498 [DELETED] 

you can't just say "x is a hoax" with no argument. turkey is not third world lol. and the footage was verified to not be a hoax by the state of turkey. you can choose to ignore facts, but the footage was verified to not be CGI, it's footage of a real object.

>bigfoot can't be real
why not? this is just denial at this point not arguing. there could be tens of thousands of bigfoots in NA alone, it's not like there's 1 or 2 like most people think. it's totally possible that a large primate that doesn't like to be found has remained elusive to humans. you're underestimating how vast the forests are.

>> No.9778512


>> No.9778534

careful dude
i got banned last time i reported+saged a thread that was not /sci/ with the text "abusing sage feature and report system"

>> No.9778542

The main goal of a /sci/ mod is to reduce workload, so it's easier to ban reporters of malcontent than posters spamming malcontent

>> No.9778623


Why do relativists prefer to erase Nikola Tesla from history rather than face the possibility that they could be wrong? Einstein may have won the popularity contest but that does not give you the right to rewrite history or ignore inconvenient parts.

Scientific history is part of science.

>> No.9778629

desu ufology is more scientific than racial theories, at least there's some measurement with scientific instruments (radar) as opposed to some made up biased "test" (IQ)

>> No.9778637
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>Why do relativists

>prefer to erase Nikola Tesla from history
I'm sure it seems that way to you. He should be remembered as the inventor of the squirrel cage induction motor, and little else.
But his fanboys would consider this to be an insult to the "man who invented the modern world".

>> No.9778648
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>hur dur UFO hyuck hyuck

One of the greatest minds in human history claims to have plans for an electric flying craft. 26 years later he develops a theory of gravity. Only 3 years after, electric flying craft are observed by many people. Bro, do you even science?

>> No.9778659

>some made up biased "test" (IQ)
Ooh! ooh! I forgot that one.
I've been making a list of things some /sci/folk just don't believe in. Adding IQ, I get:
GR (see>>9778623 >Why do relativists prefer to erase Nikola Tesla from history)
human consciousness
the universe itself (simulation 'tards)
a heterosexual engineer
Am I missing anything?

>> No.9778672

Alien life anywhere in the universe.

>> No.9779045
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the turkey ufo footage was very heavily verified to not be CGI by the state of turkey, which is not a third world country and has a higher GDP than Iran. it's footage of a real object.
and your argument for "bigfoot can't be real" is that there are too few of them? i thought they weren't real. how do you know how many there are? there could be tens of thousands in North America alone. it has been found before, but of course you've already made up your mind that all these sightings are "hoaxes". i invite you to watch the classic patterson gimlin footage and confidently say that it's a hoax. no costume at the time would have the muscle movement, hair growth patterns, sheer size, or small details such as individual toes being visible on the bottom of the feet.

the quantity of aliens or bigfoots is really irrelevant to whether or not they are real. that's not a very scientific argument.

>> No.9779055

>One of the greatest minds in human history
>plans for an electric flying craft
>develops a theory of gravity
>electric flying craft are observed by many people.
Except that none of this is true.

Teslaposting belongs on >>>/x/

>> No.9779076

They're jets.

>He sent it to the USAF for analysis, they said it wasn't one of theirs.
Liar, the USAF said it was two F-94 jets that landed shortly after the footage was taken.

>> No.9779134

>. Only 3 years after, electric flying craft are observed by many people
Tesla dies in '43, the ufo phenomenon exploded in '47, that's 4 years.
See also: 1947 = the first year helicopters became commercially available.

>> No.9779233


First sighting of the electric flying craft was in 1941. Formally reported (and named by the U.S. 415th Night Fighter Squadron) 1944 and onwards. Witnesses often assumed that the foo fighters were secret weapons employed by the Germans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foo_fighter

>> No.9779488
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>> No.9781224

think about the relation between light and a telescope, now change light for gravity, you must construct a gravity lens-device.

>> No.9781231

Well if you mean UFO by tits literal definition, any alien spacecraft would be a UFO
