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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9766736 No.9766736 [Reply] [Original]

>He didn't learn American math
Laughing my burger off desu senpai

>> No.9766741

what is supposed to be wrong with this picture

>> No.9766745

too many steps

>> No.9766750

Why not just subtract 10 and then subtract 2?

>> No.9766751

because that's an exaggerated practice example
I do that often in my mind when it's convenient

>> No.9766753
File: 9 KB, 500x460, math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9767701

Wtf is this shit? Fucking hell mate.

>> No.9767962

That's how I always calculate subtraction in my head

>> No.9767964

Because that's not how most people do it in their heads.

>> No.9767974


>> No.9767977

>soon americans won't be able to do arithmetic because it's too laborious
fitting for the mobility scooter demographic

>> No.9768018

I just subtract 10 and 2 in my head though...

>> No.9768022

It is

>> No.9768051

what the fuck is this shit
you're fucked mate

>> No.9768119

how else are you supposed to do it?

>> No.9768206

Yeah, in my head I just subtract 12.

>> No.9768778

trying to teach intuition is not possible. you have to figure out this:
by pratice, not by being told

>> No.9768786

This is common core and it is very dumb. The way they teach multiplication now is bizarre.

>> No.9770380

And what, pray tell, are your qualifications?

>> No.9770421

>The """"""""""New"""""""""" way
>Literally how the ancient egyptians did arithmetic 5 billion years ago
The absolute state of american math

>> No.9770679

It's ok as a crutch for retards.
The part that pisses every one off
is when you are punished when you solve the problem in a normal, non-retard way.

>> No.9770707

i just visually superimpose the smaller number over the bigger number in my mind and then make the numbers collapse into the answer, a single step.

>> No.9770778

>The part that pisses every one off is when you are punished when you solve the problem in a normal, non-retard way.
If the goal is to teach a variety of methods, then of course students are going to be required to do it the ways they're told.

>> No.9770799

Why does there need to be a variety of methods.

Thats like teaching a class on how to build a wheel, then dedicating a significant portion to building triangular and square wheels and if you dont build these retarded nonworking wheels then you get an F. This shit isn't benefitting anyone. Just show them how to build a normal round circular wheel. For all the time they spend teaching intentionally shitty ways to accomplish a task, it is ultimately less time spent learning even more tasks. By the time they should be understanding algebra, they're still learning goofy nigger bizzarro addition and subtraction and haven't even gotten to learning multiplication tables.
This doesn't teach students anything about logic and its just robbing them of a standard base-line education.

>> No.9770803

I don't think that people do the thing op posted either then

>> No.9770825
File: 41 KB, 895x800, 1443021356001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What on earth is going on in that picture?

>> No.9770837


Left to right is more intuitive than that shit.

>> No.9770899

>Why does there need to be a variety of methods.
Because the goal is to teach understanding, not a particular method of calculation.

>Thats like teaching a class on how to build a wheel, then dedicating a significant portion to building triangular and square wheels and if you dont build these retarded nonworking wheels then you get an F. Just show them how to build a normal round circular wheel.
If I wanted to teach people WHY wheels work, then having them model/build "wheels" with diffreent numbers of faces and study the impact on how they roll seems like a reasonable approach. If some student skipped to the end with a round wheel, and then could only justify that with "but it works" I'd definitly failt them. The goal was to understand wheels, not to draw a cicle. The goal of OP's image is to understand subtraction, not to perform a calculation.

>By the time they should be understanding algebra, they're still learning goofy nigger bizzarro addition and subtraction and haven't even gotten to learning multiplication tables.
How are they going to understand algebra if they don't understand what addition and subtraction is? At that point you could only teach it if you keep teaching "the right way to get to the answer", and that path leads to an entire school of students who theoretically understand calculus, but have no idea what they're actually doing. Unless your only goal is to have students score well on carefully selected tests, rote learning without understanding is a disaster.

>This doesn't teach students anything about logic
Yes it does. That's the whole point.

>> No.9770904

Synthetic and long division are both useful. Linear algebra for systems of equations is also cool.

But 90% of math between arithmetic and calc 2 is intentionally being forced to use the retard way.

>> No.9770915

Being forced to follow an arbitrary and obtuse method with a large number of steps doesn't train anything but memorization. And it is exactly the kind of memorization that the human brain is least capable of retaining. This kind of instruction runs counter to the immutable features of human cognition.

