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9754647 No.9754647 [Reply] [Original]

is there any point in purchasing a blackboard and keep it in your room?
does it make sense to practice exercises (maths, physics etc.) on a blackboard instead of the paper?

>> No.9754651

Get a whiteboard you cunt.

If you have a few friends you study with it could definitely help.

>> No.9754656

I'm not very smart by a long run, but I'd imagine if I had any complex equations or tasks to solve, I would think that it would be nice to be able to have a large medium to allow ideas to come to life on, versus something like a computer screen or stack of papers.

Also, the fact that you can add or erase at will in any area is nice. If you get a blackboard, though, you will probably be having to deal with a lot of chalk dust accumulating in your room. Whiteboard might be the way to go.

>> No.9754663

If you feel you have the need to,go whiteboard and low solvent markers. You can also use magnets on whiteboards which is handy. Make sure it's positioned so you can take photos of it without overhead glare.

>> No.9754757

whiteboard does actually sound like a better idea desu
I don't study in groups or with anyone actually very often, but sometimes my friend comes over and I help him with economics and mathematics. it would actually help if I had a whiteboard in that case.

so the black/whiteboard idea isn't that stupid after all. too bad I probably don't have the space to fit it in my room. I need to think of something

>> No.9754831

This, get a whiteboard.

A blackboard is great in a classroom because it's easier to read from far away. In your bedroom, however, you'll just have an endless source of chalkdust that will get into and onto everything you own.

Try to get a mid-range whiteboard for cheap from a 'Habitat for Humanity' shop or if you want a high quality whiteboard try to get it from offices/schools that are doing remodeling and replacing their boards. Don't get a cheap board just because it's new (protip: it's easier to tell if a whiteboard stains when you're buying it used than when you're buying it new).

As for why these are useful there are a few reasons. Some major ones are:
>It's easier to organize and reorganize content on a whiteboard than it is on paper. This is especially useful for anything design related (eg. database design) and for dealing with large complicated diagrams.
>It allows one to have important details always be accessible from anywhere in the room at all times. Also, along the same lines you can jot down problems or ideas and use the board as reminder of what you still need to explore.
>It puts you in a different mental space. You can use for lots of things, everything form driving creativity to simulating a live test environment (you having to work out a proof on the board from start to finish away from all your books and notes).
>It's a big scratch space where you can quickly prototype stuff and you don't have to feel self conscious about what you write because the board is impermanent by design.

>Make sure it's positioned so you can take photos of it without overhead glare.

>> No.9755752

Get an e-ink tablet.

>> No.9757410

sounds shitty

sounds reasonable. I guess after all I won't be able to fit it in my room tho

>> No.9757877

>a blackboard
We don't use blackboards any more, Grandpa.

>> No.9758218
File: 75 KB, 1024x737, glassass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right.
We use glassboards nowadays.

>> No.9758231

Ive got a 3ft x 4ft white board in my room. Its the best thing ive ever purchased for school. I can work really big and not worry about wasting/ running out of paper. Also, it allows you to step back and easily observe your work if you get stuck on a problem. Artists like to work in big areas for this reason. Working in a small area can cause you to overlook simple mistakes because your face is too close to your work.

>> No.9758244

whiteboard are for plebs, stick to black ones if you can handle the chalk.
the best is a black one and working outside if the temperature permits

>> No.9758246

Blackboards are superior to whiteboards and everyone in my department agrees.

>> No.9758265
File: 90 KB, 1200x630, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real geniuses write on windows.

>> No.9758268

>does it make sense to practice exercises (maths, physics etc.) on a blackboard instead of the paper?
it makes a big difference if you write on paper with pen because the low contrast gray of the graphite is vexingly inferior to the sharp contrast of black ink

>> No.9758269

Dude just use gray blank paper. It is like 20 bucks per thousand sheets and works like a dream.

>> No.9758470

>Can't erase on the spot with your hands unless you want your hands dirty or the whiteboard dirty
>Can't just wipe with a paper towel for every whiteboard because it might just get dirty
>Looks like shit after years of use
>Can only be seen up front
>Markers are expensive as fuck
>Whiteboards are nearly proprietary since the only thing that really works on them is Expo.

>Dirt is not a problem because it's black
>Can erase on the spot with your hands/fingers
>Everyone can evidently see you're vastly superior than them because the fact that you've done work is visible on your pants
>Chalk screeching is basically a filter between those smart enough to break the chalk and those stupid enough to continue with it
>Chalk is fucking dirt cheap
>You can literally just vacuum the fucking chalk dust

>> No.9758516
File: 57 KB, 960x960, 1505604599836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or their bathroom mirror.