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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9765466 No.9765466 [Reply] [Original]

why do i get so upset when i perceive someone to be smarter than me? like, autistically livid to the point i stalk the person to gather evidence of him being dumber than me. am i okay? anyone else feel this way?

>> No.9765494

U are brainlet XD

>> No.9765510

you are insecure. It is prevalent in math majors

>> No.9765517

t. the average /sci/ poster

>> No.9765522

It can be worse.
>Tfw no smarter guy around in 3rd world small towns

>> No.9765604

you can't do anything about it man, some people are just smarter than others, your responsibility is to utilize your own intelligence to its maximum to contribute to scientific research

>> No.9765609

this explains a lot actually

>> No.9765613

You're a dumb motherfucker

>> No.9765617

fuck you

>> No.9765620

I like people that seem smart to me

>> No.9765671

>being such a brainlet that there are people smarter than you

>> No.9765687

All insecurities are born from realities.

Would a chink flinch if you called it a nigger?

Why do you recoil when you realize most people are smarter than you?

Read a book nigger.

>> No.9765689

Give us an example of this behavior. I want to know your despondence. I Want to hate you

>> No.9765702

Being the smartest guy in the room is your identity, and you can't handle when it's challenged. You need to accomplish things in your life outside of academia and build up your self esteem. You won't always be the smartest guy around, and there will always be people smarter than you. That's just life, don't obsess over it.

>> No.9765720

Gotta accept that you are never the smartest person in the room. Everyone will have stuff that they will know more about than you. The sooner you accept it the sooner you can learn. If you can't accept your own limitations then you will never be able to grow beyond them.

>> No.9765729


>> No.9765778

>Why do you recoil when you realize most people are smarter than you?
they aren't, brainlet
my iq is in the 140s

>> No.9765813

You have to be literally retarded for most people to be smarter than you. Most of your colleagues can be smarter than you if you're in a demanding field, or most of your social circle, but most people in general are brainlets.

>> No.9765815

After a certain threshold it's about interest and work. Do you work for 12 hours a day? Then you're wasting your life. Probably why you feel insecure.

>> No.9765852

1. That's a damn lie as you need to be slightly less then average for most people to be smarter and retarded is in the bottom 30%
2. Everyone is good at some things, being smart isn't just having good recall or processing speed. It's about having specialized knowledge of an area with the ability to apply it consistently and correctly in said area. For example you are better then your bus driver at calculus, but if you were behind the wheel you would be much more likely to crash.

Everyone is smarter in different areas, we aren't gods and accepting we aren't the best at everything is the first step to being able to work efficiently with a group to make great discoveries. We stand on the shoulders of giants.

>> No.9765853


>> No.9765865

>Everyone is good at some things
>Everyone is smarter in different areas

This isn't true, we tell it to kids to stop the dumb and fat ones from feeling bad but you're meant to figure it out when you're a big boy.

I used to be the smartest boi in my high school and then I went to do physics at a top uni and now I feel like a retard 85% of the time. Best I can strive for here is slightly above average.

I don't know if this is good or bad for my self-esteem. I'm starting to think I might undervalue myself quite a bit compared to most people since I've mostly been compared to the top few autists for years.

The lesson to take away from this is that even if I was as smart as the top dudes here, I'd just feel bad about not being on par with whatever revolutionary nerds there are. So, while it's worthwhile to try and be as good as you can be, it isn't a good idea to think that crossing the next hurdle will finally make you happy. You do have to make peace with where you are now.

>> No.9767008
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Not OP, but I know. I understand some just have better genes, and I understand that trying to prove myself smarter then someone who will always be more intelligent is futile. However, I can't stop comparing, I can't stop myself from getting massive ego boosts every time i 1 up a seemingly smarter person, even though I know that it's effecting my preformance negatively. How do I stop this? it sounds retarded but how do I accept my given intelligence?

>> No.9767051

this should only encourage you to learn more

it happened to me during the last two courses, in the end I ended up getting higher grades, but I still admire the guy

if the opposite occurs then it should encourage you to teach

a hottie studybuddy of mine was always comparing grades, but I went out of my way to teach her shit I understood and she didn't

you should strive for everybody to be smart

>> No.9767351
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Actual good advice. Nice.

>> No.9767354 [DELETED] 

cause you have low self esteem

>> No.9767361

why dont you ask a therapist instead of retarded assholes on 4chan

>> No.9767450

Don't try to feel smarter and put yourself above others. Always remember that nobody is knowledgeable in all things. There is to much out there to learn, so accepting that you need to learn more will give you a goal to not stop advancing in your knowledge of things. Then there is also a difference in smart/knowledgable about things and being wise (applying the knowledge to be helpful or useful in some way). Wisdom is more amazing than being smart.
And after wisdom... you will be called the Wizard. Now wouldn't that be a title to achieve?

>> No.9767523

Funny story from early days in college
>in calc 3
>sitting up near the front with my friend
>some autist sits on the other side of me
>he's convinced that he's smartest guy in the room
>any conversation with him turns to him bragging about easy math is for him or how high his IQ is
>his dumb friend sits near him and showers him with praise in exchange for help with problem sets
>fast forward to getting first exam grades back
>I get a perfect 100
>autist gets an 85
>he's on the verge of tears staring at my exam score
>makes some stuttering argument about getting more points on his exam to the professor
>drops the class after that
Was fun shattering his identity. Really hope he made it eventually.

>> No.9767754

Don't feel guilty for someone's high self esteem and confidence being shattered. If they honestly believed they were smarter and flaunted it at others, and we're made to look foolish in the end... If they truely viewed themselfs as smart, they would take it as a lesson for improvement and educate themselfs such that boasting ones own knowledge is not logical since it is possible that we have a strong biased view, neglecting the full understanding of the information or unknown information around us. And falling to the assumption that if your smart, there is nothing to waste time learning on. Resulting in lost wisdon to be more refined in a subject...
Or this person didn't learn a thing, and so you should still not feel bad for them since their an idiot to be stubborn and drop out of class because of self esteem and image rather than to re-educate.

>> No.9767765


>> No.9767799

Unironically the best response.

>> No.9767823
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I cant relate, never meet anyone I perceived to be smarter than me.

>> No.9767825

must be because you are clinically retarded to perceive anything other than hunger and light.

>> No.9768847

o-op, i-i, ummm, i dont know how to t-tell you this, but........ ugh

>> No.9768884

it's because you are competitive, nothing wrong with it. it'd be strange if that weren't the case

>> No.9768896

This is why I left STEM
This. Probably a loser in school, being smarter than everyone else was all they had.

>> No.9768941

First test is vectors right? It's almost impossible not to make a B on that without even looking at the material. He probably was so confident that he didn't even do homework or read anything, resulting in that 85. He probably came back next semester and got an A in the class as a result of the wakeup call you gave him.