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9767146 No.9767146 [Reply] [Original]

Give it to me straight lads. Are cow farts going to destroy the ozone?

>> No.9767162
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Yes, unless you start funneling 15% of your yearly income to us

>> No.9767201
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An excellently nuanced troll post. Exquisite.

>> No.9767205

No, I'm really asking.

>> No.9767225

Still not convinced this isn't a nuanced troll, but oh well.

When cows digest grass, one of their stomachs produces methane. The cow kind of burps this up. Methane is a very potent greenhouse gas, so the enormous amount of cows that humans hold contribute to climate change. Ozone is not relevant here.

>> No.9767233

Don't really believe it, desu. I mean, we've always had cows. We used to have heards to buffalo everywhere.

>> No.9767251
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The world has never had this many cows (several magnitudes more than all the buffalo that ever were).

In fact, up until 300 years ago, the world never had even 1/10th this many land mammals. Our cats and dogs alone are estimated to collectively outweigh all the land dinosaurs at the peek of the Jurassic, and also outweigh all the wild land mammals alive today combined.

>> No.9767257

Yeah, I don't really buy it. You're going to have to prove to me that farts are a problem.

>> No.9767262

Confirmed troll. You started off good too, but now you're disappointing.

>> No.9767266

Methane is a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2 -- doesn't take nearly as much to make a difference.

>> No.9767269

No really. I don't get it.
So it's not a problem then? We've got loads of CO2.

>> No.9767270

Diet plays a factor as well as population(which is WAY up). Cornfed (modern) cows produce more methane.

It’s so easy to measure. Literally figure out how much methane a cow produces per day (a large amount) and multiply by the number of cattle (a large amount) and you will see they do contribute.

>> No.9767275

I'm not convinced methane is a problem.

>> No.9767276

End of the world scenario #635-b:
Someone invents an airborne CRISPR retrovirus that gives cows sapience and opposable thumbs:

>> No.9767327

I'm sorry you failed high school chemistry. It absorbs and emits radiant energy within the thermal infrared more than eight times as efficiently as CO2. (This is also what makes it useful.)

It is true, however, methane doesn't stay as long as CO2 (maybe ~12 years), but, it tends to combine in the atmosphere in nasty ways, some of which do that job even better, in addition to the heavier ones doing nasty toxic stuff when they come back down. Methane in the air, unlike CO2, has no upsides.

It's also true, despite the ludicrous number of them, our livestock and industry are still neck and neck, in terms of methane production.

I like my beef though... I suppose we wouldn't need so many cows if we had less people, but I like my life too.

>> No.9767339

Europeans and Asians are already having less kids. If we stopped propping up the third world, everything would probably work out.

>> No.9767358

Actually reducing child mortality is the most efficient way to reduce population growth.

>> No.9767363

Seems a stretch.

>> No.9767920
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>> No.9767951

Holy fucking nostalgia

>> No.9767957

Not if you know anything about demography.


The basic idea is that if you have a high survival rate for your offspring, there's no need to have a lot of them in order to offset it.

>> No.9768047

>Attach balloons to cow anus that collect methane and feces
>Take balloons off
>Suck methane out of balloons
>Sell to Elon Musk as green rocket fuel

Man farmers have an untapped market here. Not sure what to do with all those leftover shit filled balloons though....