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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9766023 No.9766023 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>yesterday morning advisor tells me he needs me to finish some plots for my analysis because they're due by tonight, because of some stupid deadline for some retarded conference
>first time i heard about this deadline, fine
>stay in the office until 4:30 am struggling with ROOT graphics, get them done, fine
>can't sleep
>thinking about how my living arrangements are fucked
>thought i'd get my degree for may graduation, but no -- advisor told me a month and a half before that i need to stay on until december
>even though i've finished all the real research and basically written the whole thing up
>the lease on my apartment expires june 1st
>can't find a lease for june-december; landlords don't want to sign a lease for 7 months
>only places that will sign a "short term lease" are expensive corporate places that demand me to prove my income is 3x the rent
>definitely don't make enough money, on my grad student paycheck, to afford that shit
>have to meet with the landlord tomorrow "before 4"
>have to pick up my girlfriend at the airport at noon
>have to meet with a student at 3 to discuss batch cluster submission
>will be homeless in a week if i can't find a place
>seriously regretting not getting a real job years ago at this point


>> No.9766041

don't give up bud, it gets better
last year of PhD is probably the worst, find someone subletting on craigslist or something and keep/start looking for postdocs/jobs for when you're done

>> No.9766060

Don't worry, at least you'll be way more marketable one you have your
Oh, sorry.

>> No.9766914

>omg my life is so bad
>btw, I have a gf XD
Fuck off

>> No.9766938

you can always find someone having it worse, anon.
some starving kid in africa doesn't diminish your own problems

>> No.9766983

Have your girlfriend help you foot the bill. Uh or just rent out a room in someone’s house. You’ll look back on this time with nostalgia in a few years as you lived the dream of the struggling academic.

>> No.9766985

>what are containment plans
>what is not being a brainlet

>> No.9766986

In my experience it’s easy to find a cheap place to rent in a college town if you’re obviously not a retard party bro who will make a lot of noise and wreck the place. Tell them you’re a math PhD student.

>> No.9766990

/r9k/ go away

>> No.9767020

Sign year long lease and real with it later by:
1. Looking for job in the area and staying.
2. Getting job elsewhere or distant postdoc and sublease to another person.
3. Break lease early and pay the rest or negotiate a deal with landlord later, which you would better be able to offord due to higher pay (even if just post doc).

Best situation to sublease if you can later.

Overall sounds like you need to have better communication with your advisor and check in more often or ask explicitly. Talk to your advisor, maybe you can stat on during the spring semester while you're looking for work. If you find a job in industry and have to start before end of spring semester, can maybe go do that and just come back physically for defense.

>> No.9767031

>landlords don't want to sign a lease for 7 months
that's fucking retarded
it's not as if you're just some random dude coming to live there for 7 months and gtfo, you just want to extend your lease; why do they have a problem with it

>> No.9767108
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>is ''''smart"""" enough to get Masters
>Too dumb to figure out which bundle of sticks he can sleep under

The absolute state of """""'academics”""""

>> No.9767116
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You /sci/ nerds sure are dumb.

They want to lock OP into a longer lease so they can make more fucking money. There are also tax and insurance reasons for certain lease lengths. The real question is why OP can't use science to build his own house.

>> No.9767122

Because slumlord kulaks are greedy as fuck and think they are top shit for owning multiple properties. They also extort the fuck out of college students, they are literally ranked somewhere between cockroaches and the white stuff that accumulates at the corners of your mouth when you are hungry.

>> No.9767431

Rent storage for your crap or sell it. Sleep in car and shower at a gym.

>> No.9767474


I've had living situations where I would have preferred to just sleep in my car and hang out at the library during the day.

>> No.9767827

>corners of your mouth when you are hungry