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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9762631 No.9762631 [Reply] [Original]

>Octopuses are aliens. That’s the claim being made by a team of 33 researchers published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. They are not referring to aliens in a metaphorical sense, but literal aliens from outer space.

>Specifically, the researchers propose the idea that alien viruses crashed to Earth in a meteor, infected a population of primitive squid and caused them to evolve into octopuses.

>Another theory they suggest is that fertilised squid or octopus eggs were delivered to Earth by a meteor.


>The collective, consisting of 33 scientists from around the world, has published a paper in the journal Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology that discusses the possible origins of octopuses. The paper points out that the existing theory that they evolved from a nautiloid that inhabited the Earth about 500 million years ago doesn't hold water, as the genetic differences and characteristics between the two are too vast and couldn't have happened over that period of time.

>The scientists note that octopuses possess a sophisticated nervous system, shapeshifting bodies and an ability to mask themselves with their surroundings — traits that the nautiloid never had. Additionally, it has recently been discovered that despite their rather stable DNA, octopuses can manipulate their own RNA to adapt to almost any environment. According to the scientists, all these features "seem to be borrowed from a far distant ‘future' in terms of terrestrial evolution."

Well boys?

>> No.9762649


This is why people are so confused with biophysics.

>> No.9762657

>This is why people are so confused with biophysics.
Yeah because were studying aliens. We too are aliens just like octopuses.

>> No.9762662
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>Octopus are aliens
>We too are aliens just like octopuses

this is a joke, has to be.

>> No.9762683

Stop being ignorant. It perfectly explains why we are so different from primates

>> No.9762692

Have they found any evidence for this though?
Perhaps the extraterrestrial virus?

>> No.9762717

>space viruses
viruses need a host to exist, space aliens are far too different at a biochemical level for their analogue of virus to work on endemic species

>> No.9762721


Their point was that all terrestrial life came from spess, so the viruses would at least be adapted to the same kind of DNA/protein machinery.

>> No.9762736

oh god that's an even bigger reach

>> No.9762775


I actually read the whole original article today because I was slacking off at work, they make some very compelling points. Like how fossilized bacteria have been found in rocks dating back 4.5 billion years in the hadean era where the Earth environment was so hostile that no biomolecules would even be stable, let alone living systems. So they suggest that those bacteria came on a meteorite.

They also make the point that the environment inside a comet or icy moon could be perfect for the emergence of chemoautotrophic life, if the bodies were heated from within via radioactive decay. They cite the bacterium whose name I can't remember but it lives 2.5 km underground and for energy it uses formate produced by the irradiation of carbonate minerals.

>> No.9762783
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>mfw aliens taste delicious
I'm Okay with that.

>> No.9762792

So, they suggest that life came to Earth via the means of extraterrestrial single-celled organisms and then at some later point that an extraterrestrial virus also came to Earth and caused the mutation of more "complex" lifeforms, like Octopoda and Homo?

>> No.9762801

>Have they found any evidence for this though?
>Perhaps the extraterrestrial virus?
>implying all life on. Earth isn't extra terrestrial

>> No.9762807

How long does life on Earth need to be on Earth before it stops being extraterrestrial?
Sure sounds like a semantic argument to me, but that's the wrong definition you're invoking there, buddy.

>> No.9762808

*context not definition

>> No.9762816
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>implying all our water wasn't transported
Some guy proposed to me yesterday that a German Shepard born in the USA should now be called an American Shepard. I wanted to call him an idiot but I forgot I'm an idiot myself.
I forgot my point.

>> No.9762825


They propose pretty much a constant rain of biological material, tardigrades were another of their examples, they could survive a trip through space.

The viruses don't necessarily all need to be from space, but they do put a lot of emphasis on the role of retroviruses in causing big evolutionary leaps by inserting extra genes and propose them as a key driver of evolution.

>> No.9762839

Yip this. Viruses can fuck with your genes for good or bad

>> No.9762849

this is profoundly retarded. I reject entirely the idea that an extraterrestrial virus could infect any species outside of its planet of origin.

>> No.9762854

extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. that's a whole lotta "what ifs"

>> No.9762868 [DELETED] 

>Octopuses are aliens
>Octopuses evolved because some squids were infected with alien viruses
Fuck you, those aren't the same thing. The second one is significantly less cool.

>> No.9762873

>implying all our water wasn't transported
It was, but radiation from the local solar object probably sterilized it, so would the impact and resulting heat.
Space is really hostile to life.
>American Shepard
If they alter the breed slightly, I'll allow it.

>> No.9762877

But tardigrades are significantly more complex than single-celled organisms?

>> No.9762880

>implying life started on earth.
Panspermia is a really old theory
Sadly we don't know much about anything. So take things in strides and stay open minded
So you don't believe life on earth could have originated on earth?