>> No.9770919

The logic of the steps is one-handed arithmetic. It isn't purely arbitrary. Would I ever do it? Well, I refused to even show my work even in first grade, so no, I would never do it.

>> No.9770949

It would be better to memorize the best method for each type of math. Even memorizing multiplication tables is better than wasting time and brainpower on a depreciated method that they will never use again. Memorize things worth remembering. Children cannot appreciate the history of math and you are stunting their progress on these side pursuits. Let college math teach math history.

>> No.9771006

>Being forced to follow an arbitrary and obtuse method with a large number of steps doesn't train anything but memorization.
JUST forcing students to follow arbitrary methods teaches nothing, but the goal is to use the methods to teach an understanding of the underlying concepts.

>And it is exactly the kind of memorization that the human brain is least capable of retaining. This kind of instruction runs counter to the immutable features of human cognition.
The goal isn't the memorisation of the methods, it's an understanding of why the methods work.

>It would be better to memorize the best method for each type of math
The best method is "get a computer to do it for you". What's important is the students can understand how and why different methods will work.

>Children cannot appreciate the history of math and you are stunting their progress on these side pursuits.
This isn't teaching history, it's teaching concepts.

>> No.9771064

You are delaying the student's competency by wasting time on uselessness. Let them learn the concepts of the normal method.

>> No.9771067

Youre probably right. Most people are literally automatons, and half of them think theyre sentient

>> No.9771249

>You are delaying the student's competency by wasting time on uselessness.
Understanding the subject isn't useless. What's useless is memorizing a method without any understanding of why it works - a calculator can do that.

>> No.9771447

found the retard

>> No.9771669

What is this fundamental deeper understanding of basic fucking arithmetic that everyone else throughout the history of man hasn't already understood defacto, that common core is supposedly teaching?
Catch your fucking tongue. People graduating public highschool in america know next to nothing and can barely even perform arithmetic in their heads. I didn't apply myself in HS math and ended up with the standard education, and I along with most of my peers can at least do everything we did learn silently in our minds efficiently and quickly, much like most anybody who ever had a non-retarded math education since ancient rome. 10 years later, graduates essentially have to use the calculators in their phones for just double digit addition.

The idea that superflous autistic ways of performing BASIC arithmatic need to be taught is hindering kids, not helping them; and the idea that a variety of different ways might trigger math acceptance in a student who fucks up the normal way is nothing but a fucking theory. You just have to accept that most kids and most people dislike math because, kids especially, they don't get the opportunity to rationalize how important it is in daily life. It doesn't matter what form of math it is, it's still just math, and frustrating them to tears by forcing them to memorize a variety of different trivial methods in common core makes children hate math even more. You cannot convince me it isn't a communist plot to rob the future of Americans.
Face it, common core math is bullshit. It doesn't teach creativity or ingenuity. It actually, in real life, doesn't. If you want kids to get interested in math, you show them how important it is in making videogames. Kids love videogames. You show them how important it is in computer graphics like their favorite disney films. That if they're already deciding they'd one day like to make 3D cartoons and games of their own, to hammer in that they're going to need math to do it.
Carrot on a Stick.

>> No.9771685

You are getting neither understanding nor competency because you're wasting time on doing the common core method of useless extra steps.

>> No.9771688
File: 12 KB, 411x269, 22491852_1488818097864145_3859732781249307422_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American math
i'm american and what the fuck is this?

>> No.9771690

What they started teaching everyone after you graduated.

>> No.9771704

Because niggers cant understand the normal method, thats all there is to it.

>> No.9771755

you start with the lower value and work your way up by adding easy stuff until you get to the bigger value. basically instead of doing a-b=? you are doing b+(?+?+?)=a.

>> No.9771825
File: 27 KB, 361x416, 1511848397337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats so hard about vertical alignment and learning to carry.

>> No.9772167

Brainlet here

Since I actually learned how the positional decimal system works, mental math became 100 times easier.Maybe schools could cool down with the abstractions and give a chance for the kids to understand the backbones.

>> No.9772246


>> No.9772257

>never learning the Flash Anzan Method.

>> No.9772277

it's stupider than that. you're supposed to "make 5s" then sum only what you added to do so.

i'd like to see someone who teaches this method figure out subtraction in any base besides 10.

>> No.9772369

>i'd like to see someone who teaches this method figure out subtraction in any base besides 10.
It would work fine in any non-prime base.

>> No.9773332

If the goal was to teach understanding they would axe this dogshit and the current curriculum and teach basic number theory.