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9771732 No.9771732 [Reply] [Original]

What is the universe?

>> No.9771735

It is immaterial. all in your head.

>> No.9771743

How did that happen?

>> No.9771750

It never happened. It was always there

>> No.9771753

t. brainlet

>> No.9771754


But if its all in my head that would imply an objectively existing mind, right?

>> No.9771764


>> No.9772304

Ur mom

>> No.9772310

so the universe is gay?

>> No.9772427

A network of micro and macro cosmic structures that is a structure in and of itself.

>> No.9772468

A cute!

>> No.9772469

a poo particle

>> No.9772626

It's all that is the case.

>> No.9772651

Turtles all the way down (and up)

>> No.9772661

God's house

>> No.9772679
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Look at this. You find yourself in just one layer of this. If you could zoom in on a quantum field like this, you could keep zooming in infinitely, eventually encountering layers very much resembling the one you find yourself in (i.e. other, infinitesimally small universes where life unfolds similarly to the way it unfolds in our plane of existence)

>> No.9772767

Given an infinite set of possible states, it's not surprising that this should be one of them. And that's "what" the universe "is"

>> No.9774116


>> No.9774127

it's big

>> No.9774206

I always think that the way of understanding the meaning of a certain term is hidden in it's etymology: 'unus' (latin: one/oneness) + 'versum'(latin: turned/converted)
if you look further into 'unus' and 'versum' you will see how both words have a double meaning for themselves.

'universum' describes an entity, a entity requires place to be defined in; but that it but the definition of 'unversum' implies that contains all matter. So it also has to contain the entity-space it is defined in. It's a paradoxon.

Kind of like in Men in Black it is a endless cycle of an universum contained in an universum contained in an...

If you doubt me I ask you the following question:

If you think I'm wrong it must mean you assume the possibility of multiple universes. If this were true and you had to define the sentence 'multiple universes' in a word, would you write it singular or plurar? meaning 'multiversum' or 'multiverses'/'multiversi'? It's a paradox again imo.

Maybe my latin is not precise enough but I doubt there are much people here that genuinely understand latin to be able to correct me.

>> No.9774217

but if in every "moment" in infinite possible states are given, does that not mean that infinite states are taken as well???

>> No.9774221

it means everything that exists
nothing can be outside the universe, so nothing couldve created it so it (something) always existed

>> No.9774226

What is a multiversum or multiverses then? Why can I even formulate such a word?

>> No.9774235

>What is not the universe?

>> No.9774242

the multiverse would be the new 'universe'
because uni=one so it's the entirety of everything

>> No.9774243

The detritus left by the tearing of three dimensional fabric outside of which is a strange concoction of elements and severe gravity.

The universe wasnt an explosion, it was a tear - like in nylon stretched too thin.

>> No.9774246

No, read Spinoza or the Upanishads. There is no 'you' there

>> No.9774775
File: 67 KB, 324x378, AlanWatts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Universe is the game of the self, which plays hide and seek forever and ever.

>> No.9775481
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This is the Universe

>> No.9775483

>What is the universe?
A miserable little pile of secrets

>> No.9776951
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 9BEE83B1-B00E-4182-877C-1FF359DEA9C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9777163


>> No.9777167


>> No.9777307

An atom in a larger structure