>> No.9762888

>But tardigrades are significantly more complex than single-celled organisms?
Can't a virus survive being frozen in stasis basically? Floating in space on a giant icy comet. Then say through magic survive re-entry and begin its propagation

>> No.9762897

That's an extraordinary claim if ever I did hear one, but their evidence is not quite so extraordinary.

This just sounds like an attention-grab, which I'm sure the public will give their clicks to.

>> No.9762898


The independent misquoted the journal article.


They're saying that panspermia plausibly caused the Cambrian explosion.

>Cause of Cambrian Explosion - Terrestrial or Cosmic?

Sorry should have posted this earlier

>> No.9762910

>Panspermia is a really old theory

an old retarded theory with literally no evidence to support it.

>> No.9762936

I suppose, but it would need to be a dense meteor.

>> No.9763051

I suppose you suck theoretical physicist cock
>I suppose, but it would need to be a dense meteor.
Yeah it's within the realms of possibility>>9762898
Over here they mentioned it could be involved with the Cambrian explosion. Its rather odd how all life just randomly blossomed like that.

>> No.9763178

>I reject entirely the idea that an extraterrestrial virus could infect any species outside of its planet of origin.
And that's why NASA and other space agencies don't give a shit about sterilizing the stuff they send to other planets.

>> No.9763222

What? Yes they do. Unless that was your point.

>> No.9763225

I watched some documentary years ago (can't remember the name) but it proposed that if humans were to suddenly disappear from the entire planet that the next species to evolve would be some type of squid

>> No.9763290

Could you find that for me?

>> No.9763299

I found a vague article about a similar topic:
>Big, complex eyes
>Big brains compared to body size
>Tool use

>> No.9763300

>aliens taste delicious

>> No.9763301

Sorry, I have no clue at all what it might be called

>> No.9763313


Organismal and Viral Panspermia is FAIL science and biologists laugh, it is modified ID and doesn't answer were or how life evolved, it merely displaces it to "out there". Viruses enter and exit cells via constantly shifting and co-evoling binding site receptors and enzyme systems. This is why you don't get sick with Feline Leukemia virus - it can't get in because you don't have the right receptor sites. Same for horse flu. Sometimes they get into other hosts, but dead end because they can't infect conspecifics (cats can get dog flu H3N8- but only from dogs and not from other cats). The most primitive viruses are large and suggest early bacterial parasites that shed traits and material to be more specific pathogens. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/experts-where-did-viruses-come-fr/ and https://www.nature.com/scitable/blog/student-voices/once_upon_a_time_the and http://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.1001574 Space virus would not be able to infect terrestrial organisms. Likewise it is ridiculous to presume that space virus infects benthic nautiloids and no other species. While it is specific to the coleoid cephalopod lineage and results in less genome evolution and more stability for short term adaptive modifications of RNA. http://blogs.plos.org/dnascience/2017/04/06/octopuses-squid-and-cuttlefish-rna-editing-instead-of-genome-evolution/ and https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/bies.201100001..

>> No.9763315

I think the only thing holding them back is being waterborne. They can't really do much in the water. But its a cool thought experiment
Perhaps if the evolved to live on land sure
>Sorry, I have no clue at all what it might be called
I was hoping you'd try your googlefu and type in abunch a keywords that might lead you to the documentary you watch. I do it sometimes to find shit I've forgot.

>> No.9763329

Shit. Your right. Thanks for spoiling the fun boffin :)
But those viruses and such would have had to evolve along side the animal than if they're strictly specific in their host species.
Who's to say a foreign virus can't adapt

>> No.9763335

The Future is Wild. First thing I found in google. Could still be wrong though. But if you want to check out something else in the mean time, I'd recommend Alien Planet "documentary:

>> No.9763346

your time is coming to an end, hominid.

>> No.9763358


Mr. Occam is getting remarkably shaggy, boys.

>> No.9763415

>what is an hypothesis

>> No.9763448

If it is extra-terrestrial it is extra-terrestrial. Only in Sweden aliens turn into swedes in 15 inch... seconds.

>> No.9763454

Imagine selective breeding octopuses to create a super intelligent octopus. By the way, what does a octopussy looks like?

>> No.9763839
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>your time is coming to an end, hominid.
They post among us

>> No.9763845
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Are you telling me all the hentai I watch actually has aliens in it?

>> No.9763867
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If that's the case, then aliens are delicious.

>> No.9763872

So, the spawn of Cthulu are real then.

>> No.9763931

The "8" cycle is the truth.
They are simply embodying the truth.
Whereas human constitute eight cycles for men and women, octopus has eight cycles at alone.

>> No.9763933

please mr octopussy spare me

>> No.9763966

Please enlighten me further oh wise master of truth

>> No.9763971

But I want Takoyaki of Akashi for reward.

>> No.9763977
File: 421 KB, 600x600, Fuck off space niggers we're full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal meme science

>> No.9764061

Why are people so fascinated with Earth life coming from space?
All these comet theories and crap?
It still doesn't solve the question about the origin of life and it's a lot easier to accept that Earth had the right conditions.

>> No.9764187

Is it octopussies? octopussai octai, octopussaieai?

>> No.9764191

Its octopoons

>> No.9764206

We aren't different from primates. We are primates.

>> No.9764210

>humans are exactly monkeys

>> No.9764218
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>only white people

>> No.9764220
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>>only white people

>> No.9764890
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Looks like someone's mad

>> No.9764895
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>the absolute state of biology

>> No.9764905

panspermia sounds a bit lewd desu

>> No.9764918

For it to adapt to an unsuitable host it needs to undergo cycles of reproduction for which it needs a suitable host. So if you don't have a suitable host, you can't adapt if you're a virus.

>> No.9764933

>panspermia sounds a bit lewd desu
Its even better when you realise the big bang was just the result of God blowing his load into time and created space
But aren't their a lot of common protein things(whatever that things called that virus attach too to get access to the cell) I mean just imagine a highly evolved virus capable of change its shape. Specifically created by Prometheus aliens

>> No.9765061


The authors' point was that there's no selection pressure on Earth to make tardigrades into such indestructible motherfuckers, but they could have evolved somewhere much more hostile (maybe even in space) and survived the trip down to Earth as a result of their hardiness.

>> No.9765917
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holy shit /sci/ is retarded
try actually reading the article
t. /x/

>> No.9766341

Too stupid to be real. There's no way an alien organism can survive an alien (to them) environment and thrive. Fuck off and stop ruining science's reputation, you faggot.

>> No.9767484
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OP is right, you know.

>> No.9767489


>> No.9767492
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>> No.9767530

>too retarded to know that it's octopodes, not "octopuses"
Into the trash it goes

>> No.9767733

It’s greek.
>inb4 the Jesopodes guy from the other thread finds me posting here.

>> No.9767744

External fertilization bro.

>> No.9767940

>blacks never evolved

>> No.9767952
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so evolution throws you a curve ball and this is the end result of the study? lol

>> No.9767973

Why not?

>> No.9767990

bullshit paper picked up by even more bullshit pop-sci news outlets

>> No.9768010

>There's no way I know of
>therefore it can't be
Whatever you say, Cletus.

>> No.9768014
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>How long does life on Earth need to be on Earth before it stops being extraterrestrial?
see, the answer was right in the question, as it usually is.

>> No.9768016

Frogs can change their sex. I heal faster than other people and am immune to the flu. Is that due to aliens too ?

>> No.9768105

>I heal faster than other people and am immune to the flu. Is that due to aliens too ?
Lex luthor? Also I don't believe you

>> No.9768173

What's more likely, an unusually quick jump in evolution or a extraterrestial virus causing squid to evolve into octopus?

Occam's razor baby

>> No.9768178

The most likely conclusion is that evolution is a retarded and incorrect theory and more and more of these discrepancies pop up faster than scientists can rationalize them away

>> No.9768200

>le top kek's razor argument
*sips onions*

>> No.9768297
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>be alien invader
>be capable of space travel
<lack opposable thumbs
<live underwater, incapable of even basic tool use or metalworking
<helpless against the planet's natives
<routinely eaten alive
This has to be a joke.

>> No.9768344

>Opie makes a joke about octopi being ayys
>It mentions a pbmb, a journal I like and know to be reputable
Considering I like the journal(despite not knowing much about biophysics and molecular
biology, I like them for philsophy and generalizations
of biology) and know more about headfoots than I probably should. I'm going to check it out.

>> No.9768378

>anybody who would publish this garbage
Yeah I can see that you like the """philosophy""" and generalizations. Stick to J.K. Rowling's book on animals pls

>> No.9768424

Don't embarrass yourself like this man.

>> No.9768436

“You are right but I will make a meme that’ll how you!”

>> No.9768437

Ww’re not “so different from primates”. We are primates and great apes, and don’t showcase any real deviations from the great ape form.

>> No.9768441

Eating conscious beings is wrong. Stop.

>> No.9768472

>sources are the independent brit tabloid and putinnews

>> No.9768662


>> No.9768821

So I read the article, it's trash.
People like you, only smarter wrote the article.

>> No.9770285
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>> No.9770751
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We aren't primates. We diverged from primates years ago with the homo shit.

>> No.9771369

I've always told people that octopuses are not only alien species, but also the descendants of Cthulhu. Not even joking.

>> No.9771391

Pretty arrogant on their part to just expect biological evidence to exist for the creature and its ancestral line

>> No.9771448

I know of the theory that ALL life on Earth started from bacteria from another planet, maybe from when Mars was covered in water and had life. I just don't see why it is JUST Octopi, that seems pretty ridiculous.