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977411 No.977411 [Reply] [Original]

Ask me questions.

I'm from the future, btw.

>> No.977414

Explain your time travel method pl0x

>> No.977424

inb4 how do i shot web

>> No.977427

I just come and go when I want.

Am not human either.

>> No.977433

Will cats remain popular as they are today on the intertubes?

>> No.977438

What year are you from?

>> No.977441

We ate all the cats in 4183. RIP CATS.

>> No.977444

how far into the past did you travel?

>> No.977450

I'm from the beginning and the end.

>> No.977453
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>> No.977464

Before I got here, I was in the year 53,006.

>> No.977466

so if you're just a particle how did you learn to type?

>> No.977462

is there a god/God?

>> No.977457

How does humanity eventually become destroyed?

>> No.977474

Probally the lack of kittens will drive middle-aged womans insane, and that will be the beggining of the end.

>> No.977476

Am sorry.
They don't. Amazing isn't it?
Define God.

>> No.977484

Does the world end in 2012?

>> No.977491

I am conscience of any action and can perform it.

>> No.977492

How do you cheaply create anti-matter

>> No.977503

Your world, yes.

Everyone else's world, no.

>> No.977506

>define god
An intelligent being that created the universe

>> No.977510

Stopped reading at cheaply.

If you want some, I can come into contact with you. Leave me some way to communicate with you.

>> No.977519

If you could and had to rape any one human female, which would it be?

>> No.977518

is it in a holding container?

>> No.977512



And don't pick a fucking bluechip, troll. I SAID PERCENTAGE GAINER, IT WILL BE A PENNY STOCK.

>> No.977513

Will religion die off as it should?

>> No.977521

Is there humans anywhere else then earth?

>> No.977523

No, but there is a creator for the humans.

>> No.977528

1.Who created humans?
2.How did the universe come about then?

>> No.977535

What species/thing are you then?

>> No.977536

I am not here to help you gain profit.


No. I'm afraid not.

Oprah. Just cause.

No. Not humans, other IL. Yes.

>> No.977542


>> No.977539

>No. I'm afraid not.
then forget it man

>> No.977543

1. One of the elder.
2. We do not know.

Nothing specific. I would be considered an elder. I am whatever I want to be.

>> No.977544

You said humanity does not die off, but you said the planet earth is destroyed. Explain yourself

>> No.977545


To both of you, I am deeply sorry.

>> No.977547

What is your limitations to answering questions? Do you only know large-scale events, or have the ability to refer exactly to information such as lottery numbers?

>> No.977548

>No. Not humans, other IL. Yes.
Whats IL?

>> No.977549

Please be Chuttulu

>> No.977551

See above posts. Not here for your gains. Only amusements.

>> No.977559

How advanced does humanity get? Do they ever reach your level?

>> No.977556

Intelligent life.
I am humored.

>> No.977557

How do we travel? Explain this.

As i do not wish to die, i would like to know how to maybe save myself?

>> No.977566

So do you take the intelligent and wise ones to another planet? Or do we colonize the moon or something?

>> No.977568

Did you come back in time to get some pornography before humans lose their physical bodies?

>> No.977570

Study physics and engineering.
No, I'm afraid humans aren't capable of my abilities.
They become quiet advanced. It's nice to see.

Imagine you have a private zoo and you influence your monkeys to learn and produce. It's much like the elder has done for you.

>> No.977572

Have you heard the good news of Jesus Christ?
He died for your sins.

>> No.977574

Can you come visit me? ill drop dox right now

>> No.977576

Russia... They.... The moon... :(
I have no interest in sexuality.

>> No.977580

stupid space liar, whats the point of being a being if you don't like getting freaky?

>> No.977584

I'll tell you what form to cum in if you want

>> No.977582


Dear future guy. Do we ever figure out FTL travel or communications?

>> No.977581

Why i canot into vagina?

>> No.977579

Can intelligence be defined objectively? If so using your future powers how smart am i?

>> No.977578

Jesus Christ was a con artist. The best actually.
Sure. I will not reveal what form I will come in though.

>> No.977590 [DELETED] 

818 north street, Jackson, New Jersey, United States of America, Earth

When you gonna be here?

>> No.977595

How can they survive on the moon without supplies from earth? Does earth blow up or just become inhabitable?

>> No.977596

Kind of sort of. You're average.

Imagine your life without urges. I enjoy the simplicity.

Give it time.

Of course, it's key.

>> No.977605

I will not tell you. You just have to realize I'm there.

No, Russia killed the moon. QQ

>> No.977610


If both that statement and "Earth go boom in 2012" is true, how close did we get, future-guy? There was a guy in Los Alamos who claimed he did it but idk what happened of it.

>> No.977617

So does the human race ever evolve, by either natural or artificial means, into some sort of hermaphroditic race of furries possessing a super cloaca?

>> No.977614

I did not ask you to give a lottery number, I asked if you were able to.I was not intending to ask for profit, as I am sure from reading your other responses you will not be compliant.

>> No.977613

How can you measure it objectively? If so how can i be average? I highly doubt that.

>> No.977611

How do i go about doing that?

>> No.977624

you possess humors? which ones blood, bile, phlegm, black-bile?

>> No.977625

You'll realize I'm there. Then you'll shit brix probably.

The Earth does not go boom. Idk where you got that from. It just got boring as shit. That and fucking big companies ruined life there.

>> No.977630

Did you get those pictures of Spiderman?

>> No.977631

I could prove you human but im too lazy.

>> No.977632

this thread is lacking, why didn't you create a paradox by being here and samefagging, useless op is useless. Also not travelling backwards through time at all.

Post "OP IS A FAGGOT" as the sixth post, or gtfo.

>> No.977636

If you can time travel, can you theoretically kill hitler?

>> No.977640

You're average, stop crying. Study more.

Of course I can.

You guys control your own evolution at this point. It's up to you.


>> No.977642

What happened to hitler? did he get away? Or does the russians actually have his remains?

>> No.977647

Yes. How do you know I'm not the one responsible already?

>> No.977652
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Okay, I must go.

I'll be lurking tomorrow.

Feel free to call upon me in your homes. I'll be there when you need.

Christ be with you.

>> No.977654

Hmm.. good point, did you ever disguise yourself as anyone from history?

Are you any famous people or something?

>> No.977658

>You're average, stop crying. Study more.
>Implying Knowledge=intelligence
>Not answering my question

lol aliens

>> No.977670
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What question/answer will be asked/answered 20 posts from this one?
Please try to answer before the post occurs.

>> No.977678

sigh, how terrible, shouldn't this have been posted on /b/?