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9755959 No.9755959 [Reply] [Original]

I heard on Fox News that sea level rise isnt due to global warming. Its because of erosion of sediment into the seas causing displacement. Is Global Warming disproved?

>> No.9755963

Deny anything that supports global warming, while simultaneously be immediately accepting of anything from any source that refutes it.

>> No.9756023

did this question really need a thread?

>> No.9756092

>sea level is rising because rocks are falling into the ocean

Can icebergs be considered rocks?

>> No.9756111

That was some idiot Republican congressman asking if the seas were rising because sediment was washing into the sea.
The answer is "NO!" That's negligible on human time-scales.
But that wasn't the answer he wanted.
Not surprised Fox gave it a headline.

>> No.9756116


>> No.9756127

GOP politicians have also claimed the world is warming because of human body heat and because the Earth is moving closer to the Sun.
I can't decide if they're actually clueless, too stupid to breathe, or know full well they're lying in their teeth because it makes the Koch brothers happy.

>> No.9756134

Wasnt global warming proved false? It's called climate change now and apparently the earth is getting cooler not warmer.

>> No.9756140

Last one.

Also, they don't care that the argument makes no sense, if they can get people to argue about how dumb it is it's a win. Just like flat earth trolls. If there's no winning an argument with idiots then pretending to be an idiot is the perfect way to NEVER loose the politically manufactured global warming debate.

>> No.9756153

actually its evil genius
the propogandists can sell the average brainlets on displacement with a picture a monkey could comprehend. "invisible" gasses making "invisible" changes to the air is something that your typical mongoloid would rather not have to try to understand.

>> No.9756157

This is correct. After "scientists" realized the earth was no longer warming, they had to desperately rename the theory "global climate change" so they could continue making money from the carbon tax credits. Now the earth can cool, heat up whatever and they can just say "but scary climate change caused by republican businesses" and rake in tons of cash from the government.

>> No.9756579

The Earth is still getting warmer.
It was always called climate change, it was just re-coined more recently as global warming.

>> No.9756676

Fucking hell you people are clueless.

We are pumping record amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This in itself doesn't harm us.

Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. It will trap heat from the Sun in the atmosphere by reducing radiation towards space. This in itself does not harm us.

The Earth now receives more energy than it radiates back into space. This heats up the planet raising the global average temperature. This is global warming. This in itself does not harm us.

Raising of global temperatures is shifting climate patterns. This is climate change. This is fucking us over. This is what makes (wanted to use future tense but fuck it it's already happening) extreme weather events more likely. Droughts, flooding, heat waves. We're fucked. We're past the "we're fucked if we don't do anything" stage, we're fucked. All we can do now is try to minimize the damage.

If you really want to learn these things, read the IPCC reports, they're extremely accessible.

>> No.9757116

>IPCC reports
>extremely accessible

Not accessible enough
Most people can't force themselves to read more than one sentence. In fact this post is TL;DR for most people by now. They should make it into a documentary narrated by Morgan Freeman.

>> No.9757117

the push to change the popular term actually came from the Fox News side, as I recall. An attempt to rebrand it as something milder to the public ear.

>> No.9757280

>the global sea level is rising at an average rate of about an eighth of an inch (3.3 mm) per year. In very rough numbers, the surface of the Earth is 200 million square miles. About 71% of the Earth is covered by water, so a global rise of sea level of an eighth of an inch is the same volume as a cube about 6 miles on a side. To give a sense of scale, the US has an area of about 4 million square miles. To get the necessary volume, you'd have to scrape off the top four inches of soil from the entire country.
>The amount of sediment carried to the sea by the world's rivers is about 14 billion tons a year, which works out to be about 1.2 cubic miles (five cubic kilometers) of rock, or 0.5 percent of the amount required to raise the sea level by the observed eighth of an inch (3.3 mm) per year.

>> No.9757575
File: 55 KB, 991x902, 8802033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0.5 percent of the amount required to raise the sea level by the observed eighth of an inch
sounds like some fancy smart talk from a "liberal" scientist. Until I can see the greenhouse gas with my own eyes I will keep believing Jesus sets the planets thermostat.

>> No.9757606

>believing in curved seas that rise

>> No.9757872

>Fox News
L0Lno fgt pls

>> No.9758127

this one isnt GOP

>> No.9759932

>Watching fox news.
Its like drinking ammonia because you hate the taste of bleach.

>> No.9759938

Give me the gist.
How many decades till this shit gets comfy in the way that I will need a gun and a secure remote location to hide out with my wife